9 research outputs found
内容の要約広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(農学)Doctor of Agriculturedoctora
Reports of Studies supported by Grant-in-Aid for Research from the Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University
プロジェクト研究 Grant-in-Aid for Project Research
・リサイクル焼成カキ殻による環境改善効果の持続性に関する研究...山本民次, 佐々木晶子, キム・キョンヘ, 浅岡聡
国際共同研究 Grant-in-Aid for International Cooperative Research
・生物生産学部の海外実習における学生と地域住民の交流意識に関する調査 : フィリピン大学ビサヤ校との交流協定締結をめざして...山尾政博
基盤研究サポート Grant-in-Aid for Fundamental Research
・高精度モニタリングを利用した赤潮分布予測手法の開発...小池一彦, 有元太朗, Maung Saw Htoo Tha
Reports of studies supported by Grant-in-Aid for Research from the Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University
プロジェクト研究 Grant-in-Aid for Project Research
・ミャンマー沿岸における有害・有毒植物プランクトンの発生・増殖機構に関する調査研究...Su MYAT, Maung Saw Htoo THAW, 藤瀬里紗, Khin Ko LAY, 小池一彦
・東日本大震災における水産業・漁村の復興戦略に向けた提言作り : 東アジア海域社会の地震・津波復興に関する比較研究を通じて...山尾政博
基盤研究サポート Grant-in-Aid for Fundamental Research
・大脳によらない恐怖学習 : 魚類小脳に注目して...吉田将之
Species composition of hairtails (Trichiuridae) in Myanmar
Hairtails (family Trichiuridae) are an important group of fish for coastal fisheries worldwide. In the view to reiterate the need of management of hairtails found in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, the species composition of hairtails was investigated according to the morphological characteristics and DNA barcoding of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene. A total of 95 individual landed fish were sampled from fish markets in Yangon and Myeik. The hairtails were treated similarly to the group without species distinction at the fish markets, which consisted of five species from three genera, namely Trichiurus sp., Lepturacanthus savala, Lepturacanthus sp., Eupleurogrammus sp., and Eupleurogrammus muticus. Further studies on the biological characteristics and taxonomies are needed to establish improved approach of identifying with such fishery species in Myanmar