13 research outputs found

    Kartografska forma prezentacije pokazatelјa potencijala ruralnih područja

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    Ruralni razvoj obuhvata širok spеktar еkonomskih, dеmografskih, еkoloških, socijalnih i kulturnih izazova 21 vеka. Problеmi ruralnog razvoja u korеlaciji su sa problеmima rеgionalnog razvoja, zbog čеga ciljеvi ovе dvе politikе trеba da budu komplеmеntarni. Poljoprivrеda jе važan sеgmеnt ukupnе ruralnе еkonomijе. Savrеmеna ruralna еkonomija suočеna jе sa brojnim problеmima, posеbno dеpopulacijom stanovništva i dеvastacijom zеmljišta. Unaprеđеnjе kvalitеta života i еkonomsku stabilnost stanovnika ruralnih područja potrеbno jе uskladiti sa spеcifičnostima datog područja. Porеd rеvitalizacijе poljoprivrеdе, divеrzifikacija ruralnе еkonomijе prеdstavlja prеduslov dеmografskе stabilizacijе, kao osnovе za održivost svih komponеnti razvoja. Stanovništvo i poljoprivrеdno zеmljištе prеdstavljaju osnovni razvojni potеncijal ruralnih područja. Poljoprivrеdno zеmljištе kao prirodno bogatstvo, dobro jе od opštеg intеrеsa za društvеnu zajеdnicu. Prеdstavlja uslov za poljoprivrеdnu proizvodnju i život ljudi uopštе. Zaštita, očuvanjе, urеđеnjе, racionalno korišćеnjе i upravljanjе poljoprivrеdnim zеmljištеm, kao prirodnim rеsursom za proizvodnju hranе, prеdstavlja nеophodnost za еgzistеnciju budućih gеnеracija. Analiza podataka o tеritoriji i stanovništvu prеdstavlja osnov za istraživanjе stanja i tеndеncijе načina korišćеnja pojеdinih katеgorija poljoprivrеdnog zеmljišta. U radu jе data kartografska analiza osnovnih tеritorijalno-dеmografskih pokazatеlja, pokazatеlja o raspoloživom ukupnom, korišćеnom i nеkorišćеnom poljoprivrеdnom zеmljištu i njеgovim katеgorijama korišćеnja, od značaja za ruralni razvoj, na primеru Kolubarskog okruga. Kartografska forma prеzеntacijе pokazatеlja potеncijala ruralnih područja, omogućava njihov grafičko-analitički prikaz u cilju očiglеdnе prostornе intеrprеtacijе. Kartiranjеm različitih tipova gustina nasеljеnosti dobijaju sе еksponiranе i еduktivnе informacijе. Taksonomеtrijsko grupisanjе i mеtričko prеdstavljanjе funkcionalno kartografski transformisanih statističkih podataka pokazatеlja potеncijala ruralnog razvoja, omogućava da sе saglеda suština problеma i izrazе prioritеti razvoja dеfinisanog fokusnog područja

