4 research outputs found

    Marital Age, Cigarette Exposure, Physical Activity, Sleep Duration, and Prenatal Depression

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    Background: Extensive studies indicate that prenatal depression disrupts a woman's life and has a detrimental effect on the mother-child and further breastfeeding. Numerous factors associated with nutrition, physical activity, sleep patterns, and exposure to cigarette smoke are strongly suspected of contributing to the dysregulation of hormones associated with depression. This study aims to examine the association between physical activity, nutritional status, prior exposure to cigarette smoke, and the risk of prenatal depression. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 79 pregnant women at the Pampang Primary Healthcare Center between January and March 2021. Using chi-square and multiple logistic regression, identify the risk factors that most significantly contribute to the risk of prenatal depression. Result: Married under the age of 19th (p<0.039), inactive daily exercise (p<0.023), inadequate sleep duration (p<0.045), and mothers who have been exposed to cigarette smoke for more than a year (p<0.001) all increased the risk of prenatal depression. Cigarette exposure, contributes most, with a 5.4-fold increased risk of developing mental disorders while breastfeeding. Conclusion: It is critical for health services to include early screening for prenatal depression during antenatal care as a means of preventing future breastfeeding difficulties, particularly in mothers with vulnerability


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    Kegiatan charity berkaitan dengan pemberian bantuan secara sukarela terhadap masyarakat tertentu, sementara stewardship adalah sebuah tindakan nyata untuk mempertimbangkan kepentingan pihak yang akan dipengaruhi oleh keputusan maupun kebijakan perusahaan. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan stakeholders sehingga mampu menyeimbangkan kepentingan dan kebutuhan setiap kelompok yang beraneka ragam. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 23 Oktober 2021. Metode pendekatan yang dilakukan berupa survei, dengan beberapa instrumen sosial dan kesehatan yang terstruktur. hasil pengabdian ini berupa kegiatan pendampingan masyarakat Pulau Karanrang memberi kepuasan dan rasa aman serta terpenuhinya upaya stewardship PT PLN Persero atas tanggungjawab sosial terhadap lingkungan dan kesehatan masyarakat di wilayah Pulau Karanrang. Saran kegiatan pengabdian ini diharapkan oleh mitra sasaran kepada mitra penanggung jawab dapat meningkatkan kulitas layana

    Inventarisasi Nepenthes Di Hutan Adat Kantuk Dan Implementasinya Berupa Buku Saku Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia

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    This reserch aims to identify Nepenthes species in Hutan Adat Kantuk and to develop a pocket book entitled Entuyut di Hutan Adat Kantuk, Sintang, Kalimantan Barat which was validated as learning media for study Indonesia biodiversity. The reserch was quantitative descriptive, with an explorations methode. The results showed that there were 5 Nepenthes species : Nepenthes ampullaria Jack., Nepenthes bicalcarata Hook.f., Nepenthes gracilis Korth., Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Druce., and Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack. One of them, Nepenthes bicalcarata Hook.f., was an endemic species in Kalimantan Barat. The pocket book was validated by 5 validators, 2 lecturers of Biology Education Study Program of FKIP Untan, and 3 high school teachers in Sintang region. Total validation mark averaged 3,44 which was categorized as valid and feasible to be used as learning media for study Indonesia biodiversity

    Turn Over Intention Model Among Nurses in General Hospital During Pendemic

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui model turnover intention perawat yang bekerja di RSU pemerintah selama satu tahun pelayanan Covid-19. Menggunakan desain potong lintang di Rumah Sakit Umum Labuang-Baji milik pemerintah Makassar, mendaftarkan semua 128 perawat, antara Agustus dan November 2020. Model Turn Over Intention diuji dengan menggunakan Structured Equation Model. Ada dua jenis stresor: stresor psikososial dan stresor kognitif. Model turn over intention memiliki ukuran statistik yang kuat, dengan nilai probabilitas 0,000 atau lebih besar dari ambang batas 0,05 dan nilai Chi Square (52.076) lebih kecil dari tabel Chi Square, menunjukkan bahwa model telah diverifikasi oleh data. Menurut uji ukuran statistik, nilai GFI, CFI, dan TLI semuanya mendekati nilai batas 0,9. Loading factor untuk variabel-variabel dalam model hampir seluruhnya lebih dari 0,7 menunjukkan bahwa indikator ini mampu menjelaskan variabel turn over intention. Administrasi rumah sakit harus memberikan terapi atau solusi untuk mengendalikan kedua elemen tersebut agar dapat mengurangi turnover karyawan dan menumbuhkan suasana kerja yang positif. Salah satunya adalah untuk meningkatkan penekanan rumah sakit pada pentingnya pusat perawat dalam memberikan perawatan pasien berkualitas tinggi. Kata Kunci: turn-over model; turn-over intention; manajemen sumber daya manusia; perawat; SEM Abstract This study aims to find a turnover intention model for nurses who work in government general hospitals during the one-year Covid-19 services. Using a cross-sectional design at Labuang-Baji Hospital Makassar's government general hospitals, enrolled all 128 nurses, between August and November 2020. The Turn Over Intention model was tested using Structured Equation Model. There are two types of stressors: psychosocial stressors and cognitive stressors. The turn over intention model has a strong statistical measure, with a probability value of 0.000 or greater than the 0.05 threshold and a Chi Square (52.076) value less than the Chi Square table, indicating that the model has been verified by the data. According to the statistical measure test, the GFI, CFI, and TLI values are all close to the 0.9 cut-off value. The loading factors for the variables in the model are almost all more than 0.7, indicating that this indicator is capable of explaining the turn over intention variable. Hospital administration must provide therapies or solutions for controlling these two elements in order to reduce employee turnover and foster a positive work atmosphere. One is to raise the hospital's emphasis on the importance of nurse centers in providing high-quality patient care. Keywords: turn-over model; turn-over intention; resource management; nurses; SE