34 research outputs found

    Najvažniji parametri kvaliteta pri izboru hibrida za silažu

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    The most important parameters of quality necessary in selection of hybrids for silage are presented in this study in the case of the widely grown the Maize Research Institute maize hybrids with the aim to better define their nutritive value. In order to define this value as thoroughly as possible it is necessary to conduct permanent tests of both, in vitro digestibility of dry matter by the method of Tilley and Terry and a structure of cell walls by detergent fibre method (NDF-Neutral Detergent Fibre, ADF- Acid Detergent Fibre and ADL - Acid Detergent Lignin). The most important parameters of quality are: DM yield of a whole plant, share of ears in DM yield, fibre content in acid and neutral detergent and in vitro digestibility. The comparison among hybrids is possible if exact values of the stated parameters are applied.U radu je ukazano na najvažnije parametre kvaliteta koji su neophodni kod izbora hibrida za silažu na primeru najraširenijih hibrida Instituta za kukuruz Zemun Polje svih grupa zrenja kukuruza u cilju boljeg definisanja njihovog nutritivne vrednosti kod izbora za siliranje. Da bi se izvršilo što potpunije definisanje nutritivne vrednosti hibrida neophodno je izvršiti permanentna ispitivanja in vitro svarljivosti suve materije metodom Tilley i Terry kao i strukture ćelijskih zidova primenom deterdžent metode za frakcije sirovih vlakana (NDF-neutralna deterdžentna vlakna, ADF- kisela deterdžentna vlakna, ADL kiseli deterdžent lignin). Najvažniji parametri kvaliteta su: prinos suve materije cele biljke, udeo klipova u suvoj materiji prinosa, sadržaj vlakna u kiselom i neutralnom deterdžentu i in vitro svarljivost. Korišćenjem egzaktnih vrednosti navedenih kriterijuma moguće je vršiti međusobno poređenje hibrida

    Tehnologija prerade i korišćenje kukuruza - dostignuća i perspektive

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    Since its establishment the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje has been having an extremely important role in the improvement of maize production and utilisation. The aim of this manuscript is to present results of studies on chemical composition, physical and technological grain traits, i.e. utilisable value of the most widely grown ZP maize hybrids. Previous achievements and prospects of the development of chemistry and processing technology of maize grain as a highly valuable renewable raw material for industrial processing, different technical purposes and the food and feed production are presented. Results gained in many decades of studies show that maize hybrids developed at the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje are the unique initial material for the production of starch, bioethanol and highly-valuable food and feed, as well as a reliable sign-post for researchers performing maize breeding and selection in order to direct future studies within this field.Od svog osnivanja pa sve do danas, Institut za kukuruz 'Zemun Polje' imao je izuzetno važnu ulogu u unapređenju proizvodnje i korišćenja kukuruza. Uporedo sa ispitivanjem i ocenom kvaliteta hibrida kukuruza namenjenih proizvodnji zrna vrši se selekcija, ispitivanje i ocena silažnih formi kukuruza, odnosno ocena upotrebne vrednosti i kvaliteta kukuruzne biljke za ishranu životinja. Selekcionisani su hibridi kukuruza koji se na osnovu ispitivanih parametara kvaliteta zrna mogu svrstati u hibride visokog potencijala rodnosti, visokog tehnološkog i nutritivnog kvaliteta, konkurentni hibridima kukuruza domaćih i inostranih selekcionih kompanija. U našoj zemlji Institut za kukuruz 'Zemun Polje' je jedina naučna ustanova u kojoj se već više od pola veka sveobuhvatno radi na istraživanjima unapređenja tehnologije prerade i korišćenja kukuruza. U okviru ovog naučnoistraživačkog programa postignuti su izuzetno značajni rezultati, kao u retko kojoj naučnoj oblasti. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se prikažu rezultati ispitivanja hemijskog sastava, fizičkih i tehnoloških svojstava zrna, odnosno upotrebne vrednosti zrna najšire gajenih zemunpoljskih hibrida kukuruza. Opisana su dosadašnja dostignuća i perspektive budućeg razvoja hemije i tehnologije prerade zrna kukuruza kao visoko vredne prirodno obnovljive sirovine za industrijsku preradu, različite tehničke namene i proizvodnju raznovrsne hrane za ljude i životinje. Rezultati višedecenijskih istraživanja su pokazali da hibridi kukuruza stvoreni u Institutu za kukuruz 'Zemun Polje' predstavljaju jedinstven polazni materijal za proizvodnju skroba, bioetanola i visokovredne hrane za ljude i životinje, kao i pouzdani putokaz istraživačima koji se bave njegovom selekcijom, u kom pravcu usmeriti buduća istraživanja u ovoj oblasti

    Characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Bosnian artisanal dry fermented sausage sudzuk) during fermentation

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    Bosnian sudzuk is a dry fermented sausage produced in a rural household near the town of Visoko in central Bosnia and Herzegovina. This kind of sausage was manufactured only from beef and spices in a traditional way without the addition of a starter cultures. To identify lactic acid bacteria (LAB), a total number of 160 LAB strains were isolated from five samples of Bosnian sudzuk collected over 28 days of fermentation. Preliminary identification by phenotypic tests and 16S rDNA sequencing were performed for all 160 of the LAB isolates. Identification of LAB strains from traditionally produced Bosnian sausage at the species level revealed the presence of six genera: Lactococcus sp., Enterococcus sp., Leuconostoc sp., Lactobacillus sp., Pediococcus sp. and Weissella sp.. Among the 15 distinct species identified, the species Lactobacillus plantarum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lactococcus lactis, Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus durans were present throughout the entire process of fermentation. Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactococcus lactis prevailed, with 21.8%, 19.3% and 13.1%, respectively, of total LAB strains during the entire fermentation process. Significant negative correlations (r = 0.892 and r = 0.829, respectively) between the presence of Weissella sp. and Lactobacillus sp., and between the presence of Weissella sp. and Lactococcus sp. were recorded. Lactobacillus plantarum, Enterococcus durans and Leuconostoc mesenteroides were the best producers of aromogenic compounds while 32.3% of Lactobacillus plantarum and 28.6% of Leuconostoc mesenteroides were produced exopolysaccharides

    Upotrebna vrednost kukuruzne biljke (biomase) za silažu

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    According to the estimation of leading experts, the maize utilisation for the production of silage from the whole plant, wet ear and wet grain should be one of the most important forms of its application in animal nutrition. Maize a major forage crop, because the highest accumulation of solar energy per area unit is accomplished by maize production and ensiling. At the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, selection, testing and evaluation of silage maize. The aim of this study was to draw attention to this extremely significant field of science and studies on the utilisation of the whole maize plant (biomass) in feeding of domestic animals, primarily ruminants. This paper presents and discusses previous results and achievements of long-term scientific researches on the improvement of maize plant utilisation in making good-quality silage not only in our country but also in the world.Prema procenama vodećih stručnjaka korišćenje kukuruza za proizvodnju silaže od cele biljke, vlažnog klipa i vlažnog zrna trebalo bi da bude jedan od značajnijih oblika njegove primene u ishrani životinja. Kukuruz je najvažnija krmna biljka jer se njenom proizvodnjom i siliranjem postiže najviša akumulacija sunčeve energije po jedinici površine. U Institutu za kukuruz 'Zemun Polje' paralelno sa ispitivanjem i ocenom kvaliteta hibrida kukuruza namenjenih proizvodnji zrna vrši se selekcija, ispitivanje i ocena i silažnih formi kukuruza, odnosno upotrebne vrednosti i kvaliteta kukuruzne biljke za ishranu životinja. Kao rezultat ovog naučnoistraživačkog rada poslednjih nekoliko decenija selekcionisani su hibridi kukuruza koji su na osnovu ispitivanih parametara kvaliteta za silažne forme kukuruza visokog kvalitete. Karakteriše ih: visok prinos ukupne suve i ukupne svarljive suve materije po hektaru, visoko učešće suve materije klipa u ukupnom prinosu suve materije i visoka svarljivost suve materije cele biljke kukuruza. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se skrene pažnja na ovu izuzetno značajnu oblast nauke i istraživanja upotrebe cele kukuruzne biljke (biomase) u ishrani domaćih životinja, prvenstveno preživara. Prikazani su i diskutovani dosadašnji rezultati i dostignuća višegodišnjeg naučnoistraživačkog rada na unapređenju korišćenja kukuruzne biljke za spremanje kvalitetne silaže u našoj zemlji kao i u svetu. Opisan je kukuruz kao sirovina za proizvodnju i spremanje silaže od cele kukuruzne biljke kao kvalitetne kabaste hrane za ishranu domaćih životinja