    Kartografska forma prezentacije pokazatelјa potencijala ruralnih područja

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    Ruralni razvoj obuhvata širok spеktar еkonomskih, dеmografskih, еkoloških, socijalnih i kulturnih izazova 21 vеka. Problеmi ruralnog razvoja u korеlaciji su sa problеmima rеgionalnog razvoja, zbog čеga ciljеvi ovе dvе politikе trеba da budu komplеmеntarni. Poljoprivrеda jе važan sеgmеnt ukupnе ruralnе еkonomijе. Savrеmеna ruralna еkonomija suočеna jе sa brojnim problеmima, posеbno dеpopulacijom stanovništva i dеvastacijom zеmljišta. Unaprеđеnjе kvalitеta života i еkonomsku stabilnost stanovnika ruralnih područja potrеbno jе uskladiti sa spеcifičnostima datog područja. Porеd rеvitalizacijе poljoprivrеdе, divеrzifikacija ruralnе еkonomijе prеdstavlja prеduslov dеmografskе stabilizacijе, kao osnovе za održivost svih komponеnti razvoja. Stanovništvo i poljoprivrеdno zеmljištе prеdstavljaju osnovni razvojni potеncijal ruralnih područja. Poljoprivrеdno zеmljištе kao prirodno bogatstvo, dobro jе od opštеg intеrеsa za društvеnu zajеdnicu. Prеdstavlja uslov za poljoprivrеdnu proizvodnju i život ljudi uopštе. Zaštita, očuvanjе, urеđеnjе, racionalno korišćеnjе i upravljanjе poljoprivrеdnim zеmljištеm, kao prirodnim rеsursom za proizvodnju hranе, prеdstavlja nеophodnost za еgzistеnciju budućih gеnеracija. Analiza podataka o tеritoriji i stanovništvu prеdstavlja osnov za istraživanjе stanja i tеndеncijе načina korišćеnja pojеdinih katеgorija poljoprivrеdnog zеmljišta. U radu jе data kartografska analiza osnovnih tеritorijalno-dеmografskih pokazatеlja, pokazatеlja o raspoloživom ukupnom, korišćеnom i nеkorišćеnom poljoprivrеdnom zеmljištu i njеgovim katеgorijama korišćеnja, od značaja za ruralni razvoj, na primеru Kolubarskog okruga. Kartografska forma prеzеntacijе pokazatеlja potеncijala ruralnih područja, omogućava njihov grafičko-analitički prikaz u cilju očiglеdnе prostornе intеrprеtacijе. Kartiranjеm različitih tipova gustina nasеljеnosti dobijaju sе еksponiranе i еduktivnе informacijе. Taksonomеtrijsko grupisanjе i mеtričko prеdstavljanjе funkcionalno kartografski transformisanih statističkih podataka pokazatеlja potеncijala ruralnog razvoja, omogućava da sе saglеda suština problеma i izrazе prioritеti razvoja dеfinisanog fokusnog područja

    Reaction of a 3-aryilidene-2-thiohydantoin derivative with polymeric trans-[CuCl2(DMSO)(2)](n) complex: unexpected isomerization to dinuclear cis-[{CuCl(DMSO)(2)}(mu-Cl)](2)

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    The 3-arylidene-2-thiohydantoin derivative, 3-[(2-hydroxybenzylidene)amino]-2-thioxoimidazolidin-4-one, was synthesized in a two-step condensation reaction of 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde, thiosemicarbazide and ethyl chloroacetate. The ligand was structurally characterized by NMR and IR spectroscopy, as well as by elemental analysis. In the reaction of the well-known polymeric trans-[CuCl2(DMSO)(2)](n) complex with the polydentate thiohydantoin type ligand, instead of the corresponding copper thiohydantoin complex, unexpectedly, the dinuclear cis-[{CuCl(DMSO)(2)}(mu-Cl)](2) complex (1) was formed predominantly as the final stable product. The structure of the complex 1 was confirmed by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The cis-complex is obtained through assisted isomerization of the trans-form, in which the thiohydantoin derivative has a crucial role

    Ekstrakt ploda morača kao potencijalni prirodni aditiv u prehrambenoj industriji

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    In this study, the polyphenol profile and antioxidant activity of the hydro-ethanolic extract of the fennel fruit were examined in order to investigate the possibility of its application as a potential functional food additive. Total phenols were analyzed by the method of Folin-Ciocalteu, while total flavonoids were determined by the aluminum chloride colorimetric method. The separation and quantification of phenolic compounds were performed by LC-MS/MS analysis, using a multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. The antioxidant capacity was determined by FRAP and DPPH assays. The high values of total phenolics and flavonoids were found, as well as high antioxidant activity which amounted to 9023.33 ± 38.19 µmol Fe(II)/l and 3.73 ± 0.04 mmol TE/l, tested by FRAP and DPPH assays, respectively. Among the identified phenolic compounds, p-hydroxybenzoic and chlorogenic acids were detected as predominant. The obtained results indicated that the hydro-ethanolic extract of the fennel fruit can be used in food industry as a potential natural antioxidant.U ovom radu određivan je sadržaj polifenola i antioksidativna aktivnost vodeno-etanolnog ekstrakta morača, sa ciljem ispitivanja mogućnosti njegove primene kao potencijalnog funkcionalnog aditiva. Ukupni fenoli su analizirani metodom po Folin-Ciocalteu, dok je ukupan sadržaj flavonoida određen kolorimetrijskom metodom primenom aluminijum hlorida. Razdvajanje i kvantifikacija fenolnih jedinjenja postignuti su upotrebom LC-MS/MS metode u režimu koji omogućava istovremeno praćenje više jonskih prelaza. Antioksidativni kapacitet je određivan primenom testova FRAP i DPPH. U testiranom ekstraktu dobijene su visoke vrednosti za ukupne fenole i flavonoide, a dobijena je i visoka vrednost antioksidativne aktivnosti, koja je iznosila 9023.33 ± 38,19 mmol Fe(II)/l i 3,73 ± 0,04 mmol TE/l, računato primenom testa FRAP odnosno testa DPPH. Među fenolnim jedinjenjima, phidroksibenzoeva i hlorogena kiselina su pronađene kao dominantne. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da se ekstrakt morača može primenjivati u prehrambenoj industriji kao potencijalni prirodni antioksidans


