12 research outputs found
Proses Adaptasi Migran Sirkuler : Kasus Migran Asal Komunitas Perkebunan The Rakyat Cianjur, Jawa Barat
Circular migrant adaptation process: Case of migrants originated from TeaSmallholder Plantation Community in Cianjur, West Java. Value of work orientationchanges from agriculture towards non-agriculture has caused higher populationmobility from rural to urban areas. Sociologically, this geographical or spatial mobilityis also a socio-cultural mobility from traditional agriculture towards modern industry.Migrants should be adaptive to new situation so that the purpose of migrating wouldbe achieved. The objectives of the study are to investigate: (1) influencing factors ofpopulation migration; (2) Adaptation process of migrants originated from smallholderplantation community in Cianjur working in Tangerang Industrial Areas. The studyapplied qualitative method with case study strategy. The results of the study showedthat economic and social factors pushed the migration cases complimentarily.Adaptation process by maintaining “in group feeling” succeeded in providing sense ofserenity and comfort ability although it seemed to get acculturation process sloweddown. Orientation of working for the future directed the migrants to keep makingrelation with their relatives or their hometown communitie
Strategi Komunikasi Pemanfaatan Varietas Unggul Baru Padi Toleran Rendaman
Indonesia is still in struggle achieving sustainable food self-sufficiency, especially for rice. Rice production enhancement deals with many challenges, among others, negative impacts of climate change such as floods and droughts. Submergence tolerant rice varieties (STRV) invented by IAARD takes a relatively long time to be adopted by rice farmers. It needs an effective communication strategy to overcoming this situation. This paper identifies communication system in STRV dissemination process and acceptance while trying to formulate an effective communication strategy to speed up the adoption process to support food self-sufficiency achievement. Farmers' rate of adoption of technology innovation was influenced by internal factors, external factors, socio-economic and environmental conditions. The research was conducted in 2015 on various types of lowland, that is, prone-flood irrigated lowland in West Java Province and in swamp tidal irrigated lowland and swampy irrigated lowland in South Kalimantan Province. The data were analyzed using both communication theory and institutional evaluation. SRTV socialization communication and adoption was a stratified communication linear model, directional, and no room for feedback. This system could only work effectively in a relatively long time such that the behavior change was slow. The system will be more effective in reaching early adopter groups and takes longer to spread to other recipient groups. An effective, equitable interactional communication model was required by setting up dialogues on each stage such that STRV adoption could be accelerated. Institutionally, STRV adoption required new breakthroughs because, in addition to technical problems, it was necessary to improve technology dissemination mechanism with better communication systems
Persaingan Akses Sumber Daya Air di Yeh Ho, Tabanan, Bali
EnglishSubak is a traditional Balinese water management organization with simple irrigation instruments, yet recognized as having high social resilience. This organization is not solely related to engineering elements, but also having socio-techno-religious characteristics. The politics of mass tourism development that promotes the development of infrastructures and public facilities by exploiting natural resources including land and water have caused land conversion and water utilization in a large scale, threatening the sustainability of subak. This research aims to examine the dynamics of water resource economic politics and its impact on subak institution which serves as one of the main pillar of development in Bali. Using a qualitative method, this research found that: (1) the politics of water economy was very dynamic, involving various local, national, and global actors with different interest and ideology; (2) the priority of mass tourism in Bali had led to a battle over access to water resources with both immaterial and material conflicts; (3) growth-oriented agricultural development had systematically reduced the socio-capital of subak; (4) the politics of development and the products of the state power (laws and policies) had systematically weakened the products of subak community power (awig-awig and perarem), so that the existence of subak as an irrigation organization that became the basis of strength for supporting food security was increasingly pressured.IndonesianSubak merupakan organisasi pengelola air khas Bali dengan alat irigasi yang sederhana namun diakui memiliki resiliensi sosial yang tinggi. Organisasi ini tidak semata-mata terkait dengan unsur-unsur keteknikan, melainkan bersifat sosial-tekno-religius. Politik pembangunan pariwisata massal yang memacu laju pembangunan infrastruktur dan fasilitas publik dengan pemanfaatan sumber daya alam termasuk lahan dan air menyebabkan alih fungsi lahan dan pemanfaatan air secara besar-besaran sehingga mengancam keberlangsungan subak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari dinamika politik ekonomi sumber daya air dan dampaknya bagi kelembagaan subak yang menjadi salah satu pilar utama pembangunan di Bali. Penelitian dengan metode kualitatif ini menemukan bahwa: (1) politik ekonomi air sangat dinamis melibatkan beragam aktor lokal, nasional, global dengan kepentingan dan ideologi yang berbeda-beda; (2) prioritas pariwisata massal di Bali telah menyebabkan terjadinya pertarungan akses terhadap sumber daya air dengan konflik immaterial maupun material; (3) pembangunan pertanian yang berorientasi pertumbuhan secara sistematis telah mereduksi capital social subak; (4) politik pembangunan dan produksi kekuasaan negara (UU dan kebijakan) secara sistematis melemahkan produksi kekuasaan komunitas subak (awig-awig dan perarem) sehingga eksistensi subak sebagai organisasi pengairan yang menjadi basis kekuatan mendukung ketahanan pangan semakin terdesak
