9 research outputs found


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    One hundred and eighteen grass silage samples with known chemical composition and in vitro determined concentration of net energy for lactation (NEL) were scanned over the wavelength range from 1100 to 2500 nm at 8 nm intervals. Calibration equations for the prediction of crude protein (CP), crude fi bre (CF), crude fat (F), crude ash (A), dry matter of air-dried samples (DM) and NEL were developed by the use of principal component analysis (PCA) and modifi ed partial least squares regression technique (mPLS). NIRS demonstrated high predictive ability for CP (R2 = 0.97), CF (R2 = 0.96) and A (R2 = 0.94). Moderate accuracy was characteristic for F and DM (R2 = 0.81 and 0.79). Crude protein, F and DM deviations from reference methods were comparable to those which are expected by the use of the same reference methods in different laboratories. The determination coeffi cient for in vitro assessed NEL concentration was 0.76. Seventy-seven percent of samples lied within acceptable limits of ± 0.3 MJ NEL kg-1DM. Suboptimal sample distribution, i.e. small number of samples in classes below 4.6 and above 6.0 MJ NEL kg-1DM was observed. It seems that deviations of NIRS predicted values from the reference values were related to the concentration of NEL. It was concluded that NIRS shows the potential for reliable determination of chemical composition and energy value of grass silage.Stoosemnajstim vzorcem travne silaže z znano kemično sestavo in in vitro določeno vsebnostjo neto energije za laktacijo (NEL) smo v valovnem območju med 1100 in 2500 nm na vsakih 8 nm izmerili spektre odbite bližnje infrardeče svetlobe. S pomočjo analize glavnih komponent (PCA) in regresijske metode modifi ciranih delnih najmanjših kvadratov (mPLS) smo razvili umeritvene enačbe za napovedovanje vsebnosti surovih beljakovin (SB), surove vlaknine (SVl), surovih maščob (M), surovega pepela (P), suhe snovi zračno suhih vzorcev (DM) in NEL. Metoda NIRS je bila zelo dobra pri napovedovanju SB (R2 = 0,97), SVl (R2 = 0,96) in A (R2 = 0,94). Za M in DM je bila značilna zmerna točnost (R2 = 0,81 in 0,79). Pri SB, M in DM so bila odstopanja od referenčnih metod primerljiva z odstopanji, ki jih lahko pričakujemo pri izvajanju istih referenčnih metod v različnih laboratorijih. Determinacijski koeficient za in vitro ocenjeno koncentracijo NEL je znašal 0,76. Sedeminsedemdeset odstotkov vzorcev je ležalo znotraj sprejemljivih meja ± 0,3 MJ NEL kg-1SS. Za vzorce travnih silaž je bila značilna ne-optimalna porazdelitev vzorcev, t.j. majhno število vzorcev v razredih pod 4,6 in nad 6,0 MJ NEL kg-1SS. Izgleda, da so odstopanja med NIRS ocenjenimi vrednostmi in referenčnimi vrednostmi povezana z vsebnostjo NEL. Sklenili smo, da je z NIRS metodo mogoče zanesljivo oceniti kemično sestavo in energijsko vrednost travne silaže

    Factors influencing the Information Literacy of Students: Preliminary Analysis

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    Our changing society is forcing higher education to improve teaching habits in the context of higher level of information literacy (IL) among students. IL is necessary not for only education but is a skill needed for successful engagement in professional and private life. An IL test and a survey on information and communication technology (ICT) usage were conducted among students from seven different faculties in Slovenia. The presented research in progress presents a preliminary analysis of the IL testing and ICT usage among students, to propose the model of factors influencing the level of students’ IL skills. According to the results, there are differences in IL, but they do not depend on the origin (faculty) of the student. ICT devices and applications usage could be an appropriate predictor of IL


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    One hundred and eighteen grass silage samples with known chemical composition and in vitro determined concentration of net energy for lactation (NEL) were scanned over the wavelength range from 1100 to 2500 nm at 8 nm intervals. Calibration equations for the prediction of crude protein (CP), crude fi bre (CF), crude fat (F), crude ash (A), dry matter of air-dried samples (DM) and NEL were developed by the use of principal component analysis (PCA) and modifi ed partial least squares regression technique (mPLS). NIRS demonstrated high predictive ability for CP (R2 = 0.97), CF (R2 = 0.96) and A (R2 = 0.94). Moderate accuracy was characteristic for F and DM (R2 = 0.81 and 0.79). Crude protein, F and DM deviations from reference methods were comparable to those which are expected by the use of the same reference methods in different laboratories. The determination coeffi cient for in vitro assessed NEL concentration was 0.76. Seventy-seven percent of samples lied within acceptable limits of ± 0.3 MJ NEL kg-1DM. Suboptimal sample distribution, i.e. small number of samples in classes below 4.6 and above 6.0 MJ NEL kg-1DM was observed. It seems that deviations of NIRS predicted values from the reference values were related to the concentration of NEL. It was concluded that NIRS shows the potential for reliable determination of chemical composition and energy value of grass silage


