1,819 research outputs found

    Members’ Savings Behavior and Determinants of Savings in Rural Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Alamata and Ofla Woredas of Tigray Region, Ethiopia

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    Ethiopia’s Agriculture Development led industrialization strategy (ADLIS) has the basic objective of reducing rural poverty, increasing agricultural production and productivity. Though agriculture is the crucial sector in the national economy, its production and productivity is unsatisfactory. There are different types of banking and non-banking financial intermediaries in the world, and they differ in the services they offer to their clientele. In Ethiopia, there are two types of non-banking financial intermediaries: share company microfinance institutions, and savings and credit cooperatives. The delivery of financial products and services through microfinance institutions in Ethiopia is one of the policy instruments used to enable rural and urban households to increase their output and productivity, induce technology adoption, increase input supply and increase income thereby helping them to reduce their poverty and attain food security. The specific objectives of the study were to examine savings behavior of members in rural savings and credit cooperatives, to identify factors that influence the magnitude of savings of members of RUSACCOS and to suggest strategies to improve the savings behavior of members of RUSACCOS. This study was undertaken in Alamata and Ofla woredas of the Tigray Region. From ten RuSACCOs, 130 member respondents and 50 officials were selected respectively. Both primary and secondary data were collected. Descriptive statistics of the study showed that between the dependent and independent variables of the study, all selected variables except educational level of respondents influenced the savings behavior of members. To identify factors that influence the magnitude of savings, the second stage of estimation (OLS regression) was used to ascertain the variables which significantly influence members’ annual savings magnitude in RUSACCOS. Seventeen variables were hypothesized that significantly influence the members’ savings magnitude in RUSACCOS, by removing the most insignificant variables the OLS result shows that only eight variables (members age, land holdings, livestock holdings, distance of the respondent’s residence from RUSACCOS office, the amount of onfarm income, expenditure on social/religious ceremonies, amount of loan received from savings and credit cooperatives and access to training) were significantly related to the magnitude of members’ annual savings in the RUSACCOS. The study concluded that RUSACCOS are becoming appropriate options for the rural households which are providing financial services and products to the rural community. Hence, to promote these financial institutions in the rural areas in a sustainable manner, the study suggested some measures to be taken by the concerned organizations. The government and non government organizations may encourage savings and credit cooperatives first rather than spreading the resource over all the cooperatives in the region, because savings and credit cooperatives societies are the surest ways of increasing savings and lowering the cost of living, mobilize rural finance and create investment in rural area of the region

    Iterative Algorithms for Nonlinear Equations and Dynamical Behaviors: Applications

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    Numerical iteration methods for solving the roots of nonlinear transcendental or algebraic model equations (in 1D, 2D or 3D) are useful in most applied sciences (Biology, physics, mathematics, Chemistry…) and in engineering, for example, problems of beam deflections. This article presents new iterative algorithms for finding roots of nonlinear equations applying some fixed point transformation and interpolation. A method for solving nonlinear systems (in higher dimensions, for multi-variables) is also considered. Our main focus is on methods not involving the equation f(x) in problem and or its derivatives. These new algorithm can be considered as the acceleration convergence of several existing methods. For convergence and efficiency proofs and applications, we solve deflection of a beam differential equation and some test experiments in in Matlab.  Different (real & complex) dynamical (convergence plane) analyzes are also shown graphically. Keywords: nonlinear equations, deflection of beam, iterations, dynamical analysis, applications, 2

    Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Water Availability of Bilate Watershed, Ethiopian Rift Valley Basin

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    Nowadays climate change is expected to affect society in a number of ways ranging from food security to water resources. Water plays an important role in the socio-economic development of any society. Thus, this study mainly deals with assessing climate change impact on water availability of Bilate watershed, Ethiopian Rift Valley Basin. The watershed is situated in Ethiopian Rift Valley Basin and covers an area of about 3643 km2 in which Bilate river is the main river flowing throughout the year.To project the probable impact of climate change on the available water, HadCM3 coupled atmosphere-ocean GCM model was used since it is the only GCM model that has grid box containing the study area for SDSM. The output of HadCM3 coupled atmosphere-ocean GCM model for the A2a and B2a SRES emission scenarios were used to produce future scenarios of precipitation and temperature. Climate change scenarios of precipitation and temperature were developed at two upper and lower stations of the watershed for three periods namely; 2020s (2011-2040), 2050s (2041-2070) and 2080s (2070-2099 and their respective changes were determined as deltas (for temperature) and as percentages (for precipitation) from the base period values. The future climate variable such as daily precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature found as an output from the GCM model and downscaled by the SDSM model and likely change in land use were given directly as an input to the SWAT model. The SWAT simulation of future average annual flow shows a decreasing trend in 2011-2040 periods and an increasing trend in 2041-2070 periods. The average total annual flow at outlet of the watershed might decrease up to 3.7% for A2a scenario and 1.5% for B2a scenario for the 2011-2040 periods but for 2041-2070 periods it might increase up to 2.6% for A2a scenario and 3.7% for B2a scenario. The decrease in the future flow of 2011-2040 periods might be insufficient in some months to meet future demands for water of the ever increasing population with in and around the watershed. Adopting water storage options to store the excess water flowing during the rainy period is crucial. Keywords: A2a, B2a, Bilate, Climate Change, Ethiopia, GCM, HadCM3, Rift Valley, Scenario, SDSM, SRES, SWAT, Water storag

