637 research outputs found

    The evolution of H{\sc ii} galaxies: Testing the bursting scenario through the use of self-consistent models

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    We have computed a series of realistic and self-consistent models of the emitted spectra of H{\sc ii} galaxies. Our models combine different codes of chemical evolution, evolutionary population synthesis and photoionization. The emitted spectrum of H{\sc ii} galaxies is reproduced by means of the photoionization code CLOUDY, using as ionizing spectrum the spectral energy distribution of the modelled H{\sc ii} galaxy, which in turn is calculated according to a Star Formation History (SFH) and a metallicity evolution given by a chemical evolution model that follows the abundances of 15 different elements. The contribution of emission lines to the broad-band colours is explicitly taken into account. The results of our code are compared with photometric and spectroscopic data of H{\sc ii} galaxies. Our technique reproduces observed diagnostic diagrams, abundances, equivalent width-colour and equivalent width-metallicity relations for local H{\sc ii} galaxies.Comment: 13 figures and 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS Main Journa

    Emission-Line Galaxy Surveys as Probes of the Spatial Distribution of Dwarf Galaxies. I. The University of Michigan Survey

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    Objective-prism surveys which select galaxies on the basis of line-emission are extremely effective at detecting low-luminosity galaxies and constitute some of the deepest available samples of dwarfs. In this study, we confirm that emission-line galaxies (ELGs) in the University of Michigan (UM) objective-prism survey (MacAlpine et al. 1977-1981) are reliable tracers of large-scale structure, and utilize the depth of the samples to examine the spatial distribution of low-luminosity (MB>_{B} > -18.0) dwarfs relative to higher luminosity giant galaxies (MB_{B} \leq -18.0) in the Updated Zwicky Catalogue (Falco et al. 1999). New spectroscopic data are presented for 26 UM survey objects. We analyze the relative clustering properties of the overall starbursting ELG and normal galaxy populations, using nearest neighbor and correlation function statistics. This allows us to determine whether the activity in ELGs is primarily caused by gravitational interactions. We conclude that galaxy-galaxy encounters are not the sole cause of activity in ELGs since ELGs tend to be more isolated and are more often found in the voids when compared to their normal galaxy counterparts. Furthermore, statistical analyses performed on low-luminosity dwarf ELGs show that the dwarfs are less clustered when compared to their non-active giant neighbors. The UM dwarf samples have greater percentages of nearest neighbor separations at large values and lower correlation function amplitudes relative to the UZC giant galaxy samples. These results are consistent with the expectations of galaxy biasing.Comment: 17 pages, 4 tables, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in the Ap

    On the feedback from super stellar clusters. I. The structure of giant HII regions and HII galaxies

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    We review the structural properties of giant extragalactic HII regions and HII galaxies based on 2D hydrodynamic calculations, and propose an evolutionary sequence that accounts for their observed detailed structure. The model assumes a massive and young stellar cluster surrounded by a large collection of clouds. These are thus exposed to the most important star-formation feedback mechanisms: photoionization and the cluster wind. The models show how the two feedback mechanisms compete in the disruption of clouds and lead to two different hydrodynamic solutions: The storage of clouds into a long lasting ragged shell that inhibits the expansion of the thermalized wind, and the steady filtering of the shocked wind gas through channels carved within the cloud stratum. Both solutions are claimed to be concurrently at work in giant HII regions and HII galaxies, causing their detailed inner structure. This includes multiple large-scale shells, filled with an X-ray emitting gas, that evolve to finally merge with each other, giving the appearance of shells within shells. The models also show how the inner filamentary structure of the giant superbubbles is largely enhanced with matter ablated from clouds and how cloud ablation proceeds within the original cloud stratum. The calculations point at the initial contrast density between the cloud and the intercloud media as the factor that defines which of the two feedback mechanisms becomes dominant throughout the evolution. Animated version of the models can be found at http://www.iaa.csic.es/\~{}eperez/ssc/ssc.html.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in the ApJ. Animated version of the models can be found at http://www.iaa.csic.es/\~{}eperez/ssc/ssc.htm

