666 research outputs found


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    Disulfiram's use is not supported by scientific evidence but nevertheless largely advocated and used. This would be less odd in case of lacking or just preliminary evidence. What is peculiar in the case of disulfiram's prescription is its persistence against evidence. Hence arise the question how it is possible that its use can be supported, i.e. by what type of arguments. The goal of an argument is to persuade, the goal of logic and argumentation is additionally to persuade for good reasons. In this sense, a good argument would give good reasons to believe the conclusion. Fallacies are bad arguments, either because they have weak logic, or because they rely on a false premise. Sophisms are intentionally used fallacies, an attempt to persuade opponents that a specific conclusion is true, by means other than by proposing relevant evidence. Proponents of fallacious arguments may use them either because they are incapable or because they are unwilling to accept their arguments to be fallacious. We therefore formulate the hypothesis that the frequency use of fallacious arguments within our otherwise supposedly evidence based discipline may be indicative of (a) a scientifically immature discipline, and/or (b) a moralistically intermingled disciplin

    Fgf15 Neurons of the Dorsomedial Hypothalamus Control Glucagon Secretion and Hepatic Gluconeogenesis.

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    The counterregulatory response to hypoglycemia is an essential survival function. It is controlled by an integrated network of glucose-responsive neurons, which trigger endogenous glucose production to restore normoglycemia. The complexity of this glucoregulatory network is, however, only partly characterized. In a genetic screen of a panel of recombinant inbred mice we previously identified Fgf15, expressed in neurons of the dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH), as a negative regulator of glucagon secretion. Here, we report on the generation of Fgf15 <sup>CretdTomato</sup> mice and their use to further characterize these neurons. We show that they were glutamatergic and comprised glucose-inhibited and glucose-excited neurons. When activated by chemogenetics, Fgf15 neurons prevented the increase in vagal nerve firing and the secretion of glucagon normally triggered by insulin-induced hypoglycemia. On the other hand, they increased the activity of the sympathetic nerve in the basal state and prevented its silencing by glucose overload. Higher sympathetic tone increased hepatic Creb1 phosphorylation, Pck1 mRNA expression, and hepatic glucose production leading to glucose intolerance. Thus, Fgf15 neurons of the DMH participate in the counterregulatory response to hypoglycemia by a direct adrenergic stimulation of hepatic glucose production while suppressing vagally induced glucagon secretion. This study provides new insights into the complex neuronal network that prevents the development of hypoglycemia

    Klf6 protects β-cells against insulin resistance-induced dedifferentiation.

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    In the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes, development of insulin resistance triggers an increase in pancreatic β-cell insulin secretion capacity and β-cell number. Failure of this compensatory mechanism is caused by a dedifferentiation of β-cells, which leads to insufficient insulin secretion and diabetic hyperglycemia. The β-cell factors that normally protect against dedifferentiation remain poorly defined. Here, through a systems biology approach, we identify the transcription factor Klf6 as a regulator of β-cell adaptation to metabolic stress. We used a β-cell specific Klf6 knockout mouse model to investigate whether Klf6 may be a potential regulator of β-cell adaptation to a metabolic stress. We show that inactivation of Klf6 in β-cells blunts their proliferation induced by the insulin resistance of pregnancy, high-fat high-sucrose feeding, and insulin receptor antagonism. Transcriptomic analysis showed that Klf6 controls the expression of β-cell proliferation genes and, in the presence of insulin resistance, it prevents the down-expression of genes controlling mature β-cell identity and the induction of disallowed genes that impair insulin secretion. Its expression also limits the transdifferentiation of β-cells into α-cells. Our study identifies a new transcription factor that protects β-cells against dedifferentiation, and which may be targeted to prevent diabetes development

    A Genetic Screen Identifies Hypothalamic Fgf15 as a Regulator of Glucagon Secretion.

