3,163 research outputs found

    Exact ground states of a spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg model on the Shastry-Sutherland lattice in a magnetic field

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    Exact ground states of a spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg model on the Shastry-Sutherland lattice with Heisenberg intra-dimer and Ising inter-dimer couplings are found by two independent rigorous procedures. The first method uses a unitary transformation to establish a mapping correspondence with an effective classical spin model, while the second method relies on the derivation of an effective hard-core boson model by continuous unitary transformations. Both methods lead to equivalent effective Hamiltonians providing a convincing proof that the spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg model on the Shastry-Sutherland lattice exhibits a zero-temperature magnetization curve with just two intermediate plateaus at one-third and one-half of the saturation magnetization, which correspond to stripe and checkerboard orderings of singlets and polarized triplets, respectively. The nature of the remarkable stripe order relevant to the one-third plateau is thoroughly investigated with the help of the corresponding exact eigenvector. The rigorous results for the spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg model on the Shastry-Sutherland lattice are compared with the analogous results for the purely classical Ising and fully quantum Heisenberg models. Finally, we discuss to what extent the critical fields of SrCu2(BO3)2 and (CuCl)Ca2Nb3O10 can be described within the suggested Ising-Heisenberg model.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, minor correction

    Acellular dermal regeneration template for soft tissue reconstruction of the digits.

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    PURPOSE: Trauma to the digits often leaves soft tissue defects with exposed bone, joint, and/or tendon that require soft tissue replacement. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of acellular dermal regeneration template combined with full-thickness skin grafting for soft tissue reconstruction in digital injuries with soft tissue defects. METHODS: Acellular dermal regeneration template was used to reconstruct digital injuries with exposed bone, joint, tendon, and/or hardware not amenable to treatment with healing by secondary intention, rotation flaps, or primary skin grafts. Acellular dermal regeneration template was applied to 21 digits in 17 patients. Nineteen digits had exposed bone, 8 digits had exposed tendon, 6 digits had exposed joints, and 2 digits had exposed hardware. The acellular dermal regeneration template was sutured over the soft tissue defect. Over 3 weeks, a neodermis formed. The superficial silicone layer of the acellular dermal regeneration template was removed, and the digits received full-thickness epidermal autografting with cotton bolster. RESULTS: The duration of postoperative follow-up extended to a minimum of 12 months. For the injury sites where acellular dermal regeneration template was applied, the total area of application ranged from 1 cm(2) to 24 cm(2), with the largest individual site measuring 12 cm(2). Twenty of 21 digits demonstrated 100% incorporation of the acellular dermal regeneration template skin substitute. One digit that had sustained multilevel trauma developed necrosis requiring revision amputation. Full-thickness epidermal autografting was performed an average of 24 days after acellular dermal regeneration template skin substitute application and demonstrated a 100% take in 16 of 20 digits and partial graft loss of 15% to 25% in 4 of 20 digits that did not require further treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Acellular dermal regeneration template combined with secondary full-thickness skin grafting is an effective method of skin reconstruction in complex digital injuries with soft tissue defects involving exposed bone, tendon, and joint. The neodermis increases tissue bulk and facilitates epidermal autografting with digital injuries that otherwise would require flap coverage or skeletal shortening of the digit. TYPE OF STUDY/LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapeutic IV

    Comparative Study of Fault Tolerant Switched Flux Permanent Magnet Machines

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    The fault tolerant capabilities are compared in this paper for the conventional double layer switched flux permanent magnet machine and its single layer counterparts, i.e. C-core, Ecore and modular. The comparison includes the inter-turn shortcircuit and irreversible demagnetization faults. A combination of Simulink and finite element models is used in the study. Based on the predictions, it is found that the modular topology produces the lowest short-circuit current and also has the best demagnetization withstand capability while the conventional one produces the highest short-circuit current and has the worst demagnetization withstand capability. The frozen permeability method is employed to separate the flux produced by armature current and magnets, and the results showed that, besides the influence of short-circuit current, the available magnet volume and magnetic circuit configuration play an important role in the demagnetization process. It is also found that removing half of the magnets, such as using C-core, E-core and modular topologies, generally improves the demagnetization withstand capability and also increases the torque per magnet volume. Measured results are also presented to validate the short-circuit current predictions and magnet demagnetization

    Ill-Behaved Convergence of a Model of the Gd3Ga5O12 Garnet Antiferromagnet with Truncated Magnetic Dipole-Dipole Interactions

