197 research outputs found

    From Planning to Management of Cult Ural Heritage Sites: Controversies and Conflicts Between Unesco Whl Management Plans and Local Spatial Planning in South-Eastern Sicily

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    The paper investigates the relationship between the preservation of cultural heritage and planning in UNESCO World Heritage List (WHL) sites, with special reference to the relation between Management Plans and other (local and regional) planning instruments and policies able to influence the promotion of sustainable and responsible development. This will be explored through a case study related to South-Eastern Sicilian UNESCO sites (in particular Syracuse). The analysis of this case study will point out the challenge of integrating different management and planning regimes - which mainly refer to a performative model - in a (still) very conformative planning system. The paper will show how supranational protection tools and models often lose their efficacy in relation to local planning systems

    The Participation of Local Communities to the Landscape Planning: a Controversial Path in Sicily

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    The European Landscape Convention (Florence, 2000) foresees the integration of landscape into town planning policies and spatial planning (Art.5.d). However, landscape protection instruments (landscape plans), that are active today in many European countries, particularly in Italy), almost always take sectorial value, hierarchically prevailing to other planning tools and evading the democratic process of sharing with local communities. In relation to these considerations, the present paper focuses on the results of a critical reading of an experience of landscape planning in Sicily: the Landscape Plan of the Specific Area 8 in the Messina’s province. In this area the Nebrodi local community, organized in a network, in relation to the critical aspects of the landscape plan was opposed to the rigid logic of the planning process, through the “construction” of a participative process of review of the plan before its approval

    Questione abitativa e politiche urbane in Sicilia: un percorso incompleto

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    A partire dalla ri-problematizzazione in chiave urbana della questione abitativa, il contributo affronta il tema della “casa” all’interno dei programmi complessi di iniziativa regionale, ricostruendo il quadro degli strumenti programmatici e di finanziamento degli interventi degli ultimi vent’anni. Alla luce del suddetto quadro di riferimento, se nell’ambito delle politiche abitative appare evidente la necessità di passare da azioni frammentarie e disorganiche ad un’unica politica di sistema ancora assente, rispetto al più ampio settore delle politiche urbane il percorso di integrazione della “questione abitativa” appare ancor più incompleto, rendendo necessario un coordinamento tra le differenti iniziative, in seno al quale trovino adeguata collocazione le politiche per la casa nelle loro molteplici sfaccettature (edilizia, urbanistica, ambientale, sociale)

    Transizioni post-metropolitane ai margini: la Sicilia dei migranti, oltre l'invisibile

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    Il contributo esplora il complesso sistema di relazioni esistente tra presenza di popolazione straniera e dinamiche insediative. Se è chiaro che i flussi migratori si concentrano laddove è presente maggiore offerta lavorativa (soprattutto dequalificata) e al contempo laddove le reti sociali stabili e le condizioni di contesto (servizi, assistenza sanitaria, educazione) facilitano le forme di accoglienza (Ambrosini, 2000b), non è altrettanto chiaro in che modo tali presenze si relazionano con le dinamiche di crescita/trasformazione delle città/regioni urbane e che tipo di differenziati problemi (presenze reali e irregolari, contesti urbani e contesti rurali, residenza e servizi) pongono in termini di scelte strategiche per gli strumenti di pianificazione

    Realizzazione della piattaforma web Energy+ per l’archiviazione dei dati energetici delle utenze del CNR

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    Descrizione delle caratteristiche della piattaforma web per l’archiviazione dei dati sui consumi energetici, delle bollette e dei documenti tecnici riguardanti le utenze del CNR, realizzata nel corso del progetto Energy+

    Analisi interpretative per il riconoscimento delle connessioni ecologico-ambientali nei territori trans-frontalieri dell'agrigentino e delle isole maltesi

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    Il volume contiene gli esiti della ricerca Remasi indirizzata alla realizzazione di una rete transfrontaliera sui temi della conservazione e valorizzazione delle aree di interesse naturalistico sia come “rete immateriale” di scambio di informazioni e buone pratiche, sia come “rete materiale” di interconnessione ecologico-ambientale dei siti di interesse naturale

    Effects of diet on casein and fatty acid profiles of milk from goats differing in genotype for αS1-casein synthesis

