1,040 research outputs found

    Mechanical and material properties of the plantarflexor muscles and Achilles tendon in children with spastic cerebral palsy and typically developing children

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    © 2016 The Authors. Background: Children with spastic cerebral palsy (CP) experience secondary musculoskeletal adaptations, affecting the mechanical and material properties of muscles and tendons. CP-related changes in the spastic muscle are well documented whilst less is known about the tendon. From a clinical perspective, it is important to understand alterations in tendon properties in order to tailor interventions or interpret clinical tests more appropriately. The main purpose of this study was to compare the mechanical and material properties of the Achilles tendon in children with cerebral palsy to those of typically developing children. Methods: Using a combination of ultrasonography and motion analysis, we determined tendon mechanical properties in ten children with spastic cerebral palsy and ten aged-matched typically developing children. Specifically, we quantified muscle and tendon stiffness, tendon slack length, tendon strain, cross-sectional area, Young׳s Modulus and the strain rate dependence of tendon stiffness. Findings: Children with CP had a greater muscle to tendon stiffness ratio compared to typically developing children. Despite a smaller tendon cross-sectional area and greater tendon slack length, no group differences were observed in tendon stiffness or Young׳s Modulus. The slope describing the stiffness strain-rate response was steeper in children with cerebral palsy. Interpretation: These results provide us with a more differentiated understanding of the muscle and tendon mechanical properties, which would be relevant for future research and paediatric clinicians

    A model for the current instabilities in GaAs‐AlGaAs heterojunction

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    A model is proposed for the description of the current instabilities in GaAs-AlGaAs heterojunctions. It consists of three parts: the injection of electrons via the contact into the AlGaAs layer, the partial capture of these electrons in deep centers, and the change with time of the band structure. This last ingredient is crucial, since due to the increase of the total number of electrons in the AlGaAs layer the band bending decreases making real-space transfer from the AlGaAs layer to the two-dimensional electron gas possible. We have performed quasistationary simulations of the time dependence of the current. The velocities, average energies, capture rates, etc. were taken from Monte Carlo simulations. It turned out, that the parameters for the modeling of the contact, which are to a high degree unknown, play an essential role

    Plasma instability and amplification of electromagnetic waves in low-dimensional electron systems

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    A general electrodynamic theory of a grating coupled two dimensional electron system (2DES) is developed. The 2DES is treated quantum mechanically, the grating is considered as a periodic system of thin metal strips or as an array of quantum wires, and the interaction of collective (plasma) excitations in the system with electromagnetic field is treated within the classical electrodynamics. It is assumed that a dc current flows in the 2DES. We consider a propagation of an electromagnetic wave through the structure, and obtain analytic dependencies of the transmission, reflection, absorption and emission coefficients on the frequency of light, drift velocity of 2D electrons, and other physical and geometrical parameters of the system. If the drift velocity of 2D electrons exceeds a threshold value, a current-driven plasma instability is developed in the system, and an incident far infrared radiation is amplified. We show that in the structure with a quantum wire grating the threshold velocity of the amplification can be essentially reduced, as compared to the commonly employed metal grating, down to experimentally achievable values. Physically this is due to a considerable enhancement of the grating coupler efficiency because of the resonant interaction of plasma modes in the 2DES and in the grating. We show that tunable far infrared emitters, amplifiers and generators can thus be created at realistic parameters of modern semiconductor heterostructures.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Influence of retardation effects on 2D magnetoplasmon spectrum

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    Within dissipationless limit the magnetic field dependence of magnetoplasmon spectrum for unbounded 2DEG system found to intersect the cyclotron resonance line, and, then approaches the frequency given by light dispersion relation. Recent experiments done for macroscopic disc-shape 2DEG systems confirm theory expectations.Comment: 2 pages,2 figure

