52 research outputs found

    Circadian pacemaker coupling by multi-peptidergic neurons in the cockroach Leucophaea maderae

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    Lesion and transplantation studies in the cockroach, Leucophaea maderae, have located its bilaterally symmetric circadian pacemakers necessary for driving circadian locomotor activity rhythms to the accessory medulla of the optic lobes. The accessory medulla comprises a network of peptidergic neurons, including pigment-dispersing factor (PDF)-expressing presumptive circadian pacemaker cells. At least three of the PDF-expressing neurons directly connect the two accessory medullae, apparently as a circadian coupling pathway. Here, the PDF-expressing circadian coupling pathways were examined for peptide colocalization by tracer experiments and double-label immunohistochemistry with antisera against PDF, FMRFamide, and Asn13-orcokinin. A fourth group of contralaterally projecting medulla neurons was identified, additional to the three known groups. Group one of the contralaterally projecting medulla neurons contained up to four PDF-expressing cells. Of these, three medium-sized PDF-immunoreactive neurons coexpressed FMRFamide and Asn13-orcokinin immunoreactivity. However, the contralaterally projecting largest PDF neuron showed no further peptide colocalization, as was also the case for the other large PDF-expressing medulla cells, allowing the easy identification of this cell group. Although two-thirds of all PDF-expressing medulla neurons coexpressed FMRFamide and orcokinin immunoreactivity in their somata, colocalization of PDF and FMRFamide immunoreactivity was observed in only a few termination sites. Colocalization of PDF and orcokinin immunoreactivity was never observed in any of the terminals or optic commissures. We suggest that circadian pacemaker cells employ axonal peptide sorting to phase-control physiological processes at specific times of the day

    Three-dimensional grain mapping by x-ray diffraction contrast tomography and the use of Friedel pairs in diffraction data analysis

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    X-ray diffraction contrast tomography (DCT) is a technique for mapping grain shape and orientation in plastically undeformed polycrystals. In this paper, we describe a modified DCT data acquisition strategy which permits the incorporation of an innovative Friedel pair method for analyzing diffraction data. Diffraction spots are acquired during a 360 degree rotation of the sample and are analyzed in terms of the Friedel pairs ((hkl) and (hkl -) reflections, observed 180 degrees apart in rotation). The resulting increase in the accuracy with which the diffraction vectors are determined allows the use of improved algorithms for grain indexing (assigning diffraction spots to the grains from which they arise) and reconstruction. The accuracy of the resulting grain maps is quantified with reference to synchrotron microtomography data for a specimen made from a beta titanium system in which a second phase can be precipitated at grain boundaries, thereby revealing the grain shapes. The simple changes introduced to the DCT methodology are equally applicable to other variants of grain mapping. Copyright 2009 American Institute of Physics

    Distribution of genetic diversity reveals colonization patterns and philopatry of the loggerhead sea turtles across geographic scales.

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    Understanding the processes that underlie the current distribution of genetic diversity in endangered species is a goal of modern conservation biology. Specifically, the role of colonization and dispersal events throughout a species' evolutionary history often remains elusive. The loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) faces multiple conservation challenges due to its migratory nature and philopatric behaviour. Here, using 4207 mtDNA sequences, we analysed the colonisation patterns and distribution of genetic diversity within a major ocean basin (the Atlantic), a regional rookery (Cabo Verde Archipelago) and a local island (Island of Boa Vista, Cabo Verde). Data analysis using hypothesis-driven population genetic models suggests the colonization of the Atlantic has occurred in two distinct waves, each corresponding to a major mtDNA lineage. We propose the oldest lineage entered the basin via the isthmus of Panama and sequentially established aggregations in Brazil, Cabo Verde and in the area of USA and Mexico. The second lineage entered the Atlantic via the Cape of Good Hope, establishing colonies in the Mediterranean Sea, and from then on, re-colonized the already existing rookeries of the Atlantic. At the Cabo Verde level, we reveal an asymmetric gene flow maintaining links across island-specific nesting groups, despite significant genetic structure. This structure stems from female philopatric behaviours, which could further be detected by weak but significant differentiation amongst beaches separated by only a few kilometres on the island of Boa Vista. Exploring biogeographic processes at diverse geographic scales improves our understanding of the complex evolutionary history of highly migratory philopatric species. Unveiling the past facilitates the design of conservation programmes targeting the right management scale to maintain a species' evolutionary potential

    Long-term survey of sea turtles (Caretta caretta) reveals correlations between parasite infection, feeding ecology, reproductive success and population dynamics.