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    This study investigated the interactions between nutrition and the genotype at αS1-CN loci (CSN1S1) in goats, evaluating the impact of fresh forage-based diets and an energy supplement on the casein and fatty acid (FA) profiles of milk from Girgentana goats. Twelve goats were selected for having the same genotype at the αS2-CN, β- CN, and κ-CN loci and differing in the CSN1S1 genotype: homozygous for strong alleles (AA) or heterozygous for strong and weak alleles (AF). Goats of each genotype were divided into three groups and, according to a 3 × 3 Latin square design, fed ad libitum three diets: sulla fresh forage (SFF), SFF plus 800 g/day of barley (SFB), and mixed hay plus 800 g/day of barley (MHB). The SFB diet led to higher-energy intake and milk yield. The energy-supplemented diets (SFB, MHB) reduced milk fat and urea and increased coagulation time. The fresh forage diets (SFF, SFB) increased dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) intake and milk β-CN. Diet had a more pronounced effect than CSN1S1 genotype on milk FA profile, which was healthier from goats fed the SFF diet, due to the higher content of rumenic acid, polyunsaturated, and omega-3 FAs. The AA milk had longer coagulation time and higher curd firmness, higher short- and medium-chain FAs (SMFA), and lower oleic acid than AF milk. Significant diet by genotype interactions indicated the higher milk yield of AA goats than AF goats with the higher-energy SFB diet and the lower synthesis of SMFA in AF than in AA goats with the SFF diet

    Manuale d'uso della piattaforma web Energy+ per energy manager e referenti energetici delle strutture del CNR

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    La piattaforma CNR Energy+ è stata realizzata1 come strumento di lavoro per gli energy manager e per i referenti energetici delle strutture del CNR (Aree della ricerca e Istituti). All’interno della piattaforma, ogni Energy manager o referente energetico può effettuare, per la struttura CNR di propria competenza, le seguenti operazioni: - Registrare periodicamente i dati sui consumi energetici e sui costi di energia elettrica, gas naturale e/o altri combustibili; - Archiviare le bollette energetiche; - Archiviare qualunque documento di interesse energetico (planimetrie, schede tecniche, relazioni, rapporti su campagne di misura, attestati di prestazione energetica, diagnosi energetiche, ecc…). Questo strumento ha lo scopo di facilitare il monitoraggio dei consumi e la raccolta di materiale tecnico necessario alla preparazione di progetti di riqualificazione energetica delle strutture del CNR

    Maiorca wheat malt: A comprehensive analysis of physicochemical properties, volatile compounds, and sensory evaluation in brewing process and final product quality

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    This study explores the potential of Maiorca wheat malt as an alternative ingredient in beer production, investigating its impact on the brewing process and beer quality at different recipe contents (50 %, 75 %, 100 %). The study encompasses a comprehensive analysis of key malt parameters, revealing Maiorca malt's positive influence on maltose, glucose, filterability, extract, free amino nitrogen, and fermentability. Notably, the malt exhibited heightened levels of α-amylase and β-amylase enzymes compared to conventional commercial malt. Furthermore, the analysis of aroma compounds and subsequent sensory evaluations unveiled a significant correlation between the proportion of Maiorca malt in the formulation and intensified estery, fruity, malty, honey, complemented by a reduction in attributes such as aromatic compounds, phenolic, yeasty, sulfury, oxidized, and solvent-like odors. This research underscores the favorable contribution of Maiorca wheat malt to enhancing both the brewing process and final beer quality, highlighting its potential as an innovative ingredient in brewing practices

    Endomicroscopy and Cancer: A New Approach to the Visualization of Neoangiogenesis

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    Probe-based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (pCLE) is a novel imaging technique for gastrointestinal endoscopy providing in vivo microscopy at subcellular resolution. It offers the possibility to analyze neoangiogenesis and vessel density in vivo. Angiogenetic switch is essential in cancer progression. Aim of the paper was to review the use of this imaging tool to analyze colorectal and gastric cancers vascularization in vivo. The aim is to provide the possibility of combining diagnostic evidences with vascularization and molecular profile to evaluate the efficacy of an antiangiogenic treatment in association with conventional therapy. pCLE can be considered a revolutionary method for real-time assessment of changes in vascularization pattern in this tumors and it may open the possibility to address the use of anti-angiogenic therapy in order to improve the outcome of the treatment