5 research outputs found


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    File containing all genotypes. File in Genepop format. Locus names are formatted with an underscore between the RADtag name and SNP position


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    Alignments between Pacific halibut loci and 1) Atlantic halibut linkage map, 2) turbot genome, and 3) half-smooth tongue sole genome

    MOESM1 of Pop-up satellite archival tag (PSAT) temporal data resolution affects interpretations of spawning behaviour of a commercially important teleost

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    Additional file 1. Boxplot (top panel) and frequency distribution (bottom panel) of first-order differences in depth from archived time series (i.e. 2-min temporal resolution; n = 29,441 nonzero records) from PSAT 131932, a tag in which potential spawning rises were identified (Figs. 4, 5a). While the vast majority of changes in depth were small, it is notable that all rises >11.4 m (n = 19) and all descents >9.1 m (n = 14) (both illustrated within the shaded boxes) occurred during the six spawning rises highlighted in Fig. 5 and all six periods had ascent/descent values at these extremes of the distribution. In comparison, the maximum first-order differences in depth from the four PSATs that did not show evidence of spawning rises from archived data (131920, 131924, 131926, 131927) had a total of four ascents >11.4 m, out of n = 116,457 possible comparisons. These patterns illustrate that such magnitudes of depth changes are exceptionally rare outside of apparent spawning events (see also Additional file 2)

    MOESM1 of Characterizing activity and assessing bycatch survival of Pacific halibut with accelerometer Pop-up Satellite Archival Tags

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    Additional file 1. Detailed description of plots used to assess Pacific halibut bycatch survival in Bering Sea trawl fisheries. File format:.pdf. Detailed analyses of PSAT data from healthy fish, carcass tags, and weighted tags in the Bering Sea along with additional details on procedures for inferring survival or mortality based on PSAT data