12 research outputs found

    Organic farming and fair trade in developing country as a new agribusiness paradigm: Evidence from Mali

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    Organic farming and fair trade certified chains have emerged in West-Africa since the 1990s in answer to new alternative markets in developed countries. These chains, involving actors from North and South, are seen as an opportunity to sustainably valorise the small peasants agriculture in Africa and include the smallholders in global markets. Certification and labelling systems accompany these chains in developed countries. The aim of this article is to analyze the challenges for smallholders of this new North- South trade regime established by certificates and labels. This article uses the theory of Global Value Chains as theoretical framework. The empirical framework consists of four cases (organic sesame; organic- fair sesame; fair cotton and organicfair cotton) in Mali and in Belgium and France. It focuses on data that are gathered during our inquiry based on a questionnaire with the chains stakeholders in the south and in the north. The chains upstream inquiry was conducted in Mali with individuals producers, producers organizations, exporters; and the downstream inquiry was conducted in Belgium and France with European importers, distributors and certifications bodies. The results show that the new North- South regime established by organic and fair certificates and labels has a potential impact on the negotiation power and value distribution between chain participants. Lack of adequate local institutions in Southern countries, and increasing complexity of the “cahiers de charges” imposed by the North however may cause exclusion of many smallholders in these new North-South trade networks.organic farming, Fair Trade, smallholders, North-South trade, Certificates, Labels, Global markets, Value chains, certification scheme, local institution, Agribusiness, International Relations/Trade,

    Aménagement et mise en valeur des bas-fonds au Mali. Bilan et perspectives nationales, intérêt pour la zone de savane Ouest-africaine : Actes

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    Les communications de cet ouvrage retracent les actions conduites ces dernières années, dans les zones de bas-fonds, par les institutions de recherches du Mali et d'Afrique de l'Ouest (Ier, consortium bas-fonds...), par les opérateurs du développement (Cmdt), par les bureaux d'études privés et les organisations paysannes, en collaboration avec le Cirad. Elles apportent des réponses à certaines questions posées par le développement des bas-fonds comme la valorisation des cultures (riz, pomme de terre, fruits...), la conduite de l'élevage (abreuvement), les relations avec la filière cotonnière, etc. Un référentiel important de recommandations techniques et d'aide à la décision est disponible aujourd'hui. Les bas-fonds jouent un grand rôle pour l'intégration du monde rural à l'économie de marché, pour la structuration et la professionnalisation des opérateurs. L'évolution des politiques des pouvoirs publics, des filières de production, des expériences de développement et des acquis de la recherche montre la nécessité de poursuivre les efforts en mettant l'accent sur le conseil agricole et l'organisation des filières de production. Ce séminaire a permis un dialogue approfondi entre chercheurs, opérateurs de développement et décideurs, dressant un bilan des expériences et des acquis en matière d'aménagement et de mise en valeur des bas-fonds au Mali. Les atouts et les freins à leur développement ont été examinés, afin de réunir les éléments nécessaires à l'élaboration d'une nouvelle stratégie d'action. (Résumé d'auteur

    Vulnerability evaluation of millet and sorghum cropping system to climate change and adoption of new technologies in Mali

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    peer reviewedThis study analyzes the vulnerability of agricultural cropping systems based on millet and sorghum and the adoption of new technologies in Sahelian and Sudano - Sahelian areas in Mali (West Africa). Semi-structured interviews (ISS) using questionnaires addressed to the chiefs of family farm (FAE) were used for the collection of data. The descriptive statistics and matrices were realized for the data analysis using the following softwares: EXCEL and SPSS20.The results of the surveys conducted in 2014 among 360 farms in Sahelian and Sudano-Sahelian areas, shows that agricultural producers are aware of the main factors affecting the productivity of their cropping system and food security of agricultural holdings. Rainfall variability, characterized by failure and irregularity of rains is the main constraint of cropping systems based on millet and sorghum as stated by 97% of surveyed producers, followed by soil poverty 81%, and the lack of agricultural equipment 47%. The impacts of these factors at the farms level are translated by a decrease in the crops yields and on the frequency of the shortages in foodstuffs which are observed by 98% of the farms every year and more than 50% every 3 years. To reduce vulnerabilities, practices and innovations were adopted by farms as strategies. The main concern fertilizer micro dosing technics, seed soaking, improved varieties, organic and mineral fertilization, soils and water management technics, mechanical sowing, and agro forestry were adopted as strategies

    PROGRAMME DE RECHERCHE A L’ATTENTION DES ETUDIANTS DE L’IPR/IFRA DE KATIBOUGOU: Bilan de l’opération pilote et programme 2015-2020

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    Le renforcement des capacités et la préparation de la relève des cadres des services techniques du Secteur Développement Rural est l’une des priorités du Programme Mali/USAID sur la Politique de Sécurité Alimentaire et le Renforcement des Capacités. Cette décision fait suite au constat d’un nombre insuffisant mais également vieillissant des cadres évoluant dans ce secteur. En effet, les investigations menées dans les services centraux clés (Direction Nationale de l’Agriculture, Institut d’Economie Rurale, Cellule de Planification et de Statistiques du Secteur Développement Rural, Laboratoire Central Vétérinaire…) montrent que les effectifs sont insuffisants (le taux d’encadrement des producteurs au niveau de la DNA est de 52 %) et l’âge moyen est en constante augmentation. Le taux de remplacement est considéré comme faible (15 %). L’âge moyen des cadres de conception est de 55 ans. Les instituts de recherche et de formation en souffrent davantage

    Sorghum Productivity in Mali: Past, Present, and Future

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    Mali has a long history of focusing agricultural research and policies on the cereal sector, as cereals are the major staples providing food security. Despite the overall success of Malian cereal research and market reforms, recent production and productivity trends for traditional coarse grains (millet and sorghum) have grown at a much slower pace than rice and maize. This literature review describes how Mali is currently performing in terms of sorghum productivity, how the sector got to where it is today, and issues that need to be addressed to further its development. Sorghum is the focus of the review because of its adaptability to a variety of climates and the role it plays in providing food security to semi-subsistent rural households

    Organic farming and fair trade in developing country as a new agribusiness paradigm: Evidence from Mali

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    Organic farming and fair trade certified chains have emerged in West-Africa since the 1990s in answer to new alternative markets in developed countries. These chains, involving actors from North and South, are seen as an opportunity to sustainably valorise the small peasants agriculture in Africa and include the smallholders in global markets. Certification and labelling systems accompany these chains in developed countries. The aim of this article is to analyze the challenges for smallholders of this new North- South trade regime established by certificates and labels. This article uses the theory of Global Value Chains as theoretical framework. The empirical framework consists of four cases (organic sesame; organic- fair sesame; fair cotton and organicfair cotton) in Mali and in Belgium and France. It focuses on data that are gathered during our inquiry based on a questionnaire with the chains stakeholders in the south and in the north. The chains upstream inquiry was conducted in Mali with individuals producers, producers organizations, exporters; and the downstream inquiry was conducted in Belgium and France with European importers, distributors and certifications bodies. The results show that the new North- South regime established by organic and fair certificates and labels has a potential impact on the negotiation power and value distribution between chain participants. Lack of adequate local institutions in Southern countries, and increasing complexity of the “cahiers de charges” imposed by the North however may cause exclusion of many smallholders in these new North-South trade networks