72 research outputs found

    Changes of fatty acids content and vigor of sunflower seed during natural aging

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    Sunflower seed aging during storage affects seed vigor and content of fatty acids. In order to reveal severity of their influence, the following vigor tests were applied: standard laboratory germination test, cold test and Hiltner test. Five sunflower lines submitted to natural aging process for six and 12 months were tested under conventional storage and controlled conditions. The obtained results revealed that seed aging damaged the seed, which adversely affected seed vigor; most reliable results were obtained by the cold test and content of linoleic acids

    Influence of aging process on biochemical changes in sunflower seed

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    This investigation was conducted in order to determine the degree of biochemical changes during accelerated and natural aging of sunflower seed. Five sunflower lines developed in Novi Sad, submitted to accelerated aging for three and five days, and natural aging of six and twelve months under conventional storage and controlled conditions, were used in these trials. Malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase contents and peroxidase activities were studied. Lipid peroxidation and superoxide dismutase and peroxidase activities (especially pronounced in accelerated aging variant) were caused by both types of aging. The degree of seed damage and the ability of seed to resist the negative consequences of aging were influenced, beside duration of aging period, by type of storage and characteristics of sunflower lines

    Proizvodne karakteristike NS-sorti soje i preporuka sortimenta za 1998. godinu

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    Najvažniji zadatak u proizvodniji soje je dobijanje visokih i stabilnih prinosa. Zato je stvaranje sorti, sa sve većim genetskim potencijalom za prinos i uvođenje novih tehnoloÅ”kih reÅ”enja u proizvodnju ove značajne biljne vrste, stalan zadatak sa aspekta zadovoljavanja čovekovih potreba (Evans, 1980). U okviru Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo upravo se ovoj problematici pridaje i najveći značaj u procesu oplemenjivanja soje. Rezultat tog rada je 47 do sada priznatih sorti soje. Između nekoliko priznatih sorti svake godine teÅ”ko je ustanoviti koja je stvarno najbolja. Upravo zbog toga važno je poznavanje proizvodnih karakteristika sorti, kao Å”to su: prinos zrna po jedinici povrÅ”ine, otpornost na poleganje i bolesti, otpornost na pucanje mahuna, dužina vegetacije, ujednačenost u sazrevanju. Te karakteristike predstavljaju značajne elemente u odlučivanju o izboru sorte za dalje Å”irenje u proizvodnii

    Istraživanje produktivnosti i kvaliteta novostvorenih NS sorti i linija soje (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) u području Pančeva

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    Soybean Department of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia breeds highly productive soybean varieties of high-quality grain in accordance with the requirements of the market. The aim of this study was to determine the most-yielding NS soybean varieties for the agro-ecological conditions of Pančevo area in Serbia. This paper shows the analysis of yield and quality parameters of eight NS soybean varieties of I maturity group. Plot trial was carried out in Pančevo in 2011. All analyzed NS varieties achieved high yields. The highest average grain yield, and protein and oil yield was achieved by the new soybean variety NS Maximus (4,403 kg ha-1; 1,644 kg ha-1 and 1,023 kg ha-1, respectively) and line NS-L-210 391 (4,371 kg ha-1; 1,613 kg ha-1 and 973 kg ha-1, respectively), while the lowest yield was achieved by Diva (3,119 kg ha-1, 1,163 kg ha-1 and 701 kg ha-1, respectively). Average yield for these soybean varieties was 3,701 kg ha-1. NS Maximus recorded significantly higher yield than other tested varieties, except the line NS-L-210391. NS Maximus and NS-L-414260 achieved significantly higher oil content than the other tested cultivars, while NS-L-210385 had the highest protein content.U skladu sa zahtevima tržiÅ”ta u Odeljenju za soju, Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad radi se na oplemenjivanju visoko produktivnih sorti soje i sorti visokog kvaliteta zrna. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se odrede najprinosnije NS sorte soje za agroekoloÅ”ke uslove Pančeva i okoline. U radu su prikazani rezultati analize prinosa i parametara kvaliteta osam NS sorti i linija soje I grupe zrenja. Mikroogled je izveden u Pančevu tokom 2011. godine. Sve testirane sorte ostvarile su visoke prinose. NajviÅ”i prinos zrna, prinos proteina i ulja imala je nova sorta soje NS Maximus (4.403 kg ha-1, 1.644 kg ha-1, 1.023 kg ha-1) i linija NS-L-210391 (4.371 kg ha-1, 1.613 kg ha-1, 973 kg ha-1), dok je najniže prinose imala sorta Diva (3.119 kg ha-1, 1.163 kg ha-1 i 701 kg ha-1). Prosečan prinos za ispitivane sorte soje bio je 3.701 ha-1. Sorta NS Maximus i linija NS-L-414260 imale su signifikantno viÅ”i sadržaj ulja u odnosu na ostale ispitivane sorte, dok je najveći sadržaj proteina imala linija NS-L-210385

    Stabilnost hemijskog sastava semena soje

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    Stability of protein and oil content of 13 soybean varieties were examined using linear model across seven locations and during six years. Due to heterogeneity of environments all year/locations was distributed in to two groups, based on achieved yield. Stability of protein content differed in the low and high yielding environments, while average values show only minor differences. In contrast, oil content stability was slightly changed in the low and high yielding environments, while the average oil content were significantly higher in the low yielding environments. Environmental factors influenced the correlation between oil and protein content in soybeans. Negative correlation between protein and oil content was observed only in the high yielding environments, while varieties in low yielding environments lack this well known inverse relation.Ispitivanja stabilnosti hemijskog sastava zrna soje sprovedena su na 13 genotipova soje, Å”est lokaliteta, tokom Å”est godina, koriŔćenjem linearnog modela. Usled heterogenosti uslova uspevanja, svi lokaliteti/godine podeljeni su u dve grupe, u zavisnosti od prinosa. Stabilnost sadržaja proteina u semenu razlikovala se u zavisnosti od visine prinosa, dok kod prosečnih vrednosti nisu zabeležene veće razlike. Nasuprot tome, stabilnost sadržaja ulja u semenu nije se značajnije razlikovala u zavisnosti od prinosa, dok je prosečan sadržaj ulja bio veći na lokalitetima/godinama kada su zabeleženi niži prinosi soje. Uslovi spoljaÅ”nje sredine utiču na korelaciju između sadržaja ulja i proteina. Negativna korelacija između sadržaja ulja i proteina uočena je samo pri visokim prinosima, dok pri niskim prinosima ova negativna veza nije dobijena