    Major animal health problems of market oriented livestock development in Alamata woreda

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    An attempt was made to study major health problems of livestock in Alamata Woreda, northern Ethiopia, from December 2006 to April 2007. Questionnaire survey was carried out on 100 livestock owners to collect information on the livestock production system and the major health problems recognized by farmers in the study area and cross sectional study on 841 diseased animals, which constitute 334 cattle, 185 sheep, 173 goats, 56 equines (donkeys and mules) and 93 camels was under taken. During the cross sectional study from the whole diseased animals which were presented to Alamata, Gargelle and Tumga Veterinary clinics, 841 animals were selected randomly from each species and then they diagnosed base on history, general and systemic examinations and laboratory tests to identify diseases (cases) that frequently affect animals in the study area during the study time. The questionnaire survey result revealed that in cattle infectious diseases (47%) is the most important health problem, followed by miscellaneous case (27%) and parasitic problem (26%), in sheep parasitic problems (49%) followed by infectious diseases (27%) and miscellaneous cases (24%) are the common health constraints and similarly in goats the most important health problems were those caused by parasites (42%) followed by infectious cases (38%) and miscellaneous diseases (20%). In equines (donkeys and mules) miscellaneous cases (63%) followed by parasitic diseases (22%) and infectious diseases (15%) were identified. While in the camel the predominant health problems were miscellaneous cases (68%) and parasitic diseases (32%), respectively. In poultry NCD (54%) was the most devastating infectious disease followed by parasites (41%) and predators (5%). Results of the cross sectional study also indicated that septicemic pasteurollosis (19%) in small ruminants, tick challenge (14%) in all species and particularly cattle, traumatic injury/wound (11%) in all species and especially in cattle and camel, LSD (9%) in cattle were the leading cases which were diagnosed from December 2006 to April 2007. During the cross sectional study, it is also pointed out that LSD and pasteurollosis in cattle and small ruminants, respectively occurred as outbreak and resulted in deaths of many animals. The study also addressed that the animal production system in the study area in general is traditional with a number of problems. Most of the respondents complained that animal feed followed by water shortage is serious problem. They also indicated that during animal marketing disease transmission is a big problem

    A Study on the Working Capital Management of Agricultural Cooperative Unions in Tigray

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    In this modern and competitive business world the need of improved, capable and flexible managerial skills to manage the working capital is very crucial. Cooperatives as business of the poor section of the society with the core mission of improving the living standards of the owners, they need strong support and control in improving their management. Hence, an attempt was made in this research work to study the working capital management of the Cooperative Unions in Tigray Regional State, Ethiopia. However, the result of the study shows that the overall performances of Cooperative Unions are not satisfactory. The management of these Unions has by far remained back when compared with other forms of competitive businesses in the market. The Cooperative Unions’ position on liquidity, solvency, and efficiency in the resources management and profitability shows fluctuating trends in the study period, 2004/5 – 2006/7. The compositions and proportions of their current assets and current liabilities indicate that they are not well managed in a way to earn profits. The percentage changes on the income statement and balance sheet items have also showed fluctuating trends, in the years stated. This is also used as a device to test the weakness or strength of the management in controlling the working capital level of their Unions. Of course there are many factors which could be mentioned for the weaknesses registered. According to the assessment made the main factors for the less profitability of these Unions are related with their internal managerial weaknesses and external influences. Some of the problems mentioned are: lack of skilled personnel including the board members; lack of adequate and timely market information, stiff competition in the market, lack of coordination vii among Unions; lack of cost minimization and working capital management, and the government interference. On the basis of these results, therefore, stakeholders’ of Cooperative Unions are recommended to take corrective measures on employing trained and skilled personnel. Moreover, the board members should be trained and even elected based on experiences and some educational backgrounds. Structural improvements which enable Unions to decide in a fast manner with flexibility are also recommended. Cooperative Unions should be audited and reports should be prepared yearly. There should also be a mechanism of providing accurate and reliable information independently. There should be clear guidelines and other working manuals about their credit policies. Moreover, standards of evaluation should be set so that Unions based on the same industry can be evaluated and judged so as to identify their weaknesses and strengths

    Renewable Energy Use for Continuous Electric Vehicles Battery Charging Capacity in Mobile

