153 research outputs found


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    In recent times, the theory of purchasing and supply operations has been widely studied under a variety of labels and for a number of reasons. Realizing competitive advantage from organizational alignment and relation to materials supply is for a form of backward integration. In the process, the manufacturing organization obeys demands from distributors; purchasing is in turn re-structured and managed to achieve improved customer value for manufacturing; thereafter, the process addresses the suppliers to the organization (external integration) typically involving supplier rationalization and the introduction of supplier evaluation systems. Based on previous research, there was finding that strategic purchasing has been impact to communication, coordination and collaboration with supplier which is increase supplier involvement. According to a survey 100 respondent which was conducted by means questionnaires and 94 completed questionnaires were returned. Six responses were considered incomplete and had to be discarded, and this left 86 valid responses. This study result are strategic purchasing has a positive significant effect to communication is 0.314; positive significant effect to coordination is 0.336; and positive significant effect collaboration is 0.365. Communication and Collaboration directly will bring significant contribution to supplier involvement, but coordination is not directly. Key words: Strategic purchasing, communication, collaboration, coordination, supplier involvement


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    Konsep ISO 9000 memiliki delapan prinsip manajemen mutu yakni: fokus pada pelanggan, kepemimpinan, pelibatan orang, pendekatan proses, pendekatan sistem, perbaikan berkelanjutan, pendekatan fakta dalam membuat keputusan dan hubungan dengan pemasok yang saling menguntungkan. Kedelapan prinsip pada sistem manajemen mutu yang berkonsentrasi terhadap kualitas produk dan layanan produk Praktek-praktek terbaik pada bisnis untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, efektifitas dan produktivitas suatu organisasi perusahaan. Dalam mencapai tujuan ini, perusahaan-perusahaan melakukan suatu inovasi berupa proyek-proyek yang dapat diimplementasikan. Implementasi proyek dilakukan perusahaan akhir-akhir ini berupa penerapan sistem secara keseluruhan pada organisasi perusahaan dengan biaya murah yakni implementasi ISO. Penyebaran kuisioner terhadap 68 praktisi di rumah sakit berupa manajemen rumah sakit, dokter, perawat dan tata usaha di 38 rumah sakit di berbagai daerah dan dianalisa dengan menggunakan kesesuaian model melalui berbagai kriteria goodness-of-fit PLS. Untuk menguji hipotesis dan menghasilkan suatu model yang layak (fit), maka analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS) dengan proses perhitungan dibantu program aplikasi software Smart PLS. Hasil PLS didapatkan bahwa komitmen manajemen dalam proses implementasi ISO di rumah sakit sangat diperlukan untuk menigkatkan daya saing rumah sakit dan dapat dikenal baik di masyarakat dan peningkatan pelayanan dan akhirnya memberikan benefit yang baik bagi perusahaan. Kata kunci : ISO 9000, komitmen manajemen, proses implementasi dan kinerja rumah saki

    Analysis of the Effect of Academic Service Quality on Student Loyalty Through Student Satisfaction and Organizational Performance

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    This research aims to analyze the significant influence of quality academic services to student loyalty with student satisfaction and organizational performance as intervening. The sample in this study as many as 40 people, data collection using questionnaires, and then analyzed with SEM PLS using smart software PLS 3.0. Based on the results of the analysis show that the quality of academic services affects student loyalty, the quality of academic services has no impact on organizational performance. The quality of academic services influences student satisfaction. Student satisfaction influences organizational performance. Student satisfaction has no effect on student loyalty. Organizational performance influences student loyalty. Student satisfaction does not mediate the effect of academic service quality. Student satisfaction does not mediate the effect of academic service quality on student loyalty. Organizational performance mediates the effect of student satisfaction on student loyalty. Student satisfaction and organizational performance do not mediate the impact of academic service quality on student loyalty, and organizational performance does not mediate the effect of academic service quality on student loyalt

    The effect of essential information and disposition effect on shifting decision investment

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    The current pandemic era has given uncertainty to the countrys economic growth and resulted in many countries experiencing a drastic decline in share prices. This condition impacts investors perceptions of the funds that have invested in the stock market. This study investigates the effect of essential information and disposition effect on shifting decision investment with the character investors moderation as the moderator variable. A survey was conducted on 252 investors who have invested in the Indonesian stock exchange. The Data processing used the partial least square (PLS) technique. This study indicates that essential information for investors in the pandemic era can increase the disposition effect in deciding beneficial share ownership. The essential information obtained by investors in the covid era regarding stock market movements and its internal performance in the stock market list can increase investor shifting decisions. The disposition effect can have a significant effect on shifting decision investors. Essential information related to stock price movements and its internal performance affects investors courage to take risks and provide optimism for shifting decisions. Then the investor type does not affect the disposition effect on shifting decisions. This study contributes to the theory of financial behavior in decision making by considering psychological factors when uncertainty exists in the stock market

