98 research outputs found

    Faithful and Consistent Graph Neural Network Explanations with Rationale Alignment

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    Uncovering rationales behind predictions of graph neural networks (GNNs) has received increasing attention over recent years. Instance-level GNN explanation aims to discover critical input elements, like nodes or edges, that the target GNN relies upon for making predictions. %These identified sub-structures can provide interpretations of GNN's behavior. Though various algorithms are proposed, most of them formalize this task by searching the minimal subgraph which can preserve original predictions. However, an inductive bias is deep-rooted in this framework: several subgraphs can result in the same or similar outputs as the original graphs. Consequently, they have the danger of providing spurious explanations and failing to provide consistent explanations. Applying them to explain weakly-performed GNNs would further amplify these issues. To address this problem, we theoretically examine the predictions of GNNs from the causality perspective. Two typical reasons for spurious explanations are identified: confounding effect of latent variables like distribution shift, and causal factors distinct from the original input. Observing that both confounding effects and diverse causal rationales are encoded in internal representations, \tianxiang{we propose a new explanation framework with an auxiliary alignment loss, which is theoretically proven to be optimizing a more faithful explanation objective intrinsically. Concretely for this alignment loss, a set of different perspectives are explored: anchor-based alignment, distributional alignment based on Gaussian mixture models, mutual-information-based alignment, etc. A comprehensive study is conducted both on the effectiveness of this new framework in terms of explanation faithfulness/consistency and on the advantages of these variants.Comment: TIST2023. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2205.1373

    Sentinel-2 satellite imagery for urban land cover classification by optimized random forest classifier

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    Land cover classification is able to reflect the potential natural and social process in urban development, providing vital information to stakeholders. Recent solutions on land cover classification are generally addressed by remotely sensed imagery and supervised classification methods. However, a high-performance classifier is desirable but challenging due to the existence of model hyperparameters. Conventional approaches generally rely on manual tuning, which is time-consuming and far from satisfying. Therefore, this work aims to propose a systematic method to automatically tune the hyperparameters by Bayesian parameter optimization for the random forest classifier. The recently launched Sentinel-2A/B satellites are drawn to provide the remote sensing imageries for land cover classification case study in Beijing, China, which have the best spectral/spatial resolutions among the freely available satellites. The improved random forest with Bayesian parameter optimization is compared against the support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF) with default hyperparameters by discriminating five land cover classes including building, tree, road, water and crop field. Comparative experimental results show that the optimized RF classifier outperforms the conventional SVM and the RF with default hyperparameters in terms of accuracy, precision and recall. The effects of band/feature number and the band usefulness are also assessed. It is envisaged that the improved classifier for Sentinel-2 satellite image processing can find a wide range of applications where high-resolution satellite imagery classification is applicable

    Myelin Activates FAK/Akt/NF-κB Pathways and Provokes CR3-Dependent Inflammatory Response in Murine System

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    Inflammatory response following central nervous system (CNS) injury contributes to progressive neuropathology and reduction in functional recovery. Axons are sensitive to mechanical injury and toxic inflammatory mediators, which may lead to demyelination. Although it is well documented that degenerated myelin triggers undesirable inflammatory responses in autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS) and its animal model, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), there has been very little study of the direct inflammatory consequences of damaged myelin in spinal cord injury (SCI), i.e., there is no direct evidence to show that myelin debris from injured spinal cord can trigger undesirable inflammation in vitro and in vivo. Our data showed that myelin can initiate inflammatory responses in vivo, which is complement receptor 3 (CR3)-dependent via stimulating macrophages to express pro-inflammatory molecules and down-regulates expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines. Mechanism study revealed that myelin-increased cytokine expression is through activation of FAK/PI3K/Akt/NF-κB signaling pathways and CR3 contributes to myelin-induced PI3K/Akt/NF-κB activation and cytokine production. The myelin induced inflammatory response is myelin specific as sphingomyelin (the major lipid of myelin) and myelin basic protein (MBP, one of the major proteins of myelin) are not able to activate NF-κB signaling pathway. In conclusion, our results demonstrate a crucial role of myelin as an endogenous inflammatory stimulus that induces pro-inflammatory responses and suggest that blocking myelin-CR3 interaction and enhancing myelin debris clearance may be effective interventions for treating SCI

    Graphene/silicon heterojunction for reconfigurable phase-relevant activation function in coherent optical neural networks

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    Optical neural networks (ONNs) herald a new era in information and communication technologies and have implemented various intelligent applications. In an ONN, the activation function (AF) is a crucial component determining the network performances and on-chip AF devices are still in development. Here, we first demonstrate on-chip reconfigurable AF devices with phase activation fulfilled by dual-functional graphene/silicon (Gra/Si) heterojunctions. With optical modulation and detection in one device, time delays are shorter, energy consumption is lower, reconfigurability is higher and the device footprint is smaller than other on-chip AF strategies. The experimental modulation voltage (power) of our Gra/Si heterojunction achieves as low as 1 V (0.5 mW), superior to many pure silicon counterparts. In the photodetection aspect, a high responsivity of over 200 mA/W is realized. Special nonlinear functions generated are fed into a complex-valued ONN to challenge handwritten letters and image recognition tasks, showing improved accuracy and potential of high-efficient, all-component-integration on-chip ONN. Our results offer new insights for on-chip ONN devices and pave the way to high-performance integrated optoelectronic computing circuits

    Cell Division Control Protein 42 Interacts With Hepatitis E Virus Capsid Protein and Participates in Hepatitis E Virus Infection

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    Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) causes viral hepatitis in humans worldwide, while a subset of HEV species, avian HEV, causes hepatitis-splenomegaly syndrome in chickens. To date, there are few reports on the host proteins interacting with HEV and being involved in viral infection. Previous pull-down assay combining mass spectrometry indicated that cell division control protein 42 (CDC42), a member belonging to the Rho GTPase family, was pulled down by avian HEV capsid protein. We confirmed the direct interaction between CDC42 and avian and mammalian HEV capsid proteins. The interaction can increase the amount of active guanosine triphosphate binding CDC42 state (GTP-CDC42). Subsequently, we determined that the expression and activity of CDC42 were positively correlated with HEV infection in the host cells. Using the different inhibitors of CDC42 downstream signaling pathways, we found that CDC42-MRCK (a CDC42-binding kinase)-non-myosin IIA (NMIIA) pathway is involved in naked avian and mammalian HEV infection, CDC42-associated p21-activated kinase 1 (PAK1)-NMIIA/Cofilin pathway is involved in quasi-enveloped mammalian HEV infection and CDC42-neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein-actin-polymerizing protein Arp2/3 pathway (CDC42-(N-)WASP-Arp2/3) pathway participates in naked and quasi-enveloped mammalian HEV infection. Collectively, these results demonstrated for the first time that HEV capsid protein can directly bind to CDC42, and non- and quasi-enveloped HEV use different CDC42 downstream signaling pathways to participate in viral infection. The study provided some new insights to understand the life cycle of HEV in host cells and a new target of drug design for combating HEV infection