16 research outputs found

    Development and Conservation of Gonadal Primordial Germ Cells for Preservation of Local Chicken in Indonesia

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    One of the ex situ conservation techniques for poultry that recently developed was to collect primordial germ cell (PGC) or gonadal primordial germ cell (gPGC) that isolated from embryo development. Primordial germ cells (PGC) are embryonic cells that migrate to the gonads and form the precursors of gametes. The unique nature and accessibility of PGC during the early development provides an opportunity to manipulate the poultry germplasm, for example by forming germline chimeras. There are some stages that must be done through isolation and collection of PGC from its resources i.e. blastoderm, embryonic circulation blood and gonad. PGC collection originating from the gonads is one of existing PGC resources and technologies. gonadal PGC have advantages compared with other sources, namely (1) A large number of gonadal PGC can be taken from an embryo; and (2) A collection of gonadal PGC can be used in developing management systems of local avian germplasm conservation. This review is intended to describe the usefulness of isolation and collection technology of gonadal PGC as the local poultry germplasm conservation in Indonesia

    Efektivitas Pembekuan terhadap Recovery Rate dan Viabilitas Primordial Germ Cells Ayam Lokal Indonesia

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah menguji dua metode pembekuan (lambat dan cepat) terhadap recovery rate dan viabilitas primordial germ cells (PGCs) ayam lokal pasca-thawing. Darah dikoleksi dari embrio ayam lokal pada stage 14-16 di bagian aorta dorsalis dengan menggunakan mikropipet di bawah mikroskop. Selanjutnya PGCs dimurnikan dengan metode nycodenz density gradient centrifugation. Pada proses pembekuan lambat, sekitar 50 PGCs ditempatkan di dalam cryotube, kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam Nalgene® Cryo 1º freezing kontainer dan dibekukan pada suhu -80ºC selama satu malam. Setelah itu, PGCs dimasukkan ke dalam nitrogen cair (-196ºC). Pada pembekuan cepat, sekitar 50 PGCs ditempatkan dalam straw 0,5 ml dan diekuilibrasi pada suhu 5ºC di dalam mesin pendingin selama 15 menit. Kemudian, sampel diletakkan di atas uap nitrogen cair selama empat menit dan setelah itu langsung dimasukkan ke dalam kontainer nitrogen cair. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase recovery rate PGCs ayam lokal untuk pembekuan lambat (42,33%) nyata (

    Karakteristik Karkas Ayam Leher Gundul

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    Ayam leher gundul merupakan salah satu plasma nutfah asli Indonesia yang memiliki ciri spesifik, yaitu leher yang tidak ditumbuhi bulu. Tujuan penelitian adalah melengkapi informasi tentang karakteristik karkas ayam leher gundul. Penelitian ini menggunakan 37 ekor ayam leher gundul yang merupakan koleksi plasma nutfah unggas di Balai Penelitian Ternak. Sebelum dipotong ayam dipuasakan terlebih dahulu dari pakan, tetapi air minum tetap diberikan. Sebelum dipotong ayam ditimbang dahulu untuk mendapatkan bobot hidup. Pemotongan dilakukan dengan metode kosher. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ayam jantan nyata mempunyai bobot yang lebih berat dibandingkan dengan betina (P0,05), sedangkan rata-rata bobot ampela dan jantung berbeda nyata (

    Rate of temperature reduction at cryopreservation primordial germ cells (PGC) of three Indonesian native chicken.

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    Primordial germ cells (PGCs) are original cells of spermatogonia in the testes or oogonia in the ovary. PGCs in poultry can be harvested and stored in the liquid nitrogen and can be used for conservation as genetic materials of poultry. The objective of this study was to obtain the optimal rate of temperature reduction on PGCs quality from three different Indonesian native chicken after thawing. Fertile eggs obtained from native chicken were incubated for 56 hours to obtain embryo at stage of 14-16. PGCs were isolated from the blood using modified Nycodenz Gradient Centrifugation technique. There after they were kept in a straw and equilibrated for 15 minutes at 5oC and frozen at the rate of temperature reduction of 0.3, 0.5, and 1oC per minute using embryo freezing machine (FHK Fujihara: ET-1). After the temperature reached -30oC, then they were plunged directly into the liquid nitrogen. Recovery rate and viability of PGCs after freezing and thawing were measured. The results of this study showed that the average recovery rate of PGCs that have been frozen at rate of temperature reduction of 1, 0.5, and 0.3oC per minute were 35.6, 43.9, and 44.9% respectively. However the rate of temperature reduction of 0.5 and 0.3oC per minute did not significantly affect the recovery rate. The average percentage of viability of PGCs that were frozen at the rate of 1, 0.5 and 0.3oC per minute were respectively 62.6, 77.5, and 77.4%. It seems that the viability followed the trend of recovery rates where the 1oC per minute reduction was the lowest quality compared to the other two treatments. It is concluded that the reduction of 0.5 or 0.3oC per minute are considered as the ideal temperature reduction when native chicken PGCs are frozen. Key Words: PGCs, Native Chicken, Conservatio


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    viii, 114 hlm.; 20 c

    Rate of temperature reduction at cryopreservation primordial germ cells (PGC) of three Indonesian native chicken.

