25 research outputs found

    Evaluation morphométrique des chevaux pur-sang Arabe en Algérie: mensurations corporelles et proposition d’équations barymétriques

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    Cette étude vise à la caractérisation morphobiométrique des chevaux de course pur-sang arabe et à l’estimation d’équations barymétriques adaptées à cette race. La caractérisation a concerné 98 chevaux, dont 44 femelles et 54 mâles, tous âgés de trois ans et plus, auprès de 77 propriétaires-éleveurs dans 3 hippodromes d’Algérie (Zemmouri, Tiaret et Caroubier). Dix-neuf mensurations étaient relevées ainsi que le poids vif (PV). Le poids moyen est de 456,2 +/- 43,0 kg, variant de 335 kg à 545 kg. La sélection des variables à inclure dans les équations barymétriques a été réalisée à l’aide de la procédure stepwise du SAS. Quatre mensurations parmi les 19 réalisées ont été retenues pour la proposition d’équations d’estimation du poids vif des chevaux : le périmètre thoracique (PT), la hauteur à la croupe (HC), la longueur de l’encolure (LE) et le tour de l’encolure (TE). Ainsi, les équations proposées pour les mâles et pour les femelles sont respectivement de : PV= 7,024*PT - 787,119 (R²=0,99); PV=6,207*PT + 0,633*HC + 0,668*TE - 0,878*LE - 746,370 (R²=0,96). Les résultats de cette étude devraient permettre aux propriétaires-éleveurs et entraineurs de suivre aisément le poids de leurs chevaux. Ce suivi est nécessaire pour adapter l’activité et l’alimentation des chevaux et favoriser leur performance en course

    Les ressources génétiques ovines en Algérie

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    Avec un cheptel avoisinant les 19 millions de têtes, l'élevage ovin occupe une place importante en Algérie. Outre sa contribution de plus de 50 % dans la production nationale de viandes rouges et de 10 à 15% dans le produit intérieur brut agricole, l’élevage ovin joue un rôle socioculturel important. Il se pratique dans toutes les zones climatiques, depuis la côte méditerranéenne jusqu'aux oasis du grand Sahara. Cette diversité pédoclimatique du plus grand pays africain offre à l’Algérie une extraordinaire diversité de races ovines, avec huit races caractérisées par une rusticité remarquable, adaptées à leurs milieux respectifs. Avec 63% du cheptel ovin total, la race Ouled Djellal, aussi appelée la race Blanche, est la plus importante race ovine algérienne. Elle est exploitée principalement pour la production de viande. La race Berbère représentant un quart du cheptel ovin national, est considérée comme la plus ancienne race algérienne. Elle est menacée par les croisements non-contrôlés avec d’autres races pour l’amélioration de son potentiel productif. La troisième race ovine très importante est la Rmbi avec 11,1% du cheptel national, considérée comme la plus lourde race ovine en Algérie avec des poids avoisinants les 90 kg chez le bélier et 60kg chez la brebis. Les races Hamra, Barbarine, D'man, Sidahou et Tazegzawt représentent ensemble moins de 1% du cheptel ovin algérien. Le déclin de ces populations illustre l’érosion dramatique que subit cette richesse exceptionnelle, appelant à la mise en place d’un plan national de gestion et de conservation des ressources génétiques

    Ovverview of goats’ health situation in Tizi-ouzou region: the case of “kabylian dwarf”

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    peer reviewedCette étude informe sur la situation sanitaire et l’impact socio-économique engendré par les différentes pathologies rencontrées chez le caprin « nain kabyle » dans la wilaya de Tizi Ouzou. Elle a été réalisée de mars 2016 à juillet 2017, à travers des enquêtes menées auprès de 36 éleveurs. Les questions ont porté sur les différentes pathologies rencontrées et leurs conséquences sur le plan économique. Les résultats ont révélé l’existence de la peste des petits ruminants (5,55%) et de la fièvre aphteuse (2,78%) sans pour autant déplorer de mortalité. Cependant, la majorité des éleveurs (91,67%) ont déclaré que leurs animaux n’ont manifesté aucune pathologie. Par ailleurs, la totalité des éleveurs enquêtés ne déclarent pas ces maladies du fait de l’absence d’assistance de la part des pouvoirs publiques. Cette situation sanitaire, non déclarée, entraine chez 100% des éleveurs la diminution des revenus et des bénéfices de leurs élevages suite à la baisse de vente de leurs animaux. Ayant eu connaissance de cette situation critique engendrée par la peste des petits ruminants et la fièvre aphteuse, les instances concernées ont mené des compagnes de vaccination gratuite à travers toute la région. Les résultats de cette étude montrent que la chèvre naine kabyle pourrait être considérée comme une race rustique et résistante aux maladies rencontrées dans sa région. Cependant, des études plus approfondies doivent être entreprises (notamment la résistance génétique aux pathologies) pour favoriser son exploitation économique durable dans son berceau