    Heavy element abundances in blue compact galaxies

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    We present high-quality ground-based spectroscopic observations of 54 supergiant H II regions in 50 low-metallicity blue compact galaxies with oxygen abundances 12 + log O/H between 7.1 and 8.3. We use the data to determine abundances for the elements N, O, Ne, S, Ar and Fe. We also analyze Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Faint Object Spectrograph archival spectra of 10 supergiant H II regions to derive C and Si abundances in a subsample of 7 BCGs. The main result of the present study is that none of the heavy element-to-oxygen abundance ratios studied here (C/O, N/O, Ne/O, Si/O, S/O, Ar/O, Fe/O) depend on oxygen abundance for BCGs with 12 + log O/H < 7.6 (Z < Zsun/20). This constancy implies that all these heavy elements have a primary origin and are produced by the same massive (M > 10Msun) stars responsible for O production. The dispersion of the C/O and N/O ratios in these galaxies is found to be remarkably small, being only +/-0.03 dex and +/-0.02 dex respectively. This very small dispersion is strong evidence against any time-delayed production of C and primary N in the lowest-metallicity BCGs (secondary N production is negligible at these low metallicities). The absence of a time-delayed production of C and N is consistent with the scenario that galaxies with 12 + log O/H < 7.6 are undergoing now their first burst of star formation, and that they are therefore young, with ages not exceeding 40 Myr. If very low metallicities BCGs are indeed young, this would argue against the commonly held belief that C and N are produced by intermediate-mass (3Msun < M < 9Msun) stars at very low metallicities, as these stars would not have yet completed their evolution in these lowest metallicity galaxies.Comment: 37 pages, 5 EPS figures, to appear in ApJ, February 199

    Capture Velocity for a Magneto-Optical Trap in a Broad Range of Light Intensity

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    In a recent paper, we have used the dark-spot Zeeman tuned slowing technique [Phys. Rev. A 62, 013404-1, (2000)] to measure the capture velocity as a function of laser intensity for a sodium magneto optical trap. Due to technical limitation we explored only the low light intensity regime, from 0 to 27 mW/cm^2. Now we complement that work measuring the capture velocity in a broader range of light intensities (from 0 to 400 mW/cm^2). New features, observed in this range, are important to understant the escape velocity behavior, which has been intensively used in the interpretation of cold collisions. In particular, we show in this brief report that the capture velocity has a maximum as function of the trap laser intensity, which would imply a minimum in the trap loss rates.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figure

    An imaging and spectroscopic study of the very metal-deficient blue compact dwarf galaxy Tol 1214--277

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    We present a spectrophotometric study based on VLT/FORS I observations of one of the most metal-deficient blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies known, Tol 1214-277 (Z ~ Zsun/25). The data show that roughly half of the total luminosity of the BCD originates from a bright and compact starburst region located at the northeastern tip of a faint dwarf galaxy with cometary appearance. The starburst has ignited less than 4 Myr ago and its emission is powered by several thousands O7V stars and ~ 170 late-type nitrogen Wolf-Rayet stars located within a compact region with < 500 pc in diameter. For the first time in a BCD, a relatively strong [Fe V] 4227 emission line is seen which together with intense He II 4686 emission indicates the presence of a very hard radiation field in Tol 1214-277. We argue that this extraordinarily hard radiation originates from both Wolf--Rayet stars and radiative shocks in the starburst region. The structural properties of the low-surface-brightness (LSB) component underlying the starburst have been investigated by means of surface photometry down to 28 B mag/sq.arcsec. We find that, for a surface brightness level fainter than ~ 24.5 B mag/sq.arcsec, an exponential fitting law provides an adequate approximation to its radial intensity distribution. The broad-band colors in the outskirts of the LSB component of Tol 1214-277 are nearly constant and are consistent with an age below one Gyr. This conclusion is supported by the comparison of the observed spectral energy distribution (SED) of the LSB host with theoretical SEDs.Comment: 17 pages, 11 Postscript figures, uses emulateapj.sty, to appear in Astronomical Journa

    Structure and large scale environment of galaxy pairs in the S-PLUS DR4

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    In this paper, we use photometric data from the S-PLUS DR4 survey to identify isolated galaxy pairs and analyse their characteristics and properties. Our results align with previous spectroscopic studies, particularly in luminosity function parameters, suggesting a consistent trait among galaxy systems. Our findings reveal a high fraction of red galaxies across all samples, irrespective of projected distance, velocity difference, or luminosity ratio. We found that the proximity of a neighbour to its central galaxy influences its colour due to environmental effects. We also found that central and neighbour have different behaviours: central galaxies maintain a stable red colour regardless of luminosity, while neighbour colours vary based on luminosity ratios. When the central is significantly brighter, the neighbour tends to be less red. According to our division in red, blue and mixed pairs, we found evidence of galactic conformity. Red pair fractions increase in closer pairs and in pairs of similar luminosity, indicating shared environments promoting red galaxy formation. Analysing local density, the expected colour-density relation is of course recovered, but it is strongly determined by the stellar mass of the pair. In denser environments, the red pair fractions increase, blue pairs decrease and for mixed pairs it depends on their stellar mass: more massive mixed pairs decrease their fraction whereas the lower massive ones increase it. These results shed light on the intricate relationship between galaxy pairs, their characteristics, and environmental influences on colour, providing insights into their evolutionary histories.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA