73 research outputs found

    Supplement 1. Details of site location, age, and area with corresponding abundance and diversity measures of trap-nesting Hymenoptera and a list of morphospecies found in each habitat type at each sampling date.

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    <h2>File List</h2><blockquote> <p><a href="site_table.csv">site_table.csv</a> -- Site data.</p> <p><a href="species_table.csv">species_table.csv</a> -- Species collection data.</p> <p><a href="site_table.zip">site_table.zip</a> -- All files at once. </p> </blockquote><h2>Description</h2><blockquote> <p>The file site_table.csv gives details of the location, age, area, and habitat type of each plot, with species richness, individual abundance and Shannon index over the entire year. The first row contains column headings. Column (1) gives the habitat type (forest fragment, abandoned coffee, coffee, pasture or rice). The second and third columns give the GPS coordinates (UTM 17) of the plots in metres (2) East and (3) South respectively. Column (4) gives the elevation of the plot in metres. Column (5) gives the area of the plot in hectares and column (6) gives the age (years in cultivation with that particular habitat type) of the plot. The remaining columns give data for the trap-nesting Hymenoptera communities found over an entire year in the particular plot (i.e. the combined data from 9 traps). Column (7) gives the species richness, (8) gives the number of individual larvae found in the traps and (9) the Shannon diversity Index.</p> <p>A list of all morphospecies of bees and wasps found in trap nests in five habitat types in Manabi, Ecuador is provided in species_table.csv with an indication of the habitat types and months in which it was found. The first row contains column headings. Column (1) gives the morphospecies name. Identified species have genus and/or species names in italics. The remaining morphospecies are given a number within the taxonomic level to which they were identified. For example, there were three species of bees from the family Apidae, and these are labeled Apid sp.1, Apid sp.2 and Apid sp.3. The remaining columns represent months during the study year (June 2003 – May 2004) with the final column (14) giving a total for the entire year. Each cell in columns (2) – (14) gives a letter code for the habitat type in which the morphospecies was found R = rice, P = pasture, C = coffee, Ac = abandoned coffee, F = forest fragment. It is therefore possible to see in which habitats and which months each morphospecies was found to be present in the trap-nests.</p> <p>Checksum info for site_table.csv:</p> <p>Type (Column A) check-sum = Non numerical data</p> <p>E (Column B) check-sum = 471930855</p> <p>S (Column C) check-sum = 27179295</p> <p>Elevation (Column D) check-sum = 11154</p> <p>Area (Column E) check-sum = 158.1</p> <p>Age (Column F) check-sum = 1028</p> <p>Number of species (Column G) check-sum = 503</p> <p>Number of individuals (Column H) check-sum = 14286</p> <p>Shannon index (Column I) check-sum = 77.18</p> <p>0 missing values</p> <p>species_table.csv contains non-numerical data</p> </blockquote

    Appendix D. Table for general linear models testing the effect of parasitoid diversity pooled over the entire sampling period on rates of parasitism for the six most common host species.

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    Table for general linear models testing the effect of parasitoid diversity pooled over the entire sampling period on rates of parasitism for the six most common host species

    Appendix A. A table showing monthly temperature (°C) and rainfall (mm) in Pajan, Ecuador, within our study region in 2003.

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    A table showing monthly temperature (°C) and rainfall (mm) in Pajan, Ecuador, within our study region in 2003

    Appendix B. Parasitoid species/morphospecies, mode of attack, hosts parasitized in our study, and the habitat types in which they were found.

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    Parasitoid species/morphospecies, mode of attack, hosts parasitized in our study, and the habitat types in which they were found

    Appendix A. An overview of species and their frequency of occurrence in pooled transects and centers of organic and conventional fields.

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    An overview of species and their frequency of occurrence in pooled transects and centers of organic and conventional fields


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    Data collected in the field and used for the analysis. Column description: "Landscape" is the ID of the wheat field within a 500m radius landscape. "Sampling_Year" is the year of the data collection. "Within_field_position" denotes the transects where arthropods have been collected. "Aphid_density" and "Predator_density" are aggregated numbers of aphids and predators respectively, collected at each transect. "Predator_Prey_ratio" is the ratio between predator and prey numbers. "Parasitism_rate" is the proportion of parasitized aphids. The remaining columns are the landscape variables crop Shannon diversity (SHDI), field border length in kilometers (FBL_Km), grassy field boundary length in kilometers (GBL_Km) and the annual change in aphid host habitats (%_ΔHab)


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    "allData_Dryad" is an Exel file consisting of three sheets with data collected in the field and used in the analyses of this paper. The file includes yield data, herbivory data, and pollinator observation data
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