    Biometric Variability of Arabia Goat in Laghouat (Algeria) Using the Mean of the Principal Component Analysis

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    peer reviewedGenetic erosion has a great risk for local goat genetic resources around the world and in Algeria. This study is aimed to verify the homogeneity of Arabia goat through multivariate analysis. A total of 111 females aged three years or more were involved. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Classi-fication Analysis (HCA) were conducted on 14 quantitative variables. Furthermore, 7 body indices were calculated. Through the PCA, the three first factorial components accounted for 60.50% of the total vari-ability (31.02, 20.04 and 9.44%, respectively). HCA allowed classifying the Arabia population into three groups that differ significantly (p˂0.05): the group 1 (n=30, 27.03% of the total) is constituted by the small-est goats, the group 2 (n=56, 50.45% of the total) is characterized by the highest values of body length, height at withers and chest circumference and finally the group 3 (n=25, 22.52% of the total) is character-ized by the highest values of width measurements and canon circumference. Morphology indices calculated did not show a significant difference between the three groups for cephalic index, body index, body length index and thoracic development index. About body ratio, chest dactyl index, and canon thickness index, a significant difference was shown especially with group 3. This work highlighted the non-existent of mor-phometric similarity in Arabia breed of Laghouat region (Algeria)

    An overview of the welfare of animals used for scientific and educational purposes in Algeria

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    This study describes the welfare and animals used for scientific and educational purposes in the field of laboratory animal sciences in Algeria. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the status of the care and use of animals and to improve implementing plans and animal welfare measures. A literature review was performed using online databases and reference lists of the US National Library of Medicine to assess the prevalence of animal use for research in Algeria between 2013 and 2017. Also a retrospective study was conducted using the Pasteur Institute of Algeria report for 2015 to assess the prevalence of animal use in both teaching and research. The first workshop on animal experimentation was organized in 2013 in collaboration with international animal laboratory organizations (ICLAS and OIE) and involving the participation of universities, research centers, veterinary schools and the Pasteur Institute of Algeria. In addition, after accreditation of the Algerian Association of Experimental Animal Sciences, a number of training workshops and courses relating to laboratory animal sciences were organized. In Algeria the use of laboratory animals in research and education is a subject of debate regarding the need to establish regulations and to propose an appropriate ethical framework for the use of animals. Finally, some actions have been already taken in Algeria to promote the ethical use of animals but many more sustainable actions are needed and require cooperation, harmonization of policies and establishment of regional and international networks for experience exchange

    Characterization of the Hamra sheep breed in western Algeria

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    editorial reviewedThe present work is a part of a National Research Project (PNR Algeria 2022) dedicated to the development of the Hamra sheep breed in his cradle western Algeria. The aim of this study is to characterize the morphology, growth and reproductive performance of this ovine breed. A sample of 15 rams and 30 ewes were used for the morphological characterization versus a total of 1,328 head for the growth and reproduction performance carried out at the technical livestock institute in Saida area located in the western Algeria. Hamra sheep breed is small compared to other Algerian breeds. It has a dark brown (mahogany) head and legs, a blackish-blue tongue, white wool, spiral horns, and a fine, medium-length tail. Total body length is 124.5 cm for males and 110.5 cm for females, with a trunk length of 78.6 cm for males and 67.7 cm for females. Depth, width and circumference of chest are respectively 40.3 cm; 30 cm; 116.4 cm for males, and 34.2 cm; 22 cm; 99.8 cm for females. Growth monitoring showed an average birth weight of 3 to 3.6kg, depending on sex (male or female) and litter size (single or double). Live weights reached an average of 17.9kg for males and 16.2kg for females at 90th day of age. The ewes' reproductive performances are as follows: 82.2% for fertility, 97% for fecundity and 118% for prolificacy at birth and weaning. In conclusion, the Hamra breed has shown promise performances in terms of growth, but its butchering potential needs more assessments. Further studies are required to establish a conservation strategy becoming urgent by the uncontrolled introduction of genetics from other sheep breeds.PNR- Algérie12. Responsible consumption and productio

