148 research outputs found

    Ehrlichiosis ile doğal enfekte köpeklerde serum c-reaktive protein, prokalsitonin ve seruloplazmin konsantrasyonları

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    This study aimed to evaluate the concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP), Procalcitonin (PCT), and ceruloplasmin (Cp), which are potential biochemical markers of the inflammatory process in dogs naturally infected with Ehrlichiosis. A total of 20 dogs, 8 clinically healthy (Healthy group) and 12 mono-infected with Ehrlichia spp. (Ehrlichia group) were included in the study. Dogs in the Ehrlichia group were selected from those showing clinical signs of active infection, and their diseases were diagnosed with commercial test kits. Serum CRP and PCT levels were analysed by commercially available test kits, and Cp concentration was determined by colourimetric methods. The CRP concentration in the Ehrlichia group was significantly higher compared to the healthy group. There was no significant difference between the groups in serum PCT and Cp concentrations. As a result, the increase in serum CRP concentration can be used for detecting inflammatory processes in dogs with Ehrlichiosis. In addition, this study showed that PCT and Cp concentrations are not clinically useful markers for determining inflammatory status in dogs with Ehrlichiosis.Bu çalışma, Ehrlichiosis ile doğal enfekte köpeklerde inflamatuar sürecin potansiyel biyokimyasal belirteçlerinden olan C-reaktif protein (CRP), Prokalsitonin (PCT) ve seruloplazmin (Cp) konsantrasyonlarını değerlendirmeyi amaçladı. Çalışmaya, klinik olarak sağlıklı 8 (Sağlıklı grup) ve Ehrlichia spp. ile mono enfekte 12 (Ehrlichia grubu) olmak üzere toplam 20 köpek dahil edildi. Ehrlichia grubundaki köpekler, klinik olarak aktif enfeksiyon belirtileri gösteren köpekler arasından seçildi ve hastalıkları, ticari test kitleri ile teşhis edildi. Serum CRP ve PCT seviyeleri köpek spesifik ticari ELISA test kitleri ile analiz edildi ve Cp konsantrasyonu kolorimetrik yöntemle belirlendi. Ehrlichia grubundaki CRP konsantrasyonu, sağlıklı grupla karşılaştırıldığında anlamlı olarak daha yüksekti. Serum PCT ve Cp konsantrasyonlarında gruplar arasında anlamlı fark yoktu. Sonuç olarak, serum CRP konsantrasyonundaki artış, Ehrlichiosis'li köpeklerde inflamatuar süreçlerin saptanmasında kullanılabilir. Ek olarak bu çalışma, PCT ve Cp konsantrasyonlarının Ehrlichiosis'li köpeklerde inflamatuar durumu belirlemek için klinik olarak yararlı belirteçler olmadığını göstermiştir


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    Purpose: Increasing evidence in recent years highlights the predictive and prognostic importance of the expression of DNA repair proteins in cancer treatment. Generally, western-blotting or immunohistochemical staining methods are often used to determine the expression of DNA repair proteins. These methods might cause misleading results such as binding to nonspecific molecules by cross-reaction or false negativity as a result of the inability of antibodies to bind; absolute quantitation of proteins can not be performed. In this study, an analytical measurement technique was developed for human apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 (hAPE1) protein for identification and absolute quantification in human leukocyte sample using high resolution mass spectrometry (HR-MS) with the targeted proteomics-based approach.Methods: Sample preparation was performed by using density gradient centrifugation and total protein extraction cartridges. hAPE1 was analyzed by liquid chromatography isotope-dilution-HR-MS (LC-HR-MS). A fully 15N-labeledResults: Six peptides were identified, which matched to a subset of the theoretically predicted tryptic peptides of hAPE1. Mass accuracy was calculated as <1.8 ppm. The amount of hAPE1 protein was calculated as 0.07 ngConclusion: The absolute quantification of APE1 protein performed within the scope of this study is expected to be used for the follow-up of the prognosis, response to treatment and survival rates of various cancer patients