552 research outputs found

    Suppression of field-induced spin density wave order in Sr_{3}Ru_{2}O_{7} with pressure

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    Measuring the resistivity of high-purity single crystals of Sr_{3}Ru_{2}O_{7} under pressure, we find strong evidence that the field-induced spin density wave phase at the H ∥ c metamagnetic transition is suppressed at a surprisingly low pressure of ∼ 3 ± 1 kbar. This offers the possibility of studying a bare quasi-two-dimensional spin density wave quantum critical point, testing the T → 0 K limit of theories of Planckian dissipation and quantum criticality. Preliminary attempts to fit ρ(T) with a quantum critical spin fluctuation model, while encouraging, reveal a need for further, complementary measurements

    The five dimensions of B cell tolerance

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    B cell tolerance has been generally understood to be an acquired property of the immune system that governs antibody specificity in ways that avoid auto‐toxicity. As useful as this understanding has proved, it fails to fully explain the existence of auto‐reactive specificities in healthy individuals and contribution these may have to health. Mechanisms underlying B cell tolerance are considered to select a clonal repertoire that generates a collection of antibodies that do not bind self, ie tolerance operates more or less in three dimensions that largely spare autologous cells and antigens. Yet, most B lymphocytes in humans and probably in other vertebrates are auto‐reactive and absence of these auto‐reactive B cells is associated with disease. We suggest that auto‐reactivity can be embodied by extending the concept of tolerance by two further dimensions, one of time and circumstance and one that allows healthy cells to actively resist injury. In this novel concept, macromolecular recognition by the B cell receptor leading to deletion, anergy, receptor editing or B cell activation is extended by taking account of the time of development of normal immune responses (4th dimension) and the accommodation (or tolerance) of normal cells to bound antibody, activation of complement, and interaction with inflammatory cells (fifth dimension). We discuss how these dimensions contribute to understanding B cell biology in health or disease.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153034/1/imr12813.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153034/2/imr12813_am.pd

    Paratuberculosis sero-status and milk production, SCC and calving interval in Irish dairy herds

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of paratuberculosis sero-status on milk yield, fat, protein, somatic cell count and calving interval in Irish dairy herds. Serum from all animals over 12 months of age (n = 2,602) in 34 dairy herds was tested for antibodies to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis using an ELISA. Herds were categorised by sero-status into positive, non-negative and negative, where a positive herd contained two or more positive cows, a non-negative herd contained only one positive cow and a negative herd contained no positive cows. Data at animal, parity and herd-level were analysed by multiple regression using general linear models. Positive herds (mean herd size = 129 cows) and non-negative herds (81 cows) were larger than negative herds (72 cows) (P < 0.01). Negative herds had the highest economic breeding index (EBI), while positive herds had the highest estimated breeding value (EBV) for milk yield. There was no significant effect of paratuberculosis sero-status at animal, parity or herd-level on milk yield, milk fat or protein production, somatic cell count score (SCCS) or calving interval. Negative herds tended to have a lower SCCS than positive and nonnegative herds (P = 0.087). This study only examined the effects of paratuberculosis sero-status but did not examine the clinical effects of Johne's disease at the farm or dairy industry levels

    Sensitivity of the Himalayan orography representation in simulation of winter precipitation using Regional Climate Model (RegCM) nested in a GCM

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Tiwari, P.R., Kar, S.C., Mohanty, U.C., Climate Dynamics (2017). The final publication is available at Springer via https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00382-017-3567-3. The Accepted Manuscript is under embargo. Embargo end date: 24 February 2018.The role of the Himalayan orography representationin a Regional Climate Model (RegCM4) nested inNCMRWF global spectral model is examined in simulatingthe winter circulation and associated precipitation over theNorthwest India (NWI; 23°–37.5°N and 69°–85°E) region.For this purpose, nine different set of orography representationsfor nine distinct precipitation years (three years eachfor wet, normal and dry) have been considered by increasing(decreasing) 5, 10, 15, and 20% from the mean height(CNTRL) of the Himalaya in RegCM4 model. Validationwith various observations revealed a good improvementin reproducing the precipitation intensity and distributionwith increased model height compared to the resultsobtained from CNTRL and reduced orography experiments.Further it has been found that, increase in heightby 10% (P10) increases seasonal precipitation about 20%,while decrease in height by 10% (M10) results around 28%reduction in seasonal precipitation as compared to CNTRLexperiment over NWI region. This improvement in precipitationsimulation comes due to better representation ofvertical pressure velocity and moisture transport as thesefactors play an important role in wintertime precipitationprocesses over NWI region. Furthermore, a comparison of model-simulated precipitation with observed precipitationat 17 station locations has been also carried out. Overall,the results suggest that when the orographic increment of10% (P10) is applied on RegCM4 model, it has better skillin simulating the precipitation over the NWI region andthis model is a useful tool for further regional downscalingstudies.Peer reviewe

