70 research outputs found

    Influence of social factors on the reproduction of human capital

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    Purpose: Exploring the problems of human capital formation at the present stage of development of the Russian economy, the authors consider it expedient to analyze the theory and practice of the influence of socio-economic factors on the formation of personnel potential. Design/Methodology/Approach: The following methods were used by the authors: historical, statistical-economic, monographic. Findings: The authors revealed that the quality of life and income level is more reflected in the desire of the population to choose as a permanent place of residence - rural areas. Practical implications: The analysis of incomes as a fundamental factor influencing the formation of human capital indicates that considerable human capital has been formed in the agricultural sector, which is not fully utilized due to the low material interest of the rural population. Originality/Value: The article discusses a number of factors influencing the formation of human capital in agriculture. The authors indicated that the level of wages depends on the geographical distance of the regions from the federal center and climatic conditions.peer-reviewe

    Formation and development of the processing industry in the AIC of the region

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    The theoretical grounding of the management system of animal feedingstuff milling of the region was performed. The facilities of animal feedingstuff milling are divided according to the degree of independence of business conducting and directions of sales of the products manufactured. The factors of the internal and external environment of the animal feedingstuff milling of the region were considered. The analysis was performed and the tendencies in the development of animal feedingstuff milling of the region and the system of its management were revealed; the directions of the development of animal feedingstuff milling of the agrarian region were grounded. The potential capacity of the regional market of animal feedingstuff for livestock breeding of the region was calculated. It was offered to form the body of economic management in the form of an independent legal entity bearing the responsibility for execution of the functions imposed on it to develop and implement the plan of development of animal feedingstuff milling – JSC Animal Feedingstuff Cluster of the Altai Territory.peer-reviewe

    Human capital as a base for regional development : a case study

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    Purpose: The main aim of this article is to consider the main trends observed in the labor market in the regional agricultural sector. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study uses the statistical method, the method of analogy and comparison, as well as the positive and normative approach. Findings: The study indicated that in the agricultural sector there are several problems associated with the formation of human resources. This is evidenced by the presence of negative trends that have been observed over the past 20 years. The main problems are the low educational level of workers, aging professional staff, and a reduction in the number of employees in all positions. Practical implications: The socio-economic problems considered in the article indicate the urgent need to develop a mechanism of state support for agricultural workers. Originality/Value: The authors define the concept of human capital and reveal the essence of the factors influencing its formation, revealing them from the perspective of the socio-economic development of the region.peer-reviewe

    Image of Your Own Body, Sense of Isolation and Quality of Life in Patients with Gynecological Cancers

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    Aim: to study mental state of gynecological oncological patients, their attitude to the existing disease and quality of life.Material and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of the City Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Novosibirsk. The main group (17women aged 29 to 60 years) included patients with ovarian cancer, cancer of the external female genital organs, and uterine cancer; the comparison group was comprised of 20 people aged 29 to 63 years without a history of cancer.Results. In gynecological oncological patients, dissatisfaction with their own bodies is more pronounced; they perceive their body distorted, which may be due to the characteristics of the disease and the specifics of treatment. Patients with gynecological cancers have a more pronounced subjective feeling of loneliness, but it is at the upper limit of the norm, which may mean the fact that these patients turn in upon themselves, in their experiences, as well as the feeling of something lost in their inner world. Patients with gynecological cancers showed an average level of quality of life and low indicators of the mental component of health, which indicates reduced functioning and a significant effect of the patient’s physical and emotional state on daily activities.Conclusion. The mental state of the cancer patient, his ability to withstand stress, his attitude to the existing disease affect the treatment process and further quality of life

    Clinical case of tetanus in a 5-year-old child in the Sverdlovsk region

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    The purpose of the study is demonstration of a clinical case of severe tetanus in a 5-year-old child.Цель исследования - демонстрация клинического случая тяжелого течения столбняка у ребенка 5 лет

    Study of the Thermal Stability of Copper Contact Junctions in Si/SiO2 Substrates

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    The results of a comprehensive study of the structural- morphological and thermodynamic characteristics of the electrochemical precipitation of Cu in transition holes with a barrier layer of TiN in Si/SiO2 substrates by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and differential thermal analysis (DTA) are presented. The temperature range that determines the heat resistance of copper (up to 750°C) and the temperature range (up to 886°C) that determines the thermal stability of the composite as a whole, as well as the ability to maintain the chemical composition and ordered structure at elevated temperatures, are found

    Assessment of satisfaction with the therapeutic nutrition of patients in the Central city clinical hospital № 6

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    The purpose of the study is to find out to what extent the patients of the hospital of the central city clinical hospital № 6 are satisfied with the received therapeutic nutrition, what they propose to introduce or, conversely, exclude from the diet offered by the hospital, as well as other suggestions for its improvement.Цель исследования – выяснить, насколько пациенты стационара ЦГКБ № 6 удовлетворены получаемым лечебным питанием, что они предлагают привнести или, наоборот, исключить из рациона, предлагаемого больницей, а также другие пожелания по его улучшению

    Studying the Thermodynamic Properties of Composite Magnetic Material Based on Anodic Alumina

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    Magnetic nanoparticles based on Fe3O4 and their modifications of surface with therapeutic substances are of great interest, especially drug delivery for cancer therapy includes boron-neutron capture therapy. In this paper we study the thermodynamic, morphological, structural, and chemical properties of a composite material consisting of nickel nanowires (NWs) electrochemically deposited in the pores of the membrane of porous anodic aluminum oxide (PAA) by methods of differential thermal analysis (DTA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), and dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX)

