398 research outputs found

    Interjection in a non-verbal communication of Yakuts (the case of the art works)

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    The paper attempts to clarify the semantic differentiations of interjections' framework accompanied such kinds of nonverbal communication as gesture, face expression, body movement. The fiction (classic literature) is a rich source of more precise definition not only for interjection meaning but for the description of these language units function sphere. It was necessary to define more precisely the differentiations of polysemantic interjections. About 150 models were analysed from the collection book "Stories and Essays" and in the novel "Springtime" by People's Writer of Yakutia N. E. Mordinov (Amma Achchygyya). More than 100 interjections among 500 ones in total are accompanied by different kinds of non-verbal means of communication. Within this article the most frequent interjections in the language of Sakha are examined. These interjections are polysemantic, that's why they are energetically used both in spoken language and in the written speech of Sakha people. We used this fiction context widely in order to illustrate more precisely the meanings of interjections' units. This context reflected not only interjections themselves but gestures, face expression, body movement accompanied by the communicants. It is of interest to know also about monosemantic interjections which express surprise, amazement, irritation, annoyance, dissatisfaction accompanied by certain kinetic means during the intercourse situation etc.В данной статье предпринята попытка определения корпуса междометий, сопровождаемых такими видами невербального общения, как жест, мимика, телодвижение. Художественная (классическая) литература является богатым источником для уточнения не только значения междометий, но и описания сферы функционирования данных единиц. Для уточнения смысловых дифференциаций многозначных междометий было проанализировано примерно 150 контекстов в сборнике «Рассказы, очерки» и в романе «Весенняя пора» народного писателя Якутии Н. Е. Мординова (Амма Аччыгыйа). Примерно из 500 междометий, имеющихся в данных произведениях автора, более 100 междометий сопровождаются теми или иными видами средств невербального общения. В рамках данной статьи были рассмотрены наиболее частотные междометия, которые в силу многозначности своего значения активно используются как в устной речи коммуникантов, так и в письменной речи народа саха. Для понимания и уточнения семантики междометных единиц был привлечен для иллюстрации контекст, где нашли свое отражение не только сами междометные единицы, но и сопровождающие словесную коммуникацию жесты, мимика и телодвижения говорящих. Дальнейшего изучения ждут однозначные междометия, выражающие удивление, изумление, раздражение, досаду, недовольство, сопровождаемые определенными кинетическими средствами в зависимости от ситуации общения и т.д

    Estimating the First-year Corrosion Losses of Structural Metals for Continental Regions of the World

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    The knowledge of the first-year corrosion losses of metals (K1) in various regions of the world is of great importance in engineering applications. The K1 values are used to determine the categories of atmospheric corrosivity, and K1 is also the main parameter in models for the prediction of long-term corrosion losses of metals. In the absence of experimental values of K1, their values can be predicted on the basis of meteorological and aerochemical parameters of the atmosphere using the dose-response functions (DRF). Currently, the DRFs presented in ISO 9223:2012(E) /1/ standard are used for predicting K1 in any region of the world, along with the unified DRFs /2/ and the new DRFs /3/. The predicted values of corrosion losses (K1pr) of carbon steel, zinc, copper and aluminum obtained by various DRFs for various continental regions of the world are presented. In this work we used the atmosphere corrosivity parameters and experimental data on the corrosion losses of metals for the first year of exposure (K1exp) for the locations of the tests performed under the international UN/ECE program, the MICAT project, and the Russian program. For the first time, a comparative assessment of the reliability of various DRFs is given by comparing the values of K1pr and K1ex using graphical and statistical methods. The statistical indicators of reliability of predicting the corrosion losses of metals are calculated for various categories of atmosphere corrosivity. It is shown that the new dose-response functions offer the highest reliability for all categories of atmosphere corrosivity

    Thermoelectric prospects of nanomaterials with spin-orbit surface bands

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    Nanostructured composites and nanowire arrays of traditional thermoelectrics like Bi, Bi(1-x)Sb(x) and Bi(2)Te(3) have metallic Rashba surface spin-orbit bands featuring high mobilities rivaling that of the bulk for which topological insulator behavior has been proposed. Nearly pure surface electronic transport has been observed at low temperatures in Bi nanowires with diameter around the critical diameter, 50 nm, for the semimetal-to semiconductor transition. The surface contributes strongly to the thermopower, actually dominating for temperatures T < 100 K in these nanowires. The surface thermopower was found to be -1 T microvolt/(K^2), a value that is consistent with theory. We show that surface electronic transport together with boundary phonon scattering leads to enhanced thermoelectric performance at low temperatures of Bi nanowire arrays. We compare with bulk n-BiSb alloys, optimized CsBi(4)Te(6) and optimized Bi(2)Te(3). Surface dominated electronic transport can be expected in nanomaterials of the other traditional thermoelectrics.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Observation of three-dimensional behavior in surface states of bismuth nanowires and the evidence for bulk Bi charge fractionalization

