111,589 research outputs found

    Mathematics Professional Development Workshop for Middle School Teachers: Concept Versus Memorization

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    This article includes professional development topics for middle school mathematics and science teachers from two week-long Urban Teacher Institutes. These Institutes were held at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College (JSRCC) and its partner institution, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), during the summers of 2007 and 2008, and were supported by a grant obtained by Dr. Harriet Morrison (JSRCC). Co-author Dr. Dewey Taylor directed the 2007 workshop, and both authors served as faculty leaders in both workshops. The workshops focused on teaching in an urban environment and community mapping (understanding the details of a certain locale to make the teacher more knowledgeable about the environments of both the students and the schools). The community mapping aspect of the workshops was led by Dr. Shirley Key of the University of Memphis. They featured content teaching and applications led by VCU faculty in mathematics, physics, forensics, engineering, mathematics education, and science education. This article focuses on the mathematics professional development strand in the workshop which featured conceptual learning with graphing calculator support as an alternative to the memorization of formulas

    Stronger Partnerships for Safer Food: An Agenda for Strengthening State and Local Roles in the Nation's Food Safety System

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    Examines federal, state, and local agencies' responsibilities, strengths, and weaknesses in ensuring food safety. Recommends systemwide reforms to enhance state and local roles and improve surveillance, outbreak response, and regulation and inspection

    ATS-6 millimeter wavelength propagation experiment

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    The fixed 20/30 GHz ground terminal is described in detail; it is being used for path diversity measurements in the ATS-6 millimeter wavelength propagation experiment. The current status and summary of operations are reviewed

    CTS/Comstar communications link characterization experiment

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    Measurements of angle of arrival and amplitude fluctuations on millimeter wavelength Earth-space communication links are described. Measurement of rainfall attenuation and radiometric temperature statistics and the assessment of the performance of a self-phased array as a receive antenna on an Earth-space link are also included

    ATS-6 millimeter wavelength propagation experiment

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    The Ohio State University participation in the ATS-6 Millimeter Wavelength Propagation Experiment is summarized. Attenuation was measured simultaneously at 20 and 30 GHz on earth space propagation paths to two ground terminals located at Columbus, Ohio. In addition, 20 and 30 GHz radiometric temperatures were measured along the same propagation paths; and the 20 GHz radiometric temperature was also measured at a third ground terminal. The results of these measurements are presented, and diversity gains for the four pairs of propagation paths are discussed. The scintillation characteristics of the received signals are also presented

    Electron spin decoherence of single Nitrogen-Vacancy defects in diamond

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    We present a theoretical analysis of the electron spin decoherence in single Nitrogen-Vacancy defects in ultra-pure diamond. The electron spin decoherence is due to the interactions with Carbon-13 nuclear spins in the diamond lattice. Our approach takes advantage of the low concentration (1.1%) of Carbon-13 and their random distribution in the diamond lattice by an algorithmic aggregation of spins into small, strongly interacting groups. By making use of this \emph{disjoint cluster} approach, we demonstrate a possibility of non-trival dynamics of the electron spin that can not be described by a single time constant. This dependance is caused by a strong coupling between the electron and few nuclei and results, in particular, in a substantial echo signal even at microsecond time scales. Our results are in good agreement with recent experimental observations


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    The report discusses commercial banks' role in supporting economic development in rural America. It details demographic and economic trends in rural America. It discusses a number of economic development programs available to commercial bankers and to private sector/public sector partnerships. Finally, the report proposes a set of new tools for commercial bankers to further strengthen their participation in rural community economic development. Note: Figures are not included in the machine readable copy--contact the authors for more information.demographic trends, economic trends, rural America, role of commercial banks, economic development programs, new tools for bankers, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Financial Economics,

    Teleprinter uses thermal printing technique

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    Alphameric/facsimile printer receives serial digital data in the form of a specified number of bits per group and prints it on thermally sensitive paper. A solid state shift-register memorizes the incoming serial digital data

    Synthesis of human plasminogen by the liver

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    Genetic types of plasminogen were determined from a donor and a recipient before and after hepatic homotransplantation. Examination of the plasminogen types demonstrated that the liver is the principal site of synthesis of human plasminogen. Copyright © 1980 AAAS

    Emotional response inhibition is greater in older than younger adults

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    Emotional information rapidly captures our attention and also often invokes automatic response tendencies, whereby positive information motivates approach, while negative information encourages avoidance. However, many circumstances require the need to override or inhibit these automatic responses. Control over responses to emotional information remains largely intact in late life, in spite of age-related declines in cognitive control and inhibition of responses to non-emotional information. The goal of this behavioral study was to understand how the aging process influences emotional response inhibition for positive and negative information in older adults. We examined emotional response inhibition in 36 healthy older adults (ages 60–89) and 44 younger adults (ages 18–22) using an emotional Go/No-Go task presenting happy (positive), fearful (negative), and neutral faces. In both younger and older adults, happy faces produced more approach-related behavior (i.e., fewer misses), while fearful faces produced more avoidance-related behavior, in keeping with theories of approach/avoidance-motivated responses. Calculation of speed/accuracy trade-offs between response times and false alarm rates revealed that younger and older adults both favored speed at the expense of accuracy, most robustly within blocks with fearful faces. However, there was no indication that the strength of the speed/accuracy trade-off differed between younger and older adults. The key finding was that although younger adults were faster to respond to all types of faces, older adults had greater emotional response inhibition (i.e., fewer false alarms). Moreover, younger adults were particularly prone to false alarms for happy faces. This is the first study to directly test effects of aging on emotional response inhibition. Complementing previous literature in the domains of attention and memory, these results provide new evidence that in the domain of response inhibition older adults may more effectively employ emotion regulatory ability, albeit on a slower time course, compared to younger adults. Older adults’ enhanced adaptive emotion regulation strategies may facilitate resistance to emotional distraction. The present study extends the literature of emotional response inhibition in younger adulthood into late life, and in doing so further elucidates how cognitive aging interacts with affective control processes
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