    The Role of Consultant Knowledge, Top Management Support, and Operational Manager Competence to the Company Performance

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    Successful implementation of ISO 9000 is determined by the knowledge of the appointed consultants that is demonstrated through their expertise in transferring knowledge to internal companies, the strong willingness of the top management commitment during the implementation, and the capabilities of the operational managers to implement all clauses of ISO to the company through the expertise and experience of managers in the operational section. These three components will perform a collaborative process by doing some organizational learning about quality management to properly implement ISO 9000 in order to have an impact on improving the best business practices in the companys operations and ultimately to improve the companys performance. Based on the results of the survey with questionnaires to a population of 159 companies with two incomplete informants, data processing is performed on 157 manufacturing companies in the area of MM-2100, Cikarang Bekasi, Indonesia. The results of the research analysis with the use of SEM Amos data analysis states that, first of all, the consultant knowledge and the competency of operation manager together can give an increase to the organizational learning. Second, the competency of the operational managers and organizational learning produce the best business practices for the manufacturing companies to improve their corporate performance in the area of MM-210

    Karya ilmiah yang memenuhi SJR 0.4

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    Menjadi Reviewer Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi

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    The Impact of Organization Commitment to Process and Product Innovation in Improving Operational Performance

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    This study aims at examining the impact of the organization commitment on on operational performance through the planning and control process process innovation, and product innovation. The questionnaires were distributed to 90 respondents composed of 84 respondents representing 42 shoe firms, and 6 respondents representing the experts from the industry association. Data analysis used the partial least square (PLS) technique with smart PLS software. The result reveals that the organization commitment affect s the planning and controlling process, process innovation. The planning and controlling process influence the process innovation. The planning and control process does not affect the product innovation. The process innovation influences product innovation. Process innovation and the product innovation affect the operational performance. This work contributes to the current research in the supply chain management, and the shoe firm may adopt this finding in enhancing the operational performance of the firm

    The central role of IT capability to improve firm performance through lean production and supply chain practices in the COVID-19 era

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    Today, global competition entails companies having an advantage in supply chain networks to pursue superior performance. This work examines the link between information technology (IT) capability with the firm performance by adopting a lean production approach, vendor-managed inventory, and supply chain practices. The study has surveyed the population of the manufacturing company in East Java, Indonesia, using a questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale. A total of 111 manufacturing companies (medium and large) were selected from 5420 manufacturing companies listed in the Industrial Department of East Java. The partial least square (PLS) technique was used to analyze the data, using the SmartPLS software version 3.3. Thirteen hypotheses in this study were developed to investigate. The result revealed that all hypotheses of direct relationship were supported. IT capability directly affects lean production, vendor managed inventory, and supply chain practices. Moreover, lean production, vendor-managed inventory, and supply chain practices improve firm performance. Further analysis also indicated that all hypotheses of indirect hypotheses were supported except hypothesis one hypothesis (H9). IT capability indirectly improves firm performance through lean production, vendor-managed inventory, and supply chain practices. The result provides insight for managers and policymakers on enhancing firm performance by improving its IT capability, adopting lean production, vendor-managed inventory, and supply chain practices. This research contributes to reinforcing the supply chain management theory

    Dukungan Manajemen Puncak terhadap Strategic Purchasing dalam Berkomunikasi dan Berkolaborasi dengan Supplier untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Perusahaan

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    The relationship between buyers and suppliers has received considerable attention in recent years. There are fourth major questions being discussed in this research, i.e. firstly, how to determine the support of the top management to influence strategic purchasing; secondly, how to determine the influence of strategic purchasing to good communication and collaboration with supplier; and thirdly, how to determine the influence of communication and collaboration to supplier involvement; and the last, how to increase enterprise performance by collaboration and supplier involvement. Based on previous research, it is found that top management support influenced to strategic purchasing and effect to communication and collaboration and affect to supplier involvement. Collaboration and supplier involvement have been to influence enterprise performance. According survey by questionnaires to 105 respondent and 98 completed questionnaires were returned. Two responses were considered incomplete and had to be discarded, and this left 96 valid responses. It is found, top management support as an organization don’t have influenced strategic purchasing, but strategic purchasing have impact to communication and collaboration to supplier involvement. Collaboration will bring significant contribution to increase performance, even without the supplier involvement
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