9 research outputs found

    Intramural Gas: Would it be Life-threatening?

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    The CECT scan of the abdomen at axial and coronal views show gas bubbles tracking along the inner wall of the ascending colon and hepatic flexure, which is separated from the intraluminal gas within the bowel. These intramural gas bubbles appear to be outlining the bowel wall circumferentially. The bowel wall appears to be thickened however the inner mucosa is not enhanced. There are no ascites in the images provided. The colon of the hepatic flexure and transverse colon appears dilated. No significant atherosclerotic plaque in the visualised arteries. Based on the clinical presentations and CECT features in Figure 1 and Figure 2, the best diagnosis for him is benign pneumatosis intestinalis (PI) secondary to obstructed low rectal cancer. He was subjected for a trephine transverse colostomy to relieve the obstruction with simultaneous transanal rectal mass biopsy. Once the histology is available, he subsequently will be referred for concurrent chemo-radiotherapy as neoadjuvant treatment and later for a low anterior resection, provided that it is a localized disease

    Giant submandibular sialolipoma masquerading as huge goitre: a case report

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    Background: Sialolipoma is a rare tumour which may arise from both major and minor salivary glands and has recently been described as a variant of salivary gland lipomatous lesions. Case presentation: We report a 54-year-old male who presented with a 7-year history of large right anterior neck swelling. He was clinically euthyroid and had no compressive or infiltrative symptoms. He sought medical attention due to the discomfort exerted by the weight of the mass and was keen for excision. The swelling appeared like a goitre but physical examination proved otherwise. Imaging was suggestive of a benign tumour arising from the right parapharyngeal fossa. The mass was surgically excised and was noted to be adherent to part of the submandibular gland. Histopathological examination revealed a new variant of benign adipocytic tumour of salivary gland or sialolipoma arising from the submandibular gland. Besides being the largest sialolipoma to be reported, there are also no reports of giant submandibular sialolipomas masquerading as a huge goitre in appearance. Conclusion: Submandibular sialolipomas can present in really large sizes and appear as a giant goitre. It is important to differentiate between benign lipomas from liposarcomas and tailor the management accordingly. Surgical enucleation is the preferred choice of treatment for these benign tumours with low recurrence rates

    Vanek’s tumor causing ileoileal intussusception in a middle-aged man

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    Intestinal obstruction is a common surgical emergency requiring urgent intervention. Small bowel obstruction secondary to intussusception is rarely encountered especially when inf lammatory fibroid polyp (IFP) is the lead point. A 41-year-old gentleman with intestinal intussusception secondary to IFP presented to us with a classic symptom of intestinal obstruction. Computed tomography revealed a target or sausage-shaped soft tissue mass with a layering effect, which was confirmed by intraoperative findings. Histopathology was consistent with IFP and supported by immunoreactivity of CD34 and negative immunostaining for CD117. He recovered without any surgical complication or recurrence. Even intussusception can be managed via non-surgical technique in children; surgery is the mainstay of treatment in adults

    Trapped cystofix: Laparoscopic modality to untie

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    Suprapubic catheterization (SPC) is a temporary measure to relieve acute urinary retention (AUR). Despite being effective, it can lead to complications such as colon perforation, haematuria, and bladder wall spasm. We present a 52-year-old lady with cystofix for underlying urethral stricture presented with AUR. A new SPC was inserted to drain the urine. However, the SPC had looped and entangled with her cystofix, and laparoscopic removal of cystofix and insertion of a new SPC was done. In conclusion, trapped cystofix to the SPC tube is a potential complication during SPC insertion that can be avoided with appropriate care

    Huge Retroperitoneal Cyst Masquerading as Ovarian Tumour: A Case Report

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    Retroperitoneal cystic mass is a rare surgical condition that is often misdiagnosed preoperatively. Here, we report a case of a 56-year-old woman who presented with abdominal swelling for a 1-year duration, which was associated with lower abdominal pain for 6 months. Her abdominal radiograph showed a huge radiopaque lesion, and contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan of the abdomen reported it as a left ovarian serous cystadenoma causing local mass effect to the left ureter leading to mild left hydronephrosis. She underwent exploratory laparotomy and noted there was a huge retroperitoneal cystic mass. The histopathological assessment finding was consistent with a benign retroperitoneal cyst. This case report aims to share the rare case of primary retroperitoneal lesions, which can cause a diagnostic challenge preoperatively to all clinicians despite advanced achievement in medical imaging

    Malignant ulcer: a great mimicker of gastric plasmablastic lymphoma

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    Plasmablastic lymphoma (PBL) is an uncommon human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated lymphoma, with a predilection to develop in the oral cavity. It usually has a plasmablastic morphology with weak or no expression of B cell-associated markers. Among non-HIV patients, it tends to occur in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, lymph nodes, and skin. We experience a 74-year-old male who presented with abdominal discomfort, altered bowel habit, loss of weight, and loss of appetite with a palpable abdominal mass. Upper endoscopy revealed multiple dish-like and raised nodular mass with a central ulcer in the stomach and duodenum. The histology was consistent with high-grade lymphoma of the plasmablastic type. The immunohistochemistry was positive for plasma cells marker of CD38 and CD138, but negative for the lymphocytic marker of CD45, as well as mature T and B cell marker of CD3 and CD20. Unfortunately, the patient succumbed due to sepsis without completion of his investigations and treatments

