338 research outputs found
Kertas kerja ini membincangkan wujud fisik dan kandungan surat Sultan Pontianak koleksi pelbagai pusat manuskrip seperti Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia, Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia, Perpustakaan Universiti Leiden, British Library, dan milik perseorangan. Perbincangan koleksi surat baginda meliputi, 11 lembar surat sosial dan 2 lembar surat perjanjian yang bermula dari Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman Alqadrie abad ke-18 hingga Sultan Syarif Yusuf Alqadrie tahun abad ke-19. Tiga surat Sultan Pontianak diuraikan berdasarkan struktur surat yang berbeda dari surat Melayu pada umumnya, seperti kepala surat, cap, kata pujian, prapenutup, dan penutup surat.Struktur surat menghasilkan bentuk kandungan yang dilihat dari penyampaian pesan yang terpenting dalam surat. Kandungan tiga surat diuraikan berdasarkan kaidah komunikasi yang digunakan oleh Sultan untuk menyampaikan pesan tentang perkara yang kontroversi dan memunculkan perdebatan sampai sekarang di Kalimantan Barat. Perbincangan koleksi dan kandungan yang terdapat di dalam surat Sultan Pontianak menghasilkan tafsiran yang berbeda dengan pandangan masyarakat pada umumnya terhadap surat Sultan Pontianak itu sendiri
Makalah ini membincangkan kandungan yang terdapat dalam tiga surat Sultan Pontianak yang dikirimkan kepada T.S. Raffles. Tiga surat yang dikirimkan oleh Sultan Syarif Kasim Alqadrie kepada T.S. Raffles di Malaka bertanggal 14 Februari, 12 Maret, dan 22 Maret 1811. Perbincangan kandungan fokus kepada tiga warkah Sultan Pontianak yang memunculkan kontroversi aktivitas perompak di masyarakat Melayu Kalimantan Barat. Warkah ini mengandung perkara yang ākontroversialā yaitu mengenai aktivitas perompak yang dilakukan oleh Pengiran Anom dari Kesultanan Sambas. Tiga warkah Sultan Pontianak akan diuraikan berdasarkan struktur surat yang berbeda dari surat Melayu pada umumnya.Struktur surat menghasilkan bentuk kandungan yang dilihat dari penyampaian pesan yang terpenting dalam surat. Kandungan tiga warkah diuraikan berdasarkan kaidah komunikasi yang digunakan oleh Sultan untuk menyampaikan pesan tentang perkara yang kontroversial dan memunculkan perdebatan sampai sekarang di Kalimantan Barat.Ā WACANA ETNIK Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora ISSN: 2098-8746.Volume 3 Nomor 2 Oktober 2012. Halaman: 257 ā 282.Padang: Pusat Studi dan Informasi Kebudayaan Minangkabau (PSIKM)dan Sastra Daerah FIB Universitas Andalas.Ā Teknik genre yang digunakan berkaitan dengan strategi komunikasi dan kesopanan yang ditetapkan oleh budaya masyarakat Melayu pada waktu itu. Surat-surat Melayu mempunyai teknik tersendiri berdasarkan strategi komunikasi dan lakuan bahasa yang melibatkan pemeran dalam peristiwa komunikasi. Teknik genre dalam surat Sultan Pontianak juga memiliki teknik tersendiri berdasarkan strategi komunikasi dan lakuan bahasa yang ditetapkan oleh budaya masyarakat Melayu. Lakuan bahasa memperlihatkan aspek kesopanan dalam warkah Sultan Pontianak. Teknik genre yang digunakan dalam warkah Sultan Pontianak berupa kaidah langsung ataupun kaidah tidak langsung memerikan sebuah model kearifan masyarakat Pontianak pada masa lalu yang sampai saat ini model tersebut masih tetap dipelihara sebagai kearifan lokal masyarakat Melayu Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat
BUDAYA LISAN VS BUDAYA LITERASI MAHASISWA MELAYU: Implikasinya pada Model Pembelajaran Mahasiswa
This study reflects on complaints that some students have not been able to fulfill their duties and responsibilities to the fullest , especially in fulfilling the tasks of reading and writing . It is assumed to be closely related to the habits of the students related to deep-rooted social and cultural backgrounds of students are predominantly Malay cultural background with kelisanannya identity . Referring to the reality and mind, this study aims to reveal the habits of students in terms of orality and literacy , both as a duty to meet the needs of students as well as for other purposes such as for leisure . The data collection technique used is the technique of direct observation by researchers , discussion through Focused Group Discussion ( FGD ) and observation indirectly through questionnaires and equipped with library research . Qualitative data obtained from each instrument were analyzed and described qualitatively
Abstract This research is motivated by student learning outcomes, especially in determining the structure and language of the good review text. Therefore, researchers want to find out how the implementation of learning carried out by the teacher so that the grades from class VIII D are very satisfying. The problems of this study are: (1) how is the process of implementing learning, (2) the material presented, (3) the method used, (4) the assessment process, (5) learning outcomes identify the structure and language of the review text. The purpose of this study is: describing (1) the process of implementing learning, (2) the material presented, (3) the method used, (4) the assessment process, and (5) learning outcomes identify the structure and language of the review text. This research is theoretically and practically useful. The theory used in this study is the understanding of the structure and language of the review text, learning methods, learning materials, learning implementation plans, assessment of learning outcomes. Keywords: structure, linguistic text review, SMPN 15 Pontiana
This research aims to find out objectively about the Structure and Function of Malay Folklore of Simpang Hilir District of North Kayong Regency. This research uses a structural approach. The research method used is descriptive with qualitative research forms. The source of this research data is data that comes from speakers. While the data in this study is the folklore "Meriam Bujang Koreng, Riye Rupe, Ujang Mali Budiman". Implementation of research results on Indonesian learning in the form of quotations in the form of words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. The results of research into folklore are as follows. First, the character and characterization in folklore. Both events take place in folklore. The three lines in folklore. The four mandates contained in folklore. The fifth describes the function of folklore for people's lives. In addition, the results of this study can also be used as learning materials for even-sized X classes in the 2013 curriculum. With Basic Basic Competence (KD) 3.7 Identify the values and content contained in folklore (hikyat) both oral and written. 4.7 Retelling the contents of folklore (hikayata) heard or read
