114 research outputs found


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    Objective: This study aims to assess the immunomodulatory potential of an Ayurvedic formulation, Nirocil syrup, in Wistar rats. Methods: The experiments were conducted on Wistar rats with prior approval from the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee. Nirocil syrup was administered for 6 weeks to experimental animals. Parameters such as hemagglutination titer, histopathology of immunological organs, complete blood count, differential leukocyte count, and immunological paw edema were recorded and compared with controlled (untreated) and becozinc treated groups. Results: Nirocil treated group significantly enhanced the antibody titer in comparison to the control group. The results are supported by the increase in blood lymphocyte count and antigenic stimulation in immunological organs (spleen). Nirocil syrup enhanced antibody formation and suppressed the immunological edema in experimental animals. Conclusions: The study concludes that the Ayurvedic formulation Nirocil syrup has immunopotentiating activity

    Awareness about cervical cancers among health workers in Shimla district, Himachal Pradesh, India

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    Background: Cervical cancer, although largely preventable, remains the most common cause of cancer mortality among women in low-resource countries. Aim of this study was to assess knowledge and awareness of cervical cancer prevention among health workers in Shimla district, Himachal Pradesh.Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among multipurpose health care workers (both males and females) in Shimla district, Himachal Pradesh. A self-administered close ended questionnaire was used. The questionnaire, consisted of two parts. The first part comprised of questions relating to demographic data and the second part had questions on knowledge about cervical cancers. The data was analyzed using the statistical analysis program SPSS version 16.0.  Tests used were Chi square, t test and ANOVA. A p-values <0.05 were considered  statistically significant.Results: Out of 122 subjects, there were 45 (36.9%) males and 77 (63.1%) females. The mean knowledge percent of the population was 55.9+16.4. Among the age groups it was highest for the age group of 21-30 years (62.5+23.6) and lowest for the age group of 51-60 years (53.6+16.4). Knowledge about risk factors was correctly reported by 44.3% of population. Who should be screened for cervical cancers was reported correctly by 29.5% and at what interval screening should be done was reported by 14.8%.Conclusions: Half of the population had moderate overall knowledge about cervical cancers, but the knowledge about risk factors and screening eligibility and screening interval was inadequate. So, education programs should be arranged for the health workers in order to prevent cervical cancers


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    Objective: The present research work aims to evaluate the hypolipidemic activity of arogyavardhini and zpter tablet in high fat diet (HFD) induced hyperlipidemia in wistar rats. Methods: Wistar rats were divided in 5 groups. The normal control group received standard pellet diet. The HFD group received HFD rich in cholesterol. The HFD+Arogyavardhini group received HFD rich in cholesterol along with Arogyavardhini treatment. The HFD+zpter group received HFD rich in cholesterol along with zpter treatment. The standard Control group received HFD rich in cholesterol and treatment with Atorvastatin. Serum Lipid profile estimation and histopathological estimations done at end treatment. Group means were compared with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey‘s post-hoc analysis (P&lt;0.05). Result: HFD group shows significant (P&lt;0.05) increase in total cholesterol (TC) levels (207.15 mg/dl) and triglyceride (TG) levels (223.83 mg/dl) when compared with standard pellet fed rats (TC=151.05 mg/dl and TG=164.67 mg/dl). Treatment with Arogyavardhini significantly (P&lt;0.05) reduces the increased levels of TC (160.123 mg/dl) and TG (189.5 mg/dl) in hyperlipedimic rats. Treatment with Zpter significantly (P&lt;0.05) reduces the increased levels of TC (163.89 mg/dl) and TG (193.167 mg/dl) in hyperlipedimic rats, which is comparable to standard treatment atorvastatin (TC= 155.81 mg/dl, TG=180.33 mg/dl). Conclusion: The observations in this study suggest that, herbal formulations arogyavardhini and zpter have the potential to overcome hyperlipidemia

    Usunięcie przemieszczonych stentów z pnia lewej tętnicy wieńcowej w trakcie przezskórnej interwencji wieńcowej techniką trappingu

