14 research outputs found

    The 'Yin Yang' of the White Whale? the Sense of Quality in Herman Melville's Moby Dick

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    Amerikan edebiyatının İngiliz edebiyatının etkisinden sıyrılıp özgürlüğünü elde etmesi, ondokuzuncu yüzyıl başlarındaki Romantik Yazın geleneğine bağlanmaktadır. Bu makale, romantik geleneğin önde gelen yazarlarından olan Herman Melville’in Moby Dick adlı eserini incelemekte ve yazarın "varoluş" kavramını irdelerken, bu kavramın içinde barındırdığı çelişkileri gösterebilmek için, eserinde karşıt kavramları nasıl kullandığını açıklamaya çalışmaktadır.American Literature is considered to have gained its independence from the dominance of British Literature in early nineteenth century with the rise of the Romance tradition. A foremost writer of this tradition in America is Herman Melville and this article analyzes Melville's Moby Dick to investigate how the writer treats contrasting concepts in his works to demonstrate the duality of existence that is closely related to the American experience

    The Myth of the American Adam Under Threat: the Revitalized Myth of the American Indian in Sherman Alexie’s Captivity

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    1960'lardan itibaren postmodern edebiyat olarak adlandırılan Çağdaş Amerikan Edebiyatı, çok kültürlü Amerikan toplumunun da bir sonucu olmakla beraber kadınlar, zenciler, Kızılderililer gibi uzun zaman önemsenmemiş topluluklara, kimlik sorunları yüzünden yaşamakta oldukları kaos duygusunu yansıtma olanağı vermektedir. Bu makale, Sherman Alexie adlı bir Kızılderili yazara ait Esaret adlı kısa hikayeyi incelemekte, ayrıca bir yazarın kişiliğinin ne kadar çok toplumsal ve psikolojik bir çıkmaz içinde olursa, kurmaca metinlerin de o kadar deneysel olacağını gösterebilmek için Alexie'nin postmodern kurmaca stratejilerinden nasıl yararlandığını açımlamaya çalışmaktadır.Contemporary American Literature- commonly referred to as postmodern literature since the 1960s- is an outcome of the multicultural nature of the American society. It gives long-ignored groups such as women, African Americans and American Indians the opportunity to reflect the sense of chaos they have been experiencing due to their identity problem. This article analyzes a short story titled Captivity by an American Indian, Sherman Alexie, and by presenting how the writer makes use of postmodern strategies in his fiction, it demonstrates that the more the self of the writer is in chaos the more experimental fiction becomes

    The Myth of the American Adam Under Threat: the Revitalized Myth of the American Indian in Sherman Alexie’s Captivity

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    oai:ojs.'lardan itibaren postmodern edebiyat olarak adlandırılan Çağdaş Amerikan Edebiyatı, çok kültürlü Amerikan toplumunun da bir sonucu olmakla beraber kadınlar, zenciler, Kızılderililer gibi uzun zaman önemsenmemiş topluluklara, kimlik sorunları yüzünden yaşamakta oldukları kaos duygusunu yansıtma olanağı vermektedir. Bu makale, Sherman Alexie adlı bir Kızılderili yazara ait Esaret adlı kısa hikayeyi incelemekte, ayrıca bir yazarın kişiliğinin ne kadar çok toplumsal ve psikolojik bir çıkmaz içinde olursa, kurmaca metinlerin de o kadar deneysel olacağını gösterebilmek için Alexie'nin postmodern kurmaca stratejilerinden nasıl yararlandığını açımlamaya çalışmaktadır.Contemporary American Literature- commonly referred to as postmodern literature since the 1960s- is an outcome of the multicultural nature of the American society. It gives long-ignored groups such as women, African Americans and American Indians the opportunity to reflect the sense of chaos they have been experiencing due to their identity problem. This article analyzes a short story titled Captivity by an American Indian, Sherman Alexie, and by presenting how the writer makes use of postmodern strategies in his fiction, it demonstrates that the more the self of the writer is in chaos the more experimental fiction becomes

    The 'Yin Yang' of the White Whale? the Sense of Quality in Herman Melville's Moby Dick

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    Amerikan edebiyatının İngiliz edebiyatının etkisinden sıyrılıp özgürlüğünü elde etmesi, ondokuzuncu yüzyıl başlarındaki Romantik Yazın geleneğine bağlanmaktadır. Bu makale, romantik geleneğin önde gelen yazarlarından olan Herman Melville’in Moby Dick adlı eserini incelemekte ve yazarın "varoluş" kavramını irdelerken, bu kavramın içinde barındırdığı çelişkileri gösterebilmek için, eserinde karşıt kavramları nasıl kullandığını açıklamaya çalışmaktadır.American Literature is considered to have gained its independence from the dominance of British Literature in early nineteenth century with the rise of the Romance tradition. A foremost writer of this tradition in America is Herman Melville and this article analyzes Melville's Moby Dick to investigate how the writer treats contrasting concepts in his works to demonstrate the duality of existence that is closely related to the American experience

    Beyaz balinanın 'Yin Yang'i: Herman Melville'in Moby Dick'inde nitelik kavramı

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    American Literature is considered to have gained its independence from the dominance of British Literature in early nineteenth century with the rise of the Romance tradition. A foremost writer of this tradition in America is Herman Melville and this article analyzes Melville's Moby Dick to investigate how the writer treats contrasting concepts in his works to demonstrate the duality of existence that is closely related to the American experience.Amerikan edebiyatının İngiliz edebiyatının etkisinden sıyrılıp özgürlüğünü elde etmesi, ondokuzuncu yüzyıl başlarındaki Romantik Yazın geleneğine bağlanmaktadır. Bu makale, romantik geleneğin önde gelen yazarlarından olan Herman Melville’in Moby Dick adlı eserini incelemekte ve yazarın "varoluş" kavramını irdelerken, bu kavramın içinde barındırdığı çelişkileri gösterebilmek için, eserinde karşıt kavramları nasıl kullandığını açıklamaya çalışmaktadır

