12 research outputs found

    Analysis of the process leading to termination of pregnancy in the third trimester

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    Objective: To evaluate fetal anomalies and processes leading to termination of pregnancy in the third trimester. Methods: The study includes all cases who underwent termination of pregnancy after 28 weeks of gestation due to fetal anomalies between 2017 and 2022. Results: Forty four of third trimester terminations were carried out in our clinic due to fetal anomalies incompatible with life or associated with severe sequelae. Structural anomalies including 35 (79.5%) cases were the most common reason of terminations followed by chromosomal or genetic abnormalities in 8 (18.2%) cases and intrauterine cytomegalovirus infection in 1 (2.3%) case. The processes leading to the third trimester termination were evaluated by dividing 44 patients into 5 groups. (1) Delayed diagnosis due to inadequate prenatal care (25 patients, 56.8%); (2) patients diagnosed with late-onset findings (5 patients, 11.4%); (3) patients with abnormal findings in prenatal care or history but delayed diagnosis (5 patients, 11.4%); (4) patients with abnormal findings requiring further evaluation (4 patients, 9.0%); (5) patients with a definitive diagnosis but latency in the decision of family for termination of pregnancy (5 patients, 11.4%). Conclusion: Termination of pregnancy in the third trimester has an important role in countries where unfollowed pregnancies are common and access to health services is poor due to low socio-economic status

    The effects of water stress treatments in scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings on planting of a semi-arid area (5 years results)

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    YÖK Tez No: 456323Sarıçamın (Pinus sylvestris), Türkiye'de yarı kurak bölgelerde dahil olmak üzere dünya çapında geniş bir doğal yayılış alanı vardır. Sarıçam, Türkiye'de yarı kurak bölgelerde ağaçlandırma için kullanılmaktadır. Sarıçam orijinlerinin kuraklık direncinin belirlenmesi yarı kurak arazi alanlarında ağaçlandırma çalışmalarının başarısını artıracaktır. Bu çalışmanın ilk bölümünde, Türkiye'de mevcut 10 farklı sarıçam tohum meşçeresinden temin edilen tohumlardan yetiştirilen 1+0 yaşındaki fidanlara, ikinci vejetasyon döneminde (Nisan-Kasım ayları arasında) su stresi uygulanmıştır. Fidanların morfolojilerini belirlemek için çap ve boy fidanlıkta çap ve boyları ölçülmüştür. Su stresi işlemleri olarak haftada 1kez (IR1), haftada 2 kez (IR2), 15 günde bir kez (IR3) ve açık alanda kontrol (IR4) olmak üzere dört farklı sulama işlemleri uygulanmıştır. Daha sonra, su stresi uygulanmış fidanlar yarı kurak bölgeye (Bayburt, Aydıntepe) dikilmiştir ve hayatta kalma ve büyüme performansı, beş yıllık bir süre içinde değerlendirilmiştir. Fidanlıktaki çalışmalar, kuraklık stresi, orijin ve etkileşimlerinin fidanların morfolojik karakteristikleri üzerine önemli bir etkiye sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Su stresi koşulları altında, en iyi büyüme performansı Dokurcun, Değirmendere ve Dirgine orijinlerinde bulunmuştur. Su stresi, orijin faktörleri ve bunların etkileşimi de fidan arazi performansını etkilemiştir. Değirmendere, Dirgine ve Dokurcun orijinleri de arazi koşullarında en iyi performansı göstermiştir. Bu orijinler, çalışma alanının benzer koşullarına sahip ağaçlandırma arazileri için önerilebilir.Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) has a large natural distribution area throughout the world, including semi-arid areas in Turkey. Scots pine is being used for the afforestation of semi-arid regions in Turkey. Determining the drought resistance of Scots pine provenances will increase the success of afforestation efforts in semi-arid land areas. In the first stage of this study, water-stress treatments were applied to ten provenances of one year old Scots pine seedlings in their second vegetation period (between April and November) and their diameter and height were evaluated in the nursery in order to determine their seedling morphology. Drought stress treatments consisted of: irrigation once a week (IR1), irrigation twice a week (IR2-Control), irrigation biweekly (IR3) and open field (IR4). Later, the water-stressed seedlings were planted in a semi-arid region (Bayburt, Turkey) and their survival and growth performance were evaluated over a five-year period. The nursery study showed that drought stress, provenance and their interaction had a significant effect on the morphological characteristics of the seedlings. Under water-stress conditions, the best growth performance was found in Dokurcun, Degirmendere and Dirgine provenances. Water-stress and provenance factors and their interaction also affected the field performance of the seedlings. Degirmendere, Dirgine and Dokurcun provenances also had the best performance under the field conditions. These provenances can be suggested for the afforestation sites having conditions similar to those of the study site