This study aims to improve the skills of writing expository texts in class VIII C students of Sungai Raya Junior High School 4. The method used is an action method which is described in the form of a qualitative research. The subjects of this study are class VIII C students who collected of 32 students. The data obtained is the result of writing an exposition text made by students using the CBL or Case-Based Model with media narration, the results of interviews with subject teachers, and an APKG 2. The actions taken in this study were based on three cycles. The results obtained shown that the skill of writing expository texts using the CBL model and broadcast media has increased with an average score of 83.28 from pre-cycle activities which obtained an average score of 62.12. This is because students are increasingly understanding the themes used in writing exposition texts. While in the pre-cycle students still do not understand the structure of the text so that some students only write one paragraph. The structure in the exposition text consists of three aspects, namely the thesis, argumentation, and reaffirmation. After the application of the model and media, it is easier for students to give their arguments in writing of exposition texts
This study was conducted on a prominent humanist from Sambas, Pontianak, West Kalimantan to demonstrate his skill and effort in maintaining the Sambas Malay culture, especially through his singing.He is also an expert in playing the traditional Malay instruments, namely rumian, drums, violin, harp, and others. Arising from the awareness on the importance of art conservation, especially Sambas Malay culture in particular, and regional Malay culture in general, he has established a working team to train and engage the young children in playing the drums. Based on his own collection, as well as his expertise in the field of Malay arts, he was appointed as a guest writer at the Academy of Malay Studies, University of Malaya. Therefore, this study will be focusing on his involvement in the field of art of music, throughout the Province of Sambas, West Kalimantan, Indonesia to the moment he successfully sustained the production of a compact disc entitled āThe Terrigas of Sambasā (Ngayatte 'ge song' Mare ') which load the songs as listed below:ALOā GALING LASSOUNG LABBANALON-ALONTAāALLAW BINATIKANNANG URRANG TUECAā UNCANGTANDAā SAMBASKAPAL BELONCIK-CIK PERIOUKBATU BALLA
Bentuk Penyajian Tari Jonggan Suku Dayak Kanayatn di Kecamatan Kubu Kabupaten Kubu Raya
This observation is based on the observer's interest and appreciation for Jonggan dance which is one of traditional dances from Dayak Kanayatn tribe in Kubu village, regency of Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan province. This observation is purposed: 1) To analyze the essential choreography form of Jonggan dance which belongs to the tradition of Dayak Kanayatn tribe in Kubu village, regency of Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan province.2) To describe the implementation planning on study curriculum for students in the aim to introduce the Jonggan dance from Dayak Kanayatn tribe in Kubu village, regency of Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan province.The methods which are applied in this observation are descriptive observing method and ethnochoreology approach. Factual data are in this observation of Jonggan dance from Kubu village, regency of Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan province which are analyzed by way of applying ethnochoreology approach and content analyzing technic from several data sources: Odawati. Those data are results of interviews, observations, and documentations. This observation result is expected can be implemented in the study curriculum for students in grade VII semester II, for the subject of Artand Culture
AbstractResearch on illocutionary speech acts in the Sapa Kalbar program on Kompas TV Pontianak was conducted on aspects of assertive speech acts, directive speech acts, commission speech acts, expressive speech acts, and declarative speech acts. The purpose of this study was to describe the illocutionary speech acts in the Sapa Kalbar program on Kompas TV Pontianak and the implementation of Indonesian language learning in schools. This research is in the form of qualitative with descriptive method. The data in this study were sourced from the Sapa Kalbar program. The data collection technique used is the documentary technique. The tools used are laptops and gadgets. The results showed that the illocutionary speech acts in the Sapa Kalbar program on Kompas TV Pontianak were 77 utterances consisting of 59 assertive speech acts, 9 directive speech acts, 1 commissive speech act, 5 expressive speech acts, and 3 declarative speech acts. speech. Then, this research has a relationship with Indonesian language lessons in class VIII odd semesters with news text material that refers to Basic Competencies 3.1 and 4.1.Keywords: Speech Acts, Illocutionary, Event Progra
AbstractThis study aims to describe the register of loading and unloading workers working in the Warehouse Complex of Borneo Business Icon, Sungai Ambawang Subdistrict, Kubu Raya Regency. The method used in this study is descriptive method with qualitative research form. The data source in this study is a Pontinak Malay-speaking laborer who works as a loading and unloading worker at the Borneo Business Icon warehousing complex. The data collection techniques used in this study are free-to-read techniques, and record techniques. The tools used in this study were the researchers themselves, mobile phones and note-taking tools. Based on the results of the data analysis, the register contained in the event said loading and unloading workers who worked in the warehouse complex Borneo Business Icon. First there are twenty forms of registers that include twelve closed registers and eight open registers. Secondly there are eight registers that undergo a change in meaning that includes six registers that experience changes in meaning due to associations and two registers that experience changes in meaning due to the environment. The implementation plan of learning in this study is combined with The Indonesian language learning grade VII (SMP) with KD 3.2.1. the structure and rules of the description text. KD 3.2.2. Study the language rules of the description text. KD 4.2.1. Present data, ideas, impressions in the form of description text. KD 4.2.2. Presents description text based on the observations of an object.Keywords: Register, Labor, Loading and Unloading Worke
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