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    Whereas bulk bismuth supports very-high mobility, light, Dirac electrons and holes in its interior, its boundaries support a layer of heavy electrons in surface states formed by spin orbit interaction in the presence of the surface electric field. Small diameter d trigonal Bi nanowires (30 nm < d < 200 nm) were studied via magnetotransport at low temperatures and for fields up to 14 T in order to investigate the role of surfaces in electronic transport. A two-dimensional behavior was expected for surface charges; however we found instead a three-dimensional behavior, with a rich spectrum of Landau levels in a nearly spherical Fermi surface. This is associated with the long penetration length of surface states of trigonal wires. The prospect of the participation of surface transport and surface-induced relaxation of bulk carriers in the electronic properties of macroscopic samples is evaluated. We show that recent observations of magnetoquantum peaks in the Nernst thermopower coefficient, attributed to two-dimensional electron gas charge fractionalization, can be more plausibly interpreted in terms of these surface states.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum interference of surface states in bismuth nanowires probed by the Aharonov-Bohm oscillatory behavior of the magnetoresistance

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    We report the observation of a dependence of the low temperature resistance of individual single-crystal bismuth nanowires on the Aharonov-Bohm phase of the magnetic flux threading the wire. 55 and 75-nm wires were investigated in magnetic fields of up to 14 T. For 55 nm nanowires, longitudinal magnetoresistance periods of 0.8 and 1.6 T that were observed at magnetic fields over 4 T are assigned to h/2e to h/e magnetic flux modulation. The same modes of oscillation were observed in 75-nm wires. The observed effects are consistent with models of the Bi surface where surface states give rise to a significant population of charge carriers of high effective mass that form a highly conducting tube around the nanowire. In the 55-nm nanowires, the Fermi energy of the surface band is estimated to be 15 meV. An interpretation of the magnetoresistance oscillations in terms of a subband structure in the surface states band due to quantum interference in the tube is presented.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figure

    Left atrial strain in assessing heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in hypertensive patients

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    Aim. To compare the results of diagnosing heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) in patients with hypertension (HTN) according left atrial (LA) strain values with the results obtained using the H2FPEF score and diastolic stress testing (DST).Material and methods. The study included 293 patients with previously established HTN who were examined due to complaints of shortness of breath and/or palpitations (men, 97 (33,5%), mean age, 62,0 (55,0; 67,0) years). All patients underwent transthoracic echocardiography with the assessment of LA strain parameters and probability of HFpEF using the H2FPEF score. Eighty five patients with an intermediate probability of HFpEF underwent DST.Results. A low probability of HFpEF according to the H2FPEF score was registered in 35 (11,9%) patients, uncertain — in 206 (70,3%), high — in 52 (17,7%). DST was negative in 43 (50,6%) and positive in 42 (49,4%) patients with an intermediate probability of HFpEF. LA strain in the reservoir phase in patients with a low probability of HFpEF averaged (median and interquartile interval) 28,0 (23,6; 31,5)%, while in patients with an intermediate probability and negative DST — 24,0 (22,0; 26,8)%, with an intermediate probability and positive DST — 20,0 (18,0; 21,0)%, and with a high probability of HFpEF — 19,6 (16,9; 21,8)%. HFpEF was diagnosed in 94 patients, including 52 with a high probability on the H2FPEF score and 42 with an intermediate probability and positive DST. The diagnosis of HFpEF was ruled out in 78 patients, including 35 with a low probability on the H2FPEF score and 43 with an intermediate probability and negative DST. Further, 172 patients with confirmed or excluded HFpEF were randomly divided into two equal cohorts. In the training cohort, HFpEF was diagnosed in 44 (51,2%) patients, in the validation cohort — in 50 (58,1%). ROC analysis performed on the training cohort for the LA strain in reservoir phase showed AUC of 0,920 (95% confidence interval (CI), 0,842-0,968) and cut-off point of 21,5%. In the training cohort, the results of HFpEF diagnosis using the indicated criterion coincided with those using H2FPEF score and DST in 86,1% (95% CI, 77,2-91,8) of cases. The Cohen’s kappa was 0,721 (95% C,I 0,575-0,868). In the validation cohort, agreement was observed in 84,9% (95% CI 75,8-91,0) of cases with Cohen’s kappa of 0,702 (95% CI 0,553-0,851).Conclusion. In hypertensive patients, the diagnosis of HFpEF made on the basis of a decrease in the LA strain in reservoir phase to ≤21,5%, is in good agreement with the diagnosis made using the H2FPEF score and DST