    Abdominal Wall Endometriosis Following Laparoscopic Endometrioma Surgery: A Case Report

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    Endometriosis is defined as the presence of ectopic, functioning endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. It is a common gynecological condition which is frequently located within the pelvis, but it can even be found in the lung, bowel, ureter and abdominal wall, etc. The expression ‘abdominal wall endometriosis (AWE)’ is used to indicate the presence of ectopic endometrium located far from the peritoneum, embedded in the subcutaneous fatty tissue and the abdominal wall muscle layers. AWE is a rare entity and occasionally presented to general surgeons as a lump in the abdomen. It can pose a diagnostic dilemma and should be in the differential diagnosis of lumps in the abdomen in females. Diagnosis is usually made following histological examination. This is a case report of abdominal wall endometriosis following laparoscopic endometrioma surgery. Case: A 26-year-old woman, gravida:1, para:1, referred to our hospital, after 4 years from her cesarean section and 3 years from laparoscopic endometrioma removal, complaining of a palpable mass around the umblicus which swells and pains during menses. The mass was firm, immobile and painless. Preoperative superficial tissue ultrasonography revealed a heterogenous mass under the skin just right side of the umblicus. Excision with a wide margin was performed and the histopathological diagnosis of the surgical specimen was endometriosis. Abdominal wall endometriosis is often misdiagnosed as a hernia, suture granuloma, primary or metastatic tumor hematoma or lipoma of the abdominal wall, thus resulting in unexpected findings at surgery. A correct preoperative diagnosis would help in counseling the patient and in planning appropriate surgery


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    SAGLAM, Aykut/0000-0003-4102-7990WOS: 000363996600016Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) has a large natural distribution throughout the world, including semi-arid areas of Turkey, where it is being used for afforestation. Determining the drought resistance of Scots pine provenances can increase the success of afforestation efforts in semi-arid regions. In the first stage of this study, water-stress treatments were applied to ten provenances of one-year-old Scots pine seedlings in their second vegetation period (between April and November). The diameter and height of the seedlings were evaluated in the nursery in order to determine. their morphology. The four drought-stress treatments consisted of once-weekly irrigation (IR1), twice-weekly irigation (IR2-Control), biweekly irrigation (IR3) and open field conditions (IR4). Later, the water-stressed seedlings were planted in a semi-arid district in Bayburt, Turkey, and their survival and growth performances were evaluated over a five-year period. The nursery study showed that drought stress and provenance as well as the interaction of the two significantly affected the morphological characteristics of the seedlings. Under water-stress conditions, the best growth performance was found in the Dokurcun, Degirmendere and Dirgine provenance seedlings. Water-stress and provenance factors and their interaction also affected the open field performance of the seedlings, where the Degirmendere, Dirgine and Dokurcun provenances again exhibited the best performance. Consequently, these Scots pine provenances can be recommended for afforestation sites having conditions similar to those of the study site

    Semilobar Holoprozensefalide Yeni Bir Bulgu Olarak Bilateral Koroid Pleksusta Yarıklanması Olan 25 Haftalık Bir Fetüsün Prenatal Tanısı: Bir Olgu Sunumu

