22 research outputs found

    Inserting Pictures In Video Content

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    Disclosed herein is a mechanism for inserting pictures in video content. The mechanism can, for example, identify a portion of a video content item that is suitable for insertion of a picture. For example, the mechanism can identify a portion of a video content item in which an area of pixels is deemed to be relatively still or without motion across frames of the video within the portion of the video content item. The mechanism can identify one or more pictures to be inserted in the video, for example, based on colors of the video and the one or more pictures and/or based on a topic associated with the video. The mechanism can then generate a modified video by inserting the one or more pictures into the identified portion of the video. The mechanism can store the generated modified video and/or cause the generated modified video to be presented on a user device

    Reporting road hazards using in-vehicle camera

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    Mobile phones, tablets, wearables, and cars themselves are increasingly aiding drivers. For example, mobile applications can alert drivers of hazardous road conditions, congestion, or accidents along the driver’s route. Additionally, mobile applications permit the reporting of such situations to other users. Occasionally, drivers may want to report nearby vehicles that exhibit unsafe or hazardous driving, or observed road hazards. This disclosure describes techniques to utilize devices (e.g., cameras) within a vehicle to automatically detect information about other vehicles that exhibit hazardous driving and road incidents nearby, such as vehicles driven by intoxicated persons. Further, these techniques also enable a driver to send the information to other users nearby and the relevant authorities with minimal interaction

    Advertising using augmented reality

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    Heads-up displays have been gradually implemented in automobiles. These displays can provide information to drivers, such as speed, temperature, remaining fuel, navigation, and more, while minimizing distraction. Some vehicle heads-up displays add turn by turn directions based on GPS information onto a real-time street view. This disclosure describes techniques to show advertisements to passengers in vehicles using windows capable of implementing augmented reality (AR) - AR-capable windows

    Algorithms for the scaling toward nanometer VLSI physical synthesis

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    Along the history of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI), we have successfully scaled down the size of transistors, scaled up the speed of integrated circuits (IC) and the number of transistors in a chip - these are just a few examples of our achievement in VLSI scaling. It is projected to enter the nanometer (timing estimation and buffer planning for global routing and other early stages such as floorplanning. A novel path based buffer insertion scheme is also included, which can overcome the weakness of the net based approaches. Part-2 Circuit clustering techniques with the application in Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology mapping The problem of timing driven n-way circuit partitioning with application to FPGA technology mapping is studied and a hierarchical clustering approach is presented for the latest multi-level FPGA architectures. Moreover, a more general delay model is included in order to accurately characterize the delay behavior of the clusters and circuit elements

    Displaying advertisements in video clips

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    On video-sharing platforms, users access some video clips primarily for audio rather than video content. In such video clips, the display is idle or otherwise possibly uninteresting to the viewer. The techniques of this disclosure apply machine learning to detect if the visual portion of a video clip is likely not of interest to the user. If the visual portion detected to not be of interest to the user, permission is sought from the user to insert a visual ad into the clip while audio continues playing unchanged. If user permission is obtained, ads are inserted in portions of video clips identified as not being of interest to the user, thereby monetizing the video clip

    Robust ADHD testing by applying clustering techniques to survey responses or speech data

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    Existing tests for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may exhibit some bias. Also, these tests require filling in a survey with subjective responses, which can lead to misdiagnosis. The techniques described herein reduce bias in ADHD tests by seeking clusters in test-parameter space conditioned on certain characteristics of a person. Clustering is performed using machine learning techniques. With user permission, speech data is obtained via one or more devices such as a phone, smart speaker, etc. an is used to make objective diagnoses of ADHD

    Destination Search With User-specified Constraints

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    When issuing destination-related queries users sometimes include on or more constraints within the query. Even though a search engine can be used to search for data regarding each constraint individually, users need to integrate the individual results manually based on separate searches for different types of data. This disclosure describes techniques to retrieve and present search results for destination-related queries based on user-specified constraints present within a user query. The results are obtained by performing separate searches based on various constraints specified in the user query and combining and filtering the results to include only those results that match all constraints. The results are sorted based on specific criteria prior to presentation to the user

    Improving Query Suggestions Based On Search Box Edits

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    Users often enter terms into a search box and then modify the query. Such modifications may be based on, e.g., the real-time query suggestions offered by the search engine, or the user thinking of a different phrasing for the query. Such changes to entered search terms prior to executing the search are not captured in the search history, and are not taken into account for tailoring post-search query suggestions or search results. This disclosure describes the use of a trained machine learning model to customize query suggestions and/or search results based on terms previously typed in the search box, obtained with the user’s permission

    Automatic Alerts Based On Departure From Routine

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    Research indicates that a task or item that is forgotten is presaged by a change in routine. This disclosure describes techniques to automatically determine that a user may have forgotten a task or item. The determination is made based on analysis of user permitted data such as calendar appointments, location, etc. that indicate a change in routine. Upon determination that the user is likely to forget a task or item, e.g., due to change in routine, an alert is provided to the user

    Recipe Recommendations Based on Visual Input of Available Ingredients

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    It is difficult to choose recipes that can be prepared using ingredients available at home. Manually identifying available ingredients and performing searches for feasible recipes is cumbersome and error prone. This disclosure describes techniques that enable users to obtain recipe recommendations by capturing available ingredients visually as images and/or videos. With user permission, the visual input is analyzed using computer vision and natural language processing techniques to identify the type and quantity of available ingredients. Matching recipes are determined using a search engine and ranked based on the user’s preferences. The user can filter the list based on various criteria as well as save, label, and/or annotate specific recipes