6 research outputs found


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    Growth of frequency of squamous cell cancer of oropharynx and dominance of locally-spread forms of a tumor at 60 % with the early infiltrative growth and metastasis in regional lymph nodes reduce results of treatment to 40 %. The combination in a uniform course of treatment of operation, radiation therapy and chemotherapy doesn’t exclude risk the lokoregional of a recurrence at 30–60 % and at 18 % – isolated metastases. At patients at the age of 50 years with cancer of oropharynx 5 years treatment doesn’t exceed 40 %. At the same time switching on in programs of radiation and combined treatment with chemotherapy (CT) increases effectiveness of traditional methods to 69 %. New technologies of conformal radiation therapy (CRT); HDR brachytherapy with the radio modifying agents and PHT, including target drag – are implemented everywhere in case cancer of oropharynx. However CRT 66–70 Gr provides local control in case of 5–10 years’ observation only at 57 %; lokoregion – 50 % with the overall (OS) survival – 47 % and 35 %, respectively. There are data on detection of mutations in EGFR gene in case of malignant diseases of an oral cavity and throat. Directional application the target drag – EGFR blockers, for example a cetuximab (erbitux) in the first line of therapy of planocellular cancer of the head and neck increases survival indices. On the other hand, the raised expression of a gene of EGFR can correlate with progressing of a disease and the poor results. The aim: to provide new technologies of CRT with brachytherapy 192Ir and chemotherapy of 30 patients with cancer of cancer of oropharynx with assessment of presence of retrospectively probed mutation at EGFR gene. Results of CRT and HDR brachytherapy depended on tumor localization in oral cavity, a stage and prevalence of process, prognostic factors and treatment. CRT improved results of multimodal treatment and quality life of patients: the OS is reached at 100 % of patients with cancer of a lip; 66,7 % of patients with cancer of tongue and 75 % of cancer mouth bottom. EGFRvIII weren’t revealed in one of analysed samples of tumor. The positive effect from target therapy erbitux wasn’t registered at one of two treated patients without mutations of EGFR.Рост частоты плоскоклеточного рака орофарингеальной области (ОФО) и преобладание местнораспространенных форм опухоли у 60 % с ранним инфильтративным ростом и метастазированием в региональные лимфатические узлы до 40 % снижают результаты лечения. Сочетание в едином курсе лечения операции, лучевой терапии и химиотерапии не исключает риск локорегиональных рецидивов у 30–60 %, а изолированных метастазов у 18 % больных. У больных в возрасте 50 лет с опухолями ОФО 5-летнее излечение не превышает 40 %. При этом включение в программы лучевого и комбинированного лечения полихимиотерапии (ПХТ) повышает результативность традиционных методов до 69 %. Внедряются новые технологии конформной дистанционной лучевой терапии (КЛТ); высокомощностной (HDR) брахитерапии с радиомодифицирующими агентами и ПХТ, в том числе таргетными препаратами. Однако КЛТ 66–70 Гр обеспечивает локальный контроль при 5–10-летнем наблюдении у 57 %; локорегиональный – у 50 %, с общей выживаемостью – 47 % и 35 % соответственно. Имеются данные о выявлении мутаций в гене EGFR при злокачественных заболеваниях полости рта и глотки. Направленное применение таргетных препаратов – блокаторов EGFR, например цетуксимаба (эрбитукса), в первой линии терапии плоскоклеточного рака головы и шеи увеличивает показатели выживаемости. С другой стороны, повышенная экспрессия гена EGFR может коррелировать с прогрессированием заболевания и плохим прогнозом. Цель исследования – представить новые технологии конформной дистанционной ЛТ с брахитерапией источником 192Ir и химиотерапией у 30 больных раком ОФО с оценкой присутствия ретроспективно исследованной мутации в гене EGFR. Результаты конформной дистанционной лучевой терапии и HDR брахитерапии зависели от локализации опухоли в полости рта, стадии и распространенности процесса, прогностических факторов и схем лечения. КЛТ улучшила результаты мультимодального лечения и качество жизни пациентов: общая выживаемость у больных раком губы составила 100 %; у больных раком языка – 66,7 %, у больных раком слизистой дна рта – 75 %. Мутации гена EGFRv.III не были выявлены ни в одном из исследованных образцов опухоли. Положительный эффект от таргетной терапии эрбитуксом не был зарегистрирован ни у одного из двух пролеченных больных с отсутствием мутаций гена EGFR

