10,065 research outputs found

    Recombination and Population Mosaic of a Multifunctional Viral Gene, Adeno-Associated Virus cap

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    Homologous recombination is a dominant force in evolution and results in genetic mosaics. To detect evidence of recombination events and assess the biological significance of genetic mosaics, genome sequences for various viral populations of reasonably large size are now available in the GenBank. We studied a multi-functional viral gene, the adeno-associated virus (AAV) cap gene, which codes for three capsid proteins, VP1, VP2 and VP3. VP1-3 share a common C-terminal domain corresponding to VP3, which forms the viral core structure, while the VP1 unique N-terminal part contains an enzymatic domain with phospholipase A2 activity. Our recombinant detection program (RecI) revealed five novel recombination events, four of which have their cross-over points in the N-terminal, VP1 and VP2 unique region. Comparison of phylogenetic trees for different cap gene regions confirmed discordant phylogenies for the recombinant sequences. Furthermore, differences in the phylogenetic tree structures for the VP1 unique (VP1u) region and the rest of cap highlighted the mosaic nature of cap gene in the AAV population: two dominant forms of VP1u sequences were identified and these forms are linked to diverse sequences in the rest of cap gene. This observation together with the finding of frequent recombination in the VP1 and 2 unique regions suggests that this region is a recombination hot spot. Recombination events in this region preserve protein blocks of distinctive functions and contribute to convergence in VP1u and divergence of the rest of cap. Additionally the possible biological significance of two dominant VP1u forms is inferred

    Anisotropic magnetic properties of CeAg2_2Ge2_2 single crystal

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    In order to investigate the anisotropic magnetic properties of CeAg2_2Ge2_2, we have successfully grown the single crystals, for the first time, by high temperature solution growth (flux) method. We have performed a detailed study of the grown single crystals by measuring their electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, specific heat and magnetoresistance. A clear anisotropy and an antiferromagnetic transition at TNT_{\rm N} = 4.6 K have been observed in the magnetic properties. The magnetic entropy reaches RR ln 4 at 20 K indicating that the ground state and the first excited state are very closely spaced (a quasi-quartet state). From the specific heat measurements and crystalline electric field (CEF) analysis of the magnetic susceptibility, we have found the level splitting energies as 5 K and 130 K. The magnetization measurements reveal that the a-axis is the easy axis of magnetization and the saturation moment is μs\mu_{\rm s} = 1.6 μB\mu_{\rm B}/Ce, corroborating the previous neutron diffraction measurements on a polycrystalline sample.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer Observations of the X-ray Pulsar EXO 1722-363 - a Candidate Eclipsing Supergiant System

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    Observations made of the X-ray pulsar EXO 1722-363 using the Proportional Counter Array and All Sky Monitor on board the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer reveal the orbital period of this system to be 9.741 +/- 0.004 d from periodic changes in the source flux. The detection of eclipses, together with the values of the pulse and orbital periods, suggest that this source consists of a neutron star accreting from the stellar wind of an early spectral type supergiant companion. Pulse timing measurements were also obtained but do not strongly constrain the system parameters. The X-ray spectra can be well fitted with a model consisting of a power law with a high energy cutoff and, for some spectra, a blackbody component with a temperature of approximately 0.85 keV.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. 27 pages including 10 figure

    Finite temperature properties of the triangular lattice t-J model, applications to Nax_xCoO2_2

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    We present a finite temperature (TT) study of the t-J model on the two-dimensional triangular lattice for the negative hopping tt, as relevant for the electron-doped Nax_xCoO2_2 (NCO). To understand several aspects of this system, we study the TT-dependent chemical potential, specific heat, magnetic susceptibility, and the dynamic Hall-coefficient across the entire doping range. We show systematically, how this simplest model for strongly correlated electrons describes a crossover as function of doping (xx) from a Pauli-like weakly spin-correlated metal close to the band-limit (density n=2n=2) to the Curie-Weiss metallic phase (1.5<n<1.751.5<n<1.75) with pronounced anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) correlations at low temperatures and Curie-Weiss type behavior in the high-temperature regime. Upon further reduction of the doping, a new energy scale, dominated by spin-interactions (JJ) emerges (apparent both in specific heat and susceptibility) and we identify an effective interaction Jeff(x)J_{eff}(x), valid across the entire doping range. This is distinct from Anderson's formula, as we choose here t<0t<0, hence the opposite sign of the usual Nagaoka-ferromagnetic situation. This expression includes the subtle effect of weak kinetic AFM - as encountered in the infinitely correlated situation (U=U=\infty). By explicit computation of the Kubo-formulae, we address the question of practical relevance of the high-frequency expression for the Hall coefficient RHR_H^*. We hope to clarify some open questions concerning the applicability of the t-J model to real experimental situations through this study

    Triton binding energy calculated from the SU_6 quark-model nucleon-nucleon interaction

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    Properties of the three-nucleon bound state are examined in the Faddeev formalism, in which the quark-model nucleon-nucleon interaction is explicitly incorporated to calculate the off-shell T-matrix. The most recent version, fss2, of the Kyoto-Niigata quark-model potential yields the ground-state energy ^3H=-8.514 MeV in the 34 channel calculation, when the np interaction is used for the nucleon-nucleon interaction. The charge root mean square radii of the ^3H and ^3He are 1.72 fm and 1.90 fm, respectively, including the finite size correction of the nucleons. These values are the closest to the experiments among many results obtained by detailed Faddeev calculations employing modern realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction models.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Mass spectrometry analysis reveals differences in the host cell protein species found in pseudotyped lentiviral vectors

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    Lentiviral vectors (LVs) have been successfully used in clinical trials showing long term therapeutic benefits. Studying the role of cellular proteins in lentivirus HIV-1 life cycle can help understand virus assembly and budding, leading to improvement of LV production for gene therapy. Lentiviral vectors were purified using size exclusion chromatography (SEC). The cellular protein composition of LVs produced by two different methods was compared: the transient transfection system pseudotyped with the VSV-G envelope, currently used in clinical trials, and a stable producer cell system using a non-toxic envelope derived from cat endogenous retrovirus RD114, RDpro. Proteins of LVs purified by size exclusion chromatography were identified by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). A smaller number of cellular protein species were detected in stably produced vectors compared to transiently produced vector samples. This may be due to the presence of co-purified VSV-G vesicles in transiently produced vectors. AHNAK (Desmoyokin) was unique to RDpro-Env vectors. The potential role in LV particle production of selected proteins identified by MS analysis including AHNAK was assessed using shRNA gene knockdown technique. Down-regulation of the selected host proteins AHNAK, ALIX, and TSG101 in vector producer cells did not result in a significant difference in vector production

    Thermal fracture mechanisms in ceramic thermal barrier coatings

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    Ceramic thermal barrier coatings represent an attractive method of increasing the high temperature limits for systems such as diesel engines, gas turbines and aircraft engines. However, the dissimilarities between ceramics and metal, as well as the severe temperature gradients applied in such systems, cause thermal stresses which can lead to cracking and ultimately spalling of the coating. This paper reviews the research which considers initiation of surface cracks, interfacial edge cracks and the effect of a transient thermal load on interface cracks. The results of controlled experiments together with analytical models are presented. The implications of these findings to the differences between diesel engines and gas turbines are discussed. The importance of such work for determining the proper design criteria for thermal barrier coatings is underlined