79 research outputs found

    Feedback control optimisation of ESR experiments

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    Numerically optimised microwave pulses are used to increase excitation efficiency and modulation depth in electron spin resonance experiments performed on a spectrometer equipped with an arbitrary waveform generator. The optimisation procedure is sample-specific and reminiscent of the magnet shimming process used in the early days of nuclear magnetic resonance -- an objective function (for example, echo integral in a spin echo experiment) is defined and optimised numerically as a function of the pulse waveform vector using noise-resilient gradient-free methods. We found that the resulting shaped microwave pulses achieve higher excitation bandwidth and better echo modulation depth than the pulse shapes used as the initial guess. Although the method is theoretically less sophisticated than simulation based quantum optimal control techniques, it has the advantage of being free of the linear response approximation; rapid electron spin relaxation also means that the optimisation takes only a few seconds. This makes the procedure fast, convenient, and easy to use. An important application of this method is at the final stage of the implementation of theoretically designed pulse shapes: compensation of pulse distortions introduced by the instrument. The performance is illustrated using spin echo and out-of-phase electron spin echo envelope modulation experiments. Interface code between Bruker SpinJet arbitrary waveform generator and Matlab is included in versions 2.2 and later of the Spinach library

    Light-Induced TripletTriplet Electron Resonance Spectroscopy

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    We present a new technique, light-induced triplet-triplet electron resonance spectroscopy (LITTER), which measures the dipolar interaction between two photoexcited triplet states, enabling both the distance and angular distributions between the two triplet moieties to be determined on a nanometer scale. This is demonstrated for a model bis-porphyrin peptide that renders dipolar traces with strong orientation selection effects. Using simulations and density functional theory calculations, we extract distance distributions and relative orientations of the porphyrin moieties, allowing the dominant conformation of the peptide in a frozen solution to be identified. LITTER removes the requirement of current light-induced electron spin resonance pulse dipolar spectroscopy techniques to have a permanent paramagnetic moiety, becoming more suitable for in-cell applications and facilitating access to distance determination in unmodified macromolecular systems containing photoexcitable moieties. LITTER also has the potential to enable direct comparison with Förster resonance energy transfer and combination with microscopy inside cells

    Charge and Spin Transfer Dynamics in a Weakly Coupled Porphyrin Dimer

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    The dynamics of electron and spin transfer in the radical cation and photogenerated triplet states of a tetramethylbiphenyl-linked zinc-porphyrin dimer were investigated, so as to test the relevant parameters for the design of a single-molecule spin valve and the creation of a novel platform for the photogeneration of high-multiplicity spin states. We used a combination of multiple techniques, including variable-temperature continuous wave EPR, pulsed proton electron–nuclear double resonance (ENDOR), transient EPR, and optical spectroscopy. The conclusions are further supported by density functional theory (DFT) calculations and comparison to reference compounds. The low-temperature cw-EPR and room-temperature near-IR spectra of the dimer monocation demonstrate that the radical cation is spatially localized on one side of the dimer at any point in time, not coherently delocalized over both porphyrin units. The EPR spectra at 298 K reveal rapid hopping of the radical spin density between both sites of the dimer via reversible intramolecular electron transfer. The hyperfine interactions are modulated by electron transfer and can be quantified using ENDOR spectroscopy. This allowed simulation of the variable-temperature cw-EPR spectra with a two-site exchange model and provided information on the temperature-dependence of the electron transfer rate. The electron transfer rates range from about 10.0 MHz at 200 K to about 53.9 MHz at 298 K. The activation enthalpies Δ‡ H of the electron transfer were determined as Δ‡ H = 9.55 kJ mol–1 and Δ‡ H = 5.67 kJ mol–1 in a 1:1:1 solvent mixture of CD2Cl2/toluene-d 8/THF-d 8 and in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran, respectively, consistent with a Robin–Day class II mixed valence compound. These results indicate that the interporphyrin electronic coupling in a tetramethylbiphenyl-linked porphyrin dimer is suitable for the backbone of a single-molecule spin valve. Investigation of the spin density distribution of the photogenerated triplet state of the Zn-porphyrin dimer reveals localization of the triplet spin density on a nanosecond time scale on one-half of the dimer at 20 K in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran and at 250 K in a polyvinylcarbazole film. This establishes the porphyrin dimer as a molecular platform for the formation of a localized, photogenerated triplet state on one porphyrin unit that is coupled to a second redox-active, ground-state porphyrin unit, which can be explored for the formation of high-multiplicity spin states

    Bird Cryptochrome 1a Is Excited by Blue Light and Forms Long-Lived Radical- Pairs

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    Cryptochromes (Cry) have been suggested to form the basis of light-dependent magnetic compass orientation in birds. However, to function as magnetic compass sensors, the cryptochromes of migratory birds must possess a number of key biophysical characteristics. Most importantly, absorption of blue light must produce radical pairs with lifetimes longer than about a microsecond. Cryptochrome 1a (gwCry1a) and the photolyase-homology-region of Cry1 (gwCry1-PHR) from the migratory garden warbler were recombinantly expressed and purified from a baculovirus/Sf9 cell expression system. Transient absorption measurements show that these flavoproteins are indeed excited by light in the blue spectral range leading to the formation of radicals with millisecond lifetimes. These biophysical characteristics suggest that gwCry1a is ideally suited as a primary light-mediated, radical-pair-based magnetic compass recepto

