1,382 research outputs found

    Extreme Ultraviolet Emission from Clusters of Galaxies: Inverse Compton Radiation from a Relic Population of Cosmic Ray Electrons?

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    We suggest that the luminous extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission which has been detected recently from clusters of galaxies is Inverse Compton (IC) scattering of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation by low energy cosmic ray electrons in the intracluster medium. The cosmic ray electrons would have Lorentz factors of gamma ~ 300, and would lose energy primarily by emitting EUV radiation. These particles have lifetimes comparable to the Hubble time; thus, the electrons might represent a relic population of cosmic rays produced by nonthermal activity over the history of the cluster. The IC model naturally explains the observed increase in the ratio of EUV to X-ray emission with radius in clusters. The required energy in cosmic ray electrons is typically 1--10% of the thermal energy content of the intracluster gas. We suggest that the cosmic ray electrons might have been produced by supernovae in galaxies, by radio galaxies, or by particle acceleration in intracluster shocks.Comment: ApJ Letters, in press, 4 pages with 1 embedded figure, Latex in emulateapj styl

    The organization and management of the Virtual Astronomical Observatory

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    The U.S. Virtual Astronomical Observatory (VAO; http://www.us-vao.org/) has been in operation since May 2010. Its goal is to enable new science through efficient integration of distributed multi-wavelength data. This paper describes the management and organization of the VAO, and emphasizes the techniques used to ensure efficiency in a distributed organization. Management methods include using an annual program plan as the basis for establishing contracts with member organizations, regular communication, and monitoring of processes.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. SPIE Conference 8449: Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy

    Ground state and finite temperature signatures of quantum phase transitions in the half-filled Hubbard model on a honeycomb lattice

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    We investigate ground state and finite temperature properties of the half-filled Hubbard model on a honeycomb lattice using quantum monte carlo and series expansion techniques. Unlike the square lattice, for which magnetic order exists at T=0 for any non-zero UU, the honeycomb lattice is known to have a semi-metal phase at small UU and an antiferromagnetic one at large UU. We investigate the phase transition at T=0 by studying the magnetic structureandcompressibilityusingquantummontecarlosimulationsandbycalculatingthesublatticemagnetization,uniformsusceptibility,spinwaveandsingleholeorderedphase.Ourresultsareconsistentwithasinglecontinuoustransitionatand compressibility using quantum monte carlo simulations and by calculating the sublattice magnetization, uniform susceptibility, spin-wave and single hole %single-particle dispersion using series expansions around the ordered phase. Our results are consistent with a single continuous transition at U_c/tintherange45.Finitetemperaturesignaturesofthisphasetransitionareseeninthebehaviorofthespecificheat, in the range 4-5. Finite temperature signatures of this phase transition are seen in the behavior of the specific heat, C(T),whichchangesfromatwopeakedstructurefor, which changes from a two-peaked structure for U>U_ctoaonepeakedstructurefor to a one-peaked structure for U < U_c.Furthermore,the. Furthermore, the Udependenceofthelowtemperaturecoefficientof dependence of the low temperature coefficient of C(T)exhibitsananomalyat exhibits an anomaly at U \approx U_c$.Comment: 11 pages, 19 figure

    SDSS AGNs with X-ray Emission from ROSAT PSPC Pointed Observations

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    We present a sample of 1744 type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS DR4) spectroscopic catalog with X-ray counterparts in the White-Giommi-Angelini Catalog (WGACAT) of ROSAT PSPC pointed observations. Of 1744 X-ray sources, 1410 (80.9%) are new AGN identifications. Of 4574 SDSS DR4 AGNs for which we found radio matches in the catalog of radio sources from the FIRST catalog, 224 turned up in our sample of SDSS X-ray AGNs. The sample objects are given in a catalog that contains optical and X-ray parameters along with radio emission parameters where available. We illustrate the content of our catalog and its potential for AGN science by providing statistical relationships for the catalog data. The potential of the morphological information is emphasized by confronting the statistics of optically resolved and unresolved AGNs. The immediate properties of the catalog objects include significant correlation of X-ray and optical fluxes, which is consistent with expectations. Also expected is the decrease of X-ray flux toward higher redshifts. The X-ray to optical flux ratio for the unresolved AGNs exhibits a decline toward higher redshifts, in agreement with previous results. The resolved AGNs, however, display the opposite trend. At a given optical brightness, X-ray fluxes of radio-quiet AGNs by a factor of 2. We caution, however, that because of the variety of selection effects present in both the WGACAT and the SDSS, the interpretation of any relationships based on our sample of X-ray AGNs requires a careful analysis of these effects.Comment: 34 pages, 18 figure

    Phase diagram and magnetic collective excitations of the Hubbard model in graphene sheets and layers

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    We discuss the magnetic phases of the Hubbard model for the honeycomb lattice both in two and three spatial dimensions. A ground state phase diagram is obtained depending on the interaction strength U and electronic density n. We find a first order phase transition between ferromagnetic regions where the spin is maximally polarized (Nagaoka ferromagnetism) and regions with smaller magnetization (weak ferromagnetism). When taking into account the possibility of spiral states, we find that the lowest critical U is obtained for an ordering momentum different from zero. The evolution of the ordering momentum with doping is discussed. The magnetic excitations (spin waves) in the antiferromagnetic insulating phase are calculated from the random-phase-approximation for the spin susceptibility. We also compute the spin fluctuation correction to the mean field magnetization by virtual emission/absorpion of spin waves. In the large UU limit, the renormalized magnetization agrees qualitatively with the Holstein-Primakoff theory of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet, although the latter approach produces a larger renormalization

