37 research outputs found

    Appendix A. Species list of plants and pollinators in this study.

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    Species list of plants and pollinators in this study

    Supplement 2. The R source code used in the null model analysis.

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    <h2>File List</h2><div> <p><a href="Supplement_2_mgen.r">Supplement_2_mgen.r</a> (md5: cded81369c9adb7d94232d74043d8bd7)</p> <p><a href="Supplement_2.r">Supplement_2.r</a> (md5: d0ed7ae9bdec91e191e0200bb03da0c7)</p> </div><h2>Description</h2><div> <p>Supplement_2_mgen.r contains a function to generate simulated interaction matrices.</p> <p>Supplement_2.r contains the scripts to perform the null model simulation.</p> </div

    Supplement 1. The R source code used to determine aspects of plant– pollinator network structure as described in this paper.

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    <h2>File List</h2><div> <a href="Supplement_1.r">Supplement_1.r</a> (md5: 8f0f8e567e94eef75ac0aa9f51acf4fb)</div><h2>Description</h2><div> <p>For each of our 10 glades, we used R (version 2.12.1) and associated available packages (vegan and bipartite) to determine aspects of plant–pollinator network structure as described in our manuscript.</p> <p>Supplement_1.r contains scripts for determining the nestedness of plant–pollinator interaction networks at each site, calculating metrics describing the structure of each of the networks, determining the spatial nestedness of plant and pollinator species, and calculating the behavioral specialization of plants and pollinators.</p> </div

    Ailanthus altissima demography data

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    Data file includes stage (NRA=nonreproductive adult; RA=reproductive adult; SDL= seedling) size (total diameter (cm) of all stems/individual at 0.5 cm aboveground), survival, and fecundity for Ailanthus altissima during 2012 and 2013. Sites were located on the Tyson Research Center near St. Louis, MO. Treatments are controls, competitor removal, and herbivore removal. Plots with these treatments were either burned or unburned during the dormant season of 2013

    Relationship between species richness and area

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    Data for all 10 of our study sites. This data matches figure 1 in the manuscript. Columns in this excel file are: Plot size (m^2), Log plot size, number of species observed in the plot (i.e., richness), log number of species observed in the plot, site (corresponds to the figure), site number (corresponds to figure), Community (whether or not the community is in invaded or uninvaded

    Comparison of species community composition of bee visitors to native forbs across plots and sites.

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    <p>NMDS of all control and treatment plots. Control plots (<i>R. multiflora</i> flowers present) are filled, and treatment plots <i>(R. multiflora</i> flowers absent) are open; sites are represented by different symbols. Pollinator community composition was better predicted by experimental site, and the <i>R. multiflora</i> removal treatment did not systematically affect pollinator community composition in each plot.</p

    Bee visitation rate and visitor richness to <i>R. multiflora</i> and native forbs.

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    <p><b>A</b>) Visitation rate of bee visitors to <i>R. multiflora</i> and native plants across all sites. Errors indicate SE. Native plants in control and treatment plots were combined. All estimates of visitation rate significantly differed from each other (p<0.05) based on a randomization test. Sample sizes for each estimate are labeled at the bottom of each bar. <b>B</b>) Rarefied bee visitor richness to each plant species across all sites. Letters indicate groupings by 95% confidence intervals.</p