    Poststarburst Models of LINERs

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    Since the discovery of low-ionization nuclear emission-line regions in many galaxies (LINERs), it has been recognized that they constitute a class of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) which are thought to be powered by gas accretion onto a central, supermassive black hole. LINERs are observed in approximately one third of galaxies in the local universe and it has been often thought that they harbor an AGN-like central engine with moderate activity. However, some LINERs show no direct evidence for AGNs such as broad emission lines, radio jets, hard X-ray emission, spectral energy distributions which are inconsistent with starlight, and so on. For such LINERs (a subset of type 2 LINERs), we present new poststarburst models which explain some of their most important optical narrow emission-line ratios. In these models, the ionization sources are planetary nebula nuclei (PNNs) with temperature of ~ 10^5 K which appear in the late-phase evolution of intermediate-mass stars with mass between ~ 3 M_solar and ~ 6 M_solar. Such PNNs left in a typical starburst nucleus can produce an Halpha luminosity of L(Halpha) ~ 10^38 ergs s^-1 for typical poststarburst LINERs and ~ 10^39 ergs s^-1 only in exceptionally bright cases. The PNN phase lasts until the death of the lowest-mass stars formed in the starburst, which is ~ 5 x 10^8 yr for an assumed lower limit of the initial mass function of 3 M_solar. This long duration appears consistent with the observed higher frequency of occurrence of LINERs if every galaxy could experience the starburst activity several times in its life. We therefore propose that some LINERs which show no direct evidence for AGNs may be poststarburst nuclei powered by a cluster of PNNs.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, emulateapj.sty; To appear in the September 2000 issue of the Astronomical Journa

    Membrane Instantons and de Sitter Vacua

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    We investigate membrane instanton effects in type IIA strings compactified on rigid Calabi-Yau manifolds. These effects contribute to the low-energy effective action of the universal hypermultiplet. In the absence of additional fivebrane instantons, the quaternionic geometry of this hypermultiplet is determined by solutions of the three-dimensional Toda equation. We construct solutions describing membrane instantons, and find perfect agreement with the string theory prediction. In the context of flux compactifications we discuss how membrane instantons contribute to the scalar potential and the stabilization of moduli. Finally, we demonstrate the existence of meta-stable de Sitter vacua.Comment: v3: minor clarifications, JHEP version, 38 page

    Plasmons in coupled bilayer structures

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    We calculate the collective charge density excitation dispersion and spectral weight in bilayer semiconductor structures {\it including effects of interlayer tunneling}. The out-of-phase plasmon mode (the ``acoustic'' plasmon) develops a long wavelength gap in the presence of tunneling with the gap being proportional to the square root (linear power) of the tunneling amplitude in the weak (strong) tunneling limit. The in-phase plasmon mode is qualitatively unaffected by tunneling. The predicted plasmon gap should be a useful tool for studying many-body effects.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Pathway to the PiezoElectronic Transduction Logic Device

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    The information age challenges computer technology to process an exponentially increasing computational load on a limited energy budget - a requirement that demands an exponential reduction in energy per operation. In digital logic circuits, the switching energy of present FET devices is intimately connected with the switching voltage, and can no longer be lowered sufficiently, limiting the ability of current technology to address the challenge. Quantum computing offers a leap forward in capability, but a clear advantage requires algorithms presently developed for only a small set of applications. Therefore, a new, general purpose, classical technology based on a different paradigm is needed to meet the ever increasing demand for data processing.Comment: in Nano Letters (2015

    The linear multiplet and ectoplasm

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    In the framework of the superconformal tensor calculus for 4D N=2 supergravity, locally supersymmetric actions are often constructed using the linear multiplet. We provide a superform formulation for the linear multiplet and derive the corresponding action functional using the ectoplasm method (also known as the superform approach to the construction of supersymmetric invariants). We propose a new locally supersymmetric action which makes use of a deformed linear multiplet. The novel feature of this multiplet is that it corresponds to the case of a gauged central charge using a one-form potential not annihilated by the central charge (unlike the standard N=2 vector multiplet). Such a gauge one-form can be chosen to describe a variant nonlinear vector-tensor multiplet. As a byproduct of our construction, we also find a variant realization of the tensor multiplet in supergravity where one of the auxiliaries is replaced by the field strength of a gauge three-form.Comment: 31 pages; v3: minor corrections and typos fixed, version to appear in JHE