    Novija saznanja o nutritivnoj vrednosti kukuruzne silaže i njen značaj u ishrani tovne junadi

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    The study presents the latest scientific accomplishments in selection of silage hybrids with a special regard to digestibility as a quality parameter of the maize plant. The most important quality parameters, necessary in silage maize hybrid selection with the aim of completely defining their nutritive values, are presented in the case of the most demanded MRI hybrids of all maturity groups and encompass the following: the whole plant DM yield, the share of ears in DM yield, NDF, ADF and ADL content, and especially in vitro DM digestibility according to the Tilley and Terry method. Hybrids can be compared by the use of the exact values for the stated criteria and at the same time it is possible to make actual recommendations for certain production. The importance of the whole maize plant silage is manifested in beef cattle feeding, as the use of 3-12 kg silage day-1 with the appropriate feed concentrate significantly contributes to the more economic production of beef for which the demand in our country is realistic.U radu su prikazana najnovija naučna dostignuća u pogledu izbora hibrida za silažu sa posebnim osvrtom na kriterijum svarljivosti kao parametar kvaliteta kukuruzne biljke. Najvažniji parametri kvaliteta koji su neophodni pri izboru hibrida kukuruza za silažu radi potpunijeg definisanja njihove nutritivne vrednosti predstavljeni su na primeru najrasprostranjenijih hibrida Instituta za kukuruz „Zemun Polje” svih grupa zrenja i u njih se ubrajaju: prinos suve materije cele biljke, udeo klipova u suvoj materiji prinosa, sadržaj vlakna u kiselom i neutralnom deterdžentu (NDF - neutralna deterdžentna vlakna, ADF - kisela deterdžentna vlakna, ADL - kiseli deterdžent lignin), a kao posebno značajnim smatra se in vitro svarljivost suve materije po metodi Tilleyja i Terryja. Korišćenjem egzaktnih vrednosti za navedene parametre moguć e je da se obavi međusobno poređenje hibrida i daju konkretne preporuke za određenu proizvodnju. Značaj korišćenja silaže biljke kukuruza posebno se ogleda u obrocima za tovnu junad, u kojima se korišćenjem ovog hraniva u količini od 3 do 12 kg/dan, uz odgovarajuće smeše koncentrata značajno doprinosi ekonomičnosti proizvodnje junećeg mesa za koju u našoj zemlji postoje realne pretpostavke

    ZP hibridi kukuruza kao sirovina za proizvodnju silaže

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    Due to its yields, biomass quality and biomass suitability for ensiling, diversity of use in feedstuff, maize is one of the most important forage plants. In comparison with other forage plants, the production of silage maize results in the greatest accumulation of solar energy per area unit. The positive correlation between a high density of net energy and the concentration of net energy as well as between digestibility of organic matter and the concentration of net energy is achieved in the produced biomass of maize plant. The yield of silage maize in dependence on the genetic potential of yield and agroecological conditions of the production ranges from 12 to 25 tonnes of the total dry matter per hectare at physiological maturity for ensiling with the dry matter content of 35-42%. This study presents results obtained in the long-term scientific and research programme on the improvement of ZP maize hybrids utilisation carried out in the Department of Technological Research at the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje. The overall presentation of biomass quality parameters of six ZP maize hybrids (ZP 158, ZP 173/8, ZP 377, ZP 440, ZP 555 and ZP 679) of different genetic backgrounds intended for silage production is given in this study. Besides, interrelationships among these factors as well as their effects on maize biomass digestibility were established.Po visini prinosa, kvalitetu biomase i njenoj pogodnosti za siliranje, raznovrsnosti upotrebe za ishranu domaćih životinja - kukuruz je najvažnija krmna biljka. U odnosu na druge krmne biljke proizvodnjom silažnog kukuruza postiže se najveća akumulacija sunčeve energije po jedinici površine. U dobijenoj biomasi kukuruzne biljke ostvaruje se pozitivna korelacija između visokog prinosa neto energije i koncentracije neto energije, kao i između svarljivosti organske materije i koncentracije neto energije. Prinos silažnog kukuruza u zavisnosti od genetskog potencijala (rodnosti) i agroekoloških uslova proizvodnje se kreće od 12-25 tona ukupne suve materije po hektaru u fazi fiziološke zrelosti za siliranje sa sadržajem suve materije od 35-42%. U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati dugoročnog naučnoistraživačkog programa na unapređenju korišćenja ZP hibrida kukuruza kao sirovine za proizvodnju silaže u Odseku za tehnološka istraživanja Instituta za kukuruz 'Zemun Polje'. Pregledno je dat zbirni prikaz parametra kvaliteta biomase šest ZP hibrida kukuruza (ZP 158, ZP 173/8, ZP 377, ZP 440, ZP 555, ZP 679) različite genetičke osnove namenjenih za proizvodnju silaže. Pored toga, utvrđena je i međusobna zavisnost ovih faktora kao i njihov uticaj na svarljivost kukuruzne biomase