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    The counterregulatory response to hypoglycemia, which restores normal blood glucose levels to ensure sufficient provision of glucose to the brain, is critical for survival. To discover underlying brain regulatory systems, we performed a genetic screen in recombinant inbred mice for quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling glucagon secretion in response to neuroglucopenia. We identified a QTL on the distal part of chromosome 7 and combined this genetic information with transcriptomic analysis of hypothalami. This revealed Fgf15 as the strongest candidate to control the glucagon response. Fgf15 was expressed by neurons of the dorsomedial hypothalamus and the perifornical area. Intracerebroventricular injection of FGF19, the human ortholog of Fgf15, reduced activation by neuroglucopenia of dorsal vagal complex neurons, of the parasympathetic nerve, and lowered glucagon secretion. In contrast, silencing Fgf15 in the dorsomedial hypothalamus increased neuroglucopenia-induced glucagon secretion. These data identify hypothalamic Fgf15 as a regulator of glucagon secretion

    Selective disruption of Tcf7l2 in the pancreatic β cell impairs secretory function and lowers β cell mass.

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is characterized by β cell dysfunction and loss. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the T-cell factor 7-like 2 (TCF7L2) gene, associated with T2D by genome-wide association studies, lead to impaired β cell function. While deletion of the homologous murine Tcf7l2 gene throughout the developing pancreas leads to impaired glucose tolerance, deletion in the β cell in adult mice reportedly has more modest effects. To inactivate Tcf7l2 highly selectively in β cells from the earliest expression of the Ins1 gene (∼E11.5) we have therefore used a Cre recombinase introduced at the Ins1 locus. Tcfl2(fl/fl)::Ins1Cre mice display impaired oral and intraperitoneal glucose tolerance by 8 and 16 weeks, respectively, and defective responses to the GLP-1 analogue liraglutide at 8 weeks. Tcfl2(fl/fl)::Ins1Cre islets displayed defective glucose- and GLP-1-stimulated insulin secretion and the expression of both the Ins2 (∼20%) and Glp1r (∼40%) genes were significantly reduced. Glucose- and GLP-1-induced intracellular free Ca(2+) increases, and connectivity between individual β cells, were both lowered by Tcf7l2 deletion in islets from mice maintained on a high (60%) fat diet. Finally, analysis by optical projection tomography revealed ∼30% decrease in β cell mass in pancreata from Tcfl2(fl/fl)::Ins1Cre mice. These data demonstrate that Tcf7l2 plays a cell autonomous role in the control of β cell function and mass, serving as an important regulator of gene expression and islet cell coordination. The possible relevance of these findings for the action of TCF7L2 polymorphisms associated with Type 2 diabetes in man is discussed

    Intestinal PPARγ signalling is required for sympathetic nervous system activation in response to caloric restriction.

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    Nuclear receptor PPARγ has been proven to affect metabolism in multiple tissues, and has received considerable attention for its involvement in colon cancer and inflammatory disease. However, its role in intestinal metabolism has been largely ignored. To investigate this potential aspect of PPARγ function, we submitted intestinal epithelium-specific PPARγ knockout mice (iePPARγKO) to a two-week period of 25% caloric restriction (CR), following which iePPARγKO mice retained more fat than their wild type littermates. In attempting to explain this discrepancy, we analysed the liver, skeletal muscle, intestinal lipid trafficking, and the microbiome, none of which appeared to contribute to the adiposity phenotype. Interestingly, under conditions of CR, iePPARγKO mice failed to activate their sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and increase CR-specific locomotor activity. These KO mice also manifested a defective control of their body temperature, which was overly reduced. Furthermore, the white adipose tissue of iePPARγKO CR mice showed lower levels of both hormone-sensitive lipase, and its phosphorylated form. This would result from impaired SNS signalling and possibly cause reduced lipolysis. We conclude that intestinal epithelium PPARγ plays an essential role in increasing SNS activity under CR conditions, thereby contributing to energy mobilization during metabolically stressful episodes

    Disrupted Hypothalamic Transcriptomics and Proteomics in a Mouse Model of Type 2 Diabetes Exposed to Recurrent Hypoglycaemia