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    This paper presents and studies on renewable energy use, by integrating solar and wind energy, for continuous electric vehicles battery charging capacity in mobility. Modeling of the solar and wind power extraction and vehicle’s battery charging potential was performed using MATLAB. And the modeling result shows that the power output from the proposed renewable energy was desirable and appreciable for other researches. The average power gets from renewable energy, solar and wind combination, extract up to  2.5 kW, and it is 25 % power need of the, 10 kW use motor, vehicle. It can be used worldwide due to its high efficiency, free global warming and health issue, and charge time saving technology. Keywords: Battery Charging, Charging Capacity, Electric Vehicle, Photovoltaic, Win

    The Assessment of Causes and Consequences of Medical Staff Absenteeism and Turnover in Arba Minch General Hospital

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    The purpose of this study is to assess the causes of medical staff absenteeism and turnover in case of Arbaminch General Hospital. In addition, it explores the  consquences/ impact of  absenteeism and trunover on patients care,workload on medical staff and reputation on Arbaminch  General Hospital. To this end, the study employed a descriptive, correlation and regession analysis.  Data was collected using closed ended structured questionnaires by applying Likert scale  which were  filled  by  full time  medical staff (N= 50). The findings indicate that demographic factors such as marital status, working experiences, educational level and have significant negative correlation with absenteeism and turnover. Organizational factors such as working condition and work load have positive significant correlation with medical staff absenteeism and turnover.  In contrast, all studied organizational factors such as compensation/ incentive program, promotional opportunities, managerial style, training and development and career development are significantly negatively correlated with both absenteeism and turnover. The findings also indicated that medical staff absenteeism and turnover had consequences on patient care, increasing workload on existing staff, and bad reputation for hospital. Furthermore, both absenteeism and turnover have resulted in demoralization of existing medical staff at Arbaminch General Hospital. Keywords: Demographic Variables, Job Factors, Organizational Factors, Patient Care, Demoralization, Absenteeism, Turnove

    Consumer Response To Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) At Bridgewater College

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    With the development of multinational companies (MNCs), corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a very important component of corporate strategic plan. This study provides preliminary evidence that consumer response about the CSR behavior of Multinational Corporation are determined by different factors. In order to identify and measure the effects of CSR behavior on consumer response, I used quantitative research by creating an online survey to analyze three objectives. Nike was specifically included in the survey due to its popularity on college campuses. The results show that knowledge/awareness of CSR have some meaningful influence on millennial purchasing behavior; however, extensive student engagement in classrooms and outside classrooms are crucial to assure that procuring decisions are geared towards corporations with good CSR record or initiatives

    Explorations of Three Rock Art Sites in Northwestern Tigray, Ethiopia

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    This article presents the result of archaeological reconnaissance carried in 2001 and 2004 with the support of the Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage in the districts of Tselemti and Tahtay Koraro in North western Tigray Administrative Zone. The objective of the research was to explore and document foot prints of ancient humans in the northern western periphery of Ethiopia. The study resulted with the discovery of three rock-art sites dating between 5000 BP and 2000 BP.  The paintings of these rock art sites portray domestication scenes of cattle, sheep and goat. Thus, they can be categorized under the two phases of Dahthami and Surre-Hanakiya of the Ethio-Arabian Styles. They furnish an evidence of contacts between the populations of Ancient Sudan, South Sudan, Egypt and those of the Northern Horn in the aforementioned period

    Local Production and Use of bio-ethanol for Transport in Ethiopia

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    This thesis describes bio-ethanol production and use for transport fuel in Ethiopia, focusing on current status and potential, barriers, implications and recommendations for a sustainable market. The need for such research is justified as it paves the way for bio-ethanol development in Ethiopia towards a more sustainable path as challenges are surmounted. Bio-ethanol from molasses is identified in Ethiopia to substitute gasoline in as much quantity as possible as an attempt to reduce the burden of foreign currency requirement for importation of petroleum products. Despite the availability of bio-ethanol and the potential to produce more, as well as repetitive efforts to use bio-ethanol for transport fuel, it has not materialized yet. The following research questions are addressed to investigate the problem and put forward recommendations. (1) What is the current status and future potential of bioethanol from molasses in Ethiopia? (2) What are the barriers to and implications of the production and use of bio-ethanol? (3) What lessons can be taken from Brazil to stimulate sustainable bio-ethanol development in Ethiopia? Different approaches were utilized to investigate these questions. The theoretical background on main issues of bio-ethanol that include barriers and implications associated with the development of bio-ethanol at an international level were investigated from literature. Experience of Brazil on the successful bio-ethanol development was studied. A detailed contextual assessment was investigated to determine the status and future potential of bio-ethanol production and use, the main players in the supply chain (actors, networks and institutions), the barriers and implications. The result indicates that technical and economic as well as issues related to policies and regulations are main factors for hindering the progress of the bio-ethanol use and production expansion in Ethiopia. Based on Brazil’s experience, recommendations were forwarded to overcome the barriers and minimize the negative implications to speed-up the development of a sustainable bio-ethanol market in Ethiopia
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