492 research outputs found

    Reformasi Birokrasi Publik Pasca Orde Baru: Perubahan tanpa Grand Design

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    Normatively speaking bureaucratic reform is bound to be sensitive to the need for democratization, plurality and the advancement of information technology and global competition. Examination through several cases in this article leads us to conclude that the ongoing process of the attempted reform is missing its critical element: the grand design

    Reformasi Birokrasi Publik Pasca Orde Baru: Perubahan tanpa 'Grand Design'

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    Normatively speaking bureaucratic reform is bound to be sensitive to the need for democratization, plurality and the advancement of information technology and global competition. Examination through several cases in this article leads us to conclude that the ongoing process of the attempted reform is missing its critical element: the grand design

    Interaksi Eksekutif-Birokrasi di Kota Bandar Lampung = Executive-Bureaucracy Nexus in Bandar Larnpung District

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    This project seeks: (a) to describe the .pattern of nexus executives-bureaucracy in Bandar Lampung municipality(b) to analyze what are the determinants influencing those patternsto explain the implication of nexus executives-bureaucracy pattern to public policy process. It is probably useful: (a) to give a new understanding to the political behavior of government agency, especially the institution of executive and bureaucracy, in local politics based on Law of 22/1999(b) to recommend conceptual framework in order to identifying deficiency decentralization policy under Law of 22/ 1999(c) to stimulate new ideas among post-graduated students, especially Public Administration Department, Gadjah Mada University. This project applies qualitative-phenomenology as a method. Sample determined by purposive sampling. Technique of data gathering, data analysis, and verification of result research using numerous techniques that developed in qualitative-phenomenology paradigm. Various determinants caused the integration of executives-bureaucracy in Bandar Lampung municipality. First, the executive character has decisions-making power, bureaucratic leaderships, charismatic, and very powerful in course of policy making. Second, the character of bureaucracy maintaining narrow perspective, loyalties, maladministration that legitimized culturally. Bureaucracy develops social interaction through the informal and format patterns. Third, central governments remain to hold the substantive authority dealing with alternatives of procedure and substantive policy process in the bureaucracy at local government. Fourth, the bargain power of legislative has been low vis-a-vis executives and bureaucracy. Fifth, institution of state (as a representing by executives, legislative institution), remains too dominant in course of public policy. The executives-bureaucracy nexus tends to elitist and incremental. Public participation is Iow, substantive public policy does not serve public interest and abuses of power often happened. Keywords: executive-bureaucracy nexus, executive character, bureaucracy characte

    Implementasi Kebijakan Program Bantuan Pembangunan Daerah Tingkat II Studi Kasus Di Kabupaten Aceh Timur dan Kabuapaten Aceh Utara=Policy Implementation of District Level Development Asistance Program A Study In Eastern

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    Corresponding with the speedy implementation of the district level development including all aspects of the community, the scale and importance of the District Level Development Assistance Program are increasingly obvious.Furthermore, when we see that district\u27s fund capability to finance various development programs are limited, the need for the central government assistance is more urgent.District Level Development Assistance Program so called the Presidential Instruction for the District Level Development Progfam is aimed at expanding the work opportunity, encouraging and elaborating the community participation to increase people income. Such a program tends to increase for recent years as one step to accelerate the development process in the district area and, thus, achieving objectives of the program optimally.The goal of the District Level Development Assistance Program can be attained when the implementation of program has gone well. As consequently, the contributive effect of innovation and administrative skill levels of the District Government Organization plays a highly important role. Based on the study in -Easthem and Northern Aceh Districts, it was found that the effect of Innovation and Administrative Skill Levels (Independent Variable) on the Program Implementation (Dependent Variable) was significant. Keywords: Policy Implementation â Development â Assistance Progra

    Kultur Batak dalam Birokrasi Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) Kabupaten Simalungun = Batak Culture in Bureaucracy of Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) of Simalungun District

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    Batak people have value system of vision, mentality and attitude which may be called as one top local culture, Dalihan Na Tolu (Somba Marhula-hula, nzanat mardongan tubu, elek marboru). Value of Dalihan Na Tolu directly gives cues in behaving. Relation of local cultural value to bureaucracy behavior which is formed from interaction between organizational characteristic and individual characteristic, will color mode of bureaucracy behavior where the culture is taking place, so there will be a new organizational culture. This study is to examine and describe relation of Batak culture values to the Bureaucracy of BKD, Simalungun District. The method used in this study was descriptive one with qualitative approach. The data used in this study were primary and secondary data. The primary data were processed from the results of observation and interview with the Bureaucracy apparatus of BKD and a number of employees of institutions other than BKD. Whereas, the secondary data were obtained from the Secretariat of BKD. Analysis unit in this study was a set of employees of BKD, Simalungun District. The results of the study indicated that the Bureaucracy culture of BKD in Simalungun District was affected by values contained in Batak culture, Dalihan Na TA. System of consanguinity, concoisme, tribe and cognation are very dominant in individual behavior in BKD. The BKD apparatus has strong tradition, belief, and values of togetherness, so that negative attitudes appear, HOTEL (Hosom, Teal, Late), it means dislike, jealousy and arrogancy which may inhibit interaction between the employees. A leader as a king (Hula-hula) is a high and authoritative power holder. The values of Dalihan Na Tolu are meant false so that Patronage System appears. Keywords: Batak Culture, Behavior, Organizational Culture

    It’s Not Only Rents: Explaining the Persistence and Change of Neopatrimonialism in Indonesia

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    Indonesia has long been associated with neopatrimonialism, corruption, collusion, and nepotism as the main modi operandi of politics, economics and public administration. Despite various measures and initiatives to fight these practises, little evidence for a significant decline can be found over the years. Rather, longitudinal analysis points to changes in the character of neopatrimonialism. Based on more than 60 in-depth interviews, focus-group discussions, and the analysis of both primary and secondary data, the aim of this article is, first, to describe the changes that have taken place, and, second, to investigate what accounts for these changes. Political economy concepts posit the amount and development of economic rents as the explanatory factor for the persistence and change of neopatrimonialism. This study's findings, however, indicate that rents alone cannot explain what has taken place in Indonesia. Democratisation and decentralisation exert a stronger impact

    Perilaku Organisasi: Konsep Dasar dan Aplikasinya

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    Manusia adalah pendukung utama suatu organisasi dan perilaku manusia dalam suatu organisasi adalah awal dari perilaku organisasi. Agar tujuan organisasi dapat mencapai sasarannya, menjadi hal penting untuk mempelajari aspek-aspek yang mempengaruhi perilaku manusia dalam organisasi

    Pembinaan Organisasi: Proses diagnosa dan Intevensi

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    Bibliografi hlm.213-220xiv, 220 hlm.; 21 Cm

    Pembinaan organisasi : Proses diagnosa dan intervensi

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    xiv, 220 hlm.; 20,5 x 13,5 c
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