26 research outputs found

    Daily Profit Analysis: Daily Productivity Scheduling with Multiple Linear Regression

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    The purpose of this study was to see which day factors (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday) had the greatest impact on the net income of a store. The method used is a quantitative method using multiple linear analysis. The results show that Monday is the most influential on profit

    Impact of Process and Product Modularity on Competitive Performance of Thailand manufacturing firms: Mediating role of Supply Chain Quality Integration

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    This study empirically investigates the relation between modularity and the impact it has on competitive performance of firms. It focuses on both the dimensions of modularity including process and product modularity. With the vast development of supply chain integration in firms, this study focuses on the quality management perspective of firms by assimilating supply chain integration system with it. Supply chain quality integration system has attained a significant attention over the world that allow firms to strategically collaborate its external and internal supply chain processes in order to obtain high level quality and competitive performance. Using survey method, this study construct a questionnaire to collect data from the manufacturing firms of Thailand. The data collected from those firms in the form of 304 respondents is analyzed by using statistical tools including SPSS and AMOS by running various tests such as descriptive statistics, reliability tests, CFA and SEM to identify the theoretical relationships between variables. The results of this study clearly depicts that both process and product modularity signifies a positive association with competitive performance of firms. It also signifies the mediation impact of supply chain quality integration between modularity and performance. It means that integrated supply chain practices enhance the development of better quality and innovative products. It also help firms in improving their set up processes by reducing costs and delivery timings to the end users that effectively influence competitive strategies

    SAVI and DLPS learning models on mathematical problem solving

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    Problem-solving ability is an skills related to mathematical characteristics which instructors need to encourage educators to be able to solve problems. This process certainly uses the right learning model to reach the target in accordance with the curriculum. This study aims to compare the influence of Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, and Intellectually (SAVI) and Double-loop Problem-solving (DLPS) methods in influencing mathematical problem solving skills. This study uses quantitative types with data analysis techniques using the T test. The results of this study are that there is an average value in the SAVI learning model of 77.7 while the average value of the DLPS learning model is 77.3. The conclusion can be drawn that the SAVI and DLPS learning models have the same effect on problem solving skills.


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan model matematika terbaik yang dapat digunakan untuk menghitung tingkat efisiensi rawat inap selama dua tahun kedepan menggunakan metode exponential smoothing dan memprediksi jumlah pasien selama dua tahun kedepan berdasarkan grafik Barber Johnson di Rumah Sakit Pertamina Bintang Amin. Penelitian ini menggunakan data pasien dari bulan Januari 2017 sampai bulan Agustus 2021 dan empat bulan data Sensus Harian Rumah Sakit (SHRI). Perhitungan jumlah pasien dua tahun kedepan dari bulan September 2021 sampai bulan Agustus 2023 menggunakan aplikasi  Studio dengan metode exponential smoothing, sedangkan metode grafik Barber Johnson untuk menentukan titik efisiensi rawat inap menggunakan microsoft excel. Model matematika yang diperoleh dari analisis data adalah  dengan hasil ramalan jumlah pasien menggunakan exponential smoothing selama dua tahun kedepan dengan rata-rata 466 pasien dan grafik Barber Johnson yang menentukan titik efisensi rawat inap per bulan. Nilai rata-rata tempat tidur terpakai selama dua tahun kedepan adalah 35,46%, maka selama dua tahun kedepan tingkat efisiensi rawat inap tidak efisien kerena nilai rata-rata keterpakaian tempat tidur selama dua tahun kedepan tidak mencapai 70%

    The optimal portfolio of islamic stocks using the markowitz and black-litterman models

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    The portfolio with the best combination of profit and risk or the investor's choice is called the optimal portfolio. The Black-Litterman and Markowitz models were used to determine the optimal portfolio during the covid-19 pandemic. Sharia stock data, that is consistent with the Jakarta Islamic Index for the 2019-2021 period, is used in this research. The stock combination of the Markowitz model is better than the Black-Litterman model. The expected value of the portfolio obtained is 0.0066, which is greater than the risk-free asset return of 0.0011 on the day of broadcast. The portfolio risk of the Markowitz model is smaller than the Black-Litterman model, which are 0.0010972 and 0.0013917, respectively. so it can be said that the Markowitz model is better than the Black-Litterman model in the formation of a Sharia stock portfolio during the covid-19 pandemic

    Diversity of Soil Fauna in the Sesaot Nature Tourism Forest, West Lombok

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    The Sesaot Nature Tourism Forest Area is a tourist area and an area that is used for the production of several plantation commodities, along with increasing human activities in the Sesaot Nature Tourism Forest area, it raises questions related to the state of its ecosystem, one aspect that reflects the state of the ecosystem, namely the diversity of soil fauna. The sample locations are divided into three paths based on the characteristics of the ecosystem, namely the waterway which is niche points located along the river flow, the middle lane in the form of a path around a forest area filled with large tree stands, and the edge lane which is a path located in the middle of the river around residential areas and rice fields. The purpose of this study was to determine the index of diversity, evenness of species, and species richness of soil fauna in the Sesaot Nature Tourism Forest. Sampling of soil fauna using the pitt fall trap method is placed along 3 predetermined paths. The results showed that in the Sesaot Nature Tourism Forest, there were at least 30 types of soil fauna dominated by the Formicidae family. The highest soil fauna diversity index was found in the waterway with 2.24, followed by the edge lane at 2.22, and the middle lane at 1.13. The evenness value of soil surface fauna species in the Sesaot Nature Tourism Forest in the waterway is 0.66, followed by 0.65 in the edge lane, and 0.33 in the waterway. The highest value of species richness (Margalef index) was found in the waterway with 3.26, followed by the edge and middle lane with 2.69

    Analysis of misconceptions of senior high school students on biodiversity materials, interactions, and their role in nature

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    Forming the student's right and correct concept in Biology science is necessary. Lack of understanding of concepts in students can lead to a discrepancy of concepts called misconceptions. This study aims to identify the profile of students' misconceptions in grade tenth on material biodiversity, interactions, and their roles in nature. The results showed that the average conception of students was more significant than those who experienced misconceptions. The average concept is 50.00%, while the average who experiences misconceptions is 29.41%, and 20.59% of students do not answer. If it is categorized in the assessment category, the percentage of misconceptions is in low category

    Fungsi Zeta Riemann Genap Menggunakan Bilangan Bernoulli

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    In this article, we study about the value of Riemann Zeta Function for even numbers using Bernoulli number. First, we give some basic theory about Bernoulli number and Riemann Zeta function. The method that used in this research was literature study. From our analysis, we have a theorem to evaluate the value of Riemann Zeta function for the even numbers with its proving

    Media Belajar Matematika Berbasis Multimedia Interaktif dengan Pendekatan Contextual Teaching and Learning

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the response of students and the experts to multimedia-based interactive learning media with the approach of contextual teaching and learning (CTL) on wake-up space that has been developed. The method used in this research is 7 stages from 10 stages of development and development method from Borg and Gall which have been modified by sugiyono. The 7 stages are potential and problems, data collection, product design, product validation, design improvement, product testing and product revision. The instrument of data collection used is questionnaire of student response and material expert validation. Based on data analysis obtained from material experts and media experts stated that interactive multimedia-based learning media with contextual teaching and learning approach (CTL) is feasible to use, and data analysis obtained from students stated that interactive multimedia is very good. This means that interactive multimedia developed by researchers can be used as a learning resource for students of SMP / MTs class VII