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    Primordial germ cells (PGCs) are original cells of spermatogonia in the testes or oogonia in the ovary. PGCs in poultry can be harvested and stored in the liquid nitrogen and can be used for conservation as genetic materials of poultry. The objective of this study was to obtain the optimal rate of temperature reduction on PGCs quality from three different Indonesian native chicken after thawing. Fertile eggs obtained from native chicken were incubated for 56 hours to obtain embryo at stage of 14-16. PGCs were isolated from the blood using modified Nycodenz Gradient Centrifugation technique. There after they were kept in a straw and equilibrated for 15 minutes at 5oC and frozen at the rate of temperature reduction of 0.3, 0.5, and 1oC per minute using embryo freezing machine (FHK Fujihara: ET-1). After the temperature reached -30oC, then they were plunged directly into the liquid nitrogen. Recovery rate and viability of PGCs after freezing and thawing were measured. The results of this study showed that the average recovery rate of PGCs that have been frozen at rate of temperature reduction of 1, 0.5, and 0.3oC per minute were 35.6, 43.9, and 44.9% respectively. However the rate of temperature reduction of 0.5 and 0.3oC per minute did not significantly affect the recovery rate. The average percentage of viability of PGCs that were frozen at the rate of 1, 0.5 and 0.3oC per minute were respectively 62.6, 77.5, and 77.4%. It seems that the viability followed the trend of recovery rates where the 1oC per minute reduction was the lowest quality compared to the other two treatments. It is concluded that the reduction of 0.5 or 0.3oC per minute are considered as the ideal temperature reduction when native chicken PGCs are frozen

    Pengaruh Program Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja terhadap Produktivitas Kerja pada Divisi Proyek

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    This study aims to analyze occupational safety programs and productivity, analysis of occupational safety and health programs on the company's and analysis of the effect of occupational safety and health program variables on employee productivity. The study was conducted by analyzing questionnaires from 58 respondents of employees and contractors in the project division. The data analysis method used is statistical analysis description and path analysis. From the analysis carried out, the occupational safety and health factors that have a high influence on employee productivity are health program variables, disease prevention and measurement and monitoring with values of 18.19, 0.62, and 0.80. Implementation of safety programs to project division has been well implemented, health program variables, disease prevention and measurement and monitoring have a significant and positive effect together on productivity, pressure management and accident prevention contribute positively but not significantly to the productivity variable. With the significant influence of safety programs on work productivity, the company continues and improves the implementation of safety and requires all employees and contractors to implement safety and health following safety policies and procedures. Safety programs that have not significantly improved the concept of existing programs

    Manajemen Risiko dengan Metode FMEA di Instalasi Gawat Darurat Rumah Sakit Kuwait

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    The Emergency Room (IGD) is part of the most vital service unit in helping to save the lives of patients who experience medical emergencies when they are first admitted to the hospital. Given the many potential hazards and risks that can cause work accidents, work-related illnesses, sentinel events and other unexpected events, efforts are needed to reduce or control these risks, so that all human resources in the hospital can avoid work-related accidents or diseases. Risk management actions are taken to respond to various risks in business activities or organizations. This risk management activity is carried out before the risk occurs so that it is an anticipatory action that can be taken and makes a plan that can be used if the risk arises so as to reduce negative impacts and avoid large losses. This study aims to analyze risk events, risk assessment, and causes of occupational safety and health (K3) risks for nurses at the Kuwait General Hospital Emergency Room. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. While the population of this study were all nurses in the Emergency Room at the Kuwait General Hospital. The sample method used is probability sampling. The sampling method or technique above was carried out using simple random sampling. Research data analysis uses the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method for risk analysis, in calculating the Risk Priority Number (RPN) and making a list of critical risks by calculating the ratio of the total RPN value divided by a number of risks. The results of the analysis show that there are five stages of service activities that pose Occupational Health and Safety (K3) risks to nurses working in the Emergency Room at the Kuwait General Hospital. The five risks in the activity stage are getting there, arriving, being seen, receiving treatment, and leaving. It was also found that ten factors of the three occupational safety and health (K3) risks for nurses that arise from the process of service activities in the emergency room