    Tehdit altındaki Amerikalı Adem'in efsanesi: Sherman Alexie'nin esaretinde yeniden canlanan Kızılderilinin efsanesi

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    Contemporary American Literature- commonly referred to as postmodern literature since the 1960s- is an outcome of the multicultural nature of the American society. It gives long-ignored groups such as women, African Americans and American Indians the opportunity to reflect the sense of chaos they have been experiencing due to their identity problem. This article analyzes a short story titled Captivity by an American Indian, Sherman Alexie, and by presenting how the writer makes use of postmodern strategies in his fiction, it demonstrates that the more the self of the writer is in chaos the more experimental fiction becomes.1960'lardan itibaren postmodern edebiyat olarak adlandırılan Çağdaş Amerikan Edebiyatı, çok kültürlü Amerikan toplumunun da bir sonucu olmakla beraber kadınlar, zenciler, Kızılderililer gibi uzun zaman önemsenmemiş topluluklara, kimlik sorunları yüzünden yaşamakta oldukları kaos duygusunu yansıtma olanağı vermektedir. Bu makale, Sherman Alexie adlı bir Kızılderili yazara ait Esaret adlı kısa hikayeyi incelemekte, ayrıca bir yazarın kişiliğinin ne kadar çok toplumsal ve psikolojik bir çıkmaz içinde olursa, kurmaca metinlerin de o kadar deneysel olacağını gösterebilmek için Alexie'nin postmodern kurmaca stratejilerinden nasıl yararlandığını açımlamaya çalışmaktadır

    Fat soluble vitamin levels in children with newly diagnosed celiac disease, a case control study

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    Abstract Background In children diagnosed with celiac disease, fat soluble vitamin levels were aimed to be evaluated and it was intended to determine whether fat soluble vitamin levels were needed to be assessed routinely in these patients during diagnosis. Methods Between May 2015–May 2016, diagnosis symptoms of celiac patients (CD) in newly diagnosed pediatric group were questioned, fat soluble vitamin levels simultaneous with intestinal biopsies were evaluated. Vitamin levels were compared with those of healthy control group. Results A total of 52 patients involving 27 female (51.9%), 25 male (48.1%); and a total of 50 healthy control group including 25 female (50%), 25 male (50%) were evaluated. The average age of patients was 9 ± 4.3 years, and their average weight was determined as 16.2 ± 6.3 kg. Growth retardation was the most frequent symptom in our patients (61.5%). Abdominal pain (51.9%) and diarrhea (11.5%) are among the other most commonly seen symptoms. In the histological examination of patients, Marsh 3B n = 23 (45.1%) was mostly established. Vitamin A and vitamin D levels of patients were determined significantly lower compared to those of control group. Vitamin A and vitamin D deficiencies were identified significantly higher compared to those of healthy control group. Vitamin D insufficiency was observed in 48 patients (92.3%) and vitamin D deficiency was determined in 32 (61.5%) out of 48. Vitamin A deficiency was established in 17 (32.7%) patients. Vitamin E and vitamin K1 deficiency were determined in no patients. In the healthy control group, vitamin D deficiency was seen in 2 (4%) patients, vitamin D insufficiency was determined in 9 (18%) patients. Other vitamin levels were identified at normal levels in the healthy group. Conclusions In newly diagnosed children with CD, a significant lowness was established in vitamin D and A. The evaluation of vitamin A and D levels will be helpful in the course of diagnosis in these patients

    What We Learned about COVID-19 So Far? Notes from Underground

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    The novel coronavirus pandemic poses a major global threat to public health. Our knowledge concerning every aspect of COVID-19is evolving rapidly, given the increasing data from all over the world. In this narrative review, the Turkish Thoracic Society Early CareerTaskforce members aimed to provide a summary on recent literature regarding epidemiology, clinical findings, diagnosis, treatment,prevention, and control of COVID-19. Studies revealed that the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus showed significant identityto SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptor is an important target of the SARS-CoV-2 while entering anorganism. Smokers were more likely to develop the disease and have a higher risk for ICU admission. The mean incubation periodwas 6.4 days, whereas asymptomatic transmission was reported up to 25 days after infection. Fever and cough were the most commonsymptoms, and cardiovascular diseases and hypertension were reported to be the most common comorbidities among patients. Clinicalmanifestations range from asymptomatic and mild disease to severe acute respiratory distress syndrome. Several patients showed typicalsymptoms and radiological changes with negative RT-PCR but positive IgG and IgM antibodies. Although radiological findings may vary,bilateral, peripherally distributed, ground-glass opacities were typical of COVID-19. Poor prognosis was associated with older age, higherSequential Organ Failure Assessment score, and high D-dimer level. Chloroquine was found to be effective in reducing viral replicationin vitro. Likewise, protease inhibitors, including lopinavir/ritonavir, favipiravir, and nucleoside analogue remdesivir were proposed to bethe potential drug candidates in COVID-19 management. Despite these efforts, we still have much to learn regarding the transmission,treatment, and prevention of COVID-19WOS:0005409044000092-s2.0-8508693317