13 research outputs found

    Summary datasets (main and supplementary data).

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    Excel document including three different datasets in separate sheets. The main dataset (dataset1) includes the participants' first looks towards the reward-predictive cue (analyses reported in the results section). The second dataset (dataset2) includes the participants' looking time at pre-test and post-test as well as other additional measures (analyses reported in the electronic supplementary material). Finally, the third dataset (dataset3) includes the ratings of the non-social stimuli, from a group of participants different from the participants taking part in the main experiment (analyses reported in the method section)

    Southern right whale catch series for New Zealand and Southeast Pacific

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    Catch series data, as described in Carroll et al. 2014 (PLoS One 9:e93789), for input into population assessment model

    Communication and interaction with semiautonomous ground vehicles by force control steering

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    While full automation of road vehicles remains a future goal, shared-control and semiautonomous driving--involving transitions of control between the human and the machine--are more feasible objectives in the near term. These alternative driving modes will benefit from new research toward novel steering control devices, more suitably where machine intelligence only partially controls the vehicle. In this article, it is proposed that when the human shares the control of a vehicle with an autonomous or semiautonomous system, a force control, or nondisplacement steering wheel (i.e., a steering wheel which does not rotate but detects the applied torque by the human driver) can be advantageous under certain schemes: tight rein or loose rein modes according to the H-metaphor. We support this proposition with the first experiments to the best of our knowledge, in which human participants drove in a simulated road scene with a force control steering wheel (FCSW). The experiments exhibited that humans can adapt promptly to force control steering and are able to control the vehicle smoothly. Different transfer functions are tested, which translate the applied torque at the FCSW to the steering angle at the wheels of the vehicle; it is shown that fractional order transfer functions increment steering stability and control accuracy when using a force control device. The transition of control experiments is also performed with both: a conventional and an FCSW. This prototypical steering system can be realized via steer-by-wire controls, which are already incorporated in commercially available vehicles

    Examples of detailed views of the sheep BAC mapping information on the human and virtual sheep genomes

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    A short section of human chromosome HSA3 from 0 to 1 Mb, showing human RefSeq genes, tail-to-head and tail-to-tail MegaBAC analysis BACs, and cMegaBAC-CGCs. A short section of human chromosome HSA3 from 23 to 23.8 Mb, showing tracks as above and the Dog net level 2 track. A region of low confidence in the virtual sheep genome. The region is from sheep chromosome OAR9. Tracks shown are the human RefSeq genes from NCBI, sheep markers from the Sheep Map version 4.6, the cMegaBACs, the tail-to-tail BACs from the MegaBAC analysis, and unpaired-in-cow, shown as high (single hits to the cow genome with the parameters used) and low (more than one hit to the cow genome with the parameters used) confidence sets. The dotted lines in the unpaired tracks indicate the predicted extent of the BACs in the genome assuming all BACs are 184 kb long (the average length of the BACs in the library). All images are from genome databases displayed using Gbrowse [45]. BAC, bacterial artificial chromosome; CGC, comparative genome contig; HSA, human chromosome; kb, kilobase; Mb, megabase; NCBI, National Center for Biotechnology Information; OAR, sheep chromosome.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Using comparative genomics to reorder the human genome sequence into a virtual sheep genome"</p><p>http://genomebiology.com/2007/8/7/R152</p><p>Genome Biology 2007;8(7):R152-R152.</p><p>Published online 30 Jul 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2323240.</p><p></p

    Representative chromosomes from the human and virtual sheep genome browsers

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    Chromosome overview of HSA17 showing some of the datasets generated during the construction of the virtual sheep genome. The human genome browser overview tracks shown are as follows and are labelled as referred to in the text: unsequenced regions; gaps in the human genome assembly; cytogenetic markers; sheep markers version 4.6; cow-human conserved synteny; chicken-mammal conserved synteny; mammalian conserved synteny; sheep-dog-human conserved syntenic blocks calculated from the mapping of the sheep BACs to the dog and human genomes; consolidated MegaBAC-CGCs (the final set of 1,172 BAC-CGCs generated from the MegaBAC-CGCs) and the sheep-via-dog and sheep-via-cow BAC-CGCs; MegaBAC-CGCs (calculated from the MegaBAC analysis and before the final consolidation); sheep-via-dog BAC-CGCs (built on the dog genome and mapped onto the human genome); sheep-via-cow BAC-CGCs (built on the cow genome and mapped onto the human genome). Chromosome overview of OAR11 showing cMegaBAC-CGC sections color coded to indicate the method and likely robustness of assignment (Table 3). A selection of virtual sheep genome browser overview tracks is shown. Labelling is as above; in addition, the microsatellite tracks are shown. BACs are shown in the tail-head outsize track, tail-tail outsize track, and so on, on the basis of their group in the MegaBAC analysis, not their actual size and BAC-end sequence orientations in the virtual sheep genome. All images are from genome databases displayed using Gbrowse [45]. BAC, bacterial artificial chromosome; CGC, comparative genome contig; HSA, human chromosome; OAR, sheep chromosome.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Using comparative genomics to reorder the human genome sequence into a virtual sheep genome"</p><p>http://genomebiology.com/2007/8/7/R152</p><p>Genome Biology 2007;8(7):R152-R152.</p><p>Published online 30 Jul 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2323240.</p><p></p

    Sequencing of V Genes and SPR Analysis

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    <div><p>(A) Amino acid sequences of MSP1<sub>19</sub>-binding scFvs. Sequences of six selected scFvs obtained by panning phage display libraries with recombinant MSP1<sub>19</sub> (C1) or P. falciparum merozoites in which secondary processing had been allowed to proceed (E9). Amino acids in bold represent residues in the E9 sequence differing to C1.</p><p>(B) SPR association and dissociation curves of Ab binding to MSP1<sub>19</sub> immobilized on a CM5 sensor chip. Abs were injected into flow at time 0 and replaced with buffer at the point indicated by vertical arrow [<a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.0030072#ppat-0030072-b024" target="_blank">24</a>].</p></div

    Epitope Mapping of JS1 and JS2 Binding Sites

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    <p>Shows the location in the three-dimensional model of P. falciparum MSP1<sub>19</sub> of residues in the first epidermal growth factor domain, which on mutation affect binding by JS1 or JS2. Mutation of Cys<sup>28</sup> shown in red completely ablated binding of both mAbs (12.10 and 12.8) and JS1 or JS2. Mutation of the partnering Cys<sup>12</sup>, also shown in red, while ablating binding by the murine mAbs, had no effect on the binding by JS1 or JS2. Arg<sup>20</sup> and Asn<sup>33</sup> in salmon had intermediate effects on binding as determined by SPR analysis when mutated to more neutral or negatively charged side-chains (see <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.0030072#ppat-0030072-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>). Three further substitutions at Lys<sup>40</sup>, Lys<sup>29</sup>, and Asn<sup>39</sup> seen in brown had minor effects on binding when the interaction was studied by ELISA. The model of P. falciparum MSP1<sub>19</sub> was generated by PyMol using atomic coordinates available from NCBI under accession number PDB: 1CEJ.</p