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    Aims/hypothesis: Repeated exposures to insulin-induced hypoglycaemia in people with diabetes progressively impairs the counterregulatory response (CRR) that restores normoglycaemia. This defect is characterised by reduced secretion of glucagon and other counterregulatory hormones. Evidence indicates that glucose-responsive neurons located in the hypothalamus orchestrate the CRR. Here, we aimed to identify the changes in hypothalamic gene and protein expression that underlie impaired CRR in a mouse model of defective CRR.Methods: High-fat-diet fed and low-dose streptozocin-treated C57BL/6N mice were exposed to one (acute hypoglycaemia [AH]) or multiple (recurrent hypoglycaemia [RH]) insulin-induced hypoglycaemic episodes and plasma glucagon levels were measured. Single-nuclei RNA-seq (snRNA-seq) data were obtained from the hypothalamus and cortex of mice exposed to AH and RH. Proteomic data were obtained from hypothalamic synaptosomal fractions.Results: The final insulin injection resulted in similar plasma glucose levels in the RH group and AH groups, but glucagon secretion was significantly lower in the RH group (AH: 94.5±9.2 ng/l [n=33]; RH: 59.0±4.8 ng/l [n=37]; p&lt;0.001). Analysis of snRNA-seq data revealed similar proportions of hypothalamic cell subpopulations in the AH- and RH-exposed mice. Changes in transcriptional profiles were found in all cell types analysed. In neurons from RH-exposed mice, we observed a significant decrease in expression of Avp, Pmch and Pcsk1n, and the most overexpressed gene was Kcnq1ot1, as compared with AH-exposed mice. Gene ontology analysis of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) indicated a coordinated decrease in many oxidative phosphorylation genes and reduced expression of vacuolar H +- and Na +/K +-ATPases; these observations were in large part confirmed in the proteomic analysis of synaptosomal fractions. Compared with AH-exposed mice, oligodendrocytes from RH-exposed mice had major changes in gene expression that suggested reduced myelin formation. In astrocytes from RH-exposed mice, DEGs indicated reduced capacity for neurotransmitters scavenging in tripartite synapses as compared with astrocytes from AH-exposed mice. In addition, in neurons and astrocytes, multiple changes in gene expression suggested increased amyloid beta (Aβ) production and stability. The snRNA-seq analysis of the cortex showed that the adaptation to RH involved different biological processes from those seen in the hypothalamus.Conclusions/interpretation: The present study provides a model of defective counterregulation in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes. It shows that repeated hypoglycaemic episodes induce multiple defects affecting all hypothalamic cell types and their interactions, indicative of impaired neuronal network signalling and dysegulated hypoglycaemia sensing, and displaying features of neurodegenerative diseases. It also shows that repeated hypoglycaemia leads to specific molecular adaptation in the hypothalamus when compared with the cortexData availability: The transcriptomic dataset is available via the GEO (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/), using the accession no. GSE226277. The proteomic dataset is available via the ProteomeXchange data repository (http://www.proteomexchange.org), using the accession no. PXD040183. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.].</p

    Disrupted Hypothalamic Transcriptomics and Proteomics in a Mouse Model of Type 2 Diabetes Exposed to Recurrent Hypoglycaemia

