4 research outputs found

    Wireless ad hoc Sensor Networks for City Street Light Maintenance

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    Wireless embedded devices, especially those of the open source hardware/software kind have seen rapid growth in recent years. This kind of devices when combined with ad hoc networks and sensor data can be a low-cost and highly scalable solution to many applications. In this paper we describe the experience of taking this concept of network infrastructure, developing application infrastructure and applying it, as a prototype, to a practical situation for a medium-sized city in the Buenos Aires province outer area, Argentina. We implement a novel sensor data delivery platform using open source hardware and software focused on streetlight maintenance at a fraction of the commercial implementation costs. To the extent of our knowledge this is the first system developed, deployed and documented in a Latin American country. Also presented in this paper is the system architecture as well as the design of hardware and software components as well as the results obtained.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ

    When Matthew met Matilda. Gender discrimination in Public Funding of Scientific Activity in Argentina

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    Identifying gender discrimination in the allocations of public grants is a matter of key importance. The objective of this article is to explore the presence of gender bias in the allocation of public funds to support scientific activity by studying the Fund for Scientific and Technological Research (FONCYT) in Argentina. In order to identifying gender discrimination in the allocations of grants, we test the presence of Matthew and Matilda effects. The former is related to the positive feedbacks between previous access to public funds and present possibilities of accessing. The latter, in turn, refers to lower level of probabilities of accessing and remaining for women. Research questions are about the existence and verification of Matthew and Matilda effects. The database consist of all the researchers that applied to FONCYT between 2003 and 2015, whether they were granted or not. Available information includes participation into the program together with their scientific production, academic achievements, and demographic information -such as date of birth, gender, place of residence, academic affiliation, years of experience, and other relevant data is considered. The period under analysis coincides with a period of significant expansion of the fund given by an increase in the level of financial resources. Additionally, the information related to academic productivity was validated with bibliometric information retrieved from SCOPUS database. Results provide evidence that confirms multiple forms of the Matilda effect, and verifies the Matthew one in the scientific research subsidy program. This seems to verify that female researchers suffer a strong disadvantage in the allocation of public funds to finance their research projects.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ

    When Matthew met Matilda. Gender discrimination in Public Funding of Scientific Activity in Argentina

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    Identifying gender discrimination in the allocations of public grants is a matter of key importance. The objective of this article is to explore the presence of gender bias in the allocation of public funds to support scientific activity by studying the Fund for Scientific and Technological Research (FONCYT) in Argentina. In order to identifying gender discrimination in the allocations of grants, we test the presence of Matthew and Matilda effects. The former is related to the positive feedbacks between previous access to public funds and present possibilities of accessing. The latter, in turn, refers to lower level of probabilities of accessing and remaining for women. Research questions are about the existence and verification of Matthew and Matilda effects. The database consist of all the researchers that applied to FONCYT between 2003 and 2015, whether they were granted or not. Available information includes participation into the program together with their scientific production, academic achievements, and demographic information -such as date of birth, gender, place of residence, academic affiliation, years of experience, and other relevant data is considered. The period under analysis coincides with a period of significant expansion of the fund given by an increase in the level of financial resources. Additionally, the information related to academic productivity was validated with bibliometric information retrieved from SCOPUS database. Results provide evidence that confirms multiple forms of the Matilda effect, and verifies the Matthew one in the scientific research subsidy program. This seems to verify that female researchers suffer a strong disadvantage in the allocation of public funds to finance their research projects.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ

    Pedagog铆a y gesti贸n de la formaci贸n profesional como herramienta de igualaci贸n social: Un estudio de caso para abordar la trazabilidad de trayectorias formativo-laborales en un Centro de Formaci贸n Profesional de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

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    Este trabajo se propone ofrecer una mirada emancipadora de los Centros de Formaci贸n Profesional (CFP) en tanto dispositivos que pueden propiciar la igualaci贸n social a partir de un abordaje proped茅utico de la vinculaci贸n entre la formaci贸n en oficios y la inserci贸n laboral, involucrando cambios pedag贸gicos y de gesti贸n respecto a los modelos de organizaci贸n cl谩sicos en la materia. El art铆culo se centra en un estudio de caso basado en una experiencia entre la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento y el CFP403 de la Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina de la localidad de San Miguel en la Provincia de Buenos Aires. La perspectiva te贸rica se vincula con los estudios cr铆ticos de la gesti贸n, que procuran vincular procesos organizacionales con aquellos de car谩cter societal, al tiempo que proponen pr谩cticas y tecnolog铆as de gesti贸n que involucren de manera horizontal y democr谩tica a todos los actores que participan de la vida organizacional.Fil: Szlechter, Diego Fabi谩n. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Instituto de Industria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Gibert, Gustavo. Universidad de Bologna; ItaliaFil: Tcach Lufrano, Alexis Guido. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento; ArgentinaFil: Tacchini, Lautaro. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento; Argentin