    Влияние нейровегетативной защиты мозга на основные показатели системной гемодинамики и течение острейшего периода инсульта

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    For the study of effect neurovegetative blockade of the brain on the course of an stroke in the acute period was carried out noninvasion monitoring of the basic parameters systems haemodinamic and a vegetative homeostasis with use of Kerdo Index at 110 patients with different types of stroke. The neurovegetative blockade having been started in the first day of the brain damage promotes the decrease of damaging reactions manifestations, normalization of vegetative homeostasis and promonting more favourable course of acute period stroke and its prognosis.С целью определения влияния нейровегетативной защиты мозга на течение острейшего периода инсульта проведен неинвазивный мониторинг основных показателей системной гемодинамики и вегетативного тонуса с использованием индекса Кердо у 110 больных с различными типами инсульта на нейрореанимационном этапе. Нейровегетативная блокада, начатая с 1-х сут инсульта, способствует снижению выраженности повреждающих реакций, стабилизации гемодинамики, нормализации вегетативного тонуса и благоприятному течению и исходу острейшего периода инсульта


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    Introduction. The Inflammatory Diseases of the Parodont (IDP) of generalized character are closely connected petrogenetically with internal pathology and are a serious factor of its burdening, forming a negative comorbidity. Pro-inflammatory reactions and metabolic shifts, such as oxidizing stress, violation of regulatory participation of the vital minerals at an imbalance of their distribution in biological environments are the inflammatory mechanisms uniting IDP with chronic inflammatory diseases of visceral of different localization. The objective of the study was identification of metabolic factors of pathogenetic community of GIDP and a comorbid chronic focal infection of different localization. Material and methods. The activity of systemic factors of inflammation were studied in the patients with generalized periodontitis (GP) of developed stage on a background of multiple chronic foci of infection: level and ratios of pro- and antiinflammatory cytokines – interleukins 2,6,10, TNF-α, C – reactive protein in comparison with the activity of oxidation of lipids, proteins, low molecular weight thiols, assessment of levels of Zn, Cu, Fe in biological environments and the hepsidin blood level. Results and discussion. Significantly more expressed metabolic disorders in comorbidity multiple chronic foci of infection and GP, than in the absence of periodontium lesions have been shown. Increased lipid peroxidation and free radical oxidation of thiols (p<0.01), increased levels of C – reactive protein level and pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL 6), and imbalance in the distribution of such trace elements as copper, zinc, iron in environments of organism were found in patients with combined pathology of comorbidity multiple chronic foci of infection and GP. Conclusions. Thus, the findings of the study demonstrate that formation of multiple chronic foci of infection in an organism is connected with increase of mediators of system inflammation in blood, disorders of redox metabolism and deficiency of such trace elements as Cu, Zn, Fe which are the key factors of a enzyme link of antioxidant protection.Введение. Воспалительные заболевания пародонта (ВЗП) генерализованного характера патогенетически тесно связаны с внутренней патологией и являются серьезным фактором ее отягощения, формируя негативную коморбидность. Воспалительными механизмами, объединяющими ВЗП с хроническими воспалительными заболеваниями внутренних органов различной локализации, являются провоспалительные реакции и метаболические сдвиги, такие как окислительный стресс, нарушение регуляторного участия жизненно важных микроэлементов при дисбалансе распределения их в биологических средах. Целью исследования явилась идентификация метаболических факторов патогенетической общности ГВЗП и коморбидной хронической очаговой инфекции разной локализации. Материал и методы. У больных генерализованным пародонтитом (ГП) развившейся стадии на фоне множественных хронических очагов инфекции (МХОИ) изучена активность системно-действующих факторов воспаления: уровень и соотношения про- и противовоспалительных цитокинов – интерлейкинов-2, 6, 10, TNF-α, С-реактивного белка – в сопоставлении с активностью окисления липидов, белков, низкомолекулярных тиолов, оценкой уровней Zn, Cu, Fe в биологических средах и гепсидина в крови. Результаты исследования. Показаны достоверно более выраженные метаболические нарушения при коморбидности МХОИ и ГП, чем при отсутствии признаков поражения пародонта. У больных с сочетанной патологией МХОИ и ГП было установлено повышение активности перекисного окисления липидов и свободно-радикального окисления тиолов (р<0,01), повышение уровня СРБ и провоспалительных цитокинов (TNF-α, IL-6) и разбалансировка распре- деления микроэлементов, таких как медь, цинк, железо в биосредах организма. Заключение. Таким образом, полученные данные свидетельствуют о том, что формирование множественных хронических очагов инфекции в организме связано с нарастанием в крови медиаторов системного воспаления, нарушениями окислительно-восстановительного метаболизма и дефицитом таких микроэлементов, как Cu, Zn, Fe – ключевых факторов ферментного звена антиоксидантной защиты. Ключевые слова: очаговая инфекция, генерализованный пародонтит, воспаление>< 0,01), повышение уровня СРБ и провоспалительных цитокинов (TNF-α, IL-6) и разбалансировка распределения микроэлементов, таких как медь, цинк, железо в биосредах организма. Заключение. Таким образом, полученные данные свидетельствуют о том, что формирование множественных хронических очагов инфекции в организме связано с нарастанием в крови медиаторов системного воспаления, нарушениями окислительно-восстановительного метаболизма и дефицитом таких микроэлементов, как Cu, Zn, Fe – ключевых факторов ферментного звена антиоксидантной защиты.