Financial feasibility of developing early-stage organic rice farming: A case study in Tasikmalaya of Indonesia
Intensive rice farming using inorganic fertilisers creates the problem of soil fertility degradation and further impacts decreasing rice productivity. Alternative technologies are needed to increase production while maintaining the sustainability of agricultural resources through organic rice farming. This study aims to 1) analyse the financial feasibility of organic rice farming, 2) identify the constraints in developing organic rice farming, and 3) formulate an alternative policy to develop organic rice farming in Tasikmalaya, Indonesia. The primary data were collected from 30 organic rice farmers. Traditional rice farmer’s groups were also interviewed for comparison. The financial feasibility was analysed using cost and benefit analysis. The results showed that organic rice in Tasikmalaya is financially profitable, with the R/C ratios ranging from 1.14 to 1.45. However, the profit is still much lower than traditional rice farming. The main constraint to increasing organic rice profit is that the price of organic rice grain is not different from traditional rice since marketing institutions have not yet been established. To increase the profit of organic rice farming, the government should encourage farmers to keep growing organic rice, accompanied by technical guidance and establishment of organic rice processing and marketing institutions
Karakteristik Komersial dan Perubahan Sosial Petani Kecil
Artikel ini menganalisis karakteristik komersial petani pada agroekosistem sawah dan mengidentifikasi Perubahan sosialnya. Selain pemilikan lahan terbatas, petani kecil juga bekerja dalam kondisi infrastruktur yang buruk, orientasi keamanan pangan keluarga, akses rendah terhadap modal, informasi, teknologi, dan kelembagaan, ketergantungan biaya produksi pada pedagang, serta ikatan sosial dan kelembagaan ketenagakerjaan yang kuat. Berbagai kebijakan yang diperlukan untuk petani agar lebih komersial diantaranya jaminan hak atas tanah dan pasar, strategi manajemen pertanian, mitigasi dan adaptasi risiko, mempromosikan rantai nilai produk makanan yang efisien dan inklusif lebih dekat ke sektor hulu, mengembangkan teknik pertanian dan manajemen pertanian modern, membangun institusi ekonomi dan lembaga penyuluhan petani yang sinergis, dan memperluas jaringan bisnis. Strategi untuk mengubah petani kecil agar komersial antara lain transfer lahan yang fleksibel, instrumen untuk mengurangi dan mengelola risiko usaha tani, membuka akses terhadap pasar dan informasi pasar, menciptakan rantai nilai baik, koordinasi vertikal dan horizontal untuk memenuhi standar keamanan, meningkatkan peran organisasi petani, insentif untuk produksi komoditas bernilai tinggi, mengurangi hambatan perdagangan dan subsidi teknologi yang berpotensi mengurangi pekerjaan dan peluang petani, serta mengembangkan sistem akses layanan keuangan yang inovatif. Skala prioritas meliputi teknologi yang lebih baik dan praktik manajemen sumber daya alam, input subsidi untuk produksi pangan, perlindungan hak atas tanah dan pengembangan sistem pertanian untuk mendukung diversifikasi non-pertanian
Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Pertanian pada Era Disrupsi: Upaya Mendukung Agribisnis Inklusif
Inclusive and sustainable agribusiness development in the disruption era requires fundamental adaptation. Major changes in community's activities take place from the real world to virtual activities. One of the urgent needs in inclusive and sustainable agribusiness development is agricultural human resources able to anticipate changes and successfully adapt to those changes. This paper aims to explore changes in the agribusiness order, challenges in the extension system and agricultural human resource development going forward. Scientific review analysis shows that there are physical business cost savings, open and direct new markets, development of internet-based online shop services with smarter, easier, Faster, more efficient, and more accurate transaction processes. The agribusiness system requires a new management system with more competitive human resources capacity. Three instruments for developing agricultural human resources are: (1) prioritizing skill improvement and providing infrastructure for information and communication technology (ICT), (2) capability of extension workers and researchers in creating, socializing and implementing inclusive technology with digital literacy, (3) training the farmers with ICT-based production skills, building partnerships, and accessing big data and information in accordance with their current. Accelerating instrument operations needs champions or youth driving agent
Mekanisasi Pertanian dan Pengembangan Usaha Pelayanan Jasa Alsintan (UPJA)
Usaha Pelayanan Jasa Alsintan (UPJA) adalah lembaga yang dibangun dari kesadaran bahwa lahan pertanian di Indonesia sudah relatif sempit, tenaga kerja pertanian makin terbatas, perlu mengejar waktu tanam, dan pentingnya modernisasi pertanian. UPJA diperkirakan mampu mengatasi masalah usaha tani sekaligus menjadi faktor pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui akumulasi modal dan daya saing pertanian. Tulisan ini merupakan review ilmiah (critical review) yang bertujuan menganalisis mekanisasi pertanian dan pengembangan kelembagaan UPJA sebagai lembaga ekonomi desa dalam rangka optimalisasi alsintan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan penerapan mekanisasi pertanian telah mampu mempercepat proses produksi, meningkatkan produksi, dan keuntungan usaha tani. Program Upsus melalui bantuan alsintan belum berjalan secara optimal. Salah satu bentuk upaya optimalisasi adalah dengan menumbuhkan dan membangun UPJA sebagai pengelola alsintan. UPJA potensial memacu berkembangnya pertanian modern sekaligus menggerakkan ekonomi petani di pedesaan. Penanganan UPJA secara menyeluruh dan profesional berpotensi mengembangkan lembaga ini menjadi korporasi petani