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    Cutting time is a pivotal factor affecting herbage yield and nutritive value of forage crop monocultures. Therefore, our objectives in this lucerne study were to analyse temporal patterns of herbage yield, morphological development and quality parameters over growth season, and to relate these patterns to the time of cutting. A field experiment in split-plot design with two block replications was conducted in Ljubljana in 2016. Four growth cycles (C1-C4) were assigned to the main plots, and nine weekly intervals at which herbage yield was measured and herbage samples taken were assigned to the sub-plots. Dry-matter herbage yield accumulated faster during the first half of the season than during the second one. It peaked early in each of the last two growth cycles and after that started to decrease. Statistical analysis showed that linear regression models are acceptable to describe time patterns of morphological development stages (MSW) and contents of crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and net energy for lactation (NEL). MSW increased faster during the summer than during the spring or autumn, but only C1 was distinct in this pattern. Lucerne forage quality was generally the highest in C1 mainly due to slower morphological development. This high quality reflected more in NDF and NEL than in CP. In respect of the quality, only C4 at the beginning of the growth was equivalent to C1. Considering yield and content of NEL optimal age of lucerne at cutting was from 28 to 35 days in spring and summer and from 35 to 42 days in autumn

    Potential revival of cholinesterase inhibitors as drugs in veterinary medicine

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    The cholinergic system is involved in the regulation of all organ systems and has acetylcholine (ACh) as almost its only neurotransmitter. Any substance is called cholinergic if it can alter the action of acetylcholine. Cholinesterases (ChEs) are enzymes that enable the hydrolysis of acetylcholine and in this way ensure homeostasis in cholinergic synapses. Cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEi) are a group of indirect-acting cholinergic agonists that influence the activity of the cholinergic system. Several compounds that can inhibit cholinesterases are of importance to veterinary medicine from pharmacological and toxicological perspective. The frequency of their use in veterinary medicine has fluctuated over the years and is now reduced to a minimum. They are mainly used in agriculture as pesticides, and some are rarely used as parasiticides for companion animals and livestock. In recent years, interest in the use of new cholinesterase inhibitors has increased since canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD) became a recognized and extensively studied disease. Similar to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in humans, CCD can be treated with cholinesterase inhibitors that cross the blood–brain barrier. In this review, the mammalian cholinergic system and the drugs that interact with cholinesterases are introduced. Cholinesterase inhibitors that can be used for the treatment of CCD are described in detail

    Improved Forage Production and Conservation – Protein Rich Legumes and Legume/grass Mixtures for Adaptation to Climate Changes

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    Pridelava in konzerviranje krme v obdobjih, ko ni pomanjkanja vode za rast rastlin in pridelava proti suši odpornih rastlin sta ključna elementa prilagajanja živinoreje klimatskim spremembam. V Eip- Agri projektu \u27Izboljšane tehnologije pridelave in konzerviranja z beljakovinami bogate krme - metuljnice in njihove mešanice za prilagajanje podnebnim spremembam\u27 smo primerjali pridelavo in konzerviranje metuljnic v čisti setvi ter mešanice metuljnic in trav (oboje brez gnojenja z dušikom) s pridelavo z dušikom gnojenih trav v čisti setvi. Rezultati kažejo, da je uporaba metuljnic v čisti setvi in mešanic metuljnic s travami primerna za pridelavo in konzerviranje s proteini bogate krme. Pridelava mešanic z visokim deležem metuljnic je zanesljivejša. Te mešanice dajejo primerljive pridelke z metuljnicami v čisti setvi in silaže visoke kakovosti.Forage production and conservation during periods without drought and the production of drought resistant plants are key for livestock production adaptation to climate change. In the EIP - AGRI project \u27Improved Forage Production and Conservation – Protein Rich Legumes and Grass/Clover Mixtures for Adoption to Climate Change\u27, the production and conservation of legumes in pure stand and in their mixtures with grasses, both non fertilised with N, were compared to the production with N fertilised pure stands of grasses. The results show that the use of legumes in pure stand and in mixtures with grasses is very appropriate for the production and conservation of protein-rich forage. A mixture production with a high proportion of legumes is more reliable. Such mixtures result in comparable dry matter yields to legumes in pure sowing and silages of high quality

    Pore-forming moss protein bryoporin is structurally and mechanistically related to actinoporins from evolutionarily distant cnidarians

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    Pore-forming proteins perforate lipid membranes and consequently affect their integrity and cell fitness. Therefore, it is not surprising that many of these proteins from bacteria, fungi, or certain animals act as toxins. While pore-forming proteins have also been found in plants, there is little information about their molecular structure and mode of action. Bryoporin is a protein from the moss Physcomitrium patens, and its corresponding gene was found to be upregulated by various abiotic stresses, especially dehydration, as well as upon fungal infection. Based on the amino acid sequence, it was suggested that bryoporin was related to the actinoporin family of pore-forming proteins, originally discovered in sea anemones. Here, we provide the first detailed structural and functional analysis of this plant cytolysin. The crystal structure of monomeric bryoporin is highly similar to those of actinoporins. Our cryo-EM analysis of its pores showed an actinoporin-like octameric structure, thereby revealing a close kinship of proteins from evolutionarily distant organisms. This was further confirmed by our observation of bryoporin’s preferential binding to and formation of pores in membranes containing animal sphingolipids, such as sphingomyelin and ceramide phosphoethanolamine; however, its binding affinity was weaker than that of actinoporin equinatoxin II. We determined bryoporin did not bind to major sphingolipids found in fungi or plants, and its membrane-binding and pore-forming activity was enhanced by various sterols. Our results suggest that bryoporin could represent a part of the moss defense arsenal, acting as a pore-forming toxin against membranes of potential animal pathogens, parasites, or predators