139 research outputs found


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    Waste management in schools continues to generate thoughts, interest and research because of the huge amount of the refuse that schools generation which include papers, cartons, cans, broken bottles, polymers which can be recycled but are rather turned out as rubbish to be collected as refuse. These refuse from schools are collected alongside other household refuses and heaped on streets or refuse dump with it antecedent health challenges which include unsightly heap of refuse, the odour emanating from such heap and the heap being a breeding ground for disease vectors like mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, reptiles among others. Among all the significant contributors of environmental waste, schools have been chosen for this write up since the waste generation rate and its corresponding composition has not been reported or has been underestimated. Hence, the present paper is an attempt to fill up this gap in knowledge. The objective of this paper specifically is to raise awareness among educators, learners and their families of the cause and effect of poor waste management and the benefits of recycling, reuse and reduce as waste management strategies. Also, to provide environmental tools to enhance quality of life and assist schools with portfolio development and waste minimization projects.Ā  Article visualizations

    Comparison of commercial CHO cell media formulations using material-oriented recurrent spectral libraries

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    Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are commonly used for the production of biological therapeutics. Metabolic profiles of media components can be used to monitor process variability and look for markers that discriminate between batches of product. Currently, there exists no database of CHO media components or a method for the comparison of commercial media formulations. We are creating material-oriented libraries of CHO media components that include LC-MS/MS and GC-MS data. The libraries represent all metabolites that can be detected by LC-MS/MS and GC-MS and consist of recurrent spectra that cover all known fragmentation conditions and precursors. Recurrent spectra occur repeatedly in the sample and are processed to produce high-quality consensus spectra for the library. These spectra represent all detectable metabolites, both known and unknown. In addition, we are developing tools and methods for the profiling of complex biological materials that result in compound identifications. Current profiling studies largely rely on molecular feature extraction for identifications. Especially in LC-MS, multiple molecular features can result from a single compound due to the formation of in-source fragmentation ions, adducts, multiple charge states, etc. Commercial CHO cell media formulations were precipitated with 80% methanol, evaporated to dryness under a nitrogen stream and resuspended in pure methanol to remove salts. The samples were then analyzed by LC-MS/MS and GC-MS. LC-MS/MS and GC-MS data were searched against the NIST Libraries (NIST14/2014/EPA and MS/MS for GC and LC, respectively). Following searching to generate identifications, spectra were clustered and annotated using in-house developed software. Consensus spectra were then made from the spectra and further annotated with additional identifications for the spectral libraries


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    Kematian ibu masih menjadi masalah kesehatan di Indonesia. Penyebab kematian ibu terbayak di Indonesia adalah perdarahan obstetri dan plasenta previa merupakan salah satu perdarahan obstetri yang sering terjadi. Penyebab plasenta previa belum diketahui dengan pasti, namun terdapat beberapa faktor yang meningkatkan insiden plasenta previa, seperti usia risiko tinggi, paritas tinggi, riwayat seksio sesarea, dan riwayat kuretase. Penelitian telah dilakukan di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang terhadap data rekam medis semua ibu hamil yang didiagnosis dengan plasenta previa periode Januari 2014 ā€“ Desember 2015 untuk mengetahui karakteristik kasus plasenta previa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan desain observasional. Data yang terkumpul diolah, dan disajikan dalam bentuk tabel. Penelitian ini mendapatkan jumlah plasenta previa di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil periode Januari 2014 ā€“ Desember 2015 sebanyak 38 kasus. Persentase kasus terbanyak ditemukan pada kelompok usia faktor risiko (52,6%), kelompok multipara (63,2%), kelompok yang memiliki riwayat seksio sesarea (60,5%), dan kelompok yang tidak memiliki riwayat kuretase (55,3%). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa persentase kasus plasenta previa terbanyak pada usia risiko tinggi (35 tahun), paritas terbanyak pada kelompok multiparitas, kelompok ada riwayat seksio sesarea dan kelompok tidak ada riwayat kuretase. Kata kunci : Plasenta previa, usia, paritas, seksio sesarea, kuretas

    A Comparison of Adolescents Consumption of Micro and Macro Nutrient Rich Foods

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    The study involves a comparison of pupils' consumption of macro and micro nutrient rich food as well as healthy and less healthy snacks after being exposed to a teaching model on balanced diet developed by the researcher which takes into cognisance pupils' prior knowledge of healthy eating. Healthy snacks are snacks that are low in fat and sugar while less healthy snacks are snacks that are high in fat and sugar. The study was carried out in Britain, United Kingdom in summer term of 2007. Participants were year 7 pupils of Ceredigion Local Education Authority in rural Mid-Wales, they were requested to fill-in a Food Diary of food consumed at breakfast, lunch and dinner times including mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks for five days (Thursday to Monday). This is to include both food consumed at home at weekend as well as school meals consumed at school during weekdays. There was evidence of increase of consumption of healthy snack as well as the consumption of macro nutrients (carbohydrate, fat and protein) and micro nutrients (vitamin, mineral and fibre); all six classes of food that makes up a balanced diet [1] after the intervention compared to before the intervention, although the rate of increase in the consumption of micro nutrient was not statistically significant compared to the increased in the consumption of macro nutrient. This study revealed that though the teaching model was able to alter eating behaviour in the desired direction of healthy eating which is the consumption of micro nutrient. More has to be done to encourage adolescents to consume more vitamin, mineral and fibre rich food items