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    Calcium is a macro element that is very important for the human body: its content and circulation in the body is large, it serves as the electrolyte, it has a building role and participates in the process of metabolism. The European Union, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Food and Drug (Food and Drug Administration, FDA) gave the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowances,) for this macro element. The absorption and bioavailability of the calcium may vary depending on a number of factors, and because all of the foregoing it is consumed by means of different supplements. The aim of this study was to determine the content of calcium in the various diet products using the volumetric analytical method of analysis. Supplements that were analyzed are divided into two groups. The first group consists supplements in which the calcium is present in the form of different chemical compounds, and the second group consists of supplements of a number of different manufacturers in which the calcium is in the form of calcium carbonate. Calcium content, obtained by applying the method above, which ranged from 95.11% to 99.80% compared to the theoretical value. Results were analyzed using the t-test, while not producing a statistically significant difference

    A Case Study on the Danube Limes in Serbia: Valorisation and Cartographic Analyses of Selected Tourism Products

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    Cultural assets in the area of the Danube Limes in Serbia are an integral part of the world heritage “Roman Empire Borders”. The research presented in this paper includes the tourist and cartographic visualization of 19 Roman sites in the Danube Limes region of Golubac–Radujevac, to determine the real possibilities of tourism development in this area. The historical and cultural heritage of this area is among the most attractive tourist destinations in Serbia, Djerdap National Park and Djerdap Geopark. Despite its diverse cultural and historical values and the specific and unique natural environment, this area is not sufficiently used for tourism. The research included the evaluation of localities, which may serve as the basis to establish which activities should be undertaken in order to plan, use, preserve, and protect such important cultural assets, under the principles of sustainable tourism development. Information based on spatially referenced data in the research process requires cartographic support, in order to understand the geospatial relations of the site significance. Cartographic visualization enabled efficiently systematized data organization, spatial identification, presentation, and the use of complex information from the mapped area in the data analysis in this paper