    Omental Infarction: Challenges in Managing Acute Abdomen During COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Acute abdomen is a common surgical emergency, yet is challenging especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This article highlights the challenging management of acute abdomen and issues on preoperative nasopharyngeal swab testing, aerosol-generating procedures and non-operative management. A 36-year-old gentleman presented with acute right iliac fossa pain which was diagnosed as simple acute appendicitis and was managed non-operatively. He progressed well initially, but after 2 days, he developed localized abdominal guarding. The diagnosis was revised to perforated appendicitis and he was pushed to the operation theatre on the same day. Since the swab test was negative, we performed the surgery as a non-COVID-19 patient. To our surprise, the intraoperative finding was consistent with spontaneous omental infarction and mild appendicitis. Appendicectomy with omentectomy was done and the final diagnosis was consistent with acute omental infarction. Performing surgery on patients with active COVID-19 infection can lead to a high pulmonary complication and mortality rate. All cases require COVID-19 status as the screening prerequisites prior to admission and surgical intervention. Emergency cases such as acute abdomen warrant a surgical intervention regardless of COVID-19 status but with full personal protective equipment. Managing acute abdomen is challenging during the COVID-19 pandemic. The direction is towards non-operative management unless it is contraindicated. Omental infarction must be considered as one of the differential diagnoses for any patient with unexplained acute abdominal pain which warrants imaging assessment

    Intramural gas: would it be Life-threatening? (answer)

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    The CECT scan of the abdomen at axial and coronal views show gas bubbles tracking along the inner wall of the ascending colon and hepatic flexure, which is separated from the intraluminal gas within the bowel. These intramural gas bubbles appear to be outlining the bowel wall circumferentially. The bowel wall appears to be thickened however the inner mucosa is not enhanced. There are no ascites in the images provided. The colon of the hepatic flexure and transverse colon appears dilated. No significant atherosclerotic plaque in the visualised arteries. Based on the clinical presentations and CECT features in Figure 1 and Figure 2, the best diagnosis for him is benign pneumatosis intestinalis (PI) secondary to obstructed low rectal cancer. He was subjected for a trephine transverse colostomy to relieve the obstruction with simultaneous transanal rectal mass biopsy. Once the histology is available, he subsequently will be referred for concurrent chemo-radiotherapy as neoadjuvant treatment and later for a low anterior resection, provided that it is a localized disease

    Hooge Zwaluwe, Thijssenweg 12 (Gemeente Drimmelen). Een bureauondezoek en verkennend booronderzoek. ArGeoBoor rapport 1372

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    Op basis van de geologische ondergrond kunnen archeologische resten voorkomen, nadat de dekzand rug gevormd en vastgelegd is aan het eind van het Pleistoceen en begin van het Holoceen. De zandrug is in theorie bewoonbaar geweest tot deze bedekt is geraakt met veen. Wanneer dit gebeurd is en of er een veenlaag gevormd is op de dekzandrug, is niet bekend. Vervolgens is het gebied in gebruik genomen als bouwland in de Late Middeleeuwen. In het zuidoosten van het plangebied is in de 19e een het begin van de 20e eeuw een woonerf geweest. In de jaren ’80 van de 20e eeuw is het plangebied ingericht als bedrijventerrein. Vanuit het bureauonderzoek werden als oorspronkelijk bodemtype veldpodzolgronden verwacht in het plangebied. Dit bodemtype wordt gekenmerkt door een humeus dek dat dunner is dan 30 cm. Eventuele verstoringen aan de oppervlakte leiden dan ook relatief gemakkelijk tot verstoringen in de bodem en in de E-, B- en de top van de C-horizont. Omdat een groot deel van het plangebied verhard is werd daarom verwacht dat het bodemprofiel verstoord geraakt zou zijn. Tijdens het verkennende booronderzoek zijn in het hele plangebied 11 boringen gezet, waarvan vijf op de locaties van het nieuwe kantoorgebouw en de nieuwe bedrijfshal. Uit de boringen is naar voren gekomen dat de bodem in het plangebied sterk verstoord is. Waarschijnlijk is dit gebeurd tijdens de inrichting van het plangebied als bedrijventerrein. In het zuidoosten van het plangebied zijn geen resten gevonden van het erf wat hier in de 19e en 20e eeuw gelegen heeft. Eventuele archeologische waarden in de top van de oorspronkelijke bodem zullen hierbij verstoord zijn geraakt. ArGeoBoor adviseert om het plangebied vrij te geven voor de geplande bouwwerkzaamheden in de toekomst. Er kunnen echter nog archeologische resten in het plangebied aanwezig zijn, zoals losse vondsten. Als in het plangebied archeologische resten aangetroffen worden is het verplicht deze te melden bij het bevoegde overheid, zoals aangegeven in artikel 53 van de Monumentenwet