    Lattice dependence of saturated ferromagnetism in the Hubbard model

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    We investigate the instability of the saturated ferromagnetic ground state (Nagaoka state) in the Hubbard model on various lattices in dimensions d=2 and d=3. A variational resolvent approach is developed for the Nagaoka instability both for U = infinity and for U < infinity which can easily be evaluated in the thermodynamic limit on all common lattices. Our results significantly improve former variational bounds for a possible Nagaoka regime in the ground state phase diagram of the Hubbard model. We show that a pronounced particle-hole asymmetry in the density of states and a diverging density of states at the lower band edge are the most important features in order to stabilize Nagaoka ferromagnetism, particularly in the low density limit.Comment: Revtex, 18 pages with 18 figures, 7 pages appendices, section on bcc lattice adde

    The Energy Spectrum of Primary Cosmic Ray Electrons in Clusters of Galaxies and Inverse Compton Emission

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    Models for the evolution of the integrated energy spectrum of primary cosmic ray electrons in clusters of galaxies have been calculated, including the effects of losses due to inverse Compton (IC), synchrotron, and bremsstrahlung emission, and Coulomb losses to the intracluster medium (ICM). The combined time scale for these losses reaches a maximum of ~3e9 yr for electrons with a Lorentz factor ~300. Only clusters in which there has been a substantial injection of relativistic electrons since z <~ 1 will have any significant population of primary cosmic ray electrons at present. In typical models, there is a broad peak in the electron energy distribution extending to gamma~300, and a steep drop in the electron population beyond this. In clusters with current particle injection, there is a power-law tail of higher energy electrons with an abundance determined by the current rate of injection. A significant population of electrons with gamma~300, associated with the peak in the particle loss time, is a generic feature of the models. The IC and synchrotron emission from these models was calculated. In the models, EUV and soft X-ray emission are nearly ubiquitous. This emission is produced by electrons with gamma~300. The spectra are predicted to drop rapidly in going from the EUV to the X-ray band. The IC emission also extends down the UV, optical, and IR bands with a fairly flat spectrum. Hard X-ray (HXR) and diffuse radio emission due to high energy electrons (gamma~10e4) is present only in clusters which have current particle acceleration. Assuming that the electrons are accelerated in ICM shocks, one would only expect diffuse HXR/radio emission in clusters which are currently undergoing a large merger.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, with minor revisons to wording for clarity and one additional reference. 19 pages with 16 embedded Postscript figures in emulateapj.sty. Abbreviated abstract belo

    The breakdown of the Nagaoka phase in the 2D t-J model

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    In the limit of weak exchange, J, at low hole concentration, the ground state of the 2D t-J model is believed to be ferromagnetic. We study the leading instability of this Nagaoka state, which emerges with increasing J. Both exact diagonalization of small clusters, and a semiclassical analytical calculation of larger systems show that above a certain critical value of the exchange, Nagaoka's state is unstable to phase separation. In a finite-size system a bubble of antiferromagnetic Mott insulator appears in the ground state above this threshold. The size of this bubble depends on the hole concentration and scales as a power of the system size, N

    On the magnetic stability at the surface in strongly correlated electron systems

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    The stability of ferromagnetism at the surface at finite temperatures is investigated within the strongly correlated Hubbard model on a semi-infinite lattice. Due to the reduced surface coordination number the effective Coulomb correlation is enhanced at the surface compared to the bulk. Therefore, within the well-known Stoner-picture of band ferromagnetism one would expect the magnetic stability at the surface to be enhanced as well. However, by taking electron correlations into account well beyond the Hartree-Fock (Stoner) level we find the opposite behavior: As a function of temperature the magnetization of the surface layer decreases faster than in the bulk. By varying the hopping integral within the surface layer this behavior becomes even more pronounced. A reduced hopping integral at the surface tends to destabilize surface ferromagnetism whereas the magnetic stability gets enhanced by an increased hopping integral. This behavior represents a pure correlation effect and can be understood in terms of general arguments which are based on exact results in the limit of strong Coulomb interaction.Comment: 6 pages, RevTeX, 4 eps figures, accepted (Phys. Rev. B), for related work and info see http://orion.physik.hu-berlin.d

    The Virtual Astronomical Observatory: Re-engineering access to astronomical data

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    The US Virtual Astronomical Observatory was a software infrastructure and development project designed both to begin the establishment of an operational Virtual Observatory (VO) and to provide the US coordination with the international VO effort. The concept of the VO is to provide the means by which an astronomer is able to discover, access, and process data seamlessly, regardless of its physical location. This paper describes the origins of the VAO, including the predecessor efforts within the US National Virtual Observatory, and summarizes its main accomplishments. These accomplishments include the development of both scripting toolkits that allow scientists to incorporate VO data directly into their reduction and analysis environments and high-level science applications for data discovery, integration, analysis, and catalog cross-comparison. Working with the international community, and based on the experience from the software development, the VAO was a major contributor to international standards within the International Virtual Observatory Alliance. The VAO also demonstrated how an operational virtual observatory could be deployed, providing a robust operational environment in which VO services worldwide were routinely checked for aliveness and compliance with international standards. Finally, the VAO engaged in community outreach, developing a comprehensive web site with on-line tutorials, announcements, links to both US and internationally developed tools and services, and exhibits and hands-on training at annual meetings of the American Astronomical Society and through summer schools and community days. All digital products of the VAO Project, including software, documentation, and tutorials, are stored in a repository for community access. The enduring legacy of the VAO is an increasing expectation that new telescopes and facilities incorporate VO capabilities during the design of their data management systems