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    Evaluation is centrally concerned with the making of value judgments. In the school setting, evaluation underpins the teacherā€™s development of curriculum activities, his/her selection of instructional objectives in his/her day-today lesson planning and choice of materials and methods by which to judge the progress of his/her students. Evaluation enables the teacher to make appropriate decisions about his/her on-going classroom activities and to plan future activities more purposefully and effectively in the light of his knowledge of the progress of his/her students. Appropriate decisions, however, depend upon correct judgments and these in turn can only be derived from adequate instruments and applications of knowledge glean as a result of training to become a teacher. This paper discussed the evaluation of student-teachers by supervisors who go the practicing schools to supervise the would-be-teachers (student-teachers) in order to ascertain that the would-be-teachers are putting into practice the theories and methods learnt; as well as an examination process to assess teaching effectiveness to grade the student-teachers. It was recommended that the assessment of student-teachers should be done by both the cooperating teacher (mentor) from the practicing school as well as the visiting supervisor from the training institutions as this is not currently the case.Ā  Article visualizations


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    There are few empirical evidences of the effectiveness of the various teaching practice supervision models. This study is aimed to add to the dearth of empirical evidences of effectiveness of teaching practice supervision model by evaluating the clinical supervision model. Clinical supervision is a method of supervision whereby the supervisor is involved with the pre-service-teacher in a close, ā€˜helping, relationshipā€™. Essentially, clinical supervision in education involves a teacher trainee receiving information from a supervisor who has observed the teacher traineeā€™s performance and who serves as both a mirror and a sounding board to enable the teacher trainee critically examine and possibly alter his/her own professional practice. Within the context of such supervision, ideas are shared and help is given in order to improve the teacher traineeā€™s ability through the analysis of objective data that is collected during the observation.Ā  Article visualizations


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    A speculative research was carried out on the decision of reinforcing enhanced concrete columns making use of FRP product. 4 strengthened concrete cantilever columns of 200x400x1610 mm measurements, standing for the old building and construction technique, were examined. One lap-spliced and also one continual longitudinally strengthened as construct control columns, as well as their strengthened columns were checked under consistent axial tons and also turned around cyclic side lots. n current years Fiber Reinforced polymer obtained vast use reinforcing and also repair for the light beams columns and also pieces of structures and also bridges. FRP is generally made use of in the aerospace, vehicle, aquatic, building markets and also ballistic shield. Today research is mostly concentrated on the examination of the result of on the surface adhered FRP after the toughness qualities of R.C columns. Multitude of researches on R.C columns wills reveals that the column will certainly stop working because of inappropriate or inadequate arrest. In instance of FRP, it will certainly give reliable arrest to the column, this residential or commercial property of FRP makes it much ideal as enhancing product. So I had actually prepared to examine the result of FRP on toughness as well as toughness element of RC column


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    This study aims to determine the influence of Job-Leisure Conflict on Turnover Intention with Job Satisfaction as Mediator at PT Hanindo Express Utama. The population of the study is 58 employees with 51 employeeā€™s sample. The analytical method used is The Simple Mediation Model. From this research Job Satisfaction mediate the influence of Job Leisure Conflict on Turnover Intention. Job-Leisure Conflict cannot directly influence Turnover Intention

    A Review of Digital Addiction: A Call for Safety Education

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    In reviewing digital addiction, this paper recognized that digital technology has been useful in various spheres of life and the reach is undeniable, with an ā€œaverageā€ user spending long hours on their phone or online daily. These hours increase as new applications are released by various technological companies. The demands of modern lifestyles have also lead to heavy dependence on various digital technologies for information, inter-personal relationships, entertainment and even economic transactions. There is no doubt that the over dependence on digital technology may result in addiction. Digital addiction is similar to other addictions; those suffering from it exhibit compulsive behaviour and use the virtual fantasy world as a substitution for real-life human connection. Although all of its true effects are not known, the impacts on an addicted usersā€™ life are serious and may led to social isolation, anxiety, depression, immune system disruption, brain damage and even death, Indeed, we are all at the receiving end of digital technology and deserve adequate safeguards and protections against the attendant risks of this technological revolution. In recommendations, health and safety education, time restriction and constant monitoring should be employed to safeguards healthy ways of using digital technology
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