5 research outputs found


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    Milk (ASI) is a source of nutrients that can be beneficial for the health of mothers and children. Breastfeeding is very important, especially in the early stages of life; thus, it is sufficient for newborns to be given only breast milk for the first 6 months. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of providing education on the knowledge of post partum mothers about breastfeeding at the Tanjung Beringin Health Center, Hinai District, Langkat Regency in 2022. The research method used The type of research used was quasi-experimental research with the research design used was one group pre test-post test design. The research location was conducted at the Tanjung Beringin Health Center, Hinai District, Langkat Regency. The time of the study was July-October 2022. The samples in this study were all post partum mothers who came to the Tanjung Beringin Health Center, totaling 30 respondents. The sample used was purposive sampling. The research instrument is a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. The results showed that 30 respondents had statistical test results using the paired t test where the results of the pre-test and post-test descriptive statistical research proved to be higher in the post-test. It can be concluded that the effectiveness of providing education can increase knowledge of breastfeeding. The conclusion that can be obtained is that knowledge with the effectiveness of providing education after treatment can increase respondents' knowledge about breastfeeding at the Tanjung Beringin Health Center, Hinai District, Langka Regency in 2022. It is suggested that this research will add information in the development of science, especially in obstetrics in studying the importance of breastfeeding Key words:  Effectiveness of Providing Education, Knowledg


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    The high rate of population growth in Indonesia is due to the low coverage of family planning participants. One of them is the low use of IUD family planning which is only 4.7% due to lack of knowledge and understanding of the long-term benefits of IUD family planning. To determine the related factors to the fertile age women participation in the use of IUD Birth Control. The type of this research is analytical survey with cross sectional approach. This research was conducted at Kelurahan Sei Kera Hilir I of Medan Perjuangan Sub District Medan Kota. The sample of 87 people. The sampling was done by accidental sampling technique. Knowledge variables (p value = 0.000), parity (p value = 0.031), education (p value = 0.022), income (p value = 0.021) and husband support (p value = 0.000) has a relationship with the participation of fertile age women in the use of IUD Birth Control. Variables of husband's support and knowledge were the most influential variables in the use of IUD Birth Control. Shows that the most influential factor with the participation of fertile age women in the use of IUD Birth Control is husband's support and knowledgeTingginya laju pertumbuhan penduduk di Indonesia dikarenakan rendahnya cakupan peserta KB. Salah satunya adalah rendahnya penggunaan KB IUD yang hanya 4,7 % yang disebabkan karena kurangnya pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang manfaat jangka panjang dari KB IUD. Untuk mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan keikutsertaan wanita pasangan usia subur dalam penggunaan KB IUD. Jenis penelitian ini adalah survei analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Sei Kera Hilir I Kecamatan Medan Perjuangan Kota Medan. Sampel penelitian ini adalah peserta kb aktif dengan pengambilan sampel secara accidental  sampling dengan jumlah 87 sampel. Penelitian diperoleh bahwa pengetahuan dengan nilai p (0,000), paritas dengan nilai p (0,031),   pendidikan dengan nilai p (0,022),  pendapatan dengan nilai p (0,021, dan dukungan suami dengan nilai p (0,000) berhubungan dengan keikutsertaan wanita pasangan usia subur dalam penggunaan KB IUD. Pengetahuan dan dukungan suami memiliki hubungan kuat dengan keikutsertaan wanita pasangan usia subur dalam penggunaan KB IU

    The Effectivity of Nutrition Education Booklet on Knowledge, Fast-food Consumption, Calorie Intake, and Body Mass Index in Adolescents

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    Background: The prevalence of adolescent obesity is increasing worldwide with proportions varying from country to country or between geo­graphical regions within a country. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of nutri­tion education with booklet media on know­ledge, fast food consumption, calorie intake, and body mass index (BMI) in adolescents.Subjects and Method: This was a quasy experiment with no control group. The study was conducted in Junior high school in Medan, North Sumatera. A sample of 31 adoles­cents was selec­ted by purpo­sive sampling. The depen­­dent vari­ables were know­l­edge, fast-food consumption, ca­lorie intake, and BMI. The independent vari­ables were booklet media. Means of knowledge, fast food consumption, calorie intake, and BMI before and after intervention was examined by t-test.Results: Mean of knowledge after intervention (Mean= 12.90; SD= 2.71) was higher than before (Mean= 8.77; SD= 1.54) and it was statisticaly significant (p<0.001). Mean of fast food con­sump­tion after intervention (Mean= 9.48; SD= 1.38) was lower than before (Mean= 10.03; SD= 1.16) and it was statistically significant (p= 0.007). Mean of calorie intake after intervention (Mean= 2735.12; SD= 1999.9) was lower than before (Mean= 2821.09; SD= 216.13) and it was statistically significant (p= 0.003). BMI after intervention (Mean= 26.58; SD= 2.49) was equal with before intervention (Mean= 26.81; SD= 2.49).Conclusion: Nutrition education with booklet improves knowledge, reduces fast food con­sump­tion, and reduce calorie intake.Keywords: nutrition education, booklets, know­ledge, fast food, calorie, body mass indexCorrespondence: Irfan Said. Study Program in Nutrition, Health Ins­­titute Helvetia. Jl. Kapten Sumarsono 107 Me­dan, North Sumatera, Indonesia. Email: Irfan­[email protected]. Mobile: 085256­780839.Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior (2020), 5(1): 11-17https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2020.05.01.0