    Seed viability of oil crops depending on storage conditions

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    Changes occurring in seed during aging are significant as far as seed quality and longevity are concerned and are a consequence of the effects of different storage conditions. The chemical composition of seed with high oil content is related to specific processes occurring in seed during storage. In this trial, sunflower and soybean genotypes developed in Novi Sad were submitted to accelerated aging for three and five days, and natural aging for six and twelve months, under controlled and conventional (non-controlled) conditions. The obtained results showed that preservation of seed viability depended on storage condition and duration, as well as plant species. Accelerated aging test can be used to predict the length of storage life of sunflower and soybean seed. In comparison to sunflower seed, soybean seed is more sensitive to damage and reduced germination during storage

    Path coefficient analysis of the effect of yield, oil content and the duration of vegetative and reproductive periods on seed protein content in soybean

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    During 1991 and 1992, a study was carried out to determine the effect of yield, oil content, and the duration of the vegetative and reproductive periods on protein content in soybean seeds. In 1991 protein content was highly negatively correlated with yield, oil content, and the duration of the vegetative period; in 1992 only the duration of the vegetative period was associated with seed protein. Path-coefficient analysis showed that in 1991 only oil content had a significant direct effect on protein content, whereas in 1992 only length of the vegetative period had a direct effect on seed protein content. Our findings have shown that, despite its high heritability, protein content primarily depends on environmental factors and other traits, such as oil content

    Uticaj meteoroloŔkih uslova na proizvodnju semena NS sorti soje

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    The perspective of our society cannot be imagined without the quality production and marketing of seeds in the country and abroad. On average, seed soya bean was annually planted on area of 7,151.8 ha in the period 2002-2007. Area under NS soya bean seed showed an annual trend rate of growth (9.21% with certain oscillations). In the research period, soya bean seed yield was 2.29 t ha-1 with a highly stable growth rate of 2.66%, while NS soya bean seed production in Serbia was 15,993 t with an annual growth rate of 12.59% with certain oscillations. Permanent growing trend of soya bean production is a result of increased area and yield. The increase of production was also affected by weather conditions. Such production volume fully meets domestic needs, while significant amount of seed still remains for export. .Perspektiva naÅ”eg druÅ”tva se ne može zamisliti bez kvalitetne proizvodnje i plasmana semena u zemlji i inostranstvu. U periodu 2002-2007. pod semenskim usevom soje zasejano godiÅ”nje je u proseku 7.151,8 ha. PovrÅ”ine pod semenom NS sorti soje beleže tendenciju rasta po stopi od 9,21% godiÅ”nje, sa oscilacijama. Prinos semena soje u posmatranom periodu iznosio je 2,29 t/ha i beleži trend rasta po stopi od 2,66% i veliku stabilnost. Proizvodnja semenske NS soje u Srbiji, u posmatranom periodu, iznosi 15.993 t sa tendencijom rasta po stopi od 12,59% godiÅ”nje i oscilacijama. Permanentna tendencija rasta proizvodnje soje rezultanta je povećanja povrÅ”ina i prinosa. Na rast proizvodnje delovali su i klimatskih faktori. Ovakav obim proizvodnje u potpunosti zadovoljava domaće potrebe, a značajne količine semena ostaju i za izvoz.

    Vigor of sunflower and soybean aging seed

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    Seed aging and deterioration affect seed vigor and viability. The characteristics of the chemical composition of oil crops seed are related to specific processes occurring in the seed during storage. This study was performed to examine the changes in seed vigor of different sunflower and soybean genotypes under controlled and conventional (uncontrolled) conditions of natural aging for six and twelve months. Obtained results show that the degree of seed damage and the ability of seed to resist the negative effects of aging were influenced by duration and type of storage, as well as seed characteristics of the tested genotypes. The most valuable vigor test for both sunflower and soybean was cold test

    Importance of microbiological fertilizer used in soybean production: Agronomical and biological aspects

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    Inoculation is the best way to ensure good nodulation with the proper strain of nitrogen-fixing bacteria for increased yield in an environmentally safe manner. This investigation was conducted on three-year experiment which was set up in four replications with three-crop rotation (maize-soybean-wheat) at experimental field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia. Effects of application of microbiological fertilizer (with nitrogen-fixing bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum) on root mass, number and mass of nodes per plant, soil biogeneity (number of ammonifiers, Azotobacter, actinomycetes), as well as the effect on soybean yield were studied. Obtained results indicated positive impact of inoculation on nitrogen fixation parameters. The higher amounts of mineral nitrogen had negative impact on atmospheric nitrogen fixation, that is, by increasing preplanting mineral nitrogen amount in the soil by 1 kg, the amount of calculated nitrogen from the air was decreased by 1.72 kg. Increasing abundance of studied microorganisms in the rhizosphere, as well as soybean yield using microbiological fertilizer was stimulated by plowing under crop residues. The impact of meteorogical conditions on the effects of inoclutaion was very significant
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