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    Long-term monitoring of host-parasite interactions is important for understanding the consequences of infection on host fitness and population dynamics. In an eight-year survey of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) population nesting in Cabo Verde, we determined the spatiotemporal variation of Ozobranchus margoi, a sanguivorous leech best known as a vector for sea turtle fibropapilloma virus. We quantified O. margoi association with turtles' δ15N and δ13C stable isotopes to identify where infection occurs. We then measured the influence of infection on reproduction and offspring fitness. We found that parasite prevalence has increased from 10% of the population in 2010, to 33% in 2017. Stable isotope analysis of host skin samples suggests transmission occurs within the host's feeding grounds. Interestingly, we found a significant interaction between individual size and infection on the reproductive success of turtles. Specifically, small, infected females produced fewer offspring of poorer condition, while in contrast, large, infected turtles produced greater clutch sizes and larger offspring. We interpret this interaction as evidence, upon infection, for a size-dependent shift in reproductive strategy from bet hedging to terminal investment, altering population dynamics. This link between infection and reproduction underscores the importance of using long-term monitoring to quantify the impact of disease dynamics over time

    Valaciclovir to prevent Cytomegalovirus mediated adverse modulation of the immune system in ANCA-associated vasculitis (CANVAS):study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: The ANCA-associated vasculitides (AAV) are systemic autoimmune inflammatory disorders characterised by necrotising inflammation affecting small to medium-sized blood vessels. Despite improvements in survival, infection and cardiovascular disease remain leading causes of morbidity and mortality. Considerable evidence suggests that CD4 + CD28null T-cell expansions, predominantly seen in Cytomegalovirus (CMV) seropositive individuals, are associated with systemic dysregulation of immune function leading to a heightened risk of infection and cardiovascular disease. In patients with AAV, CD4 + CD28null expansions are driven by CMV and are associated with an increased risk of infection and mortality. The aim of this study is to explore in detail the ways in which CMV modulates the immune system and to determine whether treatment with valaciclovir blocks subclinical CMV reactivation in CMV seropositive AAV patients and ameliorates the CMV-induced adverse effects on the immune system. METHODS/DESIGN: CANVAS is a single-centre prospective open-label randomised controlled proof-of-concept trial of 50 adult CMV seropositive patients with stable AAV. Participants will be randomly allocated to receive valaciclovir orally (2 g QDS or reduced according to renal function) or no additional treatment for 6 months with an additional 6-month follow-up period. The primary outcome is the proportion of patients with CMV reactivation, as assessed by measurable viral load on quantitative blood and urine CMV polymerase chain reaction. The secondary outcomes are safety, change in the proportion of CD4+ CMV-specific T-cell population (defined as CD4 + CD28null cells) and change in soluble markers of inflammation from baseline to 6 months. Further tertiary and exploratory outcomes include persistence of the effect of valaciclovir on the proportion of CD4 + CD28null cells at 6 months post completion of treatment, change in the immune phenotype of CD4+ T cells and change in blood pressure and arterial stiffness parameters from baseline to 6 months. DISCUSSION: The results of this study will enable larger studies to be conducted to determine whether by controlling subclinical CMV reactivation, we can improve clinical endpoints such as infection and cardiovascular disease. The potential impact of this study is not limited to AAV, as CD4 + CD28null cells have been linked to adverse outcomes in other inflammatory conditions and in the context of an ageing immune system. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier NCT01633476 (registered 29 June 2012). ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13063-016-1482-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users


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    Selective Anti-Herpesvirus Agents

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