    Spin-locking in low-frequency reaction yield detected magnetic resonance

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    The purported effects of weak magnetic fields on various biological systems from animal magnetoreception to human health have generated widespread interest and sparked much controversy in the past decade. To date the only well established mechanism by which the rates and yields of chemical reactions are known to be influenced by magnetic fields is the radical pair mechanism, based on the spin-dependent reactivity of radical pairs. A diagnostic test for the operation of the radical pair mechanism was proposed by Henbest et al. [J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2004, 126, 8102] based on the combined effects of weak static magnetic fields and radiofrequency oscillating fields in a reaction yield detected magnetic resonance experiment. Here we investigate the effects on radical pair reactions of applying relatively strong oscillating fields, both parallel and perpendicular to the static field. We demonstrate the importance of understanding the effect of the strength of the radiofrequency oscillating field; our experiments demonstrate that there is an optimal oscillating field strength above which the observed signal decreases in intensity and eventually inverts. We establish the correlation between the onset of this effect and the hyperfine structure of the radicals involved, and identify the existence of ‘overtone’ type features appearing at multiples of the expected resonance field positio

    The impact of spin–orbit coupling on fine-structure and spin polarisation in photoexcited porphyrin triplet states

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    The photoexcited triplet states of porphyrins show great promise for applications in the fields of opto-electronics, photonics, molecular wires, and spintronics. The magnetic properties of porphyrin triplet states are most conveniently studied by time-resolved continuous wave and pulse electron spin resonance (ESR). This family of techniques is singularly able to probe small yet essential details of triplet states: zero-field splittings, g-anisotropy, spin polarisation, and hyperfine interactions. These characteristics are linked to spin–orbit coupling (SOC) which is known to have a strong influence on photophysical properties such as intersystem crossing rates. The present study explores SOC effects induced by the presence of Pd2+ in various porphyrin architectures. In particular, the impact of this relativistic interaction on triplet state fine-structure and spin polarisation is investigated. These properties are probed using time-resolved ESR complemented by electron-nuclear double resonance. The findings of this study could influence the future design of molecular spintronic devices. The Pd2+ ion may be incorporated into porphyrin molecular wires as a way of controlling spin polarisation

    Singlet-triplet dephasing in radical pairs in avian cryptochromes leads to time-dependent magnetic field effects

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    Cryptochrome 4a (Cry4a) has been proposed as the sensor at the heart of the magnetic compass in migratory songbirds. Blue-light excitation of this protein produces magnetically sensitive flavin–tryptophan radical pairs whose properties suggest that Cry4a could indeed be suitable as a magnetoreceptor. Here, we use cavity ring-down spectroscopy to measure magnetic field effects on the kinetics of these radical pairs in modified Cry4a proteins from the migratory European robin and from nonmigratory pigeon and chicken. B1/2, a parameter that characterizes the magnetic field-dependence of the reactions, was found to be larger than expected on the basis of hyperfine interactions and to increase with the delay between pump and probe laser pulses. Semiclassical spin dynamics simulations show that this behavior is consistent with a singlet–triplet dephasing (STD) relaxation mechanism. Analysis of the experimental data gives dephasing rate constants, rSTD, in the range 3–6 × 107 s −1 . A simple “toy” model due to Maeda, Miura, and Arai [Mol. Phys. 104, 1779–1788 (2006)] is used to shed light on the origin of the time-dependence and the nature of the STD mechanism. Under the conditions of the experiments, STD results in an exponential approach to spin equilibrium at a rate considerably slower than rSTD. We attribute the loss of singlet–triplet coherence to electron hopping between the second and third tryptophans of the electron transfer chain and comment on whether this process could explain differences in the magnetic sensitivity of robin, chicken, and pigeon Cry4a’s

    Enhanced Intersystem Crossing and Transient Electron Spin Polarization in a Photoexcited Pentacene-Trityl Radical

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    Identifying and characterizing systems that generate well-defined states with large electron spin polarization is of high interest for applications in molecular spintronics, high-energy physics and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The generation of electron spin polarization on free-radical substituents tethered to pentacene derivatives has recently gained a great deal of interest for its applications in molecular electronics. After photoexcitation of the chromophore, pentacene-radical derivatives can rapidly form spin-polarized triplet excited states through enhanced intersystem crossing. Under the right conditions, the triplet spin polarization, arising from mS-selective intersystem crossing rates, can be transferred to the tethered stable radical. The efficiency of this spin polarization transfer depends on many factors: local magnetic and electric fields, excited state energetics, molecular geometry, and spin-spin coupling. Here we present transient electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements on three pentacene derivatives tethered to Finland trityl, BDPA or TEMPO radicals to explore the influence of the nature of the radical on the spin polarization transfer. We observe efficient polarization transfer between the pentacene excited triplet and the trityl radical, but do not observe the same for the BDPA and TEMPO derivatives. The polarization transfer behavior in the pentacene-trityl system is also investigated in different glassy matrices and is found to depend markedly on the solvent used. The EPR results are rationalized with the help of femtosecond and nanosecond transient absorption measurements, yielding complementary information on the excited-state dynamics of the three pentacene derivatives. Notably, we observe a two orders of magnitude difference in the timescale of triplet formation between the pentacene-trityl system and the pentacene systems tethered with the BDPA and TEMPO radicals