    Utjecaj toksičnosti metala na reprodukcijsku funkciju u muškaraca

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    A combination of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors contributes to adverse effects on the reproductive health in men. Metals are pervasive in food, water, air, tobacco smoke, and alcoholic beverages. Experimental studies suggest that many metals have adverse effects on the male reproductive function. However, information about reproductive effects of human exposure to metals is scarce and/or inconsistent. This review summarises the information from epidemiological studies of the effects of metal exposure on reproductive function in men. Factors capable of affecting these relationships were identifi ed and discussed. A particular attention is given to the studies considering influence of concomitant exposure to various metals. These studies have generally confirmed that even moderate- to low-level exposure to lead affects certain reproductive parameters, and that exposure to cadmium affects the prostate function and serum testosterone levels. Adverse effects of mercury, manganese, chromium and arsenic on semen quality and altered serum hormone are less well documented. There is no clear evidence that boron exposure may impair reproductive health in men. Only a few studies have investigated reproductive effects of concomitant exposure to several metals and controlled for potential confounders. Future studies should consider the contribution of combined exposure to various metals and/or other factors that may influence individual susceptibility to reproductive health impairment in men.Postoje indikacije da kombinacija genetskih, okolišnih i čimbenika načina života pridonosi uočenom poremećaju reprodukcijskog zdravlja u muškaraca. Metali su široko rasprostranjeni u čovjekovu okolišu te u hrani, vodi, zraku, cigaretnom dimu i alkoholnim pićima. Rezultati eksperimentalnih istraživanja sugeriraju štetne učinke većine ispitivanih metala na mušku reprodukcijsku funkciju. Međutim, odgovarajuća su istraživanja u ljudi oskudna. Ovaj rad sažima rezultate dosadašnjih epidemioloških istraživanja o učincima izloženosti metalima na mušku reprodukcijsku funkciju. Poseban naglasak dan je istraživanjima koja su razmatrala utjecaj istodobne izloženosti različitim metalima uz čimbenike čovjekova načina života i njihovo međudjelovanje na reprodukcijske učinke. Objavljeni rezultati daju dovoljno dokaza o štetnom djelovanju olova i žive na neke reprodukcijske parametre te kadmija na poremećaj prostate i razinu testosterona u serumu, čak u uvjetima umjerene do niske razine izloženosti. Manje je dokaza o štetnom djelovanju na kvalitetu sjemena i razinu spolnih hormona nađeno za mangan. Podaci koji upućuju na moguće štetno djelovanje arsena ili kroma nisu dosljedni, dok o štetnom djelovanju bora na mušku reprodukcijsku funkciju nema jasnih podataka. Utjecaj potencijalno uzročnih varijabli uzet je u obzir samo u nekoliko radova. Stoga buduća istraživanja poremećaja reprodukcijskog zdravlja u muškaraca trebaju razmatrati doprinos istovremene izloženosti različitim metalima koji u kombinaciji s ostalim čimbenicima mogu utjecati na osobnu (pre)osjetljivost

    Evaluation of natural and cultural-historical heritage of the Danube region in Serbia through cartographic presentation

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    Geographic territory is the condition and framework of tourist development, the origin and destination of tourist movements. Natural resources, their attractiveness, quality and environmental preservation represent an extremely important potential for the development of tourism. The uniqueness and specificity of the natural resources of the Danube region in Serbia is an important part of the heritage, and its attractiveness is a significant component in the tourist offer of Serbia. The natural and throughout history strategic importance of the Danube has also influenced the rich and diverse cultural and historical heritage. Functionally connected natural and cultural values of historical importance represent an important tourist attraction and a prerequisite for the further development of this area. The tourist area of the Danube region in Serbia includes protected areas and individual localities of national and international importance, unique natural beauty and cultural values: Special Nature Reserve "Gornje Podunavlje", National Park "Đerdap", Bačka, Petrovaradinska, Beogradska, Smederevska, Ramska, Golubačka and Fetislam fortress, Lepenski Vir, Viminacium and numerous other specific landscape entities and localities. The geographical and historical connection of protected natural and cultural assets predetermines the use of this area for various types of tourism. This creates opportunities and activates the conditions for the development of complementary activities and affects the protection and improvement of the environment of the entire area. The planned development of tourism is defined through numerous sustainable development strategies both at the national and international levels. The Danube region is characterized by a unity of diversity that should be promoted as a spatially connected whole. The combined diverse natural and cultural-historical wealth of the Danube region in Serbia, as part of the European natural and cultural heritage, represents a great potential that needs to be further affirmed, protected and improved. The development of tourism and the study of space requires appropriate information support. The map is of great importance as a source and means of information dissemination for various analyzes and presentations of tourist content. The physiognomy of the Danube watershed area has been studied and represented on maps since ancient times. The map graphically displays and provides information about the location and characteristics of features, their distribution, spatial connections, state and dynamics of changes in space. Maps have a special cultural value in the preservation of natural and cultural heritage. They represent a document of cultural and historical heritage of importance for tourism. The map presents various contents of the tourist offer. Modern requirements are aimed at increasing the information capacity of tourist maps. In addition to the primarily created tourist maps, in the process of use, digital technology enables content transformation into multivariate presentations of geodata through the inclusion of a new type of data according to the set variables. By increasing the information capacity of digital cartographic content, the map is not a mere static graphic presentation of geographic space, but a dynamic, interactive portal for interconnection and distribution of geospatial data. Geovisualization techniques allow the user to extract and research purposefully needed information from a huge amount of data, implement graphical variants of data display in relation to different viewing angles, change indicators that enable comparison of facts, interrelationships and characteristics of geospace features

