7 research outputs found

    Erken Çocukluk Döneminde Sosyal Beceri Ölçeği Türkçe formunun geçerlik ve güvenirliği

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     In this study, the Turkish validity and reliability study of the Social Skills Scale, which was developed for early childhood, was carried out based on the evaluation of the mothers. The research was conducted from the mother of 508 children in the province of Manisa. The Social Skills Scale, the Social Skills Assessment Scale, the Behavior Scale for Preschool Children, Kindergarten and the Kindergarten Behavior Scale, the Social Skill Development System Family Form and the personal information form were used as data collection tools. In research analysis, classical and modern test theories were processed. According to the results, it was reached that the Social Skill Scale preserves its three-factor structure. The measurement tool has the competence to be used in planning and researching educational activities in early childhood education.Bu araştırmada annelerin değerlendirmesi üzerinden erken çocukluk dönemi için geliştirilmiş olan Sosyal Beceri Ölçeği’nin Türkçe geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması yürütülmüştür. Araştırmaya Manisa İlinde 508 çocuğun annesi katılmıştır. Araştırmada veri toplama araçları olarak Sosyal Beceri Ölçeği, Sosyal Becerileri Değerlendirme Ölçeği, Okul Öncesi Çocuklar için Davranış Ölçeği, Anaokulu ve Anasınıfı Davranış Ölçeği, Sosyal Beceri Geliştirme Sistemi Aile Formu ve Kişisel Bilgi Formu kullanılmıştır. Araştırma analizlerinde klasik ve modern test yöntemleri işleme alınmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre Sosyal Beceri Ölçeğinin üç faktörlü yapısını koruduğuna ulaşılmıştır. Ölçme aracı erken çocukluk eğitiminde eğitsel etkinlikleri planlamada ve dönem araştırmalarında kullanılabilecek yeterliğe sahiptir.

    Obstetrik hastalarda bölgesel anestezi tercihini etkileyen faktörler: Anket çalışması

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    Objective: Most patients in Turkey still prefer general anaesthesia (GA) and are somehow afraid of regional blocks. Receiving adequate information is likely to increase patients' awareness about regional anaesthesia (RA). We aimed to determine the current preferences of parturients, the reasons for refusal of RA techniques, and how detailed information about the type of anaesthesia affect a patient's preference for anaesthesia among obstetric cases. Methods: One hundred fifty patients, scheduled for elective caesarean section (C/S), were surveyed before and after the C/S. The survey included three parts: the first part involved demographic features, anaesthesia preferences, prior opinions and experiences related to RA, and assessment of preoperative fears and reasons, and the second part involved persuasion of patients after reading the information sheet about RA. The final part was composed of postoperative satisfaction and complications related to the RA or GA depending on the patients' preferences. Complications were recorded on the anaesthesia chart. Results: Of all patients, 42.7% (n=64) approved and 48% (n=72) refused RA at the first preoperative anaesthesia visit. The remaining patients (n=14) had no idea of which anaesthesia type to choose. After being informed about RA in detail, 48 (66.6%) of the patients who previously refused RA and all patients who had no idea approved the procedure, and all of them were satisfied with the anaesthesia following the procedure. Conclusion: Our study revealed exactly that particularly obstetric anaesthetists should inform their patients about the advantages and disadvantages of all alternative types of anaesthesia. Effective and correct information is the major point.Amaç: Obstetrik hastalarda herhangi bir kontrendikasyonu yoksa, bölgesel anestezi ilk tercih edilmesi gereken ve en güveniliryöntemdir. Bu anket çalışmamızda obstetrik hastalarda bölgeselanesteziyi reddetme nedenlerini, iyi bir bilgilendirme sonrasındakigörüş değişikliklerini ve ameliyat sonrasındaki memnuniyet düzeylerini ölçmeyi amaçladık.Yöntemler: Etik kurul onayıyla preoperatif değerlendirme sırasında anestezi polikliniğine gelen gebelerden iki aşamalı bir anketformu doldurmaları istendi. Anketin ilk bölümünde anestezi tercihleri ve bölgesel anesteziyi reddetme nedenleri sorgulandıktansonra hastalara standart bir bilgilendirme broşürü okutuldu. Bilgilendirme sonrası anketin ikinci aşamasına geçilerek seçim değişiklikleri ve nedenleri sorgulandı. Girişim sonrasında tüm hastalarınanestezi seçimleriyle ilgili memnuniyetleri ve komplikasyonlarkaydedildi.Bulgular: Doğum öncesi anestezi polikliniğinde değerlendirilen150 ASA I veya II gebe verilen anket formunu doldurdu. Altmışdört gebe (%42,7) herhangi bir ön bilgilendirme yapmadan bölgesel anesteziyi tercih etti. Yetmiş iki gebe (%48) bölgesel anesteziyi reddetti. Bu gebelerin 16’sı (%11,1) daha önceki bölgeselanestezi deneyimlerinde yaşadıkları komplikasyonları neden olarak gösterdiler. Tüm gebeler standart bilgilendirilmeye tabi tutulduktan sonra 48 (%66,6) gebe bölgesel anesteziyi kabul etti ve buhastaların tamamının ameliyat sonrası memnuniyet değerlendirmesi ‘çok iyi’ şeklindeydi.Sonuç: Bu anket çalışması; etkin ve doğru bir bilgilendirmeylehastaların yöntem seçimlerini değiştirebileceklerini göstermiştir.Sonuçta hastaların ameliyat öncesi anestezistler tarafından bilgilendirmesinin önemi bir kez daha ortaya çıkmıştır