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    Dislodgement and embolisation of the new generation of drug eluting stents is a very rare but recognized and potentially serious complication of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Various methods from including tangling wire, bioptome, and goose neck snare to surgical removal have been described. Here we report a case of successful retrieval of a deformed coronary stent from left main coronary artery by trapping technique.Przemieszczenie stentu nowej generacji wydzielającego lek i związany z tym zator to bardzo rzadkie, lecz znane powikłanie przezskórnej interwencji wieńcowej, które może się wiązać z poważnymi następstwami. Opisywano różne metody chirurgicznego usunięcia stentu z życiem rozmaitych narzędzi endoskopowych, w tym narzędzi z końcówką w postaci splątanego drutu, szczypczyków biopsyjnych i pętli. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przypadek skutecznej ewakuacji zdeformowanego stentu wieńcowego z pnia lewej tętnicy wieńcowej techniką trappingu

    Nietypowy elektrokardiograficzny zapis zaburzeń przewodzenia po zastosowaniu chlorochiny — opis rzadkiego przypadku

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    23-year-old man presented with Stokes-Adams attacks due to sinus node dysfunction. He was being treated for malaria with chloroquine for the last two days. Temporary pacemaker was implanted. Subsequently he developed all spectrum of atrioventricular block following recovery of sinus node dysfunction which also recovered on the fi fteenth day and was discharged. Cardiac damage, such as cardiomyopathy and conduction system disturbances, is regarded as uncommon consequences of acute chloroquines’s toxicity. Here we present a case in which chloroquine used as acute therapy for malaria resulted in conduction disorder beginning from sinus node dysfunction to Mobitz I atrioventricular block to complete heart block with recovery to normal sinus rhythm in single patient.Mężczyzna w wieku 23 lat zgłosił się do lekarza z powodu napadów Morgagniego-Adamsa-Stokesa będących następstwem dysfunkcji węzła zatokowego. Przez ostatnie 2 dni stosował chlorochinę w ramach leczenia przeciwmalarycznego. Tymczasowo wszczepiono mu stymulator serca. Po ustąpieniu zaburzeń węzła zatokowego u chorego rozwinął się pełny blok przedsionkowo-komorowy, który również ustąpił po 15 dniach i chorego wypisano do domu. Uszkodzenie serca w postaci kardiomiopatii lub zaburzeń przewodzenia jest rzadkim następstwem ostrego toksycznego działania chlorochiny. W artykule przedstawiono przypadek pacjenta, u którego po zastosowaniu chlorochiny w leczeniu ostrego napadu malarii wystąpiło całe spektrum zaburzeń przewodzenia — od dysfunkcji węzła zatokowego, przez blok przedsionkowo-komorowy typu Mobitz I, do całkowitego bloku przedsionkowo komorowego — zakończonych przywróceniem prawidłowego rytmu zatokowego

    The Botany, Chemistry, Pharmacological and Therapeutic Application of Oxalis Corniculata Linn– A Review

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    Oxalis corniculata Linn. is an endangered and medicinally important plant indigenous to tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Its medicinal usage is reported in Indian pharmaceutical codex, the Chinese, British and the American pharmacopoeias and in different traditional system of medicines such as Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha. The review reveals that wide ranges of phytochemical constituents have been isolated from the plant like flavanoids, tannins, phytosterols, phenol, glycoseides, fatty acids, galacto-glycerolipid and volatile oil. The leaves contain flavonoids, iso vitexine and vitexine-2”- O- beta – D- glucopyrunoside. It is rich source of essential fatty acids like palmitic acid, oleic, linoleic, linolenic and stearic acids and it possesses important activities like Antioxidant, Anticancer, anthelmintic, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Steroidogenic, Antimicrobial, Antiamoebic, Antifungal, Astringent, Depurative, Diuretic, Emmenagogue, Febrifuge, Cardio relaxan, stomachic and Styptic have also been reported. These repots are very encouraging and indicate that herb should be studied more expensively for its therapeutic benefits. This article briefly reviews the botany, pharmacology, biochemistry and therapeutic application of the plant. This is an attempt to compile and document information on different aspects of Oxalis corniculata and highlight the need for research and development. Keywords: Oxalis corniculata, Galacto-glycerolipid, Pharmacological activities, Antioxidant, Anticancer