1,972 research outputs found

    Confinement Phase in Carbon-Nanotubes and the Extended Massive Schwinger Model

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    Carbon nanotube with electric fluxes confined in one dimension is studied. We show that a Coulomb interaction \propto |x| leads to a confinement phase with many properties similar to QCD in 4D. Low-energy physics is described by the massive Schwinger model with multi-species fermions labeled by the band and valley indices. We propose two means to detect this state. One is through an optical measurement of the exciton spectrum, which has been calculated via the 't Hooft-Berknoff equation with the light-front field theory. We show that the Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation is satisfied by a dark exciton. The second is the nonlinear transport which is related to Coleman's "half-asymptotic" state.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Implications of Two-component Dark Matter Induced by Forbidden Channels and Thermal Freeze-out

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    We consider a model of two-component dark matter based on a hidden U(1)DU(1)_D symmetry, in which relic densities of the dark matter are determined by forbidden channels and thermal freeze-out. The hidden U(1)DU(1)_D symmetry is spontaneously broken to a residual Z4\mathbb{Z}_4 symmetry, and the lightest Z4\mathbb{Z}_4 charged particle can be a dark matter candidate. Moreover, depending on the mass hierarchy in the dark sector, we have two-component dark matter. We show that the relic density of the lighter dark matter component can be determined by forbidden annihilation channels which require larger couplings compared to the normal freeze-out mechanism. As a result, a large self-interaction of the lighter dark matter component can be induced, which may solve small scale problems of Λ\LambdaCDM model. On the other hand, the heavier dark matter component is produced by normal freeze-out mechanism. We find that interesting implications emerge between the two dark matter components in this framework. We explore detectabilities of these dark matter particles and show some parameter space can be tested by the SHiP experiment.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, version to appear in JCA

    Probing and controlling spin chirality in Mott insulators by circularly polarized laser

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    Scalar spin chirality, a three-body spin correlation that breaks time-reversal symmetry, is revealed to couple directly to circularly polarized laser. This is shown by the Floquet formalism for the periodically driven repulsive Hubbard model with a strong-coupling expansion. A systematic derivation of the effective low-energy Hamiltonian for a spin degree of freedom reveals that the coupling constant for scalar spin chirality can become significant for a situation in which the driving frequency and the on-site interaction are comparable. This implies that the scalar chirality can be induced by circularly polarized lights, or that it can be used conversely for probing the chirality in Mott insulators as a circular dichroism.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Fermionic Dark Matter in Radiative Inverse Seesaw Model with U(1)_{B-L}

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    We construct a radiative inverse seesaw model with local B-L symmetry, and investigate the flavor structure of the lepton sector and the fermionic Dark Matter. Neutrino masses are radiatively generated through a kind of inverse seesaw framework. The PMNS matrix is derived from each mixing matrix of the neutrino and charged lepton sector with large Dirac CP phase. We show that the annihilation processes via the interactions with Higgses which are independent on the lepton flavor violation, have to be dominant in order to satisfy the observed relic abundance by WMAP. The new interactions with Higgses allow us to be consistent with the direct detection result reported by XENON100, and it is possible to verify the model by the exposure of XENON100 (2012).Comment: 15 pages, 1 table, 5 figures; version accepted for publication in Physical Review
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