    Prinos i kvalitet biomase cele biljke četiri hibrida kukuruza za proizvodnju silaže

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    This paper presents the results of a study on the yields of green matter, dry matter and digestible dry matter of the whole plant of four ZP silage maize hybrids (gown in four different locations in the Republic of Serbia) and the quality of their whole-plant biomass. The results obtained indicate that the highest average yields of green matter (40.4 t·ha-1), dry matter (14.4 t·ha-1) and digestible dry matter of the whole plant (8.8 t·ha-1) were recorded in the ZP 707 hybrid at all four locations considered. The highest average content of lignocellulosic fibres was detected in the ZP 735 hybrid, which also exhibited the lowest dry matter digestibility of the whole plant (57.24%). The highest average digestibility of dry matter (61.00%) and NDF (NDFD - Neutral Detergent FibresDigestibility) (26.20%) of the whole maize plant was determined in the ZP 707 hybrid, which also had the lowest average content of all lignocellulosic fibres.Kukuruz je najvažnija krmna biljka po visini prinosa i kvalitetu biomase. Najvažniji parametri kvaliteta silažnih formi hibrida kukuruza su: prinos ukupne i svarljive suve materije, sadržaj i odnosi lignoceluloznih vlakana (NDF – vlakna nerastvorna u neutralnom deterdžentu, ADF – vlakna nerastvorna u kiselom deterdžentu i ADL – lignin nerastvorljiv u 72% rastvoru sumporne kiseline), svarljivost suve materije i svarljivost NDF (NDFD) cele biljke kukuruza. Svarljivost suve materije i NDFD daju preciznije podatke o kvalitetu biomase kukuruzne biljke za silažu. U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja prinosa zelene mase, suve materije i svarljive suve materije, kao i kvalitetabiomase (sadržaj i odnosi lignoceluloznih vlakana, svarljivost suve materije i NDF) cele biljke četiri silažna ZP hibrida kukuruza gajenih na četiri različite lokacije u Republici Srbiji. Rezultati su pokazali da se prosečan sadržaj suve materije cele biljke kretao od 28,03% (ZP 735) do 35,84% (ZP 707).Najviši prosečan prinos zelene mase od 40,4 t∙ha-1, suve materije od 14,4 t·ha-1 i prinos svarljive suve materije cele kukuruzne biljke za sve četiri lokacija od 8,8 t∙ha-1 imao je hibrid ZP 707. Najviši prosečan sadržaj lignoceluloznih vlakana (NDF, ADF, hemiceluloze i celuloze) imao je hibrid ZP 735 koji je imao najnižu svarljivost suve materije cele kukuruzne biljke (57,24%). Najvišu prosečnu svarljivost suve materije (61,00%) i NDFD (26,20%) cele kukuruzne biljke imao je hibrid ZP 707 koji je imao i najniži prosečan sadržaj svih lignoceluloznih vlakana: NDF (52,85%), ADF (26,11%), ADL (3,31%), hemiceluloze (26,74%) i celuloze (22,80%)