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    Previous studies have found that calculations which consider long-range magnetic dipolar interactions truncated at a finite cut-off distance Rc predict spurious (unphysical) long-range ordered phases for Ising and Heisenberg systems on the pyrochlore lattice. In this paper we show that, similar to these two cases, calculations that use truncated dipolar interactions to model the Gd3Ga5O12 garnet antiferromagnet also predict unphysical phases with incommensurate ordering wave vector q_ord that is very sensitive to the dipolar cut-off distance Rc.Comment: 7 pages, 2 color figures; Proceedings of the HFM2006 conference, to appear in a special issue of J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Analyzing Input and Output Representations for Speech-Driven Gesture Generation

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    This paper presents a novel framework for automatic speech-driven gesture generation, applicable to human-agent interaction including both virtual agents and robots. Specifically, we extend recent deep-learning-based, data-driven methods for speech-driven gesture generation by incorporating representation learning. Our model takes speech as input and produces gestures as output, in the form of a sequence of 3D coordinates. Our approach consists of two steps. First, we learn a lower-dimensional representation of human motion using a denoising autoencoder neural network, consisting of a motion encoder MotionE and a motion decoder MotionD. The learned representation preserves the most important aspects of the human pose variation while removing less relevant variation. Second, we train a novel encoder network SpeechE to map from speech to a corresponding motion representation with reduced dimensionality. At test time, the speech encoder and the motion decoder networks are combined: SpeechE predicts motion representations based on a given speech signal and MotionD then decodes these representations to produce motion sequences. We evaluate different representation sizes in order to find the most effective dimensionality for the representation. We also evaluate the effects of using different speech features as input to the model. We find that mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), alone or combined with prosodic features, perform the best. The results of a subsequent user study confirm the benefits of the representation learning.Comment: Accepted at IVA '19. Shorter version published at AAMAS '19. The code is available at https://github.com/GestureGeneration/Speech_driven_gesture_generation_with_autoencode

    Impact splash chondrule formation during planetesimal recycling

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    Chondrules are the dominant bulk silicate constituent of chondritic meteorites and originate from highly energetic, local processes during the first million years after the birth of the Sun. So far, an astrophysically consistent chondrule formation scenario, explaining major chemical, isotopic and textural features, remains elusive. Here, we examine the prospect of forming chondrules from planetesimal collisions. We show that intensely melted bodies with interior magma oceans became rapidly chemically equilibrated and physically differentiated. Therefore, collisional interactions among such bodies would have resulted in chondrule-like but basaltic spherules, which are not observed in the meteoritic record. This inconsistency with the expected dynamical interactions hints at an incomplete understanding of the planetary growth regime during the protoplanetary disk phase. To resolve this conundrum, we examine how the observed chemical and isotopic features of chondrules constrain the dynamical environment of accreting chondrite parent bodies by interpreting the meteoritic record as an impact-generated proxy of planetesimals that underwent repeated collision and reaccretion cycles. Using a coupled evolution-collision model we demonstrate that the vast majority of collisional debris feeding the asteroid main belt must be derived from planetesimals which were partially molten at maximum. Therefore, the precursors of chondrite parent bodies either formed primarily small, from sub-canonical aluminum-26 reservoirs, or collisional destruction mechanisms were efficient enough to shatter planetesimals before they reached the magma ocean phase. Finally, we outline the window in parameter space for which chondrule formation from planetesimal collisions can be reconciled with the meteoritic record and how our results can be used to further constrain early solar system dynamics.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication in Icarus; associated blog article at goo.gl/5bDqG

    Effect of spin on electron motion in a random magnetic field

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    We consider properties of a two-dimensional electron system in a random magnetic field. It is assumed that the magnetic field not only influences orbital electron motion but also acts on the electron spin. For calculations, we suggest a new trick replacing the initial Hamiltonian by a Dirac Hamiltonian. This allows us to do easily a perturbation theory and derive a supermatrix sigma model, which takes a form of the conventional sigma model with the unitary symmetry. Using this sigma model we calculate several correlation functions including a spin-spin correlation function. As compared to the model without spin, we get different expressions for the single-particle lifetime and the transport time. The diffusion constant turns out to be 2 times smaller than the one for spinless particles.Comment: 7 pages, revtex, result of the spin correlation function corrected, Appendix adde

    Reweighting of the form factors in exclusive B --> X ell nu decays

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    A form factor reweighting technique has been elaborated to permit relatively easy comparisons between different form factor models applied to exclusive B --> X l nu decays. The software tool developped for this purpose is described. It can be used with any event generator, three of which were used in this work: ISGW2, PHSP and FLATQ2, a new powerful generator. The software tool allows an easy and reliable implementation of any form factor model. The tool has been fully validated with the ISGW2 form factor hypothesis. The results of our present studies indicate that the combined use of the FLATQ2 generator and the form factor reweighting tool should play a very important role in future exclusive |Vub| measurements, with largely reduced errors.Comment: accepted for publication by EPJ
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