57 research outputs found

    Run-time application migration using checkpoint/restore in userspace

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    This paper presents an empirical study on the feasibility of using Checkpoint/Restore In Userspace (CRIU) for run-time application migration between hosts, with a particular focus on edge computing and cloud infrastructures. The paper provides experimental support for CRIU in Docker and offers insights into the impact of application memory usage on checkpoint size, time, and resources. Through a series of tests, we find that the time to checkpoint is linearly proportional to the size of the memory allocation of the container, while the restore is less so. Our findings contribute to the understanding of CRIU's performance and its potential use in edge computing scenarios. To obtain accurate and meaningful findings, we monitored system telemetry while using CRIU to observe its impact on the host machine's CPU and RAM. Although our results may not be groundbreaking, they offer a good overview and a technical report on the feasibility of using CRIU on edge devices. This study's findings and experimental support for CRIU in Docker could serve as a useful reference for future research on performance optimization and application migration using CRIU

    Apical leakage of root canal system obturation materials

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    Hermetical obturation on dentine-cement junction is one of the conditions for success in endodontic treatment. The aim of this paper was to evaluate apical obturation of three different root canal obturation materials. Methods consisted of in vitro semiquantitatively measured penetration of colored solutions. Total number of 55 single-canal teeth was used and obturation test materials were AH-plus, Ketac-Endo and Endomethasone. Linear color penetration was evaluated following illumination of teeth in 2% sol. Metylsalicilate. Results obtained have shown better adhesion between sealer and root canal walls, i.e. better apical obturation when AH-plus (0.25mm) and Ketac-Endo (0.52mm) were used and highest rate of apical leakage when Endomethasone was used (2.35mm). None of the tested obturation materials have sealed apical portion completely

    Genetic Algorithm Approach for Solving the Task Assignment Problem

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    This research was partially supported by the Serbian Ministry of Science and Ecology under project 144007. The authors are grateful to Ivana LjubicĢ for help in testing and to Vladimir FilipovicĢ for useful suggestions and comments.In this paper a genetic algorithm (GA) for the task assignment problem (TAP) is considered.An integer representation with standard genetic operators is used. Computational results are presented for instances from the literature, and compared to optimal solutions obtained by the CPLEX solver. It can be seen that the proposed GA approach reaches 17 of 20 optimal solutions. The GA solutions are obtained in a quite a short amount of computational time

    Concept of polycentricityā€”the differences between development policies and spatial reality

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    Contemporary scientific literature and strategic documents suggest the concept of polycentricity as a key factor and the aim of regional development policies. One of the aims of this study is to analyze spatial relations between the nodal regions and to determine (calculate) the level of polycentricity in the region of Vojvodina (Northern Serbia). By quantifying spatial relations in the region (using selected methods), we pointed out the relevance of regional development policies, i.e., the extent to which the proposed measures for reducing regional inequalities are in line with the direction of contemporary spatial relations in the region of Vojvodina. We have used four different methodological tools: rank-size rule, urban primacy index, index of functional centrality, and commuting patterns (levels of functional dependence). The obtained results identified the existence of morphological polycentricity, but also the growing domination of the cities of Novi Sad and Belgrade in regulating and managing spatial and functional relations in the region of Vojvodina. These results are not completely in line with the development directions declared in the strategic documents. Our approach focuses on assessing the influence of the main nodal (sub)centers in managing further spatial and functional relations in the region of Vojvodina

    Sustainability of the concrete industry: Current trends and future outlook

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    Achieving sustainability of all human actions has been recognized as an urgent and top priority since the warnings of anthropogenic climate change are overwhelming. However, the precise goal, aim and method of shifting the global paradigm towards sustainability are still contested. Among all human activities, the concrete industry has one of the largest environmental footprints, not only because concrete is the second most used material in the world, but also because the production of cement for concrete is highly energy-intensive and inevitably releases large amounts of CO2. In this paper, a historic and theoretical background to the environmental problems, arising from the production and use of concrete, is presented. The specific problems it poses are recognized as natural resource consumption, CO2 emissions, and waste generation. A technical discussion based on Life Cycle Assessment analyses is presented alongside a societal interpretation within the framework of common resource and externality management. Possible technical solutions in the form of recycling waste concrete and replacing cement with industrial by-products are presented and finally, a necessity for a shift towards a holistic and environmental paradigm is highlighted

