11 research outputs found


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    Az emberi gondolkodás alapelemei az ellentétpárok. Fekete és fehér. A két végpont által határolt képzeletbeli spektrumban számtalan szürke árnyalatot jelölhetünk meg a legvilágosabbtól a legsötétebbig. Az eltérő kultúrák, vallások kivétel nélkül használnak ellentétpárokat. Ha létezik a jó, szükségszerűen megjelenik a rossz is, a különbség a hozzájuk való viszonyulásban rejlik. A szélső értéket jelölő két véglet azonban felfogható egymást kizáró vagy egymást kiegészítő tartalomként. Választhatunk. Az építészeti tevékenység is tulajdonképpen folyamatos döntések sorozataként definiálható. Létezik jó és rossz építészet? Mitől lesz szép egy épület? Egyáltalán lehet-e beszélni a szépségről általánosságban a változó világ és véleménykülönbségek ellenére? Gondolataink és választásunk minden esetben kivetül a végeredményre, meghatározza a megálmodott vagy éppen 'újra álmodott' épület és környezete minőségét. A tárgy és anyagi minőség mellett azonban nem vonatkoztathatunk el a megvalósult hely egyénre és a közösségre, tágabb értelemben a társadalomra kifejtett közvetlen és közvetett hatásáról. Disszertációm az építészeti tervezés és újrahasznosítás során felmerülő kérdéseket és lehetséges válaszokat tárgyalja az építész szerepének és felelősségének kontextusában. A vizsgált szempontok kiemelt példákon keresztül kerülnek bemutatásra és alátámasztásra, az alkalmazott eszközök és a gyakorlat mellett pedig a humánum kerül előtérbe. Építészeti eszközeink és döntéseink eredménye immár nem csak a saját világunkat alakítja, felelősségünk kiterjed az emberre. Minden művészi alkotás az ember tükre, önarckép rólunk, az egyedi egók sokasága pedig hű tükörképe vagy éppen ellenkezőleg, torz lenyomata az adott kornak

    HUNCHEST-II contributes to a shift to earlier-stage lung cancer detection: final results of a nationwide screening program

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    The introduction of low-dose CT (LDCT) altered the landscape of lung cancer (LC) screening and contributed to the reduction of mortality rates worldwide. Here we report the final results of HUNCHEST-II, the largest population-based LDCT screening program in Hungary, including the screening and diagnostic outcomes, and the characteristics of the LC cases.A total of 4215 high-risk individuals aged between 50 and 75 years with a smoking history of at least 25 pack-years were assigned to undergo LDCT screening. Screening outcomes were determined based on the volume, growth, and volume doubling time of pulmonary nodules or masses. The clinical stage distribution of screen-detected cancers was compared with two independent practice-based databases consisting of unscreened LC patients.The percentage of negative and indeterminate tests at baseline were 74.2% and 21.7%, respectively, whereas the prevalence of positive LDCT results was 4.1%. Overall, 76 LC patients were diagnosed throughout the screening rounds (1.8% of total participants), out of which 62 (1.5%) patients were already identified in the first screening round. The overall positive predictive value of a positive test was 58%. Most screen-detected malignancies were stage I LCs (60.7%), and only 16.4% of all cases could be classified as stage IV disease. The percentage of early-stage malignancies was significantly higher among HUNCHEST-II screen-detected individuals than among the LC patients in the National Koranyi Institute of Pulmonology's archive or the Hungarian Cancer Registry (p < 0.001).HUNCHEST-II demonstrates that LDCT screening for LC facilitates early diagnosis, thus arguing in favor of introducing systematic LC screening in Hungary.HUNCHEST-II is the so-far largest population-based low-dose CT screening program in Hungary. A positive test's overall positive predictive value was 58%, and most screen-detected malignancies were early-stage lesions. These results pave the way for expansive systematic screening in the region.• Conducted in 18 medical facilities, HUNCHEST-II is the so far largest population-based low-dose CT screening program in Hungary. • The vast majority of screen-detected malignancies were early-stage lung cancers, and the overall positive predictive value of a positive test was 58%. • HUNCHEST-II facilitates early diagnosis, thus arguing in favor of introducing systematic lung cancer screening in Hungary

    Essential role of using virtual pyeloscopy in the diagnosis of small satellite renal pelvic tumour in solitary kidney patient

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    Virtual pyeloscopy (VP) plays an important role in the organ-sparing nephroscopic tumour resection and traditional pole resection, especially when a fibreoptic ureteroscopic examination cannot be performed. A 67-year-old man developed macroscopic hematuria. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) and cystoscopy revealed a lower calix renal stone and a 20-mm lower pyelon mass suggesting transitional cell cancer. An additional small satellite lesion in the pelvico-ureteral junction was supposedly present. Three-phase MultiDetector CT with VP showed a solitary 3 to 4-mm renal pelvic lesion beyond the known calix stone and lower pole mass. In our case, VP played an important role in the organ-sparing nephroscopic tumour resection and traditional pole resection

    The Development of the ’Western Campus’

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    With the Modern Városok Program (’Modern Cities Program’) Pécs has gained a development opportunity with the help of which not only the buildings and premises of the university faculties participating in international training can form more sustainable, unified university campuses, but with urban planning infrastructure development is being prepared both in short and long term. One of the main development areas of the ’Modern Cities Program’ is the establishment of the ’Western Campus’.In the first stage, the formation of a migration map and the grouping of the faculties and buildings inside and outside the premises were necessary for the unified Campus. During the preparatory phase, the infrastructure connecting university areas were developed and the pedestrian and bicycle road networks were redesigned/expanded. In the second phase, the faculties were complemented in accordance with their needs, some faculties were redesigned inside the building (Faculty of Pharmacy), others were enlarged (Faculty of Sciences), but new buildings were also designed (Medical School, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology ÉG 81-56). The International Studies Centre and the Centre for Foreign Languages are placed in this homogeneous structure, which also indicates the essence of the Campus