    Selective breeding of Arabian and Thoroughbred racehorses in Algeria: perceptions, objectives and practices of owners-breeders

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    This survey, conducted with 461 racehorse owners-breeders in Algeria between 2009 and 2011, investigates their perceptions, objectives and practices regarding selective breeding. Racehorse breeding is a full-time professional activity for a third of interviewees. The holdings are small-sized with 77% owning one or two mares. The regular practice of mating is here used to categorize breeders according to their degree of professionalization (38.4% professional vs. 61.6% occasional breeders). Experience in the sector was also used to classify breeders, considering as “junior” the breeders under 10 years experience (38.8%) and as “senior” those above 10 years (61.2%). More than professionalization, experience shows a significant impact on practices and objectives. Thus, experience influences breed choice (junior breeders tend to specialize while senior own both Arabian and Thoroughbreds), age at first foaling (sooner among senior breeders), information sources considered for selecting stallions (senior use more diversified sources), the importance granted to the price of mating (greater for junior breeders), the importance granted to the ranking compared to earnings (the ranking being more important to junior breeders), and the priority given to breeding (junior breeders give higher priority to a buy-race-resell activity). Finally, racehorse breeding is poorly professionalized, the only financial goal being cost coverage. Despite inappropriate practices, an interest for selection is noticed

    A basic characterization of small-holders’ goat production systems in Laghouat area, Algeria

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    Abstract In order to investigate the practices of goat breeding and establish a classification of goat herds, a survey was conducted with 106 goat breeders in the semi-arid region of Laghouat. Two indigenous breeds were encountered in this survey: the Arabia and the Mekatia; the Arabia being found as the dominant. The results show that breeders choose the breeding goats with a goal of generating more income in cash from the sale of products. The goat milk marketing chain appears to be weak. The milk produced is primary used for home consumption. A multivariate analysis categorized the goat farming of Laghouat region into three groups corresponding to three different farming systems: cluster 1 (pastoral system), cluster 2 (mixed crop-livestock system) and cluster 3 (small herds in zero grazing system). The in-depth study of the goals and contexts of goat farming in Laghouat will allow policy makers to design strategies for sustainable development of goat breeding in the region

    Reproduction performance and blood biochemical parameters in dairy cows: Relationship with oxidative stress status

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    Background and Aim: During the last decades, reproduction performances declined dramatically worldwide, but little is known concerning the involvement of oxidative stress as a causative factor. Oxidative stress may act at different levels, with negative impacts on cell membrane integrity and other active molecules with potential subsequent effects on reproduction. The aim of the current study was to investigate the oxidative stress status in cows according to their reproductive performances. Materials and Methods: Peripheral blood concentration of two oxidative stress biomarkers, glutathione S-transferase (GST) and malondialdehyde (MDA), and other biochemical parameters (glucose, total lipids, cholesterol, triglycerides, albumin, total proteins, calcium, urea, creatinine, direct bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and alkaline phosphatase) were determined in 40 healthy cows. Body condition score (BCS), calving to first service interval (FSI), calving to conception interval (CCI), and the number of service per conception (SPC) were simultaneously recorded for each cow. Results: Concerning FSI, three groups were established: Group 1 (from 44 to 60 days), Group 2 (from 60 to 70 days), and Group 3 (from 70 to 80 days). For CCI, two groups were considered: Group 1 (110 days). MDA showed significant high values only in cows with the lowest BCS (1.5) compared to cows with BCS note of 2.5 and 3.5. No significant difference was observed in cows oxidative stress status (MDA and GST) according to reproductive performances (FSI, CCI, and SPC) in all studied groups. Conclusion: The results revealed relatively altered oxidative stress status in cows with abnormal reproductive performances; however, no significant difference was recorded whatever the considered reproductive parameter