    Comparative evaluation of results of duplex ultrasound angiography in case of replacement arthroplasty of large joints in the early postoperative period

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    Research objective: to ascertain and compare frequency and nature of venous system pathology with the use of ultrasound scanning of lower limbs on 3rd-5th and 1st days after replacement arthroplasty of large joints. Material and methods. The results of ultrasound scanning, that had been conducted on 14 635 patients after replacement arthroplasty of large joints, were analyzed. All the patients were divided into 2 groups: 7 509 patients were performed the ultrasound scanning of their lower limb veins on 3rd -5th day, 7126 patients - on the 1st day of the postoperative period. Results. In the postoperative period, acute thrombosis of the lower limb veins was diagnosed in 952 patients (12.4%) who were conducted the ultrasound scanning on 3rd-5th day, in the second group - in 570 cases (7.9%), p<0.05. In the first group, proximal thrombosis was diagnosed in 89 patients (1.2%), and distal thrombosis - in 863 patients (11.4%). In the second group, there were registered 101 cases (1.4%) of acute proximal deep venous thrombosis, and 469 (6.6%) cases of distal thrombosis. Provided that the proportion of surgical interventions in the lower limb veins has significantly decreased from 0.5% to 0.1 %. Number of factors of thromboembolia of pulmonary artery has decreased by 3 times. Change of examination date in the postoperative period for an earlier one in the second group, and introduction of such diagnostic methods of deep vein lumen as the snowstorm pattern (patent for an invention No. 2547072 in the Russian Federation dated 2015) have enabled reference of patients to a high-risk group (2.6%), correction of the postoperative pharmaceutical treatment, and, thereby, stop of pathological process manifestation. Conclusion. Earlier detection of phlebothrombosis allowed correcting therapeutic approaches to patients to reduce the number of operations on vessels, improve results of treatment - replacement arthroplasty, reduce duration of hospital stay, reduce material and financial burden of a hospital, and increase quality of patient’s life.Цель исследования: выявить и сравнить частоту и характер патологии венозной системы при ультразвуковом исследовании нижних конечностей на 3-5 и 1-2-е сутки после эндопротезирования крупных суставов. Материалы и методы: проведен анализ ультразвукового исследования у 14 635 больных после эндопротезирования крупных суставов. Пациенты разделены на 2 группы: 7 509 пациентам ультразвуковое исследование вен нижних конечностей проводилось на 3-5 сутки, 7126 пациентов - на 1-е сутки послеоперационного периода. Результаты. В послеоперационном периоде, острый тромбоз вен нижних конечностей при ультразвуковом исследовании, проводимом на 3-5 сутки - определен у 952 пациентов (12,4%), во второй группе - в 570 случаях (7,9%), р<0.05. Проксимальный тромбоз в первой группе выявлен у 89 пациентов (1,2%), дистальный тромбоз - у 863 пациентов (11,4%). Во второй группе зарегистрирован 101 случай (1,4%) острого проксимального тромбоза глубоких вен, дистальный тромбоз - в 469 (6,6%) случаях. При этом доля оперативных вмешательств на венах нижних конечностей значительно уменьшилась, с 0,5% до 0,1%. В 3 раза снизилось количество фактов ТЭЛА. Переход на более ранние сроки исследований в послеоперационном периоде во второй группе и с внедрением способа диагностики просвета глубоких вен в виде симптома «снежной метели» (патент на изобретение в РФ № №2547072 от 2015 г.), позволило выделить пациентов в группу высокого риска (2,6%), скорректировать послеоперационное медикаментозное лечение, тем самым остановить манифестацию патологического процесса. Выводы и заключение. Ранняя диагностика позволила выявить начальные этапы формирования венозных тромбозов, скорректировать тактику лечения пациента, уменьшить количество операций на сосудах, улучшить результаты лечения - эндопротезирование, уменьшить длительность пребывания больного на койке, снизить материально-денежную нагрузку на лечебное учреждение, повысить качество жизни пациента