    Tannins of Deciduous Trees Bark as a Potential Source for Obtaining Ecologically Safe Wood Adhesives

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    The bark of deciduous trees grown in Latvia: grey alder, black alder, ash tree and goat willow were sequentially extracted using solvents of increasing polarity. The data about total content of both lipophilic and hydrophilic compounds were obtained using sequentially extraction with hexane and ethanol. The highest yields of hydrophilic extractives were found for grey alder and ash tree barks (25.7% and 25.8%, respectively). Hydrophilic extract from the both alder species contained high amount (up to 12% on bark dry mass) of condensed tannins (CT) or oligomeric proanthocyanidins, whereas CT content of extract from ach tree was negligible. The main component of ethanol-water extract from alder bark was identified using 13C NMR and MALDI–TOF MS spectroscopy as a mixture of A- and B-type oligomeric procyanidins with the epicatechin units polymerization degree of 2-7. Ecologically friendly wood adhesives were obtained on the condensed tannin basis

    Modern Trends of Radiotherapy Cancer Oral Cavity

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    Growth of frequency of squamous cell cancer of oropharynx and dominance of locally-spread forms of a tumor at 60 % with the early infiltrative growth and metastasis in regional lymph nodes reduce results of treatment to 40 %. The combination in a uniform course of treatment of operation, radiation therapy and chemotherapy doesn’t exclude risk the lokoregional of a recurrence at 30–60 % and at 18 % – isolated metastases. At patients at the age of 50 years with cancer of oropharynx 5 years treatment doesn’t exceed 40 %. At the same time switching on in programs of radiation and combined treatment with chemotherapy (CT) increases effectiveness of traditional methods to 69 %. New technologies of conformal radiation therapy (CRT); HDR brachytherapy with the radio modifying agents and PHT, including target drag – are implemented everywhere in case cancer of oropharynx. However CRT 66–70 Gr provides local control in case of 5–10 years’ observation only at 57 %; lokoregion – 50 % with the overall (OS) survival – 47 % and 35 %, respectively. There are data on detection of mutations in EGFR gene in case of malignant diseases of an oral cavity and throat. Directional application the target drag – EGFR blockers, for example a cetuximab (erbitux) in the first line of therapy of planocellular cancer of the head and neck increases survival indices. On the other hand, the raised expression of a gene of EGFR can correlate with progressing of a disease and the poor results. The aim: to provide new technologies of CRT with brachytherapy 192Ir and chemotherapy of 30 patients with cancer of cancer of oropharynx with assessment of presence of retrospectively probed mutation at EGFR gene. Results of CRT and HDR brachytherapy depended on tumor localization in oral cavity, a stage and prevalence of process, prognostic factors and treatment. CRT improved results of multimodal treatment and quality life of patients: the OS is reached at 100 % of patients with cancer of a lip; 66,7 % of patients with cancer of tongue and 75 % of cancer mouth bottom. EGFRvIII weren’t revealed in one of analysed samples of tumor. The positive effect from target therapy erbitux wasn’t registered at one of two treated patients without mutations of EGFR

    Characterization of Bark Rich-In-Tannins Extracts from Deciduous Trees with Emphasis on Their Antioxidant Activity

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    The barks of deciduous trees spread over a wide area of Northern Europe, were sequentially extracted using solvents of increasing polarity. The highest yields of hydrophilic extractives were found for ash tree and goat willow (23.6% and 23.8%, respectively). The highe st total contents of polyphenols were found for black alder and goat willow bark (0.18 GAE  g -1 and 0.12 GAE  g -1 , respectively). Hydrophilic extract from the both grey and black alder barks contained high amount (up to 7 % on bark dry mass) of condensed tannins (CT) or oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC). In tests with free radicals (ABTS ●+ , DPPH ● ), the high radical scavenging capacities of the hydrophilic extracts enriched with OPC were demonstrated. The antioxidant efficiency of the hydrophilic extracts and purified OPC from alder barks was tested by their influence on thermo-oxidative destruction of model polyurethane (PU) films. The hydrophilic extracts enriched with tannins have good potential as a technical antioxidant for polyurethanes, with the most prominent activity for the hydrophilic extract from black alder and goat willow bark