693 research outputs found

    Interactive Data Visualization using Mondrian

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    This paper presents the Mondrian data visualization software. In addition to standard plots like histograms, barcharts, scatterplots or maps, Mondrian offers advanced plots for high dimensional categorical (mosaic plots) and continuous data (parallel coordinates). All plots are linked and offer various interaction techniques. A special focus is on the seamless integration of categorical data. Unique is Mondrian's special selection technique, which allows advanced selections in complex data sets. Besides loading data from local (ASCII) files it can connect to databases, avoiding a local copy of the data on the client machine. Mondrian is written in 100% pure JAVA.

    Factors Influencing U.S Army Personnel Meeting Body Mass Index Standards

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    Factors Influencing U.S. Army Personnel Meeting Body Mass Index Standards by Salma Theus MS, California State University, Dominguez Hills, 2008 BA, La Sierra University, 2005 Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Psychology Walden University September 2014 U.S. Army Regulations require soldiers to be fit, as excessive weight negatively impacts their readiness, health, and morale. A quantitative study examined if personal, behavioral, and/or environmental factors predict a soldier\u27s self-efficacy and body mass index. Data were obtained from 117 soldiers on 6 scales: the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, the Army Physical Fitness Test, the General Self-Efficacy Scale, the Stress Management Questionnaire, the Lifestyle Assessment Inventory, and the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine if personal (intellectual capabilities and physical fitness), behavioral (lifestyle and stress management), and/or environmental (supervisor leadership) factors predict self-efficacy and body mass index in a convenience sample of battalion personnel. The analysis showed that lifestyle and stress management behavioral factors predict self-efficacy, whereas physical fitness predicts body mass index. In addition, there were significant correlations between self-efficacy, personal factors, and behavioral factors; between personal factors, behavioral factors, and body mass index; and between behavioral and environmental factors. Positive social change implications include the U.S. Army using these findings to promote healthy lifestyles, reduce stress, and increase physical fitness among soldiers to achieve higher self-efficacy and a lower body mass index. These findings also suggest that the military services would see better physical readiness by considering personal, behavioral, and environmental factors to meet standards

    Exploratory Graphics of a Financial Dataset

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    company rating, default probability, support vector machines, colour coding

    Why College - Why Accounting?

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    Leap of Faith Megaprojects: The Effect of Civic Dialogue on Megaproject Legacies in the St. Louis Region

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    Megaprojects are unique capital improvements that are defined by their large-scale development plans and construction budgets. Industrial Belt cities, like St. Louis, are no stranger to these projects, and both government actors and private developers have walked hand in hand in planning and constructing megaprojects, while assuring the general public that the benefits would always outweigh the costs. Though there has been considerable quantitative research analyzing the statistical economic effects of various megaprojects, there has been relatively little discussion on other, specifically, qualitative means of analysis. This paper will examine the role civic dialogue has on the perceived and real successes of megaprojects in the St. Louis region and compare the reactions of the public to the promises made by developers. This study consults a mix of investigative and news reports along with primary source public forums and interviews to amalgamate an interpretation on whether specific St. Louis megaprojects are qualitatively successful. Finally, this paper observes that an outmoded “leap of faith” mentality, similar to that used during the golden age of megaprojects throughout the mid-1900s, is still used by St. Louis developers to sell the project to the public. It is important for both developers and the public to better understand the impact megaprojects have had on St. Louis’ history and how to plan their future execution in a way that secures both the goals of the developers and needs of the public

    Hitchcock and the Material Politics of Looking: Laura Mulvey, Rear Window, and Psycho

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    In this essay, I argue that issues of voyeurism and scopophilia raised in Laura Mulvey’s early essay, “Visual Pleasure in Narrative Cinema,” are closely related to the social and economic shifts which occurred during the post-war period. Specifically, I argue that Mulvey’s essay articulates a particular kind of formal technique associated with what she calls “non-narrative scopophilia,” a kind of long-take shot that is utilized to great effect by Alfred Hitchcock in two of his later films, Rear Window (1955) and Psycho (1960). I argue that these shots represent a disruption to the smooth functioning of the classical Hollywood model of narrative and gender ideology in the post-war period tied closely to the changing economic realities of the period. I further argue that such a disruption is closely related to a new model of consumerism that emerges during this period

    Comparative Analysis of Comprehension of Non-Content Specific Collegiate Vocabulary in Southern Adventist University Students

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    In the HAPS community there is a documented phenomenon appearing to show a lack of mastery in non-content specific collegiate vocabulary in Anatomy and Physiology students. This research seeks to investigate possible causation and propose a solution using the microcosm of Southern Adventist University students. A knowledge-based questionnaire was distributed to six subpopulations composed of lower and upper division Biology, nursing and non-science major students. The questionnaire is comprised of two parts: a section on background and reading habits, and a section with twenty multiple choice vocabulary questions. The results were compiled into a comparative analysi

    Teaching Health in the Arlington Heights School

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    Since health is directed to a certain degree, it should be made possible for one to engage in interesting and worthwhile experiences which will contribute to the growth of the individual in desire and ability of acquiring those habits of behavior, ideas and attitudes relating to health which will enable him to live most and serve best. Some means must be provided whereby the youngest child on the school roll could have a practical personal interpretation on health. Is it not universally accepted educational principle that we learn to do by doing? Then, only a moment\u27s consideration is sufficient to see the value of instilling in the child\u27s mind simple rules and regulations which promote health. We accepted the idea that a child can learn to read and write when he becomes ready for such activities. We see this is readiness and its fruits developing at an early age. If we allow ourselves to be carried along thus far in the modern educational trend, we should not allow ourselves to become victorian where child health is concerned. When the child becomes ready to participate in other school activities, he is ready to share in the health educational program. These and other facts have been fully realized, hence, teaching health in the Arlington Heights Public School was done primarily to provide opportunities not only for the child to learn the prerequisite for good habits of health, but also to provide him with daily experiences which will bring as the reward for each education

    Uninsured Motorist Coverage in Louisiana

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