    Evaluation of natural and cultural-historical heritage of the Danube region in Serbia through cartographic presentation

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    Geographic territory is the condition and framework of tourist development, the origin and destination of tourist movements. Natural resources, their attractiveness, quality and environmental preservation represent an extremely important potential for the development of tourism. The uniqueness and specificity of the natural resources of the Danube region in Serbia is an important part of the heritage, and its attractiveness is a significant component in the tourist offer of Serbia. The natural and throughout history strategic importance of the Danube has also influenced the rich and diverse cultural and historical heritage. Functionally connected natural and cultural values of historical importance represent an important tourist attraction and a prerequisite for the further development of this area. The tourist area of the Danube region in Serbia includes protected areas and individual localities of national and international importance, unique natural beauty and cultural values: Special Nature Reserve "Gornje Podunavlje", National Park "Đerdap", Bačka, Petrovaradinska, Beogradska, Smederevska, Ramska, Golubačka and Fetislam fortress, Lepenski Vir, Viminacium and numerous other specific landscape entities and localities. The geographical and historical connection of protected natural and cultural assets predetermines the use of this area for various types of tourism. This creates opportunities and activates the conditions for the development of complementary activities and affects the protection and improvement of the environment of the entire area. The planned development of tourism is defined through numerous sustainable development strategies both at the national and international levels. The Danube region is characterized by a unity of diversity that should be promoted as a spatially connected whole. The combined diverse natural and cultural-historical wealth of the Danube region in Serbia, as part of the European natural and cultural heritage, represents a great potential that needs to be further affirmed, protected and improved. The development of tourism and the study of space requires appropriate information support. The map is of great importance as a source and means of information dissemination for various analyzes and presentations of tourist content. The physiognomy of the Danube watershed area has been studied and represented on maps since ancient times. The map graphically displays and provides information about the location and characteristics of features, their distribution, spatial connections, state and dynamics of changes in space. Maps have a special cultural value in the preservation of natural and cultural heritage. They represent a document of cultural and historical heritage of importance for tourism. The map presents various contents of the tourist offer. Modern requirements are aimed at increasing the information capacity of tourist maps. In addition to the primarily created tourist maps, in the process of use, digital technology enables content transformation into multivariate presentations of geodata through the inclusion of a new type of data according to the set variables. By increasing the information capacity of digital cartographic content, the map is not a mere static graphic presentation of geographic space, but a dynamic, interactive portal for interconnection and distribution of geospatial data. Geovisualization techniques allow the user to extract and research purposefully needed information from a huge amount of data, implement graphical variants of data display in relation to different viewing angles, change indicators that enable comparison of facts, interrelationships and characteristics of geospace features

    Molecular and morphological determination of Colletotrichum trifolii isolates originating from alfalfa

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    Colletotrichum trifolii is a fungal pathogen responsible for anthracnose disease in alfalfa. The isolates of C. trifolii were obtained from diseased alfalfa stems collected from field in Serbia. It was determined by pathogenicity examination that four isolates (Luc-7, Luc-17, Luc-27, Luc-33) can cause stem lesions on inoculated alfalfa plant. Our isolates were compared using reference isolates of C. trifolii (CBS 158.83). Isolates on MA and CDA developed olive green to grey colonies with white margin, while the substrate got dark olive green color. Conidiophores were hyaline, varied in length and produced a succession of conidia apically. Conidia were hyaline, straight, rounded at the ends, and non-septated with average size 7.85x3.87 μm. Average sizes of appressoria were 7.5-16.5 x 5.5 x 8.9 μm. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with one set of specific primers was used for the detection of examined isolates of Colletotrichum trifolii. Amplification of desired DNA fragment (590 bp) was determined using specific primer pair TB3-F/TB3-R. Achieved results of amplification indicated that the isolates Luc-7, Luc-17, Luc-27, as well as CBS 158.83, had traits of C. trifolli. Amplification and band on about 430 bp appeared in isolate Luc-33, which also belonged to C. trifolli species