53 research outputs found

    La "Griseldis" de Petrarca i la "Griselda" de Bernat Metge

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    Eterotopie et eteronomie nella lettura dei canzonieri galego-portoghesi

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    Within the sphere of Hispanic medieval lyric poetry and above all in the examination of its vectors, one often observes an unwarranted rejection of codicologic data owing to phenomena of heterotopy (arguments based on scientific premises other than the pertinent premise) and of heteronomy (evaluations based on unscientific criteria). Such phenomena frequently invalidate otherwise worthy contributions. Three examples are considered in relation to matters attributive (the tenson Vós que soedes en corte morar), stemmatic (the identification of possible interposals among Colocci?s apographa and their common antecedent) and textual (the structure of the refran of Medinho?s cantiga)

    Filologia e genetica.

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    Raimbaut de Vaqueiras (?), “Altas undas que venez suz la mar” (BdT 392.5a)

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    The article proposes a new authorship for Altas undas que venez suz la mar, a poem attributed by ms. Sg to Raimbaut de Vaqueiras. This authorship has long been debated by scholars. Altas undas is almost without a doubt a specimen of cantiga de amigo, a Galician-Portuguese lyric genre which flourished in the 13th century, slightly after Raimbaut’s death. This leads to some crucial problems. Is Raimbaut the inventor of this genre? Did he imitate a Galician-Portuguese model? If so, did Galician-Portuguese lyric begin earlier than is generally acknowledged? Did Raimbaut draw inspiration from another extravagant lyric genre, the French chanson de toile, to compose Altas undas? The critical history of the poem is summarized by Tavani, who concludes that Altas undas may be attributed to Cerveri de Girona, a 13th century Catalan troubadour

    The Northern Cross Fast Radio Burst project -- III. The FRB-magnetar connection in a sample of nearby galaxies

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    Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are millisecond radio transients observed at cosmological distances. The nature of their progenitors is still a matter of debate, although magnetars are invoked by most models. The proposed FRB-magnetar connection was strengthened by the discovery of an FRB-like event from the Galactic magnetar SGR J1935+2154. In this work, we aim to investigate how prevalent magnetars such as SGR J1935+2154 are within FRB progenitors. We carried out an FRB search in a sample of seven nearby (< 12 Mpc) galaxies with the Northern Cross radio telescope for a total of 692 h. We detected one 1.8 ms burst in the direction of M101 with a fluence of 58±558 \pm 5 Jy ms. Its dispersion measure of 303 pc cm3^{-3} places it most-likely beyond M101. Considering that no significant detection comes indisputably from the selected galaxies, we place a 38 yr1^{-1} upper limit on the total burst rate (i.e. including the whole sample) at the 95\% confidence level. This upper limit constrains the event rate per magnetar λmag<0.42\lambda_{\rm mag} < 0.42 magnetar1^{-1} yr1^{-1} or, if combined with literature observations of a similar sample of nearby galaxies, it yields a joint constraint of λmag<0.25\lambda_{\rm mag} < 0.25 magnetar1^{-1} yr1^{-1}. We also provide the first constraints on the expected rate of FRBs hypothetically originating from ultraluminous X-ray (ULX) sources, since some of the galaxies observed during our observational campaign host confirmed ULXs. We obtain <13< 13 yr1^{-1} per ULX for the total sample of galaxies observed. Our results indicate that bursts with energies E>1034E>10^{34} erg from magnetars like SGR J1935+2154 appear more rarely compared to previous observations and further disfavour them as unique progenitors for the cosmological FRB population, leaving more space open to the contribution from a population of more exotic magnetars, not born via core-collapsed supernovae.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, published in A&

    An X-ray burst from a magnetar enlightening the mechanism of fast radio bursts

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    Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are millisecond radio pulses originating from powerful enigmatic sources at extragalactic distances. Neutron stars with large magnetic fields (magnetars) have been considered as the sources powering the FRBs, but the connection requires further substantiation. Here we report the detection by the AGILE satellite on 28 April 2020 of an X-ray burst in temporal coincidence with a bright FRB-like radio burst from the Galactic magnetar SGR 1935+2154. The burst observed in the hard X-ray band (18-60 keV) lasted about 0.5 s, it is spectrally cut off above 80 keV and implies an isotropically emitted energy of about 1040 erg. This event demonstrates that a magnetar can produce X-ray bursts in coincidence with FRB-like radio bursts. It also suggests that FRBs associated with magnetars can emit X-ray bursts. We discuss SGR 1935+2154 in the context of FRBs with low-intermediate radio energies in the range 1038-1040 erg. Magnetars with magnetic fields B ≈ 1015 G may power these FRBs, and new data on the search for X-ray emission from FRBs are presented. We constrain the bursting X-ray energy of the nearby FRB 180916 to be less than 1046 erg, smaller than that observed in giant flares from Galactic magnetars

    Inserti abusivi e attribuzioni indifendibili. Spigolando tra gli unica del canzoniere provenzale Sg

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    The central section of the Occitan songbook kept at the Biblioteca de Catalunya (ms. 146), generally known as Sg since it originally came from Saragossa (from Gil y Gil’s library), continues to prove to be of great interest for the study of the reception of troubadour poetry in Catalan milieux, at a time when a new poetic tradition was taking shape, influenced by the Toulouse tradition of the Consistori de la Gaia Sciensa. These particular circles and period naturally influenced the selection of authors and texts – with the resulting inclusions and exclusions – as well as the accompanying attributions. The latter may in part be due to a tradition that was already corrupt, but also, especially as far as the unica are concerned, to a form of mimetic parasitism, accompanied by a tendency for illicit inclusions in the case of some particular texts for which, as in previous articles, I have tried to point out the degree of ‘impertinence’ and to decide whether to add them to the list of suspects, to place them under interrogation, or – in the most clearly arbitrary cases – to simply remove them. This paper will focus on a planh attributed to Raimbaut de Vaqueiras (394,4a), which Sg shares with Ve-Ag, and on three unica which Sg alone attributes to Giraut de Borneil (242,18a; 52a; 69a)

    O texto medieval e as suas "misérias e desventuras"

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    Una o trina? Le epistole di Raimbaut de Vaqueiras al marchese Bonifacio

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    This article intends to reopen the debate about the structure of Raimbaut de Vaqueiras’ epistles to Marques Boniface I, in order to establish whether they are actually three autonomous texts concerning the poet’s friendship with his patron, composed at different times, or whether the text was composed at one specific time in the Orient. The first hypothesis, put forward by Schulz-Gora, would appear to be confirmed by the fact that each text refers to events that occurred at different times and in different places. The second hypothesis, supported by Crescini, claims that the tradition of a single poem in antichronological order as found in the manuscripts is the correct structure and that the poem was composed at Thessalonica or Constantinople in the spring of 1205. This paper will reconsider Schulz-Gora’s interpretation and argue that the theory of a single text is inadequate because it does not give proper consideration to the different setting of each text, nor to the difficulty of placing their composition just before the disastrous defeat at Adrianopoli