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    Aims/hypothesis: Repeated exposures to insulin-induced hypoglycaemia in people with diabetes progressively impairs the counterregulatory response (CRR) that restores normoglycaemia. This defect is characterised by reduced secretion of glucagon and other counterregulatory hormones. Evidence indicates that glucose-responsive neurons located in the hypothalamus orchestrate the CRR. Here, we aimed to identify the changes in hypothalamic gene and protein expression that underlie impaired CRR in a mouse model of defective CRR.Methods: High-fat-diet fed and low-dose streptozocin-treated C57BL/6N mice were exposed to one (acute hypoglycaemia [AH]) or multiple (recurrent hypoglycaemia [RH]) insulin-induced hypoglycaemic episodes and plasma glucagon levels were measured. Single-nuclei RNA-seq (snRNA-seq) data were obtained from the hypothalamus and cortex of mice exposed to AH and RH. Proteomic data were obtained from hypothalamic synaptosomal fractions.Results: The final insulin injection resulted in similar plasma glucose levels in the RH group and AH groups, but glucagon secretion was significantly lower in the RH group (AH: 94.5±9.2 ng/l [n=33]; RH: 59.0±4.8 ng/l [n=37]; p&lt;0.001). Analysis of snRNA-seq data revealed similar proportions of hypothalamic cell subpopulations in the AH- and RH-exposed mice. Changes in transcriptional profiles were found in all cell types analysed. In neurons from RH-exposed mice, we observed a significant decrease in expression of Avp, Pmch and Pcsk1n, and the most overexpressed gene was Kcnq1ot1, as compared with AH-exposed mice. Gene ontology analysis of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) indicated a coordinated decrease in many oxidative phosphorylation genes and reduced expression of vacuolar H +- and Na +/K +-ATPases; these observations were in large part confirmed in the proteomic analysis of synaptosomal fractions. Compared with AH-exposed mice, oligodendrocytes from RH-exposed mice had major changes in gene expression that suggested reduced myelin formation. In astrocytes from RH-exposed mice, DEGs indicated reduced capacity for neurotransmitters scavenging in tripartite synapses as compared with astrocytes from AH-exposed mice. In addition, in neurons and astrocytes, multiple changes in gene expression suggested increased amyloid beta (Aβ) production and stability. The snRNA-seq analysis of the cortex showed that the adaptation to RH involved different biological processes from those seen in the hypothalamus.Conclusions/interpretation: The present study provides a model of defective counterregulation in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes. It shows that repeated hypoglycaemic episodes induce multiple defects affecting all hypothalamic cell types and their interactions, indicative of impaired neuronal network signalling and dysegulated hypoglycaemia sensing, and displaying features of neurodegenerative diseases. It also shows that repeated hypoglycaemia leads to specific molecular adaptation in the hypothalamus when compared with the cortexData availability: The transcriptomic dataset is available via the GEO (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/), using the accession no. GSE226277. The proteomic dataset is available via the ProteomeXchange data repository (http://www.proteomexchange.org), using the accession no. PXD040183. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.].</p

    Selective disruption of Tcf7l2 in the pancreatic β cell impairs secretory function and lowers β cell mass

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is characterized by β cell dysfunction and loss. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the T-cell factor 7-like 2 (TCF7L2) gene, associated with T2D by genome-wide association studies, lead to impaired β cell function. While deletion of the homologous murine Tcf7l2 gene throughout the developing pancreas leads to impaired glucose tolerance, deletion in the β cell in adult mice reportedly has more modest effects. To inactivate Tcf7l2 highly selectively in β cells from the earliest expression of the Ins1 gene (∼E11.5) we have therefore used a Cre recombinase introduced at the Ins1 locus. Tcfl2fl/fl::Ins1Cre mice display impaired oral and intraperitoneal glucose tolerance by 8 and 16 weeks, respectively, and defective responses to the GLP-1 analogue liraglutide at 8 weeks. Tcfl2fl/fl::Ins1Cre islets displayed defective glucose- and GLP-1-stimulated insulin secretion and the expression of both the Ins2 (∼20%) and Glp1r (∼40%) genes were significantly reduced. Glucose- and GLP-1-induced intracellular free Ca2+ increases, and connectivity between individual β cells, were both lowered by Tcf7l2 deletion in islets from mice maintained on a high (60%) fat diet. Finally, analysis by optical projection tomography revealed ∼30% decrease in β cell mass in pancreata from Tcfl2fl/fl::Ins1Cre mice. These data demonstrate that Tcf7l2 plays a cell autonomous role in the control of β cell function and mass, serving as an important regulator of gene expression and islet cell coordination. The possible relevance of these findings for the action of TCF7L2 polymorphisms associated with Type 2 diabetes in man is discusse