    Comparison of Controlled Ovarian Stimulation Protocols on IVF Outcome in Normal and Poor Responders

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    OBJECTIVE: Aim of this study is determining the influence of luteal long GnRH agonist and GnRH antagonist protocols on IVF/ICSI cycle outcome in group of patients considered “normal responder” and influence of luteal long GnRH agonist, microdose flare-up agonist and GnRH antagonist protocols on IVF/ICSI cycle outcome in a group of patients considered “poor responder”. STUDY DESIGN: This was a retrospective analysis performed in the Hacettepe University School of Medicine IVF Center, Ankara, from January 2005 to December 2007. Normal responders (first arm) were stimulated either with luteal long GnRH analogues, (193 patients and 300 cycles) or with GnRH antagonists (215 patients and 300 cycles). Poor responders (second arm) were stimulated either with luteal long GnRH analogues, (20 patients and 32 cycles), with GnRH antagonists (21 patients and 45 cycles) or microdose flare-up protocol (27 patients and 74 cycles). RESULTS: In the first arm; the clinical pregnancy, implantation and multiple pregnancy rates were comparable between the two groups in the first arm. In the second arm; clinical pregnancy, implantation and multiple pregnancy rates were comparable between three groups. CONCLUSION: There is insufficient evidence to recommend GnRH agonist or GnRH antagonist protocols for patients considered “normal’ and ‘poor responder’

    Does Cigarette Smoking Affect Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) and Embryo Transfer (ET) Outcomes?

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of smoking on controlled ovarian stimulation performance and ICSI-ET results. STUDY DESIGN: 193 ICSI cycles with ejaculated sperm were included. ICSI-ET outcome of smokers (n=54) and non-smokers (n=139) were compared. Only initial cycles stimulated via luteal long leuprolide acetate with recombinant follicle stimulating hormone or oral contraceptive plus luteal long leuprolide acetate with rFSH protocol were included. Patients with confounding factors such as female age >40, the presence of any ovarian surgery, unilateral oophorectomy or advanced endometriosis (stage III or more) were excluded. RESULTS: The number of retrieved oocyte cumulus complexes (OCC), metaphase-2 oocytes (M2), the fertilization rate, and the total number of the embryos available on day 3 were comparable among the two groups. Mean number of transferred grade 1, grade 2 and total embryos were also comparable between smokers and non-smokers groups. The cycle cancellation rates due to inadequate response to COH were similar among two groups. The clinical pregnancy rates were not statistically different for the two groups. CONCLUSION: Smoking is a well known poor prognostic factor for spontaneous conception or IVF-ET cycles. However, deleterious effect of smoking may not be directly adapted to the whole ICSI-ET cycles in patients without another risk factor threatening ovarian reserve

    Functional Cyst Aspiration At The Beginning Of ICSI Cycle Does Not Have Detrimental Effect on ICSI Outcomes

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study is to investigate the effect of functional simple cyst aspiration at the beginning of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cycles on controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) and ICSI outcomes. Design retrospective case-control study. STUDY DESIGN: Fifty consecutive patients (69 cycles, Group I) who underwent functional cyst aspiration at the beginning of ICSI cycle were enrolled retrospectively via our computerized IVF database system. The control group was constituted from the 70 patients (99 cycles, tubal factor infertility, Group II). RESULTS: Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation responses, embryological data and pregnancy outcome of both groups were all comparable. CONCLUSION: Functional simple cysts aspiration at the beginning of ICSI cycles does not have detrimental effect on both COH and ICSI outcomes

    Screening By Magnetic Resonance Imaging May Be Performed Even In Patients With Mild-Moderate Hyperprolactinemia

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between the degree of hyperprolactinemia and the possibility of presenting a pituitary adenoma with magnetic resonance imaging. In addition, a threshold value for prolactin level was studied in order to predict micro/macroadenoma. STUDY DESIGN: A total of 43 patients from a tertiary center, with persistent hyperprolactinemia were retrospectively evaluated. Only patients with a prolactin level more than 20ng/mL with two consecutive analyses were undertaken. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed to all cases. RESULTS: Of the 43 cases, microadenoma and macroadenoma was observed in 14 (32.6%) and 1 (%2.3) patient, respectively. The mean levels of PRL among patients with normal pituary imaging and microadenomas were similar. The unique case with macroadenoma had a PRL level of 56.2ng/mL. When the patients (n=39) were enrolled according to PRL levels, such as <100 ng/mL (n=33) or ≥100 ng/mL (n=6), the possibility of carrying a microadenoma was found to be 33.3% and 50%, respectively (p>0.5). CONCLUSION: There is no consensus for the cut-off PRL level to predict micro/macroadenoma in patients with persistent hyperprolactinemia. According to limited data, micro/macroadenoma may be presented even in PRL levels less than 100ng/ml. Therefore, the possibility of micro/macroadenoma should not be underestimated in patients with mild-moderate hyperprolactinemia according to the available literature

    Physician preferences for management of patients with heart failure and arrhythmia

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