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Dan Imbalan Terhadap Kinerja Perawat Di Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Datu Beru Takengon

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    Perawat merupakan salah satu tim pelayanan kesehatan terbesar yang dituntut untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan organisasi di rumah sakit. Perawat sebagai ujung tombak dalam melakukan pelayanan kesehatan harus sebanding dengan kinerja yang dilakukan. Rumah Sakit Datu Beru Takengon menunjukan adanya kurangnya kinerja perawat yang diberikan kepada pasien, rendahnya kinerja perawat tersebut dapat terjadi di karenakan oleh rendahnya pengawasan oleh kepemimpinan keperawatan dan pemberian imbalan yang sering terlambat. Dari hal tersebut dapat diketahui faktor kepemimpinan dan imbalan menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja perawat di ruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit Umum Datu Beru Takengon. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Explanatory research dengan populasi sebanyak 131 orang perawat honorer dan jumlah sampel sebanyak 99 orang perawat. Analisa data  dengan menggunakan uji regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ada pengaruh kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja perawat dengan nilai P hitung (0.001) &lt; P tabel (0.05) dengan besarnya pengeruh kepemimpinan dengan nilai OR (odd ratio) Ekp (B) sebesar 17.179 dan tidak ada pengaruh imbalan terhadap kinerja perawat dengan nilai P hitung (0.131) &gt; P tabel (0.05). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan ada pengeruh kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja perawat, dan tidak ada pengaruh imbalan terhadap kinerja perawat di ruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit Datu Beru Takengon.

    Factors Affecting Exclusive Breastfeeding In Infants 7-12 Months

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    Latar belakang; Asi eksklusif adalah pemberian asi saja tanpa tambahan cairan lain baik susu formula, air putih, air jeruk, atau makanan tambahan lain sebelum mencapai usia enam bulan. ibu memberikan asi secara tidak eksklusif dengan alasan ibu takut payudaranya berubah dan  berapa ibu juga mengatakan asi yang keluar tidak lancar, Adapun faktor lain karena takut anaknya kelaparan suami memberikan susu formula dan beberapa ibu mengatakan tidak bisa memberikan asi karena ibu sibuk bekerja di luar sehigga tidak sempat memberikan asi.Tujuan; Untuk mengetahui faktor yang memengaruhi pemberian asi eksklusif.Metode;  Desain  penelitian  yang  digunakan  adalah  Cross  Sectional.  Populasi  dalam  penelitian  ini sebanyak 32 orang dengan sampel sebanyak 32 orang. Metode pengumpulan data yaitu data primer, sekunderdan tersier. Analisa data yang digunakan yaitu analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat dengan uji regresilogistik.Hasil; Analisis multivariat nilai sig-p 0,908 0,05, pengetahuan sig-p 0,095 > 0,05, dukungan suami.Kesimpulan; Ada pengaruh Pekerjaan, dukungan suami, tidak ada pengaruh pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap pemberian asi eksklusif.Saran: Memberikan penyuluhan dapat menambah pengetahuan ibu tentang pemberian asi eksklusif. Kata Kunci : Asi Eksklusif, Pemberian ABSTRACT Background: Exclusive breastfeeding is breastfeeding without the addition of other fluids, either formula milk, water, orange juice, or other additional foods before reaching the age of six months. Mothers give breast milk non-exclusively with the reason that the mother is afraid that her breasts will change and some mothers also say that the milk that comes out is not smooth. The other factor is because they are afraid that the baby is starving. The husband gives formula milk and some mothers say they cannot give breast milk because the mother is busy working outside so that they do not have time to give breast milk.Purpose; to know the factors that influence exclusive breastfeeding.Method; the research design used was Cross Sectional. The population in this study were 32 people with a sample of 32 people. Data collection methods used were primary, secondary and tertiary data. Analysis of the data used was univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis with logistic regression test.Results; Multivariate analysis resulted in sig-p of 0,908 0,05, knowledge sig-p 0,095 > 0,05, husband's support.Conclusion: there was influence of employment, husband's support on providing exclusive breastfeeding to the infants 7 – 12 months, and there was no influence of knowledge and attitude towards exclusive breastfeeding.Suggestion: Providing counseling can increase mother's knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding. Keywords: Exclusive Breastfeeding, Givin