    Fizičko-hemijske karakterisrike i hemijski sastav frakcije kukuruznog oklaska

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    Morphological structure and chemical composition of basic fractions - hard and soft -of maize cob are presented in this paper. Different chemical compositions and physical and chemical properties of these fractions, first of all, their great capability to bind fluid, especially oil and water define their use as an agent for degreasing and drying. A great hardness and abrasive capability of products produced by cob milling have put them to a use for polishing in metalworking industry, while the content of certain compounds (pentosan) is of a very great importance in chemical industry in the manufacturing of furfural and its derivates. Due to their inertness neutral pH values and lack of heavy metals, these products are used as organic carriers in the production of pesticides and agrochemicals, as well as, in cosmetics and pharmacy.U radu su date fizičko-hemijske karakteristike i hemijski sastav frakcija kukuruznog oklaska dobijenih po originalnoj ZP tehnologiji. Različit hemijski sastav i fizičko-hemijske karakteristike ovih frakcije - celgran A B, C, pre svega visoka sposobnost vezivanja tečnosti, naročito ulja i vode opredeljuju njihovu upotrebu kao medijuma za odmašćivanje i sušenje. Velika tvrdoća i abrazivna sposobnost proizvoda dobijenih mlevenjem oklaska našla je primenu za poliranje u metaloprerađivačkoj industriji, a sadržaj nekih jedinjenja od posebnog je značaja u hemijskoj industriji. Zbog svoje inertnosti, neutralne pH vrednosti i odsustva teških metala ovi proizvodi nalaze primenu kao organski nosači u proizvodnji pesticida i agrohemikalija kao i u kozmetici i farmaciji

    Uslovi okoline i gustina useva kao limitirajući faktori proizvodnje silažnog kukuruza

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    In rain-fed cropping, defining the best combination of practices could achieve high forage yield and silage quality. The aim of this study was to compare energetic quality of produced silage with productive characteristics of forage maize cultivated on alluvium and hydromorphous black soil in rain-fed conditions at four plant densities (68-74,000 plants ha-1) during the period 2005-2010. Yield and energy parameters were increased to some extent at higher crop densities indicating that higher densities (74,000 plants ha-1) were potentially better for high forage and DM yields, while lower densities (70,000 plants ha-1) were better for the increase of energy parameters of produced silage.U uslovima prirodnog vodnog režima, definisanje adekvatne kombinacije mera gajenja može doprineti povećanju prinosa i kvaliteta silaže. Cilj eksperimenta je bio da se uporede energetski kvalitet silaže sa produktivnim osobinama silažnog kukuruza gajenog na aluvijumu i ritskoj crnici u uslovima prirodnog vodnog režima, pri četiri gustine useva (68-74.000 biljaka ha-1) tokom 2005-2010. godine. Prinos i energetski parametri su povećani u određenom stepenu pri većoj gustini gajenja, ukazujući da su veće gustine (74.000 biljaka ha-1) potencijalno bolje za povećanje prinosa biomase i suve materije, dok su manje gustine (70.000 biljaka ha-1) bolje za povećanje energetskih parametara proizvedene silaže

    Diversity and antibiotic susceptibility of autochthonous dairy enterococci isolates: are they safe candidates for autochthonous starter cultures?

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    Enterococci represent the most controversial group of dairy bacteria. They are found to be the main constituent of many traditional Mediterranean dairy products and contribute to their characteristic taste and flavor. On the other hand, during the last 50 years antibiotic resistant enterococci have emerged as leading causes of nosocomial infections worldwide. The aim of this study was to determine the diversity, technological properties, antibiotic susceptibility and virulence traits of 636 enterococci previously isolated from 55 artisan dairy products from 12 locations in the Western Balkan countries (WBC) of Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. All strains were identified both by microbiological and molecular methods. The predominant species was Enterococcus durans, followed by Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium. Over 44% of the isolates were resistant to ciprofloxacin and erythromycin, while 26.2% of the isolates were multi resistant to three or more antibiotics belonging to different families. 185 isolates (29.1%) were susceptible to all 13 of the antibiotics tested. The antibiotic-susceptible isolates were further tested for possible virulence genes and the production of biogenic amines. Finally, five enterococci isolates were found to be antibiotic susceptible with good technological characteristics and without virulence traits or the ability to produce biogenic amines, making them possible candidates for biotechnological application as starter cultures in the dairy industry