    Silkworm Thermal Biology: A Review of Heat Shock Response, Heat Shock Proteins and Heat Acclimation in the Domesticated Silkworm, Bombyx mori

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    Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are known to play ecological and evolutionary roles in this postgenomic era. Recent research suggests that HSPs are implicated in cardiovascular biology and disease development, proliferation and regulation of cancer cells, cell death via apoptosis, and several other key cellular functions. These activities have generated great interest amongst cell and molecular biologists, and these biologists are keen to unravel other hitherto unknown potential functions of this group of proteins. Consequently, the biological significance of HSPs has led to cloning and characterization of genes encoding HSPs in many organisms including the silkworm, Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae). However, most of the past investigations in B. mori were confined to expression of HSPs in tissues and cell lines, whereas information on their specific functional roles in biological, physiological, and molecular processes is scarce. Naturally occurring or domesticated polyvoltines (known to be the tropical race) are more resistant to high temperatures and diseases than bi- or univoltines (temperate races). The mechanism of ecological or evolutionary modification of HSPs during the course of domestication of B. mori - particularly in relation to thermotolerance in geographically distinct races/strains - is still unclear. In addition, the heat shock response, thermal acclimation, and hardening have not been studied extensively in B. mori compared to other organisms. Towards this, recent investigations on differential expression of HSPs at various stages of development, considering the concept of the whole organism, open ample scope to evaluate their biological and commercial importance in B. mori which has not been addressed in any of the representative organisms studied so far. Comparatively, heat shock response among different silkworm races/strains of poly-, bi-, and univoltines varies significantly and thermotolerance increases as the larval development proceeds. Hence, this being the first review in this area, an attempt has been made to collate all available information on the heat shock response, HSPs expression, associated genes, amino acid sequences, and acquired/unacquired thermotolerance. The aim is to present this as a valuable resource for addressing the gap in knowledge and understanding evolutionary significance of HSPs between domesticated (B. mori) and non-domesticated insects. It is believed that the information presented here will also help researchers/breeders to design appropriate strategies for developing novel strains for the tropics

    Working Group Report: Heavy-Ion Physics and Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    This is the report of Heavy Ion Physics and Quark-Gluon Plasma at WHEPP-09 which was part of Working Group-4. Discussion and work on some aspects of Quark-Gluon Plasma believed to have created in heavy-ion collisions and in early universe are reported.Comment: 20 pages, 6 eps figures, Heavy-ion physics and QGP activity report in "IX Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology (WHEPP-09)" held in Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India, during January 3-14, 2006. To be published in PRAMANA - Journal of Physics (Indian Academy of Science

    Fenretinide induces mitochondrial ROS and inhibits the mitochondrial respiratory chain in neuroblastoma

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    Fenretinide induces apoptosis in neuroblastoma by induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study, we investigated the role of mitochondria in fenretinide-induced cytotoxicity and ROS production in six neuroblastoma cell lines. ROS induction by fenretinide was of mitochondrial origin, demonstrated by detection of superoxide with MitoSOX, the scavenging effect of the mitochondrial antioxidant MitoQ and reduced ROS production in cells without a functional mitochondrial respiratory chain (Rho zero cells). In digitonin-permeabilized cells, a fenretinide concentration-dependent decrease in ATP synthesis and substrate oxidation was observed, reflecting inhibition of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. However, inhibition of the mitochondrial respiratory chain was not required for ROS production. Co-incubation of fenretinide with inhibitors of different complexes of the respiratory chain suggested that fenretinide-induced ROS production occurred via complex II. The cytotoxicity of fenretinide was exerted through the generation of mitochondrial ROS and, at higher concentrations, also through inhibition of the mitochondrial respiratory chain