    Heritability of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and association with abnormal vascular parameters: A twin study

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    BACKGROUND: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has been linked to increased cardiovascular morbidity. However, genetic factors have an unclear role in this condition. AIMS: To analyse heritability of NAFLD and its association with abnormal vascular parameters in a large twin cohort. METHODS: Anthropometric and lipid metabolic parameters were obtained from 208 adult Hungarian twins (63 monozygotic and 41 dizygotic pairs; 58 men and 150 women; age 43.7 +/- 16.7 years). B-mode ultrasonography was performed to detect steatosis and categorize severity. Brachial and aortic augmentation indices and aortic pulse wave velocity were assessed using oscillometry (TensioMed Arteriograph). Carotid intima media thickness (IMT) was measured using ultrasonography on the proximal common, distal common and internal carotid arteries. RESULTS: NAFLD was identified in 47 subjects (22.6%), of which 44 (93.6%) had mild and 3 (6.4%) had moderate steatosis. These subjects were older (age: 50.9 +/- 14.3 vs. 41.5 +/- 16.7 years, P < 0.001) and had a higher body mass index (BMI; 30.1 +/- 5.2 vs. 24.6 +/- 4.1 km/m(2) , P < 0.001) than non-NAFLD twins. Based on 91 same-sex twin pairs, heritability analysis indicated no discernible role for genetic components in the presence of NAFLD (95% confidence interval, 0.0-36.0%), while shared and unshared environmental effects accounted for 74.2% and 25.8% of variations adjusted for age and BMI. Augmentation indices and carotid IMT in twins with NAFLD were increased at most examined locations (P < 0.05-P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: These findings do not support heritability of NAFLD, although it coexists with vascular parameters linked to increased cardiovascular risk, underscoring the importance and value of prevention in this very common disorder

    Genetic and environmental factors on the relation of lung function and arterial stiffness

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    SummaryBackgroundAn association between reduced lung function and increased cardiovascular risk has been reported, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the heritability of lung function and to estimate its genetic association with arterial stiffness.Methods150 monozygotic and 42 dizygotic healthy Hungarian and American Caucasian twin pairs (age 43 ± 17 years) underwent spirometry (forced vital capacity/FVC/, forced expiratory volume in 1 s/FEV1/; MIR Minispir, USA); and their brachial and central augmentation indices (AIx), and aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) were measured by oscillometric Arteriograph (TensioMed Ltd, Budapest, Hungary). Phenotypic correlations and bivariate Cholesky decomposition models were applied.ResultsAge-, sex-, country- and smoking-adjusted heritability of FEV1, percent predicted FEV1, FVC and percent predicted FVC were 73% (95% confidence interval /CI/: 45–85%), 28% (95% CI: 0–67%), 68% (95% CI: 20–81%) and 45% (95% CI: 0–66%), respectively. Measured and percent predicted FVC and FEV1 values showed no significant phenotypic correlations with AIx or aortic PWV, except for phenotypic twin correlations between measured FEV1, FVC with brachial or aortic augmentation indices which ranged between −0.12 and −0.17. No genetic covariance between lung function and arterial stiffness was found.ConclusionsLung function is heritable and the measured FVC and FEV are phenotypically, but not genetically, associated with augmentation index, a measure of wave reflection. This relationship may in turn reveal further associations leading to a better mechanistic understanding of vascular changes in various airway diseases

    Heritability of central blood pressure and arterial stiffness: a twin study

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    OBJECTIVE:: Central blood pressure and aortic stiffness have been consistently reported as strong cardiovascular risk factors. Twin studies by comparing identical with nonidentical twins produce information on the relative contribution of genes and environment. METHODS:: One hundred and fifty-four monozygotic (MZ) and 42 dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs (age 43 +/- 17 years) from Hungary and the United States underwent brachial and central augmentation index (AIx), brachial and central pressure, and aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) measurements with the invasively validated Arteriograph device. Bivariate Cholesky decomposition models were applied. RESULTS:: Age-adjusted, sex-adjusted and country-adjusted heritability was 60.0% for central SBP [95% confidence interval (CI), 44.8-69.6%], 50.1% for aortic PWV (95%CI, 26.0-66.8%), 48.7% for aortic AIx (95%CI, 1.7-74.0%), 46.8% for brachial AIx (95%CI, 1.1-73.8%), 46.7% for central pulse pressure (PP) (95%CI, 12.4-61.4%), and 30.0% for brachial PP (95%CI, 0.0-53.4%). Central SBP and PP had strong bivariate correlations with brachial (r = 0.461 and 0.425) and central AIx (r = 0.457 and 0.419), as well as with aortic PWV (r = 0.341 and 0.292, all P < 0.001). Brachial PP had a weak correlation with brachial AIx (r = -0.118, P < 0.05), central AIx (r = -0.122, P < 0.05), and none with aortic PWV (r = 0.08, P = n.s.). Genetic factors explained a moderate phenotypic correlation between central PP, SBP, brachial SBP and aortic PWV. CONCLUSIONS:: Central systolic and PPs, brachial PP, AIx, aortic PWV are moderately heritable. A moderate genetic covariance among aortic PWV and central PP, central SBP and brachial SBP was found