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    Giriş: Holoprozensefali tüm konsepsiyonların 250’de birinde, canlı do- ğumların ise 10.000’de birinde görülen ciddi bir santral sinir sistemi malformasyonudur. Ağır formları yaşamla bağdaşmaz ve prenatal dönemde kolaylıkla tespit edilebilir ancak daha hafif formları prenatal dönemde tanınmayabilir. Gebelik açısından çok katastrofik sonuçlar doğuran bu patolojik durumun zamanında tespit edilmesinin büyük önemi vardır. Farklı fenotipleri olan bu malformasyonun tip spesifik ultrasonografik tanısal yeni belirteçlerinin belirlenmesi klinisyenlere doğru tanı koyma açısından yardımcı olacaktır. Olgu: Nörolojik malformasyonun boyutuna bağlı olarak termine edilen 25 haftalık bir fetüste semilobar holoprozensefali’nin yeni bir belirgin prenatal ultrasonografik bulgusu olarak bilateral koroid pleksusta yarıklanma sunulmuştur. Sonuç: Holoprozensefalide prenatal ultrasonografik bulgular hastalığın ciddiyetine göre farklılık gösterebildiğinden doğru prenatal tanı için hastalığın farklı tiplerine has ultrasonografik belirteçlerinin tespit edilmesi bu nadir durumun klinik yönetimi ve prognozu açısından önem taşımaktadır. Bu vaka sunumunda semilobar holoprozensefalinin yeni bir belirgin ultrasonografik bulgusu olan koroid pleksusta bilateral yarıklanma ilk kez bildirilmektedir

    Arly field performance of drought-stressed Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings

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    Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) has a large natural distribution throughout the world, including semi-arid areas of Turkey, where it is being used for afforestation. Determining the drought resistance of Scots pine provenances can increase the success of afforestation efforts in semi-arid regions. In the first stage of this study, water-stress treatments were applied to ten provenances of one-year-old Scots pine seedlings in their second vegetation period (between April and November). The diameter and height of the seedlings were evaluated in the nursery in order to determine their morphology. The four drought-stress treatments consisted of once-weekly irrigation (IR1), twice-weekly irrigation (IR2-Control), biweekly irrigation (IR3) and open field conditions (IR4). Later, the water-stressed seedlings were planted in a semi-arid district in Bayburt, Turkey, and their survival and growth performances were evaluated over a five-year period. The nursery study showed that drought stress and provenance as well as the interaction of the two significantly affected the morphological characteristics of the seedlings. Under water-stress conditions, the best growth performance was found in the Dokurcun, Degirmendere and Dirgine provenance seedlings. Water-stress and provenance factors and their interaction also affected the open field performance of the seedlings, where the Degirmendere, Dirgine and Dokurcun provenances again exhibited the best performance. Consequently, these Scots pine provenances can be recommended for afforestation sites having conditions similar to those of the study site. © 2015, Pakistan Botanical Society. All rights reserved

    A Rare Complication of Abdominal Drain: Fallopian Tube Herniation Through the Drain Site

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    Prophylactic drainage of the peritoneal cavity after obstetrical and gynecological surgery is widely practiced. The idea of “when in doubt, drain” is accepted and applied clinically by many surgeons. However, surgically placed drains are not without risk. The present case describes herniation of fallopian tube during the removal of a surgical drain placed after a cesarean section

    Can the imbalance between neurotrophic and apoptotic proteins be the "beware the ides of march" for unaffected relatives of schizophrenia patients?

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    Schizophrenia (SZ) is a mental disorder with a strong genetic basis as well as epigenetic aspects. Siblings of patients with SZ can share certain endophenotypes with the patients, suggesting that siblings may be important for distinguishing between trait and state markers. In the current study, we aimed to characterize the balance between pro-BDNF/mature BDNF and its receptors p75NTR/TrkB, which are tPA-BDNF pathways proteins and are thought to play a role in synaptic pruning, as a possible endophenotype of schizophrenia. Forty drug-naive patients with first-episode psychosis (FEP) matched for age, gender, and level of education, 40 unaffected siblings (UAS) of patients with FEP, and 67 healthy controls (HC) were included in the study. Blood samples were collected from all participants to determine BDNF, pro-BDNF, TrkB and p75NTR, PAI1, tPA, ACTH, and cortisol levels. We showed that levels of proteins of the tPA-BDNF pathway as well as the pro-BDNF/m-BDNF and p75NTR/TrkB ratios could successfully differentiate FEP and their siblings from the HCs by using ROC analysis. Plasma levels of m-BDNF were found to be the lowest in the healthy siblings and highest in the HCs with statistically significant differences between all 3 groups. The plasma level of pro-BDNF in the HC group was similar to the FEP patients, the same in the healthy siblings of the FEP patients. Our data support the hypothesis that imbalance between neurotrophic and apoptotic proteins might occur in SZ and this imbalance could be an endophenotype of the disease.University of (University of Health Sciences Turkey) Research Projects Uni