50 research outputs found

    dataset 2 single genes after gblocks

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    Fasta files containing the single gene amino acid alignments of dataset 2 after processing by Gblocks

    mitochondrial sequences from gorilla Plasmodium in FASTA format

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    Nucleotide alignment of mitochondrial Plasmodium sequences including two sequences that were extraceted from the gorilla genome. The alignment is based on data from Liu et al. (2010) and only contains sequences from Clades G1 and C1

    dataset 2 superalignment in FASTA format

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    Concatenated superalignment of all 301 single gene amino acid alignments of dataset 2 after processing by Gblocks

    dataset 1 single genes

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    Fasta files containing the single gene amino acid alignments of dataset 1 prior to processing by Gblocks

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Parasite infection of public databases: a data mining approach to identify apicomplexan contaminations in animal genome and transcriptome assemblies

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    Majority-rule consensus tree based on a PhyloBayes analysis of 18 s rRNA sequences from Piroplasmida. The alignment is based on the 18 s dataset from Paparini et al. (2015). A single contig from the platypus genome assembly, which contains a parasite-derived 18 s rRNA fragment, was added to the alignment. Bayesian posterior probabilities are given at the nodes. The tree was rooted with Cardiosporidium cionae. All EMBL/Genbank acc. nos. are given in parentheses. (PDF 157 kb

    extracted contigs

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    Fasta files containing the extracted, parasite-derived contigs. Contigs from each Assembly are stored in a separate file

    dataset 2 single genes

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    Fasta files containing the single gene amino acid alignments of dataset 2 prior to processing by Gblock

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Parasite infection of public databases: a data mining approach to identify apicomplexan contaminations in animal genome and transcriptome assemblies

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    Majority-rule consensus tree based on a PhyloBayes analysis of complete mitochondrial genomes from ape-infecting Plasmodium parasites. The alignment is based on the mitochondrial dataset from Liu et al. (2010) and only contains sequences from Clades C1 (from Chimpanzees) and G1 (from Gorillas; also contains human P. falciparum). Two contigs from the Gorilla genome assembly, which contain parasite-derived mitochondrial fragments, were added to the alignment. Bayesian posterior probabilities are given at the nodes. The tree was rooted with the C1 clade of Chimpanzee-infecting Plasmodium parasites. All EMBL/Genbank acc. nos. are given in parentheses. (PDF 236 kb

    dataset 1 single genes after gblocks

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    Fasta files containing the single gene amino acid alignments of dataset 1 after processing by Gblocks

    Interspecies and experimental site comparison of total mRNA copy numbers of putatively hypoxia responsive genes in ruffe and flounder under normoxic condition analysed in (A) gills, (B) brain and (C) heart.

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    <p>All expression levels are referred to 1 µg mRNA. qRT-PCR results from the Elbe estuary are represented in black columns for ruffe and grey columns for flounder. Dashed columns indicate qRT-PCR results from laboratory experiments with black background for ruffe and grey background for flounder, respectively. Note that the y-axis has a logarithmic scale. Bars indicate standard deviation (SD). Asterisks indicate significance at p <0.05. N = 3 individuals for results from Elbe estuary for each data point. N = 3 (analysed with a nested experimental design) for results from laboratory for each data point.</p