    Održivost industrije betona - savremeni trendovi i izgledi za budućnost

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    Achieving sustainability of all human actions has been recognized as an urgent and top priority since the warnings of anthropogenic climate change are overwhelming. However, the precise goal, aim and method of shifting the global paradigm towards sustainability are still contested. Among all human activities, the concrete industry has one of the largest environmental footprints, not only because concrete is the second most used material in the world, but also because the production of cement for concrete is highly energy-intensive and inevitably releases large amounts of CO2. In this paper, a historic and theoretical background to the environmental problems, arising from the production and use of concrete, is presented. The specific problems it poses are recognized as natural resource consumption, CO2 emissions, and waste generation. A technical discussion based on Life Cycle Assessment analyses is presented alongside a societal interpretation within the framework of common resource and externality management. Possible technical solutions in the form of recycling waste concrete and replacing cement with industrial by-products are presented and finally, a necessity for a shift towards a holistic and environmental paradigm is highlighted.Postizanje održivosti svih ljudskih aktivnosti je prepoznato kao hitan i prioritetan zadatak s obzirom da su upozorenja o ljudskim uzrocima klimatskih promena brojna. Međutim, tačan cilj i način promene globalne paradigme ka održivosti su i dalje nejasni i neusaglaÅ”eni. Od svih ljudskih aktivnosti, industrija betona ima jedan od najvećih uticaja na životnu sredinu, ne samo usled toga Å”to je beton drugi najkoriŔćeniji materijal na svetu, već i usled toga Å”to je proizvodnja cementa energetski veoma zahtevna i neizbežno dovodi do emisije velikih količina CO2. U ovom radu su predstavljeni istorijski podaci i teorijske osnove ekoloÅ”kih problema koji nastaju usled proizvodnje betona. Konkretni problemi do kojih dolazi su potroÅ”nja prirodnih resursa, emisije CO2 i proizvodnja otpada. Tema rada je predstavljena sa tehničkog aspekta na osnovu analiza životnog ciklusa, a druÅ”tveno-ekonomska interpretacija je data u teorijskom okviru upravljanja zajedničkim dobrima i eksternalijama. Predstavljena su moguća tehnička reÅ”enja u vidu recikliranja otpadnog betona i zamene cementa industrijskim nusproizvodima. Na kraju je ukazano na potrebu za zaokretom globalne paradigme ka holističkom i ekoloÅ”kom pogledu na svet

    A method for the continuous measurement of water absorption of coarse recycled aggregates

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    Recycled concrete aggregates have a significantly higher water absorption compared to natural aggregates due to the presence of the residual cement paste after concrete waste crushing. This high water absorption determines the mixture proportioning for recycled aggregate concrete. In this study a method for the continuous measurement of the kinetics of water absorption is proposed based on the continuous measurement of the samples mass. Also investigated, is the influence of the drying temperature on water absorption and different effects on recycled and natural aggregates are analysed and discussed

    Privacy-Aware and Secure Decentralized Air Quality Monitoring

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    Indoor Air Quality monitoring is a major asset to improving quality of life and building management. Today, the evolution of embedded technologies allows the implementation of such monitoring on the edge of the network. However, several concerns need to be addressed related to data security and privacy, routing and sink placement optimization, protection from external monitoring, and distributed data mining. In this paper, we describe an integrated framework that features distributed storage, blockchain-based Role-based Access Control, onion routing, routing and sink placement optimization, and distributed data mining to answer these concerns. We describe the organization of